227615 ORIGfNAL TO CITY CLEWK �!1 t�/��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��,r� N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE NO_ . CO I RES UTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY y 1. �` COMMISSIONE �T DATF M�.�Ch �+� �-�v R&SOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby award.s contract �or furnishing and delivering to the Water Department, Purification Pla.nt, 1900 Rice Street, Sa3nt Pau1, Minnesota,, approxima.tely �+50 tons Fluosilicic Acid for period. of one year from April l, 1966 through March 31, 1967, to TIiOMPSON AAYWA.RD CI�IICAL C�ANY FOR Il�TATIONAL M�NERA:[S & C�1'ICAL CC�'ANY in accordance with City specifications and the Fo�+Ai B�a #1633 of said Thompson FIayward Chemical Compar�y for International Minerals & Chemical Company for the contract price of approxima,tely �22,500.00, such bid ' being the on7,y bid an.d said Thompson Iiaywaxd. Chemical Co�cpar�y for Interna.tional NLineral.s & Chemical Company being a reasonable and rel3able bidd.er, and the Corporation Counsel be arid hereby is directed to draw up the proper form. of contra,ct there�or and the proper City officials axe her�'by authorized to execute said con.tract on behalf of the City of Saint Pau1. Formal. B�a #1633. � 9�g�� COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , 9 �g�� Dalglish �tl�° Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn FSVOx' • ' . Meredith Peterson � �ISyor A gainst Rosen ���q� �p ,�.��1� Uftt�tr 1l�N6�1� �`r�� #i� Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as DU�LICAT[TO r111N7[R � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�HCIL ND �-�,�' ��_�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�►L FORM IRESENTED tY pA� MBl�CY1 �� ].� COMMISSIONE� R�3Q��� �8,'t '� E."Olt2lCia. hCrQ�T �X'OY@S '�@ 9�X�.t't�. 01" '�1Zd P(LL�C}l�$�1g �:0�9:L'�'t8'E� '�I°�.'OI'� lI�1C�. $82'B� �.1�I'd8 L'OII'ETB.C't �'OP fial7118�.Y3g �d d�3.�.�1'.�11$ `tA 't�l.° �A,'�8r Depart�ment, Pur3�i.crx�iot� P].ent, 19()0 RiCe Street� 8ai.nt Paul, Miar�e$Ot�,, a�p�xi��3y �50 ton� Fluosi].i�3c A.cid �or period of or� y�r �raa #�ri3 1, 1966 thrqvgh l�arch 31, 1967i to �f�I �A.�WARD C�CAL CCI�PA� 1K� �A�'IC�AL 1� & CH�IClLL C('�'�iY 3n a,ceord�ace raith City ggc�cii'Yc�.t�o� �nd t'h.e �'oE`�r,.1. Bid �1,G33 aP �,d Tho��on Hayx�,rd Che�ical Co�a�y �or Inter.r�,t�.ar�3. Ni�exaLa 8a Che�i.�a1 Co�epaqy �or the eantz•a,ct px�.ce o� a�praad,a�tely $22,5q0.00, ewch bi� be3ng the on],y bid and sa,id �a��orx �ey�rd Ch�d.ca1 Cd�qpax�r �or Intez�etio�al. �IineraLa de Ch�i�a]. Co�a�Y be3n8 e� raaaoa.able and �e�bl� b1r�r, ,and th� Corpora�,tias� CaimGeel 'be and here'by ie directed tv dra�t � the pm�er for�n of coa�tra,ct therefor and -13�e px�c7p�r Ci�y ofPio3�1s �re heine'by authori�e8. to �eut� ea3.d con�tract � beh�,l�' o� �s City oP 3a,�nt Paul. Fox�e,.t Bi.d �1633. � g lg�� COLTNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish il� 9 ���� Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson �y�r Rosen �Ag81118t Mr. President, Vavoulis lona �