227709 . - , - -y � � 'T- 's
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� �* � ' " COUN�IL FILE N0.
Resolution Approving Assessment By
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.—�S
and Fixmg T'lme of Hearing on the Award
_ of Damages . ,
In the matter of �8�6 '�e grade of MACKf�BIH S�' from W. Cook Av�eawe to W: I�ary]and
Av�nue; dESSA�E AVEft� Yro� l�ckubia 8trset to K+ent 3treet; JESSA� �Ot� fraaa -
Jessamin� Avenue to the esctended soutt� 13ne of �Lot 16,_s1�ck 9, �Omo..Proape�� Addition
to caaform to the grade ss shown on the profile_on Pile_ in the Depar�m�ent of Publia
Wor�. � Also conde�aing and ta,i�3aag an easement in the land aecessary for the slopes� •;
cuts and fi]1e� inclwding Mght ofl removsl of lateral support from snb�eat l,�ud or
rem�inder thereof� occasioned by excavatione thereof or aoastruct�.on of slopes in the
grad3ng and aurfacing srith bitwniuous material MAGKL�i 3TFt�r from W. Cook l�venue to
W. Mary]$nd Ave:; dESSAM� AVER[TE from Maokubin St., to K,�nt $treet; _JSSSAkI� COt�P
fram Jessamine Aver�ue to.bhe ex�ended south line of I,ot 16� Block �, �omo_Prospeat .
Adc]it3.oa. _ . . . - - - � - - _ ' .
under Preliminary Order �25652 , approved Oatober 20,��,965 ,
Intermediary Order a�63$9 � , approve�l - - n+�r ],i�,965 ,
Final Order-- 226785 , approved d�ua�l�E33;-1Q66 •
The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount
of damages awaxded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im-
provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to l�roperty
from the making of said improvement, therefore be it
Resolved, Tha,t tlie said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said repoi�t and for a con-
' , firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
�: ' sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
�` . '!.'Y�irteeath day of Auri1�1966 , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
� �sioner of Fina�nce be and he is directed to give notice of saicl hearing as presciibed by the Cha.rter.
. ,
• � Yeas �� NaYs (U�R 151966
' l�alglisli �
� � a-lollant[ Adopted by the ouncit
, �:oss - 151966
�-y MereditM � Ap ro
� 9 � Peterson `
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