227708� � � ' •ORIGINAL TO CITY CI'iRK �• a�' /A �9`( • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa M �:.�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO V - COUNCIL RESOLU .10 —GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONE ��' p�,F N1a.rch� 1966 WHEREAS� By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, �ha.pter 300� H. F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved Ma.y 2� 1959, the City of Saint Pau1,� may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs ex- ceed the benefits to the property owner� WHERE9.S� It has been determined that the following described pa.rcels of property be relieved of the following amovnts: Des cription _ �o.�� ' Lot 15� Block 4� River B1vd. Addition � 152.70 Lot 16� Block 4� River Blvd, gddition 1/�9.21 Lot 30� Block 6� River Blvd.. Ad.dition 174.26 , E. 3� of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1� Block 6� River Blvd. Add. 16g.53 Tlots 1 and. 2, Nixon gddition 156�69 Lot 19� Nixon Ad,dition � 167.65 � (bccept the No. 21')� Lot 6, Block 2� Haley�s Add. ,��,g6 Lot 2� Block 2� Haley's Ad.d._ " ��72 ; ' "'�I�ot 3� Block 1� Roenig�s Addition 26.36 i I�Ot 5 (Exc. No. 43 t) a.nd No. 21 t of Lot 6, Block 2� Ha1ey's Add. �1..15 . No. J�3 t of Lot 5� Block 2� Haleyt s gdd. . (��� Lot 12, Block 1, C._C, �nerson's Ad.d. � 153.35 l , Lot 13� Block l� C.C. bnersonts: Add. 133.03 , Lots 1 a.nd 2, Block 2, Samuel B. Pierce�s E4�].argement of Summit Park Ad.d. 208.01� ; Lot 14� Block 3� Ha.ldemants gd.d. zos,o4 � I�ot 15� Block 2� HaldemanTS Add. 2���� Lot 1� Block 1� Samuel B. Pierce's EaZlargement of Summit Park 9dd. 208.OL� ✓� Lot 1� Bartonts Addition 163.41' Lot 3p� Bartonts Ad.dition 202.� _ . COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith . Peters on Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis . � lons e-as �. , „ „ ^('� C. ORIGINAL TO CITY CI.,EIiK ' ,1����p�[ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. d u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED CY .Mj,].t011 R.osen Public 4�orks pA� March� 1966 COMMISSIONEQ � . M 2 � . � ' Description � ' ' ' Amount , , bccept Street� Lot 2g� Block �� Clax�ke's Add., , � 150.90 Fxc. jd. 36.5 �. and exc. So. 99' of E. 3.2� of W. 39.7', Lot 23 and a11 of Lot 24, Block 6� Homecrof`t, an Addition to the City of St. Paul 156.89 Lot 6� Block 2� Ringsford Paxk . 37.36 E�cept Cretin Ave, and except alley; the So. �- of Lot 11� Sub. gcre Lots 107.17 E�cept -E. 7�; the E. 142 ft: of No. 80,75 ft. of Block l� RiverJG Blvd. Add.. 159.74 Lot 1� Block 13� Merriam Park� Third Add. 193.69 " ToTgL �3,502.52 � WHEREAS� The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is �3,502.52� �now , therefore be it�, � . , �' R.ESOLVED� That the Commi.ssioner of Public Works be and he 3.s hereby authorized to ' pa.y from the Permanent Improvemen� R.evolving �5a.nd� Code 6000� the amoun.t of �3,502.52, - a portion of the assessable 'costs of Sidewa.lk Construction under the 1961� Sidewalk G`on- '' tract 6/�;�M-301� Levy No. 6� -District No. 2� I.-6627, said Permanent Improvement Revolv- �ng �and-to be�reiunbursed from the City's Share of Loca1 Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-701. (1965). � , �r " ' l � l�� COITNCILA�N . Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ' Holland prove ' � � � ���� 19— �i � Loss • Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor A gainst 'n+ e� �� � Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHED MAR 19 1��� ions e-as �.�t _., DUrLICATt TO rlllNT[I1 �����p� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa v -_" � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO- �4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , n��reo nr �'�o� R�B�ut �b].�.a �To2'�ts �,� ZC� COMMISSIONE� , DATF � �S� B��a�utlx�rit,� of t�h� �wa a� �a�e�ata Fdr t�a � �9�'9, CFvaptsr 300� gi �'. 217 �itad �titYed b�► C,�F.. �to„ �.�12z16t �.pPrc�v'ed I�+' 2s 1959� t�te C�.�ty +pi�' 9e,#�tt Pau1, �Y I�4 a l��icm. of t�i� ewse�aab�e aos�� o�' �id� Cc�aa't,ru�t#�t�, �m �h vo� ex� Ceec� �he benef3� 't.�i 't�s praper�y p�ari � , �AB� I� � bee� dete►r�ined th�.t #� .�o�:].ox9.� desaMb«1 parae� pg p�ope� b� reiie�d a4 � �o].la�g sao�t�s . D�sc�'3,p�it� � l�ovat _ ..�_�. `' �+O'� �.5 f �OCyC lj.� �Y@2' �,VCZr, ��.�5� , ' � , � a.52�� Iot 16� B3oak �.� 1�.� BSt�. lic��:t3tui 149.21 ' �Ld� 30, n�oa�s 6,. fi3v�r B].�d., �►dd�tioal . 171+.26 �x, �. 3' of Iat 2 a�ad sll a� Lot it B3.oa1c 6�, &f.v�► B,Yir�. l�d., • i6g.�3 f �+ota 1 ar�d 2�, N�coa �t� ' 1�6.b9 �r � 19, I�n �dit►�o� � �� 167.6� ���' (�ce the No. 2.�.r �,s�t, 6 B1oc� 2 . r�, � �� f � ���� ��r �a�3 ~�� �o't 2� Bloa� 2;; Nsl�y�a ,�i . 22.72 '�1 '�o� 3� B1oc3c I, �o�g�� Ad�.3.t�rn , . 2b�3Ei , � � � �'� 5 (�.. l�o� 43'� a,r�d No: ?.�.t a� �at 6�, B3.�c�¢ 2A; Aa1.��e hd�.. g1t3.5 �� No.. 43f a�f �� �s B3.00k 2�, Ha3eyye Ac3d. • � 66.21. #� .�at 12� Biock 3. C.A: �rpon�s� �4dd. ��� � t � •'153.35 `�\ �� 13�, s�c�at ].� c�c.. �mer�oa��� �da. . � 3,33.03 �.`;r� �tg 3. �a. z, Bloc�3c z�. seu�3 B: F#,erQ�a �arge�rent or sw�.t z�ark Aaa, ,zo8:tl1� . ` Lot 11�, B1oGk 3� Saa.de��� Add.. ' 2�8.(�. ���, . y '�� �+�t 15� Blz�c�it 2 f �tlder�tti�a �d+ • � � 211..gl+ ;:�:, ;� Lot l� Blocz�c �.� �te� B. Pi�rae�s ��g�n� o�' �.$ k�ar� �dc�R 20$�O�r ' �.�� �ot l,� Baxto�'� Addit�,ti� 143.47. '� ' � : g; \ �ot 3G1,�� Bsrtoa�a 1k�di� 202.,6� � �Z ' �" COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Xas • Nays ���� � 4,', �' Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— � •`'-�''�_ `�' Loss :�,t.�.,. Tn Favor � Meredith � Pecetson MAyor � ' � Against r ti Rosen � ;Mr. President, Vavoulis iox �-a DUrLICATt TO MINT�R ����n� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `j OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�RK F��E NO COUNCIL RFSOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �ESH�TED�lf �� �8� �C �QI'� pA� �� �,� COMMISSIONE� f �.w � rr.. ' �A�r'I.+.� , . ♦ r • 1 , I _'__^'�� s A�Yr� � , '�I�T��1�: . �Oa@p� 3txere'Fi� ��ot 2�* B�Qak �i CZ@l�+k��li t!�£3.� � 15��90 �ca. W. 36.:5 _I�� �nd �. �o. q9� �f' S., 3.2! 4�' W� 39.7'� L�r�•.23 �� e� of Io��2�.�: B3ocxs 6; Fiat�ac�o£�.� aza Adc�.t3qr� ta t'k� Ctty n�' St. Pe�uS ' � �� � �"�b.89 � 6� � �y ��� � 37.36 �.4cc:ep� Cra��Yt Atre.., �.nd �p# e.].�:e� `thb so. � ��' i,�t �.1.* �b.� t!� I�ots 107.�17 T�aept'S.: 7��. t� �,. ?�t,,2 f`t: o� I�, �:7� �'t. c�f B1oak i� RL�rert Bl�. d1�8.. 1�9.7l� �o� ��.'Black ].3.#. Merr3.am'�]c,- TY�is�3 �,d; , 193.b9 , . . ? , . ; , . . . �AL $3,�.�2 � WH�3r T� �ota�3.,a�t ni� a��eee�.b�e oo�trs '�ie Ci'�y° �* p�Y is �3�50�2..°�2� n�o�w' ' �a�fosce be-�'��; ' _ &�0�'�? R�,� �tie Cp�sei�r p�' pub3,�,a 'Wd� b� �d h� �.as �rmby' a�t'thoriasd.� -` �e►�r f'roa� � �n'� pr�err� �ro3�3rig F�c1� Code� 6000! f�e �t a� �3�502.�� � portian c�.' t� ����;h'!.�y c�ate a�'���d�� Cnt�rstruot3� �der the 1961� 53de�k Co�- �,�►ac3t�6d�30�1.�, �' �. f�����fxi�at �'o. 2 �66�2�� �a�d.� k�e�'�.�srrt �p�^or��z� �e�rol�- ;; i� 1� � be �'e3�ab�� f'#�a� t,l� C��r's �3k�s� o�' �Si�1 Tm�oq�t Atd F�m�d� Oq20,•'707�. f� �19��. , . . •. f � ; • . . , , �A F� „ ' ' Y • . ,` , . . `. , � . . . , J��` ` , �� , • •Y 1 �A ' ' 4 � � y ` +' . _iF ti � � � , ' � ! � MAR 151�66; �' COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._ t Yeas Nays � `� ��glisb � ], 51�u� � Holland Approve�i 19— Loss Tn Favor � Meredith Petetson MByOr �- �-��$t Mr. President, Vavoulis iox sas