05-530COUNCIL FILE # �S_ S� � G�� s�ET # "'Sna l�1" RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� PRESENTED BY REFERRED TO COMMITTEE: DATE 1 2 W��AS, the RiverCentre Authority ("RCA"), is an agency of the City of Saint 3 Paul, established and governed under special state law, to do, among other things, 4 equip, maintain, manage and operate the facilities commonly known as the Saint 5 Paul RiverCentre complex; and 6 7 W��as, the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is a nonprofit 8 corporation presently authorized pursuant to a City contract and special state law 9 to expend a portion of the City's hotel-motel taa� revenues to manage and operate a lo convention bureau to market and promote the City as a tourist or convention 11 center; and 12 13 WxExEAS, combining the missions, goals, structures and financing presently 14 undertaken separately by the RCA and CVB into a single entity, can establish a 15 common marketing mission and vision far Saint Paul; and 16 17 WxExEAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File 04-1148 stating the 18 City of Saint Paul's support of special legislation that would effectively permit the 19 combining of the functions presently undertaken by the RCA and the CVB into a 20 single, newly-created non-profit corporation to market and promote the 21 RiverCentre complex and the City of Saint Paul; and 22 23 W��AS, the State of Minnesota passed House File 2498, commonly lrnown as 24 the Public Finance bill, as part of the 84`� Minnesota Legislative Session which 25 authorizes the City of Saint Paul to participate in the creation of a nonprofit 26 organization and to contract with a nonprofit organization to market and promote 27 the city as a tourist or convention center; and 28 29 WxE�AS, House File 2498 requires the City of Saint Paul to rimely comply with 30 Minnesota Statues, section 645.021, subdivisions 2 and 3, which requires approval 31 by resolutiori by a majority vote of all members of the governing body of the local 32 unit. 33 OS- S�3a 2 Now,l�xxEFOxE, BE �T RESO�.vED, that the City Councii hereby recognizes the 3 passage of House File 2498 and directs the Executive Director of the RCA to 4 prepare and forward to the City Council all necessary documents needed to effect 5 the combination of the responsibilities presently undertaken by the RCA and the 6 CVB so as to enable the City to comply with the requirements set forth in House 7 File 2498. DS-S3� '°" � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green SheeE Green Sheet � Rc x�•,ac�ae Contaet Person 8 Phone: Eric Willems 265-4822 on Council qqenda by (Daoe): Conhad Type: aE-tzESau� Date Initia �,� � , Assign Number For RnutinB Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 Green Sheet NO: 3026773 "v t ' a r's or nt er le Total # o Sig re P ag e s _( N Lo wtion s for Sig�ature) Action Requested: Approval of resolution to combine the RCA and CVB opexations per the passage of srate legislatioa (F� 2498). Planning Commission CIB Committee Crvil Sennce Canmission {R): Personal SeMce '!. Has this personlfrmi e�er wwked under a contract fa Yhis department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�.er been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does ffiis persorJfirtn possess a skill not namaliy possessed by arry curtent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet initiafing Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): V✓ith passage of legislation, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to combine the operations of the two organizations (RCA and CVB) to market and promote Saint Panl. Advantages lfApprovetl: There will be a common marketing mission and vision for the City of Saint Paul. Disadvantages if Approved; None. Disativanpqes If NotApproved: After yeazs of discussion, the City of Saint Paul will be unable to combine the funcrions presently undectakett by the RCA and CVB into a single, newly-created corporation in order to reduce adnrinistrative expenditures while increasing the mazketiug of Saint Paul. fotafAmountof $O TransaMion: FundinpSOUrce: WA Financial Information: (Explain) CosHRevenue Budgeted: Y ActiviW Number. June 8, 2005 2:58 PM Bage 1