227657 , . _ , ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHRK `,� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �����1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ' i UNCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM - �RESENTED EY � March 8, 1966 COMMISSIONE _ DATF RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby suthorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase Pedestrian Sign.als and Parts from H. B. ALLEN, INC. during the remainder of 1966 at a cost of approximately $8000.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, pursuant to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul as this is patented equipment. _ Code 0171-306 PoTice and Fire Alarm �� Josepa J. Mi#c�aell Appr Approved: C;_y Comptroller ��� ssistant rporation Counsel Comptroller 1.�� m�p7r 1 er chasing Agent. � �, 119�� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9—. Yeas Nays ° Dalglish � � � ���� �,_„__a � 0 19-- , � ' Loss Tn F'BVOT , Meredith Peters on � MAyOr A gainst Rosen PUBLISHED MAR 19 19G6 Mr. President, Vavoulis � ioM e-a4 " DUrLIWT[�O rRINT6R , � CITY 4F ST. PAUL FIOl�UHCIL NO ������ . - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESEHTED �Y Msrch 8 1966 COMMISSIONEt DATF � �q�D, �'hat th� Purciusiag Agant bs aad ha 3s her�bq authoris�d with ths coas�nt of �hs Co�tro�.Zsr� to �►urcha�sa i��rtrSan 8ignals am� Par�s traa 8. �. ALI�, I1�C. during ths �iuder of l966 at a aost of s�prozis�at�ly �8000.00� �+i�t uhnrti��tMSnt or coa��l.t�,�s bids, pu�usat to �eatioa 290 ot ttM Chart�r pi tl� CiEy of St. Yaul u Ch�* �� g�ttan�ad s�u3p�nt. Cod� 0�,71-30b �olica � �ir� A�.ai� J�iaepn J. Mf2c�e11 �PP= O � 2 Appl�ytdt G:�y Cc::i;�t�•citer I�.. /�.,...�� 1 �:,� - ��St.M��`. vV �t�OII VvYLai�i Cr�tr.Oi��Y x� �,a:Yy Q*.� YY'47 l�Y' i�,$ 1�S�T►t• MAR 1 1 196� COLTNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays naiglis� � �R 1 1 19&� �i�,llzad—_ ' APProv� 19— Loss Tn Favo2' Meredith Petersou � MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis ions e-m