227720 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����n . CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� N0. �% w, O I F�CE OF HE CIN CLERK F COUN ��L RES I N G NERAL FORM � tRESENTEO EY COMMISSIONE DA� M �h �6� 1q66 ., r , ; WHEBEAS, the State ef Minnesota, has proceeded in _ condemnation �o acquire a certain parcel of real estate in � the City of Saint Paul, Bamsey Connty, Minnesota, per attached listing and has snbmitted full payment therefor� in the amount of $50,000.00, as is evidenced by State Warrant �`5-209959, " made payable to William D. Clapp, Rohland Thomssen, Adelaide H. Clapp, Lillian H. Thomssen, City of Saint Paul, Loftsgaar�en and Loftsgaarden, B. �S. Loftsgaarden, Attorneys, and . WHBREAS, the above owners of said prop�rty have paid the local improvement assessments in full per the attached re- ceipts, thereby relieving the City of Saint Paul fram any, in- terest in the attached properties; now therefore, be it �f� •r RESOLVSD, that the proper City officials may be and hereby are suthorized and directed to endorse Condemnation Warrant �H-209959, Che City of Saint Paul, having no interest therein, but having been shown as a named payee thereon. 3� � ' . . , F AN rcUv�� � � . . As�t. Corporation Co �. . � : - � � ' � f�� 161966 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish � 1 � 1966 �iolland � proved 19_ Loss Tn F'aVOP �Meredith ' Peterson ]1 • , �yOr R� �a - v AgalIl9t �Z� S� Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBL1SHED � � 9 �9� ions e-ds DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ^^w��r` .� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �d d s V *- OFFICE OF TI-iE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y Junea J. Dalglirah n�� COMMISSIONE� DAr� �R2"Ch 16� l;�oo _ �iHBRBAS, the State of I�tinnesota, hms proc�eded in coad�nnation to acquir� a c�rtain parcel of r�al estat� ia th� City of Saint Paul, Aa�say Couaty, Kinnesota, p�r attached listing and has aubmitted full paysent th�r�for� in th� as�ount of $50,000.00, as is evidenced by Stat� Warrant #H-209959, �ade paqabls to Willia� D. Clapp, Rohlaad Thoasssn, Adelaid� H. Clapp, Lillian fl. Tho��a�n, City of Saint Pmul, Loftsgaarden and Loftogaarden, �. fl. Loftsgaarden, Attoraeqs, and WH�AS, th� above awn�rs of uid propertq hav� paid the local i�provs�eat aas�ss�eat� in full per the attachad r�- ceipt�, ther�by relieving the City of Saint Paul froai any in- terest in th� attached properties; now th�r�fore, be it xESOLVBD, that the proper City officials �aq be and her�by are authorized and dir�cted to endorse Coadeanation Warrant #H-209959, th� City of Saint Paul, having ao interest th�rsin, but having beea sho�n as a named paqe• ther�on. 3�A MA� 16196� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish r , .� � � �lJ�� Holland � Approve� 19— Loss Tn FBVOT Meredith Peterson � MSyOr �osee,--� A SalI1St � Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oM E-0!