D001401CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE BUDGET REVISION Na J�� Date: �a ' � -� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director Office of Human Resources to amend the 1997 budget of the General Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVIN, OBJECT, PROJECT Executive Administration Office of Human Resources GL 001-00155-0111 GL 001-00155-0282 � 001-00155-0381 001-00155-0815 001-00155-0856 GL 001-00155-0857 Full Time Permanent Rental - Building Books, Periodicals Desks, Chairs D P - Sofiware D P - Hardware GL 001-00158-0219 Fees - Other Professional Svcs CURRENT BUDGET 1,231,168 132,295 1,800 0 0 214 3, 000 1,365,263 APPROVED CHANGES (125,701) 5,054 0 27,229 37,564 44,854 AMENDED BUDGET 1,105,467 137,349 1,800 27,229 37, 564 45, 068 11, 000 14,000 1,365,263 • Prepared by: Activity Manager Date t . 'ARTMINT/OFFICElCOUNCIL Human Resources 7fACT PERSON 8 PFiONE iJohn Hamilton iT BE ON COUNLYL AGENM BY (Q4T� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �f�lo i unre uimai� �i„�9, GREEN SHEET No 62400 ❑ anwnox�v V � a'rus�K �lit{IIC1111.iF0.VICF100! ��_�RYNWLiFRVIACCl6 ❑ w�+oAlai�smsrwrt� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) mltlaVDate rnr�aura. ,vsmx 161YB0! FOR ROUTING Move dollars into appropriate spending codes to accurately reflect spending for the - wrap-up of the Human Resources office move from Lowry to the annex, and the upgrade of computer equipment and software to further automate the office. iva i iorv approve (A) w tte�ect � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1`DIT'i'D1�;37 H36 UII6 CQ���IR� EYEf WOlI(8d Il11dEf 8 COII�fdC� fOf f{1161�2Pa�1112f1f� YES NO Has ihis peisoruhmi eve� been a cdy empbyee7 YES NO Does this persoNfinn possess a sidll not namaAypossesseU by any curteM city empbyee? YES NO la Mia peisoNfirm a terpNed venda? YES NO �lain all ves ansxers on seoaiate sheH a�W attach to arcen sheet R��Ci V �� ��� 16 1997 CITY c� �Ru Dollars will be spent out of appropriate codes,the office will continue to move forward in automation. The budget will not be balanced within each activity. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVRlUE BUDQETED (dRCIE ONE) ACTIVRY NUMBER r�� ;nr,n YES NO L :la•I