227685 . y -
'- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����
RE�OLVED� that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby authorizes and directs the Corporation Counsel to file
a Notice of Intervention and Fetition by the City of �aint Paul
in the matters of:
Northern Natural Gas Companp (Docket No. CP66-212)
` Northern Natural Gas Transportation Company (Docket
Nos. CP66-213, CP66-214, CP66-21 5)
a copy of said Notiee of Intervention by and Petition of the
City of Sain.t Paul being attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference. �
A st. Corpbtatwn Cou �set
NIAR 151966
COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays � 1519�6
Holland /, proved 19—
Loss � Tn Favor
�� � Ma or
�� Ag�'I'gt BLISHED MAR 19196b�
.�i::oo:�Yi0 B
n ice President
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In the Matters of )
� 1Vorthern Natural Gas Company ) Docket No. CP66-212
) CP66-214
Northern Natural Gas ) Docket Nos. CP66-213,
Transportation Company ) CP66-215
a Minnesota Municipal Corporation,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To said Federal Power Commission:
Your Petitioner� City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota
' munic�pal corporation, pursuant to Sec. 1.8 di the Rules of
Pxactice and Procedure of the Federal Power Commission and
•pursuant to 15 U.S.C.A. Ch. 15 B, Sec. 717 n (a) � as amended,
hereby intervenes in the above entitled proceeding. That said
intervener� City of Saint Paul� hereinafter referred to as
Petitioner herein� hereby represents and shows to the
Commission: '
I. �
-� � That said Petitioner, Ci�y of Saint Paul, is a� municipal
corporation and a City of the first class of the State of Minnesota,
organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and
Laws of the State and governed by a Home Rule Charter and the
Statutes of said State of Minnesota supplemental thereto, and is
substantially int�rested in and affected by the matters under con-
� sideration in said proceedings.
II. '
That said Petitioner , City of Saint Paul, is a Minnesota
municipali.ty, having and exercising jurisdiction to regulate rates
and charges for the sale of natural gas to consumers within its
corporate limits, by virtue of its said Home Rule Charter, Chapter
286, Session Laws of Minnesota for 7.935, Supplemental Laws of said
State and ordinances of said Petitioner, Czty of Saint Pau1, .
heretofore and now operative as enacted pursuant �o said Home
Rule Charter and said State Iaws.
That Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corpora-
tion� during all the times material hereto has been and now is
engaged as a public utility in the business of distributing
natural gas for domestic, commercial and industrial use to
consumers in sai.d City of Saint Paul, Minnesotar subject to
regulation by said City of Saint Paul in respect of the rates
and charges therefor and the services involved.
That said Northern States �Power Compa�ny is entirely
dependent upon said Northern Natural Gas Company for its supply
of natural gas in said City of Saint Paul for said public utility
purposes and has necessarily contracted with said Northern Natural
Gas Company therefor to deliver a contract demand of approximately
191� 500 mcf per day of natural gas.
That the Noxthern States Power Company (Minnesota) and
the Northexn States Power Compar�y (Wisconsin) have heretofore filed,
in the above captioned proceedings� Petitions to In�ervene therein.
That the communications to be addressed to said Petitioner
in the above entitled matter should be addressed to the following:
George J. Vavoulis� Mayor of the City of Saint Paul
347 Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Bernard T. Holland� Commissioner of Public Utilities
216 Court House
' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Stephen L. Maxwell, Corporation Counsel
Robert E. 0' Connell Special Assistant Corporation Counsel
316 Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
That said Northern States Power Company is a principal
re-sale customer of said Northern Natural Gas Compar�y and
regularly purchases approximately ten per cent. of the gas sold
by said Northern Natural Gas Company to the latter' s �urisdictional
utility customers� That in the City of Saint Paul said Northern
r, •
States Power Company has in excess of 90,000 natural gas consumer
c�stomers � of which more than 50 per cent. are space heating
consumer customers. That the price charged by said Northern
Natural Gas Company therefore is a matter of vital and substantial
interest to said Petitioner� City of Saint Paul, and its re�idents
who, together with said Petitioner, City of Saint Paul, are natural
gas consumer customers of said Northern States Power Compa�y.
That said Northern States Power Company, during all times material
hereto, has operated and does now operate as such utility, for
said purposes within said City of Saint Paul, solely by virtue
of pertinent franchise permits granted unto said Company by
ordinances of said City enacted by its Council and accepted by
said Company, pursuant to said Home Rule Charter and said State
Laws, whereunder and whereby, among other things , said City has
reserved the right therefor and has regulated and does now reserve
the right therefor and regulate the rates and charges for natural
gas supplied by said Company to natural gas consumer customers
within said City. That said rates and charges thereunder are
based upon the cost of said natural gas to said Northern States
Power Company, and other expenses of said Company, and are
adjusted from time to time on the bases of such cost of natural
gas and such other operation expenses of said Company. r-�
That petitioner has been informed by personnel of
Northern States Power Company that the above captioned docket
numbers have been consolidated for hearing before your Honorable
Body and that a hearing thereon is set for April 19� 1966.
That your Petitioner furth�r has been informed that the par ties
designated in the attached notice of service are parties of
record with respect to the aforesaid consolidated proceedings � �
and that service thereon has been affected by your Petitioner on
such parties.
On December 30, 1965 Northern filed in Docket No.
CP66-212 an application for a certificate of public convenience
and necessity authorizing it to operate and construct new facilities�
costing approximately �14, 500,000, and to exchange natural gas
with its wholly-owned subsidiary Northern Natural Gas Transportation
Company (Transportation Company) . "
Transportation Company also filed on December 30� 1965,
in Docket No. CP66-213, a related application for authorization
to operate and construct facilities, costing about �185,000,000,
and to exchange and sell natural gas in interstate commerce. On
the same date in Docket Nos . CP66-214 and CP66-2� 5 Transportation
Company concurrently filed applications for authorization to
import and export natural gas from and to Canada and for an
original permit authorizing the construction, operation, maintenance,
and connection of facilities at three separate locations on the
international border between the United States and Canada for
such importation and exportation.
The applications propose the plan of Northern and
Transportation Company to construct facilities to deliver natural
gas for Trans-Canada Pipe Lines � Limited (Trans-Canada) to Eastern
Canadian markets. Under the plan Transportation Company will take
5 �
gas from Trans-Canada at Fmerson, Manitoba, and delive� it into
Northern' s system near Sandstone, Minnesota. Northern will provide
an equivalent amount of gas to Transportation Company at Ogden�
Iowa� and Republic� Michigan� for re-delivery to Trans-Canada
near Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie � Michigan, Transportation
Company also proposes to se11 and deliver to Michigan Consolidated
Gas Company volumes of natural gas purchased from Trans-Canada.
Tran�portation Company alleges that its proposals are
competitive and mutually exclusive �ith the proposals of Great
Lakes Gas Transmission Company cont�ined in the applications filed
in Docket No�. CP66-110, CP66-111 , and CP66-112 and some of the
proposals of Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Lirie Company filed .in Docket
No. CP66-109. However, it alleges that its proposal is not
mutually exclusive to and competitive with the facilities and
service proposed by Midwestern Gas Transmission Company applica-
tions in Docket Nos. CP66-119, CP66-120 and CP66-121 .
The City of Saint Paul has reviewed the applications and
plan of operation of NorthPrn and Transportation Company in the
above dockPts and there appear to be several potential and
.significant benefits to the customers of Northern, including the '
gas users in the City of Saint Paul, which should be carefully
considered and which may be important in determining the public
convenience and necessity, namely:
. (a) Receipt of substantial volumes of Canadian
gas into the northern part of Northern' s
- system in exchange for redelivery to Trans-
portation Company at Ogden, Iowa, would enable
Northern more effectively to utilize existing
. �
� f ,
pipeline and storage facilities and would
release existing pipeline capacity for exten-
sion of sales and service to NorthPrn' s
present and future customers, thereby elimi-
nating millions of dollars in future invest-
ment in additional facilities that would be
required in the absence of the exchange pro-
posal. This would enable Northern to supply�
the estimated increase in contract demand of
224,000 Mc�f during the next five years to its
customers in the north end of its system at
a net savings of approximately $15,000,000
in construction costs for additional main
line facilities (see Exhibits Z-1 and Z-2
attached to Northern' s application in Docket
No. CP66-212) . The related cost of service
studies in Exhibit Z-3 of Northern' s applica-
tion shows that the proposed exchange plan
would save Northern more than $3�000,000
annually in cost of service to supply the
additional contract demand.
(b) The construction of facilities as proposed
would provide Northern with access to a gas
supply in WPstern Canada on an economical basis .
(c) A supply of Canadian gas into the north end
of Northern' s transmission line in quantities
substantially adequate to supply St. Paul and
Minneapolis , Minnesota, and other communities
north thereof, would free up a large part of
Northern' s pipeline capacity north of Ogden,
Iowa, for expanded service to its customers on
an economical basis� including peaking service
from Northern' s storage field.
(c) Construction of pipeline capacity from Canada,
in addition to present facilities from the
south, each capable of substantially serving .
- requirements of St. Paul and Minneapolis and
communities north thereof, would offer addi-
tional protection against interruption of
service to said communities.
In view of the alleged benefits set forth above � the
City of Saint Pau1 and its natural gas consumers have a very
definite interest in these proceedings and desire to intervene
and support the respective applications of Northern and �
s „
Transportation Company. This statemPnt of position, however, is
without prejudice to or waivercf the City of Sai.nt Paul' s right to
test these potential benefits through cross-examination of
witnes�es of either applicant and such other participation in
hearing procedures as may be appropriate under the circumstances ,
as well as to take any alternate position therPin that may be
deemed advisable to protect the City' s interest and that of the
natural gas consumers located within its jurisdiction.
Because of all the foregoing facts , your Petitioner is
vitally concerned with and in�erested in the proceedings in these
dockets. This interest is not adequately represented by existing
parties . The City of Saint Paul will be directly affected and
bound by the Commission' s action herein.
WHEREFORE, the City of Saint Paul prays that its right of
intervention in the above entitled proceedings be granted and
approved with leave to present evidence, examine and cross-examine
witnesses� and participate generally therein.
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota , this 15th day of March, 1966.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen L. Maxwell By; /s/ George J. Vavoulis
Corporation Counsel George J. Vavoulis , Mayor
/s/ Robert E. 0' Connell 34`7 Court House
By: Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Robert E. 0' Connell
Special Assistant /s/ Bernard T. Holland
Corporation Counsel Bernard T. Holland
City of Saint Paul Commissioner of Public IItilities
316 Court House 216 Court House
Saint Paul� Minnesota 55102 Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102
Attorneys for the City of .
Saint Paul, Minnesota
� . �
) ss.
Bernard T. Holland� being first duly sworn, upon oath
deposes and says that he is the Commissioner of Public Utilities
o�' the City of Saint Paul, the Petitioner in the above entitled
matters ; that he has read sa�,d Petition and knows the contents
` thereof, and that the same is true except as to those matters
therein stated on information and belief� and as to those matters
he believes the same to be true.
� �
/s/ Bernard T. Holland
Bernard T. Holland
Commissioner of Public Utilities
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
15th day of March, 1966.
/s/ Betty J. Lassen
Betty J. Lassen
Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , Minn.
My commission expires April 8, 1972
(Notarial Seal� Ramsey County, Minnesota)