227752 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK F 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL . FoENCa N� �,�� �� ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � rR�s�r��sY ' March 18, 1966 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED , That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract to INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUGTION DIV. AI.LIED STRUCTURAI� STEEL C0. for furnishing and delivering 200 Lin. Ft. Used Steel for Sheet Pile Wa11 f.o.b. Peltier Lake Dam Site for the City of St. Paul Water Department in accordance with bid specifications therefor�and th� Formal Bid #1677 of said Industrial Const. Div. Allied Struct.Steeln�o. for the_ contract price of $9563.40 (Board of Water Commisioners reserving the right to inarease quantity by twenty per cent),such bid being the lowest and said , Industrial Const. Div. Allied Structural Steel Com�any being the lovest and said bidder being a reaeonable and reliable one and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and tYie proper officials hereby are autha3zed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Pau1. FB-1677 , N�AR �. � 1� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Dalglish _ � �, � 1�J�� Holland A ved 19� Loss � Tn FavOx' Meredith Peterson MAyOr �g8inst �Y PUBLISHED �AR ]. 9 196� Mr. President, Vavoulis iont aes ;DUrLICATC TO rRINT[R `��'����(1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►R��c�r �ch ],8, 1966 COMMISSIONE� DA� �SOLV�D , That the Coua�31 h�rsby ooncurs 3n tb� �ard of the Purchssing (;am�3tta th�rafor snd har�bq an�ards contract to IliDtiB'�IAL COi(�T�tfCTIOlt DI�. ALLI� ST�IUCT�1�Ai. ST88L D0. for �uraishing and diliv�ring 20U Lia. l�t. IIs�d St�al go� �haet Eile Wall f.o.b. Peltiar L�u Da� Site for the Ci�r o� St. Pau� Wate� D�pa�rt�ent in sacord:ncs xitb bid �psci�ication� thsr�for �ad ths l�or�osl nid �1677 0� uid Indwtri�l Conat. Div. �i113ed Sttuct �ts�l co. for tha contrut price mf �9563.40 (Doard of Watar Gc�i�ion�r• rsssriug th� r3ght to incrsase quantity by t�enty p�r cent),�uch bid being th� lo�a�sst snd said �ndve triai Const. Di�r. Ailisd ffitructusal �ea]. Coapaay 'b�ing tha lo*sst ar� said bidder bsiag a ree�soasbl� and rs].3sbla one and ths Corporation Coua�sl ba aad liereby 34 dir�cted t� drawv ug tha prop�r far� of ¢ontract t'harefor a�d tI� propsr o�ficials hsreby are autha�.�ad to ts�aute s�id fontract ou bahaif of ths City ot gt. Psul. 1�-1b77 � � g 19�6 COLTNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � a��f�`� Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss j Tn FAVOT Meredith Peters on � �AyOr �_ A$81IISt , Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� aas