227695 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���Jp,��� CITY OF�ST. PAUL couNCa n`<� � � FFIC OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. , C U I TION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE ` DATE W�S, An assessment for sidewalk const�ucted in the sum of $118.43 was levied under Contract No. 63-M-276, District No. 1, Levy No. 5, against Lot 23, Block 2, Wood I,awn Pa.xk Ad- dition to St. Pa,u1, Minnesota; and � ' WHEREAS, Upon re-investiga.tion it is determined that the sidewalk ad�oining said lot was constructed under private per- mit and, therefbre, no assessment should ha,ve been levied against said lot; ' NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City Comptroller and the Commissioner of Finance be and hereby axe authorized to reduce said assessment levy under L No.6542 in the sum of $118.43 and to adjust their respective records accordingly. ._" � ' - - w - • _ _ = r . ♦, � � 51966 COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 15196� , Dalglish ' Holland Approved 19_ Loss � � . Tn FsvOx' Meredith 1� Mayor � A g81II3t �� �-- �Mp�%�r-e°������ PUBLISHED MAR 191966 , i�esident 1oa�/�.�s _� , � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MI NN ESOTA ������ I13 CourF House,5b(02 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone:224-46�2 THOMAS J.KELLEY,Deputy Commissioner 6�t.343-344 March 15; 1966 MEMORANDUM To: Commissioner James J. Dalglish From: Forest Crowley With reference to the attached resolution cancelling the sidewalk assessment in the amount of $118.43 against the premises described as Lot 23, Block 2, Woodland Park Ad- dition, I find that the map submitted by the Public Works Department was shaded in red which is the customary way of showing construction in such reports. The parcel was also marked "skip". The sidewalk was actually constructed under a permit in 1963 and no assessment should have been levied. �zz •^� !. DUrLIWTC TO MINT[R !,� ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ~' ���� � p�� NO � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �ESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATP W�REASp An aBeessment foar aidew�lk eons't�ucted. 3.n the swn of $118.43 was levied und.er Contract No. 63�i-276i Distr�.ct No. 1, Levy No. 5, ag�,3net Y�ot 23, �9.ock 2, Wood LsWn P�rk Ad- di��.on to S�. g►auZ, Minnesote,; and � WI�EAS� Upon re-ime�etigr�tian it 3s determined. tha,t the aidewa.tk acl,jo'�ni n said lot waa conet�ucted uader private per- mit and, th,erefc�ce, na e�seessm�n� elwuld he�ve been levied. a,�a,3.nst sa�.d �o�; NOW, TIi�REF`OfftL, BE IT RESQLYED Tha,t the Ci�y Com$trd�.].er and t,he Ce�nmi��ioneac of Fina,nce be and hersby ara au�horized to reduce said a�sessment levy ur�c3.e�c L No.65�+2 in the ,ai� af $11$.�+3 e,nd �o ad�ust their respective recqrds accox�dingly. 0 NlAR 151966 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays IY[�[ I � 1��� Dalglish Holland Approv?� 19— Loss Favor Meredith ^ Pe t�rs oo `j �8yor A gainst v asru— .'::7,• - ,.e . '�.'p"e'sident,,Vadb:;" .� ice.� resident . 1� 6�2