05-531Council File # �— �� j Presented By Refened To Ctteen Sheet# 3026771 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA j / t0 Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby appoint, upon request of the City 2 Attorney and for the purpose of preventing an impermissible conflict of interest on the part of the City 3 Attorney, the firm of Johnson & Lindberg, P.A., under the direction of attorney Roger L. Rowlette, as 4 special counsel representing St. Paul Police Officer Ron Lehner in the matter of Alisha Simes. as parent 5 and naturai �uardian of 7ulian Simes: and Veronica Jones. as parent and natural Quazdian of Christopher 6 Jones v. Paul Ford, Candice Beaudette. Thaddeus Schxnidt, Ron I.ehner and Jeff Whitbeck, all in their 7 individual capacities as �olice officer of the City of St. Paul; and the Citv of St. Pau� and be it 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the compensation to be paid for the services of said special counsel shall 10 be in accordance with the City Attorney Fee Policy established for the appointments of ali such special 11 counsel now and in the future, and the total fees to be paid to said special counsel shall be in accord with 12 such policy, wili not exceed $140 per hour, shall be reasonable and shall take into account the factars listed 13 in Rule 1.5 of the Rules of Professional Conduct. ..,_� ._.u.. 175- S� t Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green SheeYGreen Sheet Green Sheet CA - city nttomey Confact Person 8 Pho�: Frank E. ViRaume Ill 266-8775 Musf Be on Council Agen 1�S,IUN-OS o�,�N.� � I Green Sheet NO: 3026771 � Assign Number For Routing Order DeoaMteM SeM To Person 0 orn 1 Attom rtment Dir c 2 a r' � Ma N'stant 3 " Qerk rk 4 5 ToWt # of Signature Pages _{Clip Ali locations for Signature) « .r Approval of resolution appointing outside counsel for St. Paul Police Officer Ron Lelmer in the case of Alisha Sims, et al. v. City of St, Paul, et al. �.'Ti YB1'SOfWI 5¢N1CC GOfltl3Ct5 AOUS[ AfI5W0f t110 FOIIOWIl18l,ZUPSif01�5: Planning Commission 1, Has fhis personlfim� ever woiiced onder a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Seivice Commission 2. Has this person/Urm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does Mis personffirtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any Curtent city empioyee? Yes No Explain a11 yes aaswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (4Yho, What, When, Where, Why): The City is required to defend and indemnify employees for all acts occurring within the scope and course of their du6es. In order to pzeserve all available defenses and litigation options, it is necessary to appoint outside counsel to avoid an impennissible conflict of interest. AdvantageslfAqproved: Avoids conflict of iaterest for Ciry Attorney's Office. DisativanWgesltApproved: If not approved, conflict of inteiest couid disquzlify City Attomey's Office from zepiesenting any parky. Disadvarrtages If NM Aparoved: None. Transaction: Funain� source: General Govemment Financial lnfamtation: ACCOUt7tS - OutSidB {Ezplain) CoUf1S21 ActiviN Number: GL00109073 � !" t .5'::'. JUN 0 8 2Q05 CosURevenue Budgeted: y Council File # �— �� j Presented By Refened To Ctteen Sheet# 3026771 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA j / t0 Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby appoint, upon request of the City 2 Attorney and for the purpose of preventing an impermissible conflict of interest on the part of the City 3 Attorney, the firm of Johnson & Lindberg, P.A., under the direction of attorney Roger L. Rowlette, as 4 special counsel representing St. Paul Police Officer Ron Lehner in the matter of Alisha Simes. as parent 5 and naturai �uardian of 7ulian Simes: and Veronica Jones. as parent and natural Quazdian of Christopher 6 Jones v. Paul Ford, Candice Beaudette. Thaddeus Schxnidt, Ron I.ehner and Jeff Whitbeck, all in their 7 individual capacities as �olice officer of the City of St. Paul; and the Citv of St. Pau� and be it 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the compensation to be paid for the services of said special counsel shall 10 be in accordance with the City Attorney Fee Policy established for the appointments of ali such special 11 counsel now and in the future, and the total fees to be paid to said special counsel shall be in accord with 12 such policy, wili not exceed $140 per hour, shall be reasonable and shall take into account the factars listed 13 in Rule 1.5 of the Rules of Professional Conduct. ..,_� ._.u.. 175- S� t Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green SheeYGreen Sheet Green Sheet CA - city nttomey Confact Person 8 Pho�: Frank E. ViRaume Ill 266-8775 Musf Be on Council Agen 1�S,IUN-OS o�,�N.� � I Green Sheet NO: 3026771 � Assign Number For Routing Order DeoaMteM SeM To Person 0 orn 1 Attom rtment Dir c 2 a r' � Ma N'stant 3 " Qerk rk 4 5 ToWt # of Signature Pages _{Clip Ali locations for Signature) « .r Approval of resolution appointing outside counsel for St. Paul Police Officer Ron Lelmer in the case of Alisha Sims, et al. v. City of St, Paul, et al. �.'Ti YB1'SOfWI 5¢N1CC GOfltl3Ct5 AOUS[ AfI5W0f t110 FOIIOWIl18l,ZUPSif01�5: Planning Commission 1, Has fhis personlfim� ever woiiced onder a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Seivice Commission 2. Has this person/Urm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does Mis personffirtn possess a skili not nortnally possessed by any Curtent city empioyee? Yes No Explain a11 yes aaswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (4Yho, What, When, Where, Why): The City is required to defend and indemnify employees for all acts occurring within the scope and course of their du6es. In order to pzeserve all available defenses and litigation options, it is necessary to appoint outside counsel to avoid an impennissible conflict of interest. AdvantageslfAqproved: Avoids conflict of iaterest for Ciry Attorney's Office. DisativanWgesltApproved: If not approved, conflict of inteiest couid disquzlify City Attomey's Office from zepiesenting any parky. Disadvarrtages If NM Aparoved: None. Transaction: Funain� source: General Govemment Financial lnfamtation: ACCOUt7tS - OutSidB {Ezplain) CoUf1S21 ActiviN Number: GL00109073 � !" t .5'::'. JUN 0 8 2Q05 CosURevenue Budgeted: y