227721 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ����C�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa d ' FILE NO - , - OFF CE OF �THE CITY CLERK , I E LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED CY COMMISSIONE p,�� Marr_h l�� lC)6(� WH�REAS, the State of Minnesota, has proceeded in condemnation to acquire a certain parcel of real estate in , the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Countq, Minnesota, per attached listing and has submitted full paqment therefor� in the amount of $55,000.00, as is evidenced by State Warrant �H-20996U, made payable to Clapp-Thomssen Company; City of Saint Paul, B. H. Loftsgaarden of Loftsgaarden and I.oftsgaarden, Attorneys, and WHEREAS, the above owners of said property have paid the local improvement assessments in fu11 per the attached re- ceipts, thereby relieving the City of Saint Paul from any in- , terest in the attached properties; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officials may be and herebq are authorized and directed to endorse Condemnation Warrant #H-209960, the City of Saint Paul, having no iaterest therein, but haning been shown as a named payee thereon. � '3B' � l PPROV A�st. Corporati � MA� I 619� r COLJNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �� 1 � ��� Dalglish �` • Holland /j' roved ` � 19— L-oss �rd Tn Favor =� Meredith Peterson � " �AyOr A gainst ��' Pu����m MAR 19196� Mr. President, Vavoulis lont aas DUrLICAT6 TO MINT[R ' A����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F10ENCIL ND � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED�T Ju�s J. Dalgl.ish p�,� Mu•oh 16 COMMISSIONE� � 1Q� WHBRBAS, ths State of Minnesota, ha� proc�ed�d in condemnation to acquire s c�rtain parcel of real eetate in th� City of Saint Paul, Raims�q County, Minaesots, par attached listing end hds aubmitted full paqinent thersfor� in th� amount of $55,000.00, as is evidenced by State Warrant #H-209960, made paqabls to Clapp-Thos�sen Caapany; City of Saiat Paul, �. 8. Loftsgaarden of Loftsgaardea aad Loftegaard�n, Attorneys, and WI�REAS, the above owners of aaid property have p�id th� loc�l improvem�nt es�essments in full per the attech�d re- ceipt�, thereby reli�ving the City of Saint Paul fron a�ny in- terest in th• att�ched properties; no� therefore, be it RE30LVED, that the proper City offic3�la �y be and herabq are authoriz�d and dirscted to endorae Condemnation Warrant #H-209960, ths Citq of Saint Paul, having no inter��t th�rein, but h�ving been �howa sa a na�a�ed payee tb�reon. 3a MAR 16 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � MAR 16196� Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith Peterson � �8y0Y A gaiIl3t en Mr. President, Vavoulis io� a-ea