227621 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEqK �2'7�2� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO T,ICENSE G��TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION- � ENERAL FORM _ tRESENTED EY March 10 1966 COMMISSIONE DA� � WHEI�AS: Junk Dealer License No. 979$, expiring February 23, 1967 was issued to Poor Richardis, Tnc. at 820 Clark Street, and TrJHEREAS: S�bsequent conditions arose in connection with this business; therefore, be it RESOT,V'r�D; That Junk Dealer License Ido. 9798 issued to Poor Richard�s� Inc. at 820 �`lark Street be and the same is hereby amended subject to the following corid.itions; ��that no burni.ng of any substance allowed at any time at this location, unless approved by the Chief Utilities Investigator of the �epartment of Pu.blic Utilities and the Division of Fxre Prevention of the Bureau of Fire Protection.�� RESTRIC�ONS (Renev�al-granted 2-7-66 Amendment with Restrictions 2 10-66) Inf. App. Ibi.cense �ommittee 2-17-66 Orig. Appn. 7197 � � p 19�� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �� 1 � 1�6� Holland Approve� 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � , Mayor A gainst Rosen - Mr. President, Vavoulis ��8�-��Hffl I�qR 12 196� ions e-sa r