227648 ORIGIHAL SO CITY CLHRK ",,������ . •' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO '� .-` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM�,�' ��ESENTED EY ��i�> ���.' March 11, 1966 COMM I S51 ON ER DA*� I RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing certain Paper Towels, Toilet Tissue � and Paper Napkins to various departments and bureaus of the City o£ St. Paul (including County of Ramsey, Ramsey County Welfare Department and Independent School District ��625) during period of one pear,to the following: TURNQUIST PAPER COME'ANY for the total contract price of approximately , . . . $15,862.00 VAN PAPER COMPANY for the total contract price of approximately� . , . . . . $6,801.25 (contracts to be more or less according to requirements), at �m.it prices bid,in � accordance with bid specifications therefor and the Formal Bids �1508 of said bidders, such bids being the lowest and said bidders being reasonable and reliable ones and the -- - , Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor�.and the proper officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract s. Formal BYd �1508 . � (VIAR 11196�. COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays � 1 1 ���� Dalglish �� � proved 19—_ Loss Tn F'aVOr Meredith Pete rs on � - M�yOr A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED MAR 12 19fi6 ions e-as DUrLICATE TO rRINT[R � � , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED tY Mer�h .11 �,9b6 COMMISSIONE� DATE • xES0�L4�D, Tl�at th� Counail taarsby conRura in th� sward oi' the P�chasiai Co�i�tes th�c�#or s� hsreb�r ��els �truta for fu�3ahin� cearts�a Pap�r Ta�►el�. 3oi�st Tissw aad 1?aps� Napkins to Ya�io�s daps�ctsisntr �ud buru�m� o� the Ci�► pf $t. Paul (�nclvding Co�mt� ef Raaae�, ��q CountY Welfs�e Ds�utaes�� aad Inde��aadent �ah�1 DistrfEt #f,2S) d�cinE pRx,i�d �! ans psax,to ths �oll�wins= Tt�t'NqUIBT P1�R OD!l�ANY �ar the toxai c�►trt�ct px9.cs of sppxosi�a�si� . . . . $�'S i 862.00 Vl,N PAP�R OO�iPANY �or th� tot�i c.�►t�t�ect pxia� o� ap�ncwci.s�tely . . . . . . . �b.801.�5 (aontraet� to �► aore or l�s• acasrdi�g to rsqnir�esnts), ax �it �ri�ee• bid,in aeeo�dsaeR �i.th b3d sgeeif3,amtiens �Is�r�:E� and th� Fo�sai E�ds �1508 0� �aid bielder+�� sxeh biels b+ein� t�e �aMt�t sai safd bi�era bsin� �saseaable aa� a�l�ab�a oaes a� t�e Corpor�ti�n Cocros�l � ��ad '�sr�my ir dir�eted �o ir� � tbe �r�r fora of aontract Chessfmr� aad tl�e �rvper �ff�.ci�la ��abr ua aathmris�d to axes�o�te ssid ce�trscts, Fos�t� 8�d f3�08 � 1119�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 1 1 1Ca�6 Dalglish �� Approverl 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MSyOr A g81n8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-�