227585 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ������ r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N� ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF — BE IT S LYED, at in accord.ance with Ord3nance No. 110� Council File l�o. 183690, appr d uly 2 , 1957, as amended by Ordinance No. 125�+1, Council F31e No. 214288, approve August 27, 1963, the annual sewer ma3.ntenance chargea to be made in 1966 again.st the following ca�mercial, 3ndustrial, and residential properties�other � `� than siIIgle and two-fami]�y dwellinga, which are loeated in the Vil.lage of Landfall, Washington County, and which axe connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System� be and hereby axe determ�ined to be the amounts set opposi-�e the locat3on of' the connec�ions as follows: ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 22 Aspen Way Laundry $ 8.00 13 E�rergreen Drive Office & Re�idence 8.00 2937 �dson 8oad Office 8.00 2967 Hndson Road. Truck Stop 112.00 i,- __, . � _ � g 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish � $ ��� Holland pproved 19— V . Loss � Favor ` .- -Meredith �n Peterson � Msyor A gainst Rosen �� qeg� Mr. President, Vavoulis 'pUBLISHED MAR ���V ion� e-es