227666 ORIGINAL TI�CITY CLERK �1,�l� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� � � �'' FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL�JtESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, � � - COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and concurs in the resolution of the Board of Aater Commissioners of the City of Saint Faul dated March 9, 1966, providing therefor and authorizing the execution of the proposed Second Rider or Amendment to Professional Service Agreement by and between said Board and John J. Kenna, a licensed Realtor, for the latter's performance for and in behalf of said Board and subject to its supervision and approval, of necessary real estate appraisals and fixing the aggregate liability of the Board so as not to exceed the sum of $8,500.00; and BE IT RESQLVID, FURTIiIIt, That the execution and delivery of said proposed Second Rider or Amendment to said Professional Service Agreement in behalf of the said Board hereby are authorized, said instrument having been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. � _ -r- ' ' �� '__ _ .. ._. -.. ' _ _ . � � r ly � -, _'_ _" ;4`�%��,�{;' IVIf"!C� x � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Dalglish �� 1 1 �� � � prov 19— " �gs � Tn Favor -- Peterson � � Mayor Rosen Against 19 1966 � 'PUBLISHED MAR Mr. President, Vavoulis -- " ' �� ions e-s�� . ; . . fi . �` � Ir : , ?' ��. " S DUrLICATE TO�rRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVSA, That the ��uneil of th�e City of Saint �aul hereby approvea and concurs in the resolution of the Baaxd of Water Commissioners of th,e City of Saint Pa�l dat€:d March 9, 1966, providing theretor and authorizing the ex�cution of ths {�oposed Second Rider or Amendment to �'ro�e�aional $ervf.ce Agreemeat by and ��etwe�r� said �oard and John J. Kenna� a liceneed ReaYtor, for the �atter•e per�€c�rmanc� for at�d in behalf o� asid Board and sub�e�t to i,ts �pe�visian ar�d �pproval� of nece�saxy rpal estate appraisale and fixing the sggr�gsta liability o£ the Board ao as not to exC�ed the sum o� $8�500.UA; and BFs YT RFS�LVID, PUR.THER, That the execut3.on and delivery of aaid proposed Second Rid.�r os Amendment to �a�d Profeas�onal Service Ag�r�ement �n behalf of the eaid Board hereby are authorized, said inetrum�nt having been approved as to f�orm bq the Corporation Co�nael. � 11 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� 1 1 ,��� �dnu— Approved 19._ 7� 1 J.ftJ..�..� In Favor Peteraon v Mayor �tosen A gainst ' Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a-sz