227704 ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY GLEWK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ��� ���„r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED sY M8Y'C�l ],5� ].9E)6 COMMISSIONE DAT� _ RSSfII,VIDt That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo �a�es, applied for by the follc�wing organl.zations� at the addresses stated� for the d�s, datea, and hours i.r�dicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. M. 0. of P. Heart, Nels-�old Chapter No. 5 90l� $i.ce Street 26 Pds• App. 6518 Rsnewal Blessed SacraT+�errt Hame & School �ssn. _ 1801 LaCrosse Stree� 2 " " 7875 " Ea�ch appn. for series � Informally appro�ed by �auncil r as dated on appn. , � 151966 COiTNCILI►�N . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � 1 5 �� Holland Approved 19— Los s � Tn Favor Meredith e erson v �yor ��� J/,� ti A g81IISt "/�/ �� ���p p Mr^. Preside�nt, ,�fi F ������Q 111EtiIl �- 9 ��7� 'I IOM 6�2