227555 ORIGINAL TO CITP�GLERK ' ���`l�� +� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ OU i E LUTI E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j � COMMISSIONE DATF � WHEREA�� urid Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as "Title I") , the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to extend financial assistance to local public agencies in the elimination ar�d - prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urbar� renewal pro�ects; and WHEREA�� Title VI of tY� Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the �Iousing and Home Finance Ageney effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall� on the ground of race� color� or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benef its of� or be subjected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal pro�ects assisted . un.der Title I of the Honsing Act of 1949, as amended; and WHEREA�, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Aedevelopment Authority of the Citp of �aint Paul� Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans� presently estimated to eost approximately Eight Hun,dred Ten Thousand �ix Hundred Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars (�810,681.00) � in order to undertake:�.and carry out an Urban renewal project of the character contemplated by ;�ection 110(c) of Title I� in that area proposed as :Summit-IIniversity IIrban �enewal Area, situated in the City of �aint �aul, Coun,ty of Ramse�, and �tate 0 of Minnesota� the boundary line description of which is as follows: � � Beginning at the point of intersection of the eastern right-of-way l.ine of i�7estern Avenue with the pro- �� � � �eeted northern rigY�t-of-way line of the alley o between Sherb�rne Avenue and IIniversity Avenue, o� m then westerly along said pro�ected line of the � p alley to the point of intersection with the western o right-of way line of Lexington Parkway� then southerly ; � along said line to the point of intersection with the � , southern right-of-way line of the alley between Portland Avenue and ,�ummit Avenne, then easterly along COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Approved 19� Loss � . , Tn Favor . Meredith Pete rs on MByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. Presidenc, Vavoulis �� . ` . �� d��� Page 2. said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line cf Milton �treet, then northerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the southern righ�-of-way line of Portland Avenue then easterly along said line to the point of in�ersection with the western right-of- way line of Victoria Street� then so�therly along . said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Portland Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of St. Albans �treet, then southerly along said line to the sontherfl right-of-way line of the alley between �ummit AVenue and Grand Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with t�e eastern righ�-of- way line of Oakland Avenue� t�en northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the projected line of the �outhern right-of-way line of tY�e alley between '3ummit Avenue and Grand Avenue, then easterly along �aid projected line �o the point of in�ersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Summit Court, then northerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the southern right-of-way iine of Summit Avenue� then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-wa;� line of Ramsey Street, then essterly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of- way line of Western gvenue, tY�en na� therlp along � said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Irvine Avenue, t�en nort�e�sterly along said line to the point of inter- section with the northeasterly right-of-way line of vacated "�Talnut Street� then northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southeasterly righ�-of-way line of Summit Avenue� �hen r�ortheasterly along said line to tY� point of intersection with the pro�ected northern right-of-way line of Dapton Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of vacated Cathedral Place� then northerly along said - line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Marshall Avenue� then westerly along said line to the point of inter5ection with the eastern right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of inter- section with the northern right-of-way line of Marshall Avenue, then westerly along said lin.e to tY�e point of intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Arnndel �treet, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right- of-way line of Concordia Avenne� then sontheasterly along said line to the point of in�ersection with ` , �2'75�5 �age 3. the eastern right-of-way line of Western �venue� then northerly along said lin.e to the point of inter- section with the northern right-of-way line of the alley between �herburne Avenue and IIniversity Avenue which is the point of beginning; and �WHEREA�, by its Resolution No. 66-2/16-2 the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of �aint Paul� Minnesota did determine that ,�ummit-IIniversity IIrban Renewal Area to be a blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating area� that the elimination of said blight could bes� be accomplished thro�gh the un.dertaking of Federally assisted rehabilitation and eonservation aetivities proposed in the Redevelopment Plan for S�.mmit-University IIrban Renewal Area, that the early acquisition and removal of eertain dilapidated structures and the ass�mbly of land for pnblic and commu.ri.ity services with local resources through approval of said Redevelopment Plan would arrest the spread of blight within the pro�ect area� thereby assisting the rehabilitation and conservation activities to be carried out with the financial assistar�ce of the United States of America� and did approve the Redevelopment Plan For Summit-IIniversity Renewal Area an.d the undertaking of early acquisition with local resources� and did further authorize tY� preparation of an application for Federal finan.cial assistaa ce to carry out �lie remaining pro�ect activities proposed by the P�lan� now� therefore, be it RE�OLVED, That the determination that the �ummit- IIniversity Renewal Area is a plighted� deteriorated an.d deteriorating area is hereby affirmed, and the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of surveys an.d plans for an vrban renewal pro�ect of the area contemplated by �ection 110(c) of Title I and the Redevelopment Plan for Summit-IIniversity IIrban Renewal Area in said Renewal Area is hereby ratified and approved; be it FURTHER RE�OLVED� That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota to finance �he planning and undertaking of the proposed Project; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this�body is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with �'ederal financial assistance ORIGINAI.TO C17Y GLERK • J /'/�e ,�J • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '•rp� ° " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ,�,�e l COMMISSIONER I/ � L�"' pATF Page 4. under Title I� including those relating to (a) the relocation - of site occn.pa.nts� �b) the provision of local grants-in-aid� and (c) the requirement that the locality present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator� as a prerequisite to approval of the application described below, a workable pro ram for community improvement, as se� forth in Section 101�c) of Title I� for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and be it FITR2HER RE�OLVED� That the IInited States of gmerica and the Housing an.d Home Finance Administrator be� and they hereby are� ass�.red of full compliance by the City of 1�aint Paul� Niinnesota �rith regulations of the Housing and Home Finance A er�cy effectuating Title VI of the Civi�: Rights Act of 19�4; be it FURTHER RE�OLVED That it is the sense of this bodp (a) that a feasible metho�. for the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the IIrban Renewal Area� in conformity with tY�e requirements of Title I� can be prepared� and (b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be not less than one-third of the Net Pro�ect Cost of the Pro�ect and which� together with �Ghe Federal capital � grant� will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of pro�ect land sold� leased, or retained for use in accordance with the redevelopment plan� be it FUR�flER RESOLVED� �hat the filing of an application by the Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of 6aint Panl� Minnesota for an advance of funds from the IInited States of America in an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Ten Thousand �ix Hundred Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars (�810�681.00) for surveys and plans for a� urban renewal project in Summit-University IIrban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. tV1AR 4196� COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland � Appr ed � �9�� 19— Loss Favor Meredith � Peterson �') ' MAyor 4f A gainst Rosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis P�JBl:1�i�3 �,' � �� � � � �2�5�5 OlZIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��,Q� COMMISSIONER � Ow"'— DATF Page 4. � nnder Title I, including those relating to (a) the reloeation - of site occnpants, �b) the provision of local grants-in-aid� and (c) the requirement that the locality present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator� as a prerequisite to approval of the application described below, a workable pro ram for community improvement, as se� forth in Section 101�c) of Title I� for utilizing appropriate public and prinate resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slwns and urban blight; and be it FURTHER RE�OLVED� That the United States of Ameri ca and the Housing an.d Home Finance Administrator be� and they hereby are� ass�red of full compliance by the City of 5�aint Paul, Minnesota �rith regulations of the Housin.g and Home Finance Ager�cy effectuating Title VI of the Civi� Rights Act of 1964; be it F[TRTHER RE�OLVED That it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible metho�. for the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the IIrban Renewal Az�ea, in conformity with tY�e requirements of Title I� can be prepared� and (b) that local gran.ts-in-aid can and will be provideci in an amount which will be not less than one-third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which� together with the Federal capital • grant� will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Projec� Cost and the proceeds or value of pro�ect land sold� leased� or retained for use in accordance with the redevelopment plan; be it F[TR�HER RESOLVED� �hat the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of 6aint Panl, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the IInited States of America in an amount not to egceed Eight Hundred Ten Thousand �ix Hundred Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars (�810�681.00) for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project in Summit-University IIrban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. (IIfAR 4196G COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Appr ed � ��� 19� I Loss � Favor Meredith � Peterson �'} ' MAyOr �� A gainst Rosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis �B�'��� � � �� qUADRUPLIC�TE TO DErARTMENT + s CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF — 64HER�A� umde�� '�9►�I�e x at' the '�o�aing A�t oP �949� e� �menc�ed (h����.n xe��rr�e� �c� a� ��i��.d Z't)y t�e 1��tt�i� �►nd �i�m� g�.na�nve A�m1��.aG�ator i� a�t.�os�.zed �c� e��e�d f�nanci+�1 a��i��ance to l�aca�, publi� ���an+�ie� �a �h� e].l�acin��3tar� ar�c� preven'��vn 4P �e ap�ead mt' th��.r aluara n�d urban ?a��ght th�v�Qh t1�$ p�a�tr�ing and u.nder�akia� of urba� r��.d�►e1 �z��eR'��� anc! � �I3'�'t���� �'��le V� of t�e C�.vil R�g��s �c� vf 19b4! ��.d the re�ule��ona ot the �io�sing an�3 Hcym� F3:nnnce �►g�n�y effeotua�in� tha� �^it�,�, p��v�de t�a.� r�a persQt� sh�1�., �n ��� grcr�nd ot ra��, aolo�� or ae��oaa�, ar3$in, �� �ga3udsd trom par�ic�.pat�on in, b� den��d thQ bena�it� c�t, or 'b� �ub��o�d �o d�scr�m3na��on in the under���cing and ��rr�ing out c�t aarbaa re�ao�ral� �ro�ec�� s�s�$t�d und�r T���.e � af tk�e �ic��aa�ag .Aa� o� 1���! aa amende�f; e� �RFA�� �,t �.�. d�a�abl.e an�i �n the ��b3,�.� �.nt�r��� th�.� th� 13ousing an�. Rec�eve�.o�me�� A��hor�t�' o�` '��a ��ty o�' �a�,n� �'uu1, M3��so� m8ks ��tFVey�s en� prapar�s plat�ai prsaeat2y es�l,ma��d �� �cc�t $ppro�ia�e�el� Eight Hunc�red �e� �hot��e►�td �la Hun��d �i�ty-on� anc�. r�A�lf� Doi�.ar� ��8�.C9���1.f�Q)� �n Qrde� to u�dertal�e: �ne� car�y but an �`ba� �e�e�oaZ pro�eat vY tha �haraat�� �o��empla�ed bq 8ec���Q� .�lOCc) of '��t�e� .�, in �he� ��a propo�ed. a� �3.t-iTn�ver���� t�r�aa �et�exal �re� �ritugted �.a �he C�.�y bP �aiat �qu�.� �QUt��y o� Aamaey� a�d ��e�ea , of �f��e�o��� th� ba�nda��r line ��s���.p��on o�' ���.ah iat as �'Q]�l,t�i��: Begiz�nix�g at �h� pt��nt 4� �t���x`�e�ti�.oQ of tha ea�tera �ight-o�'-�ay li�e oP �i�$�err� Avenu� r�ith �h� �pr�- �ected n4rthern �igh�-nf•weeq 1�n�e vf ��e a�ley �etw�sn ��e��u�.ne Ave�ue anc! II��verat�ty Avenue, t�i�n xe�#.�rly a�.car�g �aid� pra�e���d line A� ��e nlley tA �he pai�'� af inter�ec�ion wi�h the �e�ter� ��,g1�G�of-w�� 14r�e �if �ea�����a �erk�ays th�n so�a�k�er�.y � alnt�g sa��i line� �a �h� po�.nt of interae�tton wi��i th�e �c�u�thern �ig�it-��`-wa�r 11n� of t�+a alle� b��aeen . �c�rt�a�ad Av�num �nd Summit Avez�ue� �he� �asterly along COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19._ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis � � �� 22'�5��5 �$ge �. �aid 1ir�e �o the po�n� Qf �.nter8ec�ion �rith �he eastern rigb�-pf-way lin� af M31tc�n �treet, t�en r�ortherly along se3,d 13.ne to �he poir�� of in�e�- aection w�.t� the sou�Chern right-a�way line oF Fox�tlar�d AWenue �then ea��Qr�,y �long said 1in� tQ �he po�.�t of' 1.n�ers�rction with ��xe we��ern righ�-of- way line of Yictor�.a �tr�et� �hen sout�er�.yr aio�g aQ�d 1�MS �o �he� point of i�ster$ec�ian with �he � s�uthern ri�ht-of'�.way line of Portlanc� Avmrrue� th�n ea��eFly e3o�g said 13n�. to the poin� o� in�s�$�etion �i�I� the w�stern r�gh�-�oP-.way line ��' �t. A�.bans -y ,•' ��ree�� �hen sou�he�3.�r eiong sa4d l�n� to the $c���he�� r3ght-of..way 13,�e c�� thQ aZ�.ey� batw��n �ummi.'t Avenu� , an�. �rand Avenue� �k�en �as��rly elong sald Iine to � the goir�� �f intersc�a�ion w3t� tt�e eas��rn ��.gh�-c�f- � �ray lins of t3akla�d Ave�ue, i���, no�th�rly along sai� � - � lfne to the poir�t o�f inter�Q��iaa bith ths prv���ted ' lir�a c��' t�� �outihern ri�ht-of-wa� line of th� all�y between yummit �venrue anct �i°and A,�esue� then easterly � ' alt�ng �s�.d pra��a�ed �ine �n the point of intersection , with �he �asterr� rig]h�,.c�f�ray 3ine of u�mit �ou�►�, then nor�herly aloQ� �a�d 1Sne to �the point �f i,x�'ter- ` s�rtion ��.�h the �o�thern r�.gk3�-o�`-wa,y Ziae o�' S�it Aven�xe, then ess��r].y a1o1�g �aic� �1�� �o the point of fnters�ctiaA �itl� the $ou�hearn r3ght-af-way l�.ne Qf Rams�y stre�t, then eset�rly alcan� aaic� li�e to the point af intsrs�e�ic�n �rith �he ea�ern r�gh��af- � way lir�e a� �e����r�t Avenue, tk��n r�cc th��1y slong sa�d lin� �ci �the �oi�� of �nters�ct�pn w2�h �he southern right-.of-way lin�e af Irvine Avenu�, t,�en nor�he�cst�rly along s�ic1 l�ne �o ��� pc��.n� oi' inter- �ect�.oa with the nor�hea$�e�ly right_ot'-wap ].ine of va�a�ed Wa1.nu� ��reet� Llaen r�orthw�s�erly ��,vn� eaid 1�.ne �4 tk�e po�nt of in�er�e�tion wi�h the a�ou�heas�erly rig��-og_way l�ne of �ummi�� Aven,u� t2�eu aorthe,e�terly • alor�g sa�d 19.ne tv tba point v� �.n�ers�ectivn wf.th �he pro�ected ncart3�ern s�.gh�-vf-.��.y lirte af' I7ay�Q� Avsr�ue, then �rester].y �lon.g �aid line �v tl�e paint c�f inter�eQtion ti�ith the e�s�ern r�ght..c>f-�ray li.ne vF v��ated Cathedrei Plaa� �hen nor�herly �lo�g said Zine to �he po�.nt vf in�ers�ctiba �i�h �he northern ri�ht-o�-way line o� MarshaZl �veriue� the� wes�erly along eaid lin� to th� p�3nt of in�er����ion wi��i the e�s�ern ri.gh�-eaf-vag iine af �festerr� A�eenue then northerly alamg sa�.d �.�ne t€� tY�e pQin� o� �nter-. s�ct�on �a�.th the northerm r�.gh�-o�-wsy line of �I�►PSh�11 Avenue� then westerly ��.Ang aa�8 li�e to th� point of �.nters�cCion w�.'�� the �astez�ly righ�-of way 1i,ne �f Ar�udel Street� then �orth�r�.y ��vug �aid 3.i�e '�o the point of in���e�ct,�o�a �rith tha �southern �ig��- af«-�ay li.�ne af �oneordia� �v�riue, ��er� southea�.s�erl� al.oag sa�,d li�.s to the poin� �►� �.ntersec�i4n witY� a � 2�'���� �a�e �. t�e �a���r�. r�.��-of-�ra�► line cf �te��er� Avent�a th�� nv�thgr�:y alo�Q aa�d 3�.ne �+v t� po�,�t aF �.���r- �ec��oz� wi�ri �he nog�hern r�g�i.t-o4-wey �,�.r�a af #.�e alley be��e�x� �h���rr�e Aven�� and �Jh�v�r��:ty� Aae�u� wh�.ch is �h� po�z�t o� b�gi,tn�,f.t�6; $ad t�H�R�A9� �� i�� ��s�l���or� �o. bb-�/�b-� �b.e .�io���g dn� R�c�e�vel�pment �u.t�ority c�P ��e G�;�y of �a�n� P�u1, �inne9o�� d�d� rl���rtai�ae '�ha� 3�matit-t���v,�rs�ty �'�ben ���w�t�. At►e� tt� l�e a b1�,�h��d� deteri.�ra�te� a�;d det�ricsratig� az��a ���t fir�ae �1��3�ziatl�ari o� �a�+d bl�.�ht c��t�.d �st be. a�c���ttp�.ia�.et� '�h'�dt��� ��� un��r#.al�it�g of �'eder�i�.� a��is�ed reheb�l�,�ax�.oti �►�d ron��rva�ia�, a��iv�.tiea proge�s�d in t►ha ����ve�opm�n� �imn for ��mmit-�InSvera��,C�r UPba� AettaW�1 ATe�� �ha� �h� �+ariy� aaqui��.�i�m ��d r��val a�' eerta�� di�la��.de�ed �t�uct�re� e�nd� the a��an��ly og �s�d f't3r pubi�a a►nd GC�fl�.t� �@1`V��lEB T�i`���9 1o�a�, re�our�as �hrov�Yi a�pgraval vf ��1.d �sd�v�l�pmen� P�,en w'c�uid �r7�e�t..the sp�eac� vf bX4gh'� r�i�h3n �h� pre��ea���s�e� '�he�ceby assi��i�g t�►e reh��i�.1i�+���o� �nd com�e�va�iom aet�.v�.��.e� t� . b� ��r�a� c�ut w3�h �he �`inag�tial a��i�t�nQe Qf the �'ai�ed - �'��'�ea ot �mgr�,ca� a�icl did apP�c��a �he �ted�velt��ffie.�� 81an �'ot� �t�mmi.t+�iv�x��i�y �rmeWal Area sr�� the t�nd�r�at�itag o�' eer�-3r n��qu�aitimn w�tF� ldae� ���v�r+��s, at�d did �ia��he� au�hari�es �h� pre��ra��.o� of am agp3.i��t�,vr� �qr ���era�. f�t�sncsia�. aaai����+e �� c�aPr� arut �he rema��,i�x$ pro�eat ��t�v��ie� prvpo�ed b� �be Flan� ,now� thers�'o�e f b� i� A��OL'�D �ha� t�� �,e�erm3,rx�t�,ori th�.t th� �u�it- tTniverai�y� Re�e�� .Are� �.� e bltgh�,�d� d�t�e��.�►ra��a at�d ���eriorat�.mg ar�a i.a l��reby a�`�3rmed and �he �mc��rta�.�g b�t �he Hvu�ir�g and Ret�eve�.Qp�ae�t Au�1�o�i�g of th� Ci�y a�` �e►�,n� �a�tl,� k��nn�svta vf �u.rve�r� �z�d p�e� for ert ta�ben �e�teWs�: �p�v�e�c�� . 9! tb� a.r.ea �o��emp�.$�e� by S�e��o�a 1�.4(�� o�' '��.�X+� I $�d th� Aed��►el�apm�rn� P�la� f�►r 3u�mit-�T��.ver�it��r CTr'baz� �eaew�� Ax�a. �n ae�.8 Rener�al Area is b�raQ� �atiti�d and apgroq�d� be �t ' i�T�R R�SpLVE�3� �ha� t�e �'��a�rs�al ��aistan�d a�►�ilab]�+� � u�der �'i.t1.e � is ne�r�ed tm enab�.e �he ��na�.ti� e8d �te�v����me�t Aathori'�y of �he �i.�p of �e�n� Panl� �iit�aso�a to t�a��e the pls�a�i�g �t�d tuu�e�ta��.ug af �'�e prQpo.a��d �ro�ea�; be �� � F'CTR�R ,�.�OLV'��� T�at �hi§�bod� i� emg4f�ant �f t�e aonditicns t�a� are 3.�paged ir� tri� unclertmtzing aud ca���,ir�g Q�t of �rban r�newml prc��ecta with �`edez�a7l ��.nancZ�l a����ta�c� _� `i � r QUADRUr�LAT6 TO DErARTMENT �2►�J5� , • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF — AagQ �. � under ���i� �, in�l�diag tho�� �elating to (a� th� �relc�ca�ip� +at at�� �a�c�pan��� �ri) �he .�rc�vistoa crt �:�ical �r�r���-�n-aidy •�a4 tQ� �he requ�.rem�nt thnt the �.�aa�t��� p�resea� �o tMe �cnasir�g �t�d flvme �'1ne��• Adm���.s�rstc�r �� a preareqyis�.te �c� �ppr�av�l ot �he sppl.�.�a�i�n descr�.b�d ��,mw� a worka��.a , prar x� t�� avam�t�i�� i�pr�v�ment, �►a so� �'orth � ��r.�tSo� � 1€D1�) ot Ti��,e � tor uC�.�.i�ix�g �►p�►ropr�at�► �i�l�l�.c az�d pr�vate �ee��'c�rces �v e�.im�n�e�e a�td pr��rent ��e de'vtiopnbn� or sp�read of s].� ��ad �ban �13��� t�d be i� �t7R�F� RU�Q�Y$� �het th� 'Qn�tec� ��a�d� c�� �mer.�ca aad ths �QU�i�� and Hcme �inamc� A�mini�rt���c�� be, ��. thQ� h�re'b� �rrey ��sured o�' �'u��. comp3�,ar�ab bp t�g Cl,ty of �a�,�� pa�1, M�r��#c�ta �v�'�k� ��rgulatiana of �he �i�u�ing and �t��e Fin�►n�� Ag�e�ay elfeQtna�ln� T�.�2e V.� Qf t�ie ��viZ Aigh�a A�t of 196W�; be 3� Fi�R�R �tE$i�LV��? �'hat it i� ��i� se�n�e o! Lhs� bad�y � (a) �ha� a loaa�ib�s methv� faF t2�e rela�at�+ala of �ac�3.v��lua�.s and �amfl.i�ee di��1.�►cdc� tro� the 17rbara R�mewa� �rQ�►, �,n c�ntorM►i�y , wi�h �o Peqt�ire�m�4t�s pt ���le �, o�za �ie prepar�d� �►nd (h) tba� laca�. �ran�s-in-�id �a�, ��d w�13. b� paav�,�le8 ia •q amoua� �hieh wl.11 be �q�C le�s than aa�s-Lhir4 ot t�a H�t �ro�ea� �o�� o�' �he Frc�aat tu� �lch� �og��ber x�.�h the ��Aara�, aapitul grant, Mi�.l �e ger�ar�i�y �aqu��. �4 the d�tf�renae bstvee� t�rass � Fro��►�t Cc�s� aad �2�o proae�d$ �r vel�ue of pra�e�t la�d sold, l�a��d or P���imed !or u�e it� saco�d�att� x�th �he �edd�telopatQ�a� pian; '�e it �T�R �F9+4�Y,��D� Th�t �he t111ng o�' am app�,��a�ipt� bp th� Harx�3,ng a�ad �ederr�lap�a�at AutY�or�.t� oZ �h� Ci.ty Qr 8�i�a� �iu3.� �Ii�so�a ior a� advtm�e o�' t�ind� From th� �1ni�ed �'�i�� af Am�a�ica iq at� emo�n� IIO� �L1 IS3C!l��1 ��g�t Suzidred ��n Th�uaand ��.x �ndr�d ��.�ty-on� and no/144 Uc+llars (�$�Qf���..OQ� tor ��tr�rsy� and, p�,ana , for +�n ur�n renerral projeot in �i�-�ivers�t;� fifrban Renerval �ea tk�saribad abave is he�reby �pprt�rrefl, � c� 1966 COLTNCILh1EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �R�b 1{ ls�[� �yutin Dalglish Holland Approved 19.^ Loss jn FavOr Meredith Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � DUrLIC�.TE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 22���� OFFICE OF� THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS under Title I of the Housing Act of 7.949, as amended (here�n referred to as "Title I" ) � the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to eatend f�nancial a�sistance to local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slv.ms and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urbar� renewal pro�ects; and WHEREAS� Title VS of the Civil Rights Act o� 1964, and the regulations of the Housing and Home Finance Agency effeatua�ing tha� Title� provide that no person shall� on the ground of race� color� or national origin, be eacluded from participation in� be denied the benefits of� or be sub�ected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal pro�ects assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as a.mended; and WHEREAS! it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment AutheTity of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans� presently estimated to cost approgimately Eight Hundred Ten Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars ($810�681.00) � in Qrder to undertake:!and carry ou� an urban renewal pro�ect of the character contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title Is in tha� area proposed as Summit-IIni�ersity IIrban Renewal Area� situated in the City of Saint Paula County of Ramsey� and State ,, of Minn�sota� the boundary line description of which is as i'ollowss Beginning at the poir�t of intersection of the eastern right-of way line of Western Avenue with the pro- �ected northern right-of-way line of the alley between 3herburne Avenue and IIniversity Avenue� then westerly along sai.d pro�ected line of the . alley to the point of intersection with the western right-of way line of Lexington Parkway� then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of way line of the alley between Portland Avenue and Summit Avenue� then easterly along COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19._ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pe te rs on �y°r A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis "��. i. , �. � .i� r s ..- } �• ' ` _�' .• - � ' . �T 'r.. .i� • ix.� 1� •��1• •• � • - �� _ 4. . •,� • - �l } �' 4 _ •�4 � �n . ` , f � - ` � _ .� 'i � � _ tM1�__ �1' " " ` �•�__" r_ .'� - a., _�� _ . '. �t� s • ;�. _ . ` 4 :�� � �` .- ..i . , . _ ' _`� _' ' . . . ,l _ �u '�<.4y "n. ,. � ,..��y. ' 'r _ . _ ' � ..� � - '4 • f y.4 r✓..- .S� ' � } '' .4.�= . .� .r. r � / . r� - _, - T `_ i� ' y� ilr F T ` `. . . � � � `�r a/..�'�� � � . V _ ._ _ 'f _ ` _ ' - ' _ " _ _ . S' �hy .l• -__'.T�4. - �' ' . ' � �_ ' Y� �t 'FT � � �`t , _ �+s _ -, ' _ ` _ .•'„' . _ .. �t��';� • •r•:� : . -r^ , - ' -' . . _ _ " ` � .' t. '_ _ ,i� .s ,a • �Y• '�. . " . `i a!• _ ' � - '"' 'I. � �F'. :Q ,;�t 4�_• .� ' 'j _" �� ' I. .ty . \ "' � ', � . . .^ • • - • i'' •\i.. I��� - ,' . � A�� _ . f_ �F. -il. ~a_ . `� • _. . . " . 'i � �' _ � 2: - '.' . u � '� ; • .', ;` ' 4 ' ^ : � R4 ' :�� •l. ' ~- 'f,.: - _� �r- , 4?._ _'.? : �' � .' �L2' '}.,_ , ". _ 4, �• ' , 't.. ' 'Y� Aa�}'` � _ . - �r_ ar'.:�� '_ _ . ?- --.. Je �r : ' w r -. _ _ . � • . �.. ., _ " ' - -, t_ ; ' - . =� - . _.. -. � " .gSg�, �. �r:.�_ �' ; ._ �.: ._ ,-, , '�. , -, .. • ' ' . j t.. ; . . • . ...`:. ,— 4� . ' �, , •,� �'�e .. p' .f.,y «. ,°r, . -.L_ • ; ,_ ' �+-'`. � _ ;i'.0� _ • ,`'` • .. . `� 1- . ,• _ � '•_ .� � 'ir.. " i ` !• �, ' '_., ' _ - ~ . S -• - ' .. �_ � - �$aid.. lizie�':to _'th,e p�o�rit.�'o�, �int�rsect�iciri .�ritYit.�the,-` ���:, ;: ._ ` +4� . , ° -_ -"_ _ ; � . s.�-_� ^ _:r��as�erri:='r�ight-4#''=�tay- ]:ine`_r��.�iilton �S�rg��'�.:.the�� ` `' ' '� _- ''~-- _ - . . . . . �- -, - ',.-�,orthsr3���alon ��said�slin�$,'to�`t�� �i�o�;nt of.��z�'ter_-- - . � `Y�}`- - ..� -.5, �::. - ,_. _ • '�•. - _;= seot�i�o�.W�� �t �e�`�$o'������q?�ig��f. �way�� linevo�� :.�.� .. �- - - .- - ' � '� ' _ . �`,'--. r -. .. , � - '�- � �- � - : ' v >:.,.-'rt�e as��i�l ��a�on safid� 7:fn���v'- -,� �.. ; _, . ;,. . • �<�. . , �. . �;�or-_��ari�: A eriue;.. ,rj„�e Y , g- _ F - '� � . . . , r_" ,. : ; - • , _ - �, ��e4;�o��t�n����.i�t'e.�3e�t�:on�w��th• tY�e wes�ern right-of=.' - . - �.- '''" .'4 � Y " .w��'�.i�te��aff��tc�o�i����t�,eat�;.��Yi� `�outher�.y' a�o� _ `�`"',_ -, �' ' . . , . � _ - ,���� sai:d �l�irie to .the�p,oint ofi'"'ii��ers�atto� with. tk�a•�� '' } ._' - � - - - -, ` _��, , . - . ��,:��s��tn�rn•�yx����;.,of-wa� �i�:ne;: o,�._y�or�lan�:,Avet�ue�t`�then: " �.,' ::� - . ;`: . ��. . . -.. d .�,� �zi,e����r- �y;�- Zan�• �a�d�:,line:�,'tb����Tp:o��1��;of irit`ers,ectip�. � �_ r _. . ',, - , ` `wi�Y��z�C�ie�,�vt�s�e"���i-.4 r�g�it�r�=�r�y�:�.�.#�e� ,a��xS:�. �r_AJ.bans '' - s , - ' � . .•;: .�� : ,_ . - :�.tfieet.,��thet� 'so�i�ii�r�y �alor�g s�id -line �t.o '�Y��=.�ou���r�� :�,: ��� _ � _ :- - _. _ _ = :�.- _ r�,gYi�-Qf-'w�y 13.r�e��:of���the•°alley" bet�zeei� .:S�mmi� _AQ��.�e=_`` � ; : �°� - - A .� �. : - : ,- .- , - `an�`�GraT�B -Aven�.e..�"-t�.ei� :easte�l�_ aio��-=�aic� line - ;�o� , ,`• - �; .` . - _ .. . . _... � �p �.r.i��:�of inters��tiqr�`:=�i.t1� the� eas,te�n ri.g�,��ro�'_ � +� '..., �r ' t -•_ tri6' O: . , . "- ' . � - - '��;� �_ ,��. � _ . �� � ' ' :. way:�.liin� �of- Oaklan,� �venue� .t�ie`n. noxther]��r ,��°��n� .�aid'_ _ • ��.. _. .' � .."y . " _ T �- .*���.ne :tti .-t��: p��i�r��.:..�;of.:;ix�t�r�sec�t-iari .�t3.th�� the gr.o,�e.ete'dT�_ - _ -,, .�" � � � � ' � '. . � - • - "1tne��, af=the southe�ri rig�}t.'-o���va�r=l�.ne "q� _�the�•"s].1:ey,., ,^ ;. - �; . er � . - - _� -' - �_- �- be tw'eeri:�S�mmi�r Ave�u,e=and;�rand Averi,�.e y'�"then 'e��ste�ly. "� - .� ._�. .. , ` �- _ �.. - . . � �' - ' '_ �I:ort�.� saic�:�.pr�o�e�tec� line-�o -tY�e -p�oi�it _of interse�ati�g��`^ . � ' . _ ; , , °f , =;_.� - : - `.�..with tk�e �.e�ste�n rigYit=of_=way�- l�.ne-of��vum�iit Cour�'�;.:-- � - <� � . :�.,. ' � �� -.. _ . ', ��he��-nortkierTy�alorig. sat3rl��l��.r�e�'�o �;the pQint•�of in�er�= - �•�_-- , � ' � ,. _ _ - •,.: - _ - ' Sec�Glon4;w�'�Yi' ��e°.sQuth�rn. sigh�-of=�tay;��li�� �v�' Summit � �,� � � . _ - � ' , � ";°_ �.�veriue; then:e�ste��y -��o�g_said�`�3.ite: �to -tl�� pbin't r `� _�` _;.�� _ .. � ,��. = _ _ ` �_" ��- _�,. �af in�e��section wit�h, the;:souther�i r3.ght-of-way li.rie ',` . . . �--_. .-y� . _ _. * - - ."of` �amse� ��reet� -t�ie�'•�es�eriy a-long•.s�id -,1�:`i�- �;�o - ._ ' _ ;, . _- °` . , . ,'�.� _ � , � �' ;-- t�ie_',poir�t 'of�-interse�tiori witYi; the ea�ern•`r��h�=of= << - - _ _y:. . ._, ' - .. 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" ' 6��... - .��-r?, . . � .-- �.ther�tndertaking Qf� Federelly-e.��isted:�reha,'��];i,tation �anc� - _;- _ - -- ` - - - - ,�� :: ` , c�nserv�ti�o�. ae�ivitie$- proposed ,,in�the_ �ec�evelopmen�.�� Plan'.:,=:;�-•�°. � �'��`� � , �,.�� . _ � , - . � for :�3��it-'CTnive�i�ity'y.ITrban,.Re,new��."-Area� th�t th_q e�Pl�r .- - � _ - - , � �_ .��- r i• - � aaquis ition� and �r�n�oPal,��of��certain.�d3,lap idated.:�truati�ceg} and - � • �- J . � . 'tYis _as��mbl �o�' land ,for � _ � � � . ,, ..,.-� � - � Y. . .. - publi�a, .an�d co�ti�un3 t3r-��ervYces wi�ki,: - -.�_ r�..��=,�- :.`.s'. :: : , r - -,' �lo�al resonrees �through 'atp�rov�����of= said-�edeirelopment� P1Sr��-,�roul�� : � _ • -, , ar���'� :the• spre�a��, o.f'.b�ight �a�thin �h�- pro�e.a'� ar�a� tl�ereb�: -' x�. - ;' • __ �" � � -�as�is�Ging the �rahabilitgtio�i�tand conserv�tic�n•.a��t:ir�itie��_�b �� '�- v�: � '•. - _ .' • � �,���, :�;. `r ._ � -�- .- be -=�at►r�ad -�qu'� -wi�Yi� the �inana�.al �aa�s,i�stanee .of. �Me��IInited� �._,.- , ` .. • �,� _ ; ._ �-�-�ta�e�. ;of��merica� �it�d .c�iii '�,pprov� the �Red�velo�met�t. Fl�,n:`For`; � - - •� . � �_ � _"- =4�� , '�Stim�i�'-17r�i�ersi�ty �3enewal� Area,�and �the unde�taking -of early _ �-� ' :.' -�" � .. � ' � .. 'acqLtis�t�,ori���i�h��loc�1 �resQUrees}.. gi�d.:did .P�r'�her authorize� - . .. . � - � � � �_" " = � the._prspara�i�n` of�an� appl�c�it�i.on �,for� F�dere►:1 fi�.an�cial` aa�i�tsn Qe:..�� � _ . �- .�,`• ,- to- �a�ry� ou� �the=r$m�iining pra�eet �ae�i,vities� prop��ed` b� �the ` . 'r . :•� _ ,- y, - - �� 1 ;� _. �Flan� nQw� t2ierefore� bs-.it `. � _ . - - . �-= � ,, :" �,, � ;�: . .. . ' : -" T Y .. _• r . ,- _ _ - � � .. ' _ _ y; � ' . _ •• . � ' ._ • ��= " 4.+_ ' , _ ._ i .. :' ; -. �E�OL�ED� '-That._ the �deteraii�ation �hat� ��i� 'Summi'�.- � ` '�`� -. '� ." , -r"- = i •h__ , _ � � � - Univgrsity� Renewal:.�re�:,i,s'�a',�iT�.ght�dy, dete�ior�t�ed and: ` ��. ' _ � rt � - - .. -.� .. ,., • . . �. � - deteriorat3ng �area'�p�s. hereby affir�e�� aMd� t2ie� unde�t�tising� �y'," � , � ° . � ,: - - �.__` - t�i�:Housing and ��ei�ev�lopmer�tt t�utl�ori�y �of' �t�e"Cit ot'. Saint -� �� � - � . t �_ . �� � _ . ' � -,p�ul � M�:ru�esota ot urv � - `� `� � . ` . - ` �.- s e.�a ;��nd{-plan,s for a�.- �ban. re�ewa�l� pro�e-o�'•. �� ' _ �5.°_ � � � �� ���:- � of thQ �.area_ oontempl8�ed- by �ae��i.on=1I0(c} oF,' Title. I. ar�d>the = . . � ._ � - � > - _ . ,- �edev�lop�ent� Flan for Summ�.,t-IInivers�ty �Urban �tene�rai.��re�a. ..;- � . -� �' . _ , _ �' : � in",said:Renewal���A�ea �is hereby �►st�,fied 8ad a ��t�oveds• be. :�t�_= y � - : . _ _ PP... } ��` - -. �, � '- - r� ± . � -- `' �� � FtTRT�iER RESOLVED,� Thet the_tin8ncial �aaa�.��tan�e���vail�ble f � --- {_ -' -` . ` und�r Ti��.e_. i'is:,needed.-to:'ehatile� the�Ho�airig �n,d _Red�velopment. �n =�. _ � ' _��' -t... ', - � _�_ .Authority:o1''y the 'CitX,vf Ba�nt JPe�l���;Minn�aota to `finance.: t�i�„-~��� • - = - . : � _,,, - , planning �nd�. �undertnkiug Qf_ the��'propo�ed -Pro�eat; be it - - ' ; � � � : : _'' , _rt -r, , ' ..� .: ,., . _ , . _ _ . . _ - _ _ • . '- '- - •, ,..Y . . .- _ � � ..` ,kVT�TBL� RE���VE�� Tha�`tfl�i��bocly,.,����cogni,�z�iit of. �the �� .- . • ` - � - � 4� - �onditio�is thnt .are_ impqsed•��.n t�e�i��id��r�alsing and- carrYinB. �` � � ;�- - .. . �� . _ � _ _ � � - out,-_of urbaR renewal pro�ea'�s��.wit�Y,�'ederal r�t�inan��.a]� aa�ia�anee � �>� . " � . , - 'r �_ r•-�q' .a ._ . ` fi � ;"' '� � `` . �-. _ M, , . � , _ �F • " ~ ' '. �_ 'r' '�J . - F -' ` ..� . ` � • . $. 's •"+ _ - .T " v � � _ � ' ', a. _f , . _$f'-;' , y,� - ' _" .- � r .��- ' �� _ " rr _ . ,- ., ' i_ . - . ._ . . _- : - ..,'r �•a` f. a . .__ . _ t - - 5 . , - . . � . t' ' ; .C; _ +. az' + r� . ' .- .. �" . - ' _ . ,� . ' .. . - •,f . . . " ' ` ._ ,e ' _ ^ . � • ) a - _ • -�-._' ... . _ . _c ,n j - ?. �i ' `.., � . • ,i _'. * �. �.. � � 4 � �F' • '.`•_ �' • � � ' f. . - �i • � _s r- ''•� � �� � {'' „ _ ,` - • � ?'._ � . . � ' . i ti _ ' • •- " " ' " _" ' ' ' � ,. � _. �. . . . _ - ., . • .. _, . ~ � . •, • -- , DUrLIC7�T!TO rRINTER • J��`l��", + CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N� % � �� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _..._ Page 4. under Title I� including those relating to (a) the relocation of site occupants� �b) the provision of local grants-in-aid� and (c) the requirement that the locality present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator� as a prerequisite to approval of the applieation described below� a workable pro ram for communitp improvement� as set forth in Section 101�c) of Title I� for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban blight; and be it FiJRTSER RESOLVFD� That the IInited States of America and the HousSng and Home Finance Administrator be� and they hereby are� assured of full compliance by the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota �ith regulations of the Housing and Home Finance A ency effectuating Title VI of the Civi� Rights Act of 19�; be it FORTHER RESOLVED That it is the sense oP thi�s body (a) that a feasible metho�. for the relocation of lndividuals and families displaced from the IIrban Renewal Area� in conformity with the requirements of Titl� I� can be prepared� and (b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount which�rill be not less than one-third of the Net Pro�eet Cost of the Pro�ect and which� together with the Federal capital grant� wi11 be generally ec�,tal to the difference between Gross Pro�eet Cost and the proceeds or value of pro�ect land sold� leased� or retained for use in accordance with the redevelopment plan; be it F[TRTHER RE80LVED� That the filing of an application by - the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota for an advance of funds from the IInited �States of America in an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Ten Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-one and no/100 Dollars (�810�681.00) for surveys and plans for an urban r�newal pro�ect in Summ3t-IIniaersity tTrban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved. � r� 1966 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci � 9— Yeas Nays IYIr11e � Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— Loss i Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� �SYOr �°►Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Y ) � • ✓ V�7 1U/20/60 «Fc`rTFICAT'E OF S�CIt�TAF.Y The undersigned herebp certi�Eies, as follo�,�s: Assietant (3) Tnat he is the auly qualif3ed and acti�g/Secre�ary o� the Housing and RedevelopmenC Autihority or the Ci�� o� Saint Paul, P2inn.esota, �erein called the "Local Public �gea�cy" and the keeper of the records or the �ocal Public Age�c�; (2) That the attached Reaolution No. 66-2/23-2 is a true and corre�t coP3r of the ��Resolution as executed on �he 23rd �a;r of .February , 19 66 �; � (3) The seal aff:.xed. belo�� c�:astitui:es the official sea7. o� the Local Public AgPncy and th9.s �er�t��i.eate is hereby executed under such of£�cial se�l; • (�� ?'�ai the unrlersigned xF duZy au�i�orized to exece�te t�his Ce-rta ficate, IN WITNESS ti]HEREOI�', the undersigr_ed has hereur:to set his hand this M 25th day of _��February , 19 66 , , � ASSISTANT SECRETA�'.�' ( S E A L ) � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AIJ'.�HO�2I'�'Y OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINi��SOTa SURVEY AD1D PLANNING APPLIGATIGIJ SUi�'iIT-UNVE�.SITY PROJECT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 18, 1966 � tILEU � '66 FES �8 P�+ 4 17 CIT'Y CLr���'�S �9����� SA1�1T f'�s�?, ���}ffr' i � HOUSING AND RED�VELOPI+�NT AUZ`I��P.ITY OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNIP�v APPLICATION Table of Contents Cnde No. Form Hm6100 Survey & Planning Application R-101 Form H�-6101 Urban Renewal Area Date R 102 Report on Urban Renewal Area R-103 Descrip:.�ion of Local Housing SuppZy R 104 Community Requirements Date R 111 Rehabilitation and Conservation Data R-115 Community Organization R 116 Estimate of Federal Grant R-121 Local Financing for Cities of Less than 50,000 R-122 Form H 627 Survey � Planning Budget R-131 Form H-630 Staffing and Salary Schedule R-132 � Form H-681 Contract Items R-133 Narrative Supporting Budget R 134 Nature and Source of Planning Funds R-135 • Form A-6103A Legal Report R-141 Form H 6103B Legal Report R-142 Documentation Supporting Legal Report R-143 Resolution of Applicant R-144 Resolution of Governing Body R-145 LPA Land Acquisition Policy Statem�nt R-146 � � ___��� _ -�-.:z- , R ini . � � • COBE R-103 - Report on Urbgn Rene���al A;ea 6. T�ap of pro�ect is a�tached showin�: a. Project boundaries. - b. General d�stribution of blight and deterioration in project and surrounding area. R�103 -8-� � �� , �' � 7. Flood Conditions -- The area is a minimum of 200 feet above the Mississippi Rf.ver and is not . subject to f looding, with the exception of local ponding during heavy rain storms. This wi11 be corrected by the construction of new storm sewera dur- ing the execution of the project. 8. University or Hospital Provision -- _ No facilities of this nature are contemplated within the project area. 9. Desi nation of the Area -- No Planning Board designation is required at this time, although this proposal is cons3stent with the3.r public material. 10. Unusual Topo�raphic or Subsoil Condition -- _ A topographic map is submitted under Item 5 of this code. In the con- struction of the Central Public Housing Project, Mian. 1-S and Neill Public Houaing Project, Minn. 1-7, within the pro3ect area, no uausual subsoil conditions that would mater3a11y affect the pro�ect were found. 11. Reduction in Minority Housin$ -- Although a sizable number of Negro families will be displaced, there will be no net reduction in housing available to Negroes. By state law, all housing within the city is available to non-whites. Medium income apartments are to be built in both the Cathedra]. I and the Western Redevelopment Area, both iu�ediately east of this pro,ject. The Dunedin Public Housing Pro�ect, Minn. 1-9, with 144 elderly and 88 family units, will be opened in 1966. An additional 800 units of public houaing are schedule for Saint Paul. � � I��JUSIN�G APdD RLDEVELOPTiE?�i'�' piJzH�RIT'� 0i TIiE CY1Y �F 5t1INT PAUL, rIII�E50TA SiJr.VEi� A�ib PI,AI�'LdTNG APPLiC�1T30N COBE R-104 - Description of the Local Housing Supply R-Z04 . • � R-104 - LOC_A� N��SINC GUPILY (1) Fo��m H-6101 incorporated in Section P.�102. ' (2) a. According to the U. S. Census of Honsing, 1960, there are 90,228 standard and 12,098 substand�rd housing units in the City. Of the 87,857 standard occupied units, 85,790 �re occuQied by white • and 2,600 are occu�ied by n�n-wh•Lte persons. Of the 10,870 sub- standard occupied units in the City, 1Q,336 are occupied by whites and 534 are occupied by non-�hite persons. b. There �re approximat�ly 4�,425 p��vate rent�l hou3ing ur_its in Sain� Paul accdrding to the �. S. C�nsus of Housing: 19$0, and Bureau ot Public Building and Department of Parks and Recreation. According to a survey conducted for the Federal Housing Admzni- stration by the Post Office De�a rtment, there were ap?roximately 1,7Z6 apartment units under construction in October, 1964. There are currently 1,950 pLblic ho�ssing units in operation, and 233 units under construction. c. Although the annual turnover rate of private rentals and sales is not available, the current relocation program has experienced ,' little difficulties and estimates an increaaed vacancy rate. The � U. S. Census of Housing: 1960, indicates that 5.9% of the home- owners in 1960 moved into their units in 195T, 6.0% in 1958, and 8.4% in 1959. Of the renter-occupied unit3, 8.6% moved in in 1957, 13.8% in 1958, and 39.8% in 1959. The numbers of unit turnover in the 1,328 public housing units in operation from 1962 to 1964 is as follows: Year Unit �urnover % of Total 1962 338 25.5% 1963 384 28.9% 196G 380 28.b7o d. According to the U. S. Census of Housing: 1960, 5.1% of a1Z rental housing units are vacant and avai�able for r�r.t, and 2.5% of sale housing is vacant. According to the FHA survey referred tA in b. above, 5.0% of all apartment units and 0�9% of all other housing units were vacant and available in October, 1464. e. The number of private and public residential units constructed dur- P�-10!� � � ing the last G�ao yet�?'3 i.s as follows; Year PubZic r vat.e 1963 242 1�258 1964 , 341 2;088 �, �'� � All housin� ui�its in tha City are avai�a{1�1� �t! boith �white and noa-whit� c�iie to �t'�e �nactment of the '�inhesot� Act l�gainst Discrimination". , (3) Forms H-527 and H-681 �ncluded in R-130 ser�.es. �4) Relocatioa payment estimate included in R-121. R�104 � • HOUSING AI�ID RLDEVEIAP�NT AUTHORITX OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIDTIv'ESOTA , SURVEY Aiv� PLANNIP:G APPLICAxIOI� CbBE R�I�1 � Cbmniunity Requi�emen�e Data � ' R-111 • • R-111 - G'ommuniCy �equirements ,� A "Wor�C�ble Program fo'r t�ie City of Saint Paul" has been certified by the Flotisfng �nd Aoni� Fihance Administration Administrator and recertific�t�ot1 ia currently in effect. R-111 � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTIiORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-115 - Rehabilitation and Conservation Data R-115 � • 1�=115 ' R��iABZLITATION 'AI�D CONSEI�VATION DATA Ai P'reliminary evidence that each of the required factors listed in Sec- tion 12-1-2 for the proposed treatment is present. 1. All properties to remain in the project area appear structurally sound and are of a sufficient design and state of repair to econ- omically allow upgrading to Property Rehabilitation Standards, such as those described in "Minimum Property Standarda for IIrban Renewal Rehabilitation" - FHA No. 950. 2. The flat terrain and the proximity to the employment centers of the state capital, dowatown, the Western Redevelopment Area, and University Avenue make it a desirable residential location. All of these areas can be reached ia 15 minutes or less by either bus or suto. The commercial services of University Avenue and Selby Avenue are within five blocks of the center of the project. Settlement houses, the Board of Education, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and churches in the area have either begun to improve their services and facilities, or have expressed a • desire to do so. 3. The land use pattern is basically good. Although there is an excessive number of through streets, the pattern caa be adapted to a more desirable residential system very easily. These items are also covered in Code R-103, Item S. B. Results of limited exterior survey - See R-103 (6) map entitled, CONDITION OF STRUCTURES. R-115 • ' • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION Code R-116 - COMMUNITY ORGADiIZATION � � 1�-'116 DIAGNOSTIC STUDY During the survey and planning periqd the Authority intends to identify those fami.lies who have serious social and/or economic problems who live in the project area. These families will be identified through, cooperation of the Ramsey County Welfare Board, the St. Paul Police Department and the various private social service organizations that operate in the neighborhood. The Authority intends to provide referal service for all prob- lem families whether they are to be displaced or not. The Authority intends to contract with either the Ramsey County Welfare Board or a private social service organization to carry out the development of this program and to begin servicing these families as soon as they are identified. R-116 � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPP�NT AT3THORITY OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t�IINNESOTA 5�JRV$Y AND PLANNINC� API'Lx�A�ION CODE R-121 - Estimate of Federal Grant R-121 � . R-121 - Estimate of Federal Grant for SUNfNII�-UNIVER$I�'Y Real Estate Purchases $.14,505,000 Administration 895,300 Legal Services 100,000 Survey and Planning (Form H-627) and Selby-Dale GNRP, Minn. R-17 (GN) 953,523 Rehabilitation Costs 1,250,000 Relocation Expense 190,000 Disposal, Lease Retention 50,000 Site Clearance 1,200,000 Interest 1,500,000 Subtotal $20,643,795 Contingencies 223,825 Non-Cash Grant-in-Aid 9,949,808 Gross Project Cost $30,817,428 Disposition Proceeds 1,700,000 Net Project Cost $29,117,428 Federal Share $19,411,61�3 Local Share $ 9,705,810 Non-Cash Grant-in-Aid $ 9,949,808 Cash Grant-in-Aid $ -0- Relocation Grant $, 443,000 Total Capital Grant and Relocation Grant $19,609,620 Rehabilitation Grant $ 300,000 R-121 � • E,S�TIf�fATT� ,OF �'EA�RA�:GRADIT �TiJ�'�O�T�NG DATA 1. Real Estate Purchases . The Authority has identified 1,210 properties which, for various reasons stated in Code 103, Item 3, are likely to be acquired. A list of these prop- erties was then suumitted to the Authority's Real Estate Acquisition office, wiio has recently com- pleted the acquisition of the properties in the Cathedral I Urban Renewal Project, Minn. R-25, lo- cated adjacent to the Project. As a result of these past acquisitions, it is �he feeling of the Authority that he is most familiar with property values in the area, and is well qualified �o estimate the acquis- ition coszs of properties which would be involved in che Project. The Authority's Real Estate Acquis- ifion supervisor examined each property in the field and estimated the cost of each of these properties on an individual basis. The composite of all of the real estate purchases identiiied in the preliminary survey of the condition of properties amounts to $14,505,000. $14,505,000 R-121 � • 0 2. Administration Dstimated at 6% of the cost of the real estate pur- � �� � � • , , chases, pliis $lOb per structure Co b� rehabilita�ed � $8�5,30b� $ 895,300 �. L�gal Expense Based on current experience: One Assistant Staff Counsel and one Clerk Steno for 8 years, approximately $ 100,000 4. Survey and PlanninQ - Form H-627 $810,681 � .... , - Selby-Dale GNRP 142,8.44 $ 953,525 5. Rehabilitation Cost 2,500 structures at $500/structure $1,250,000 6. Relocation Costs Based on current experience: 30% of Relocation and Community Service Staff salary and 10% of Business Claims, Relocation Staff salary for 6 years, approximately. $ 190,000 7. Disposai Lease and Retention Costs � Based on .current experience: 25% of Disposition Staff salary for 8 years $ 50,000 8. Site Clearance Past experience of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has indicated that buildings can be re- moved for approximately 3p per cubic foot. Since the average size of a structure within this area is approximately 30,000 cubic feet, the average cost of demolition per structure would average out around $900. In addition to this, the �ack- ' filling of the �asement hole is estimated at R-121 � � approximately $i00 per structure. This results in an average demolition cost of approximately $1,000 � � per structure. - 1,200 structures x $1,000 -- $1,200,bb0 9. Ynterest Expense Based on current experience: Average �,000,000 at 3% for eight years $1,500,000 10. Contingencies The estimate of this item is based on 25% of tae administrative cost of carrying out the program. 25% is used 5ecause of the preliminary nature of the estimates within this category. 25% of $895,300 -- $ 223,825 11. Non-Cash Grants-in-Aid Project Site Improvements - All to be Constructed During Execution Based on estimates of t�e City Public Works Depart- ment - needed street resurfacing, plus curb and gutter replacement for the project and creditable to project ccst would be $3,560,399 (see attach- ment) $3,SS0,399 67,700 lineal feet of alley surfacing at $5.00 per lineal foot + 20% engineering and contingency $ 406,200 Needed sidewalk replacement, 200,450 lineal feet at $2.61 per foot + 20% engineering and contin- gency. $ 627,709 New sidewalk, no existing sidewalk, 2,000 lineal feet at $2.25 per foot + 20% Engineering and con- tingency - $ 5,400 Utility modifications - $ 150,000 Street lighting, signing, signals, trees and miscellaneous street iurniture - $ 150,000 R-121 � � Widening Dale to 120' right-of-way from Univer- sity Avenue to south project boundar�, t�as�d on I Public Works price lists - $31.00 pe�' l�neal fobt - $5,500 feet + 2�% enginee�ing and contin- gency - $ 204,600 New storm sewers - estimate from Public Works Department. $2,000,000 Total Non-Cash Grant-in-Aid project improvements $7,104,308 Public Facilities: (All to be constructed during execution with the exception of the Vocational- Technical School which was started on Novemoer 30, 1954) - New or enlarged parks and playgrounds at $10,000 per acre for preparing and eligible improvement- ing of new playground area: . Hill School Playground 1.3 acres = $18,000 at 100% credit $ 18,000 Maxfield School Playground .6 acre = $(i,000 at 100% credit $ 6,000 Marshall, W�bster School Play�round 18.1 acres = $181,000 at 70% credit $ 126,700 Oxford Playground 2.7 acres = $27,000 at 50% credit $ 13,500 New McKinley School Playground 12.4 acres = $124,000 at 70% credit $ 86,800 New Elderly Park 2.4 acres = $24,000 at 100% credit $ 24,000 � Total Parks and Playground Credit - $ 275,000 New or enlarged or renovated public schools. Needs and costs are taken from the report ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOL PHYSICAL PLANT NEEDS by the Bureau of Field Studies and Surveys, College of Education, University of Minne- sota, September, 1965: R-121 • � Vocational-�ecnnical Hi�h S.chool $6,500,000 at lOb/o credi�t '_ $650,000 $ G50,000 New �IcI�inley Elementary, $.chool $750,000 at 50% credit = $375,000 $ 375,000 Addition to Marshall Junior Higi1 Sctiool $400,000 at 70% credit - $280,000 $ 280,000 Addition to Maxfield Elementary School $265,500 at 100% credit - $265,500 $ 265,�00 New Hill Elementary School $750,000 at 70% credit = $525,000 $ 525,000 Rehabilitation of Webster Elementary School To restore it to current standards - $100,000 at 100% credit = $100,000 $ 100,000 Total School Credit -- $2,570,500 Total Supporting Facilities Credit -- $2,845,000 Total Non-Cash Grant-in-Aid $9,949,808 12. Disposition Proceeds 3,000,000 sq. ft. of residential and in- stitutional land at .30 per sq. ft. a $900,000. 800,000 sq. ft. of commercial land at $1.00 per sq. ft. _ $800,000 $1,700,000 13. Relocation Grant 2,000 families at $100/family $ 200,000 80 business ared industrial firms at $1,000 per firm $ 80,000 40 business displacement claims at $2,500 $ 100,000 300 individuals at $10 per person $ 3,000 Relocation adjustment payments - 300 fam- ilies at $200 per family $ 60,000 $ 443,000 14. Rehabilitation Grants It is estimated that approximately 2,500 residential structures will be reha�ilitated. R-121 � � Based on the relocation survey conliu�ted bj� the Authority in the �NRP, ft is est�.m�tCd tha� 15b0 o� these are owaer=occupied anc� tih�t 300 b� tK�se 1� o�tners earii l�ss than $4,000 per year. 300 x ad average grant of $1,000 = $300,000 $ 300,000 SO7TRCE dF LOCAL SHARE -- The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota is authorized to bond up to $13,730,000 for Urban Renewal in the Downtown Project and the Selby-Dale and Riverview GNs. Approximately $5,500,000 is avail- . able for this program. The $2,000,000 of sewer work is being programmed by the City Public Works Department and will be paid by the City as will also the $2,500,000 of school construction work. The Authority also has a redevelopment tax levy fund that can provide additional local cost, if necessary. � R-121 . � — .� - � .�;;t.— , �.. ,s. ,,,,- �' � • . . . . . �r .�.��!'�•' . ... ..�, :l y. !S' ,�� � ' .�• • .t , .�� . +t � ' � - a ' e .'y.� ' . . . . �f .! � � � '1 '�., •.�i.�� . .,, .. . • ' ` � . . . 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SELRY - DALE - EAST - WEST STRF.FTS - �-' ASSUPiED UNLISTED STREETS TO I3E 32' � � • ' � � � ; � ' • i . • . . ' ' e . . ' , '• .. . �. � . i . , � � � • �u,_, rf�Qe Cu�l� lJ�.�l� t i��;�1 �'st ma d �'dt� ' ��;��t_s___ __ _ (�xietinu) �Exis�ini►) (�xf.geinr) N'� . C:nKt, N'r . CnRr - - .� - ' � a • . L'niversity Ave. - Western To, Lexington � 1.5 mi. � . � � . } , . ' . � . ;. /',uror�� Ave: - Western To Lexington � 1.5 mi. • ,', . a. Lexington Co ChaCaworth �- B I - A ' • 1,320 $ 8,35 $11�022 : a, Cl�atsworth to VicC� - B I - (B=C) � ' ' 1�320, � 14�20 ' ' 18� 744 . c. Victoria to Grotto - B I - (�-S) • , �.,320 10,00� � ' .13�200 �, Gr�kk9 ca A�la ,, • D � � (�,�) 1��?n �,4 � 20 � ' ��,� '44 ' c, U�1� td Markubin . - � III - (B) 1,320 � 10.00 � � 13,200 . .' , f. �fackubin to Weatern - B TII - B ' 1�320 10.00: • • 0 13,200 • ' i • Fuller Ave. - Western To Lexington �, 1.5 mi. '� • - . a . . . b, k .1. I.exin�;ton to Oxford - B None'� , 660 ' 14, 20 9�372 • • ;� I�. OxC�rd to Chetsworth - B � I � B 660 10.00 ,�' , . '6�600 ' �- �• Ct�aCsworth tg Vict. , -' A ' . I - (A-B) � � . 1�320 10.00, 13,200 � d. Victoria to GrotCO A - B I - B • 1�320 • 10.0Q' � 13�200 � e. Gro�to to Dale - B I - (B-C) � 1,320 14.20 � 18,744 ' • •r� f. bale to Mackubin r - B III - B 1,320 � 10.00 .13,200 �' �;. :tac�ubin to Western, � - C III - B , • 1�320 10.00 � 13,200 � ; • . � Gentr��l Ave. - Western To Lexington D 1.5 mi. � ' �- r � . k. a� Western to Mackubin I - (A-B) III - B � • 1�320 17.50 23� 100� i: b. ►��ckubin to Dale I - B TII - B , � • 1�320 • 17.50 ° 23, 100 �. c . Dale to St. Albans I - B I - B 660 17.50 11,550 � : d. Sc. Albans to Grotto II - B I - B 660 18.00 � . 11�880 . . � e. Grotto to Lexin6ton I - (A-B) T -Ii � 3,960 17.50' ,., 69,300 F� . . � o . � Carroll Ave. - Arundel To I:exington s 1.4 mi. , , . � • ti ' • . } a. Arundel to Dale I - C' I7I - B 30' 1,980 : 3G.00 . � 71,260 ' � �• b. Da le to Lexin�;ton TV - C IV - C' S,280 � • 13.80 � • 72�864 �. (est.) , . , . . . ' • �� I�;lenart - Arundel To Lexington � 1.4 mi. , • ' �' • . , ; � a. Arundel to Dale I - (A-I3) TIT •- i5 30' 1�980 16.00 31,680-. :` f . } i�. D�le eo Chatsworth I - (A-B) III - � . ' 30' 3�960 . • 16.00 ; 63�36�0 • • � c. Ci�atswoi•th to Lexin�COn T - (A-B) III - I3 30' 1�320 16.00._ 21�120 , • ; e . . . ; . . • , ' ' •�'' � _ - _ . - ' • n ' ' . �.. �. — -- , ._ . -- . . • , ' • . . . . �. f,. _ , . . , (1) `. ; _ . , , _ ._ _ -.- -- - , . - ---.--._...._ :-� ; ' . _ .. . ; • ' ' ' � _ r � ' ..� • � .� � b ' g ' � , . ' I ' • i ' •. • • • , . ! . • r • � ' ' . T -- � - � , , _ - . ' a . ,._- ' � • . � 6 , . , � . , Surface Curb Widtl� Lensth Estimat�d ,Total � , - _ S�r��ets (Existin�) (Existi.n�) . (Existin�;) Fe. � Cost/Ft. Cost ' t, ° , . . ' • ' t ;:,�rsh�ll - Arundel To �,e�t��tgto�_�- 1�4 rt�i. • • ,�. ,1rt�nde 1 to Dale I '- (A-B) II - B 32' 1,980 $17.50 • $34,650� b. Dale to Grotto ' I - (A-B) II - S 32' ' 1�320 17.50 , 23,100 . ' c. Grotto to Victoria . I - (A-B) III - B 32' � 1,320 , 17.50 ti ' 23�100 , � d: Victoria to Chatsworth ' I - A III - B ' 48' ' 1,320 � • 9.50 �., , 12,540 � e. C}ia t swor th to Lexington • I -A , I - B 52� ' 1�320 , 10.50� .' , • 1,3�860 . f , . . , � � ,. . . •�. . , , i . , i� .. - , � ' - � �, , Da con - Summit ro Lexington � 1.9 mi.. , , , � ' � ' � '' . ' � , a . a. Lexin�ton to Chatsworth I - (A-B) I - B . 32' . 1,320 17.50 '' ,�: 23,100 . . b. Cl�a�sworth to� Victoria l - (A-B) II - B � 32' 1�320 17.50 ' • 23, 100 • � c. Victoria to Dale I - A II - B 36' 2�640 8.00, '` 21, 120 d. Dale to Western I - A II - B 36' , � 2,640 8.00 ,' 21,120 . ' e. Western to Summit I - B II - C • 36' 2�060 ' 19.00 39�140 • : • . 'o ' ' • , ' � . . : • , � Selby - Summit To Lexington � 1.9 mi. , � � • ' � , e . . �. a. Summi t to Dale I - A I - A 46' 4,75.0 7.00 , � � 33,250 ..( o. Da�e to Victoria l - A I - (A-B) 46' 2,640 7.00• 18,480 , . �, 46' � ' 2�640 7.00� � 18,480 : � �'E c. Victoria to �.exington I - A I - (A-B) , , . o �'� � . : i � . � Ha�;ue � Lexington To Dale � 1 mi. � , o V �; f a. Lex�,n�ton to Victoria r I - B I - C � 30' 2,640 � 16.00 , 42,240� . ;. b.�Via�oria to Dale �' Y - (A-B) I I I - B 3 0' 2,64 0 16.00 , .42�240 ' � •� ;� a , , , ; . � Laurel: - Nina To Lexington � 1.7 mi. , � ' F :k= a. Ni�ia to Dale •I - 'C II _ C 32' 3,700 37.30 , 138,O10 �_ 'a, D���lr• to Viceoria , I - B II B �30' 2,640 16.00 42,�240 L c, Victo:ia to Lexington I - B III - Ii 30' 2�G40 ' 16,00 42,240 • ; s` Ashland - Wesrern To Lexington Q 1.5 mi. ; ' • ' ' � �. Weslei'n to D.�le I - C II - B 32' � 2�640 37.30 ° 98�472 � �. D.�lc eo Oxford I • B III - 13-C 30' 4,620 16.00 • �3,.920 �•• � c. Oxford to Lexfn�ton I - B I - I� 32' 6G0 •17.50� • 11,550 . �. . . �.� , o� . . Holly_ Ave. - Western To Victoria' s 1.0 mi� � ' . • ' ' � '� a. Western to Dale ' I - (B-C) II - I3 32' 2,640 37.30 * . .98,472 '' i= b. Dale to Victoria Y � (A-B) IIa. - C . 30' � 2,640 16.00 ; 42.,244"• :. , �, . . , • ' �" � . - . .' ' , • • ". � , � . . . � . ' � iR � � � 1 l , � � , • � , � L ��� � . . . . .. ' �, . . �o , � , . , � . , . • . ' , �, , . - � - • � , . _ - . • • • . . , • _ , � • '+ .. —.. •'-• - '• , ,- .. - _ _ . ._ •- _ .' ,_ • � „ c ` . • . . . , � . • � � ' , • , .� �• , , , • , , ' , ; . . � .G ' ., . I j , v 1 � � r . � . ' . Surface CUrb � Width LenFth Estima_Ced Total ' � Strccr.s � _ExistinF� (Existin�� (Existin�;) Ft, � Cost/Ft�� Cost � . ` i o:; I n»ct - Western To �.ex�ngton a 1.5 mi. , . . a. tdestei-n to Mackubin I - C IT - B 34' 1,320 $3���.50. •• $50,82� F b. �tackubin to Dale � I - (A-B) II - B . 34' 1�320 18.00�. � 23,764 ' c. Dale to Lexington I - (A-B) II - A " 30' . 5,280 16.00 � � ' 84,480 ; � • S Surrmi� Ave. - Selby To St. Albans � 1.2 mi. � .. � , , � � '� • • , a. Selby to Farrington I = (A-B) II - B'a ' ' 4A' 1,'600 22.50,•� : 36,000 , � tw b, Farrington to Arundel I - (A-B) II - B ' � 48i 2,250 22.50� �• 50�625 • � c. Arundel to St. Albans •� • . , • ` � • ,48' � ' 2,640 22.50 , ' . 59,400 . �� ' ' 'r ' � �, � ' � ' ', ' '' l . . • • � � ', . � , , - , - Sub-Total � ! $1,816�609 ' � � • • , , � ' � � , � Contirngenciea lOx • 181,661 . ' . � ' , . En�ineerinb 10y. ' • 181,661 ' . . � • . . � ,. � ; • . . • , ' � Total ° , 2 179 931 ' , • ; Portland from St. Albans to Milton is a boundary street. . � ' ' ,�; • = Therg£ore, aubstract $21,120 - plus contingencies and, ' . , 6 engi�eering -- _ - ;:- ° -' � • Total Credit ` � $2,154,587• . r . . . . � • �--- - - --- -----� - _.__ . .. . ' . - -. _ _ __._ , _ .__ � _." _.: __�_.:_,.. : ' � . - -� . � . � . . � -�� r- - � , . . , , � � . � . . . ��: _ -- - . .. . - - - - . . � . . . s __ _, -. --.. , . , , ' . ,�,, o � ; : • ,;' �v _ �, � _. _�_..�_ � ._ _ .___ _ _.. ._ _.._ ._.. - - - �� . ----.._. ..� j ; ... .. . , ; . .. _� - � - -..---_�-- -. .._ --_-.' ' � - -- -�--- �....--._ �,.�... _.. .:.' ._..`. .. .. � .,�...... . ..' . � . , �� , _ _ '�� � ,k �' .. . , .— . • , ., , . ` . . , � • , , � , • - • � • . . � � � - • � • , ' . • , � � � , ���. � . ' . . . :� - . . ' , . (3) • , , �, .;' ' . ' , . 't • ° • • • , � •• . � .' , : : • . ' . • , � , � , . • , . . , . . ; . �� . • ., . . � � , , • '. • • '�.._, n . . , , . � ' � , �. �: '� ' . t. • ' • ' ' ' ' �, • • _' , •. � r f . •. . :. , , ,' . . • . , . ' • . � , � ' ' ' • i _ � a . ' � � . � � ' � � , . � � • , • . � t � ; SELBY - DAL� - \�i:T'ri - SOUTH STT'.EETS , .. --� ASSUi�D UNLISTGD STREETS i0 13E 32' ' . . � r , � , ' � Su_ rface C��1�b Wic�.th Len�*yth st, ated Total � St�`eet� (Exintins�) (1:xir,einfi) (t,xiriCi.nfi) P't, ' Cont �'t. Cost . ' , w T,exin�ton - Portland To Univerafty a .9 mi. � � i , a. Portland to Selby I - A T - A eat.70' 1,400 $10.60 $14,840 b. Selby to I.S. ��94 I • A III - B �0' 1,700 36.OQ 61,200 (Carroll) - c. I.S. �94 to University I - A I - A • 70' 1�300 10.60 13,780 Oxford - Portland To �University � .9 mi. . . a. Portland to Laurel - B I - C � 800 14.20 11,360 � b. Laurel to Dayton - B None _ 900 14.20 . 12,780 � � c. Daytpn to Marshall -• B _. .- - I --- B � ---� " " - -' - -"� 400-���` 10�00 -�--`-"-�4;000 � d. Mars�all to I:S. �94 � � B T - (B-C) � 1�000 14.20 � : 14,200 . � e. I.S. '.��� 94 to UniversiCy � • ' 1,300 14.20 18,460 � , , . . � f� . . _ . . .. .- • ' � + ' � , G Chatsworth - Portland To University-���.9��mi. � , ns _ - - � - . - . �.� a. Port�and to Selby - f � -"B ' " 'ITI _- B .. ---�-- --i• -�-- - -1,400-'"" 10.00� '�'°�" ''1,400 -�� ---- -+-- --- -- - - - .....� r � b. Se lb�% to Dayton -. ...•.. - -�C � � None � � -' 300 , .. 14.20 ; _ 4,260 c. Day�on to Marahal L ---- -�---�----- -�B � = � T -�I �= B 1"side -.: _.-'_ .- " . --"� 400 � . �� 12.00 a 4,800 �_, d. Narshall to Iglehart - - - B�- "� � I - (A-B) ' 350 10.00 � � . 3.500 � e. Igl�hart to T.S. �� 94 - B None � '. 650 10.00 � 6,500 , � f. I.S. �� 94 to University . , � . 1,300 10.00 � 13,000 •• Milton - Portland To University � .9 mi. ' . � • ' } � . a. Portland to Ashland - B I - B ' 400 10:00 4,000 � ° b, Ashland to Selby - B - I - B 1,000 10.00 10,000 ��� c. Selby to Marshall - B • T - -C � • ' ., 700 14.20. 9,940� ' d. Marshall to I'.S. 4� 94 - B I - C 1,000 • � 14.20 � 14,200 e. I.S. �� 94 to University 1,300 14.20 18�460 Victoria - Portland To Univeraity � .9 mi. - � ' a. Port��nd eo Dayton III - C III - B 32' � 1.900 15.25 28,975 :`�, b. Daytor� to Marshall I - (A-B) IYI - B ' 32' . 400 15.25 6,lOC� � . :tarstiall to I.S. �� 94 ' . 32' , I,000 15.25 15,250 . :. I.S. �� 94 to University 32' 1,300 15.25 19,825 r 'isk - I.aurel To Aurora � .7 mi. . c �. Laurel to I.S. �� 94 - B � None 2�300 14.20 32,66d � . I.S. � 94 to Aurora '950 ' 14.20 13�490' , • � � ' � { : S J • .. r �1� . . . � � , • • ' � -- - � • • ` i Surface Curb � Width Len�th Estimated Total Strcets (ExistinR) (Existin�;) (Existinp,) Ft. Cost/FC. Cost Avon - Portland To University d .9 mi: . � a. :'ortland to Laurel . 30' . 1�000 $10.00 � • $10,00G b. Laurel to Selby - B III - B 30' 600 10.00 6�000 c. Selby to Marshall - B III - B 30'• 700 10.00 7,000 d. �farst�all to Iglehart ' - B None • 30' ._ _ . 350 14.20 • 4,970 e. Iglehart to I.S. � 94 - B I=C:���J. Side 30' 650 14.20 �- � 9,230 •� - (No►ie E. Side) ' f. I.S. �� 94 to Univeraity , . 1,300 14.20 18,460 � - - - - - . .. - ' } Grotto - Portland To University�� �.9 mi. , ' a, Portland to Selby _ _�_- B_.. .. - - � III --B -�'� � �� 30' ' � 1�600 �10.00 �;`� 16,000� [� b. Selby to Dayton- � -' B _ III - B.. . ' � 30' ' - - 300 _ 10.00 3,000 0 :,. _ .. .. c. Dayton to Iglehart� � "���"�"�" � = B � _.,._ .III _- B.� __ . :��.�30'� ,. . ,. 750 ' 10.00.� . ' 7,500 �, d. Iglehart to �e�� �� �4 _-�--� No�l� • �A� ' � ��0 �4��C� , 9�230 � �� Y:s: �� 94 t� Uiti�e��fti� . � i,��oa i�.�e � . i�,a6� - _ . . �, , , St. Albans - Summit �o University � 1.0 mi. ' ' ` � . • • . r a. Sum�nit to SelUy - B III - B �� 30' }1,900 8.65 � 16,435 b. Selby to Dayton • - C ITI'- B � •30' ' 300 13.80 4,140 c. Day,ton to Marshall . , - B III - B 30' • 400 8.65 3,460 d. Ma�shall to �gleharC - B III - B ' 30' 350 13.80 4,830 e. Igl�hart to I.S. �� 94 I - C I - (B-C) 30' , , 650 36.00 23,400 f. I.Ss. �� 94 to University � 30' 1,300 36.00 ' 46,800 ` � , � ' . Dale = Summit To Univereity � 1.0 mi. � � - . , , �, � � � ' ' � 2�, Suiamit to CenCral ' I - A Y - A � 40� 3,900 6.00 23,400 • � b. Central to University I - A . I - A � , 40' � � 1,000 6.00 6�QJ0 , . �Cent - Summit To Univeraity � 1.0 mi. ' . ` a. Sucr�►it to Ashland I - B II - A 32' ' 1,100 17.50 � 19,250 b. Ashland to Selby I - B II - A � • ,' 32' 800 . 17.50 • 14�000 , c. Selby to Marshall I - C II -� A 32' 700 - 37.30 26�110 ? d. Marshall to I.S. �� 94 32' �1,000 17.50 17,500 e. I.S:� �� 94 to University : 32' 1,300 17.50 a 22�150 f ,� - r :fackubin - Summit To Univereity a� 1.0 mi: ' `' ' -�,-; ' . �� a, Summ'i.t to Marshall Y - C : YI - B 30' 2,600 37.30 96,980 �� b. Mar��jall to I.S. ��94 30' � 1,000 37.30 37,300 � c. I.S�;.��� 94 to Univeraity . 30' . 1,300 37.30 48.�490 � � f. , , . . , . • • . . ' - � �Y . , t - ' ' � ,� . � . . -� , • , • . , • � . . . ' . G � ' � , � . � ' t �. , �2� ' , � i , - �. • . , . ._ . .. . . �' M _> . • • . Surface Curb Width Len�th Estimated Total Streets � Existin�)' (Existing) (Existing) Ft. , Cost/Ft. Z� Arundel - Summit To University � .1:0 mi: : , � ' " Y , ,� � • •-- - � I a. Sunnit to Ho1Ty '" :-� - �. .---�- '�-Z __.0 -.--= YZ- .�� B-- -� � ��32' � � ' 700 � $37.30 ✓ $26,110 . I b, Holly to Marshall � - � �� - � ��� �j�QQ 37,�0 ' �0�870 �. �:�"rs"ii��� to T.S. �� 94 , ' 32' 900 37.30 ;,. 33,570 d. I.S. �� 94 to University � 32' . 1�300 37.30 48,490 , Western Ave. - Summit To Marahall� CenCral To University � .7 mi. ! �' � � . � a. Sunnit to Laurel I - B IIT - B 40' 1,050 17.50 18�375 � i b. Laurel to Selby I - B IT - B 40' 450 17.50 7,875 { c. Selby to Dayton I - B �I - A 40' . 300 , 17.50 5,250 � d. Dayton to Marahall I - B I -B E. Side 40' ' 400 17.50 7.000 . � • ' TI - B W. Side � , � e. St. Anthony to University I - B I - (B-C) 40' 1,300 17.50 22�750 , � �� � ;L� ■ �ucnmi,� To Mar�hei� • ,35 mi. , � a. Sum�nit to Marshall II - C II - B � 32' '1,750, 18.00 31,Si�0 ' , . � Farrin�;ton - Summft To Marshall � .25 mi. � ; ' ' � a. Suqunit to Marshall I - B - C II - B 32' � 1�500 37.30 55,950 k ;s . i � vina � Summit To Selby Q .13 mi. � " • � , t a. Sununit to Selby I - C II - B 32' � 750 37.30 27.975 � � ; . ; Louis - Dayton - To Marshall � .06 mi. . " , . . � a. �Dayton to Marshall •, 30' 300 37.30 11,190 ! ' 4 Subtotal $1�244�580 " � • Contingencies 107. ' 124�458� � , , Engineering 10% � 124,458 � ' • � - - Total �. $1,493,496 � • . � . . ' t. Grand Total (ALL) ' ` $3,673,427 ; � , f. E � All of Lexington, Arundel from Marshall Co U.S. � - -- • � � �t �94, and Western from St. Anthony to University ' � � ' • , t are boundary streets. Therefore;�subtract $73,070 ' � " � `" t - plus contiagencies and engineering -- . �' (3) Total Credit North- t_ _ _ -�- ' � South Streets $1,405,812 � ' Total Credit - " ' • All Streets . .- $3,560,399 , . . , w�. o , . . � - -- " �� ' • � H�iJSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNIrIG APPLICAT�ON CODE R-122 - If the locality has a population of less than 50,000 locality finance data. NOT APPLICABL� R-122 � • HOUSING A1VD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TH� CI'�Y bF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNIIZG APPI,ICATION CODE R-131 - Form H-627, Survey and Planning Budget � R-131 r i Form approved �6� � Bndget Burean No. 63-R726.6 (2-61) PROJECT LOCALITY I � HOUSING AND HO�E FINANCE AGENCY ' URBAN RINEWAL ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' i i PROJECT NAME' ' ; SURVEY AND PLANNING BUDGET ' INSTRUCTIONS: Initial Budget: Prepare ori6inal and 5 eopies for BdFA. PROJECT NUMBER (if knomn) BUDGET NUMBER i Su6ait original and 2 eopies in Binder No. 1, copies in Binders N4. 2, 3, and 4. Revised Budget: If uith aaendatory application, follor "Initial iBud6et" instructions. Othereise, su6ait ori6inai and 2 copies to NHFA. DATE� OF HHF'A BUDGL'T APPROVAIS (CoRpiete for revision only) ' Bndget No. 1, , 19 Latest Approved Budget (No. ), , 19_ ' TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TO BE FILLED I USE ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGETS IN BY HHFA � LINE BUDGET BUDGET N0. ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION LATEST APPROVED ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED FOR APPROVED FOR BUDGET (�' °� —� 1H MONTNS MONTNS �a) (b) �o) �d) 1 AIRvffNISTRATION: a. ALMINISTRATIVE OVIItHEAD AND SERVICFS (R 1410.01, � E s 335,141 E � R 1410.09, R 1410.16, R 1410.19, R 1416) b. TRAVEL (R 1410.06) 2 OFFICE F[JRNITQRE AND DQIIIHvENT (R 1476) -Q- � 3 IEGAL SERVI� (R 1410.024, R 1416.01) ��_ I � 4 S[TltVEY AND PLANNING (R 1410.021, R 1430) 68�000 I 6 LArTD SURVEYS AND APPRAISAIS (R 1410.022, R 1410.028, R 1440.02, R 1440.04, R 1440.06, R 1446.01) 131�500 i 6 RELOC)ATION PI.ANNING (R 1410.023, R 1443.01) 30�000 � SuB'roTa�. 564,641 I a xr�vE nrm corrrixc�xc� 243,430 9 TOTAL (Line 7 plus 8) S E S 80$�071 S 10 PROJEG�.' INSPFX.T ION FEE (R 141 R) 2,610 11 TOTAL SiJRVEY AND PLArTNING BiJDGEf (Line 9 plus 10) E E E$1��681. E Approval of the Survey and Planning Budget in the amounts and for the time period ehown in Colmm� (c) ie uereby requested. � � , February 18, 1966 � Date ` Signature of Au or'ze fficer � , HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMEPTT AUTHORITY � ! OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Executive Director � � , ' Loeai publie Agency Title � I The Snrvey and Planning Budget ie hereby approved in the amounte and for the time period ehown in Column (d) I The anthorised activitiee ehall be completed by , 19`. 'I ' Date Re6ional Director of Ur6an Renesal, Aesion FHLBB-Waetunglon, D.C. � � , • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-132 - Form H-630, Local Public Agency Staffing and Salary Schedule ' R-132 • • --- ---� � -. . . - '_._ _ I ' i ' -n n - a o . � ��� I � � r �uni�� H pC `" � ~ ` � � Z�I�R' � C o n � � O 1-1 � T C I � y . i : r . H z�D " � � � � � � �' ,. Acn9cnw �c� ►� v� c� c� tia9NKil� w � � �r � , �' � a � _ r,m o� rr r w w E r r� n � cD w ?S � O � `� " :.r i � ' fD C3 N A� 00 F-' F''' (D tD • C) � f� C3 ID W t+'l r o � � rt w w rn �' m rt n n. o w n w � � " � , . � _ x.o m rn w n �' T' 9 � � co � � rr m � � . c� � ' , rt rt co c'� �' n, p r• rr n rr �-t �j d 'c a a ; � VI R1 C� ►i F• CY t!� CA f�� f7 N A� F'� F� ¢� m h � r � rr !!� � O 1 N O rt rr, O W rt rt W C rr � `� t�7 �,Z ., � ' � fD rr ct � W �t P� m cD G, a rt �C r N w , � � �c, , ; � p fD R � 7C H R a � rt p� C ° < a `'O . o a �n � o � a o o rr- n o C r� , �' ''+d tt�� � � o rt co 7�'' 7d - ; �+ w rn w i � � � ,_ � = oo I r _� r' T' (D O = ' a� C rti rt i o a r' • �►, � � �v "' ': rt, �o w co �, , _ ; , � � Z ... � ' �_ (7 -(D rt W ' � W r'S O y t , � ►`�. � �.f 0. � � � 4 G � o n r• � - , a : n .,� -� , . n � �, � ., � o o �. - , . �z �a+ �., -� tu � i �3 P� ►i =_ �. .-'�. 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Vf � ►� �e- . O O O O O� O a � a � o M �'! _ �U O � `C `C `C `C a � � m � w � �i (/� • 1+� p � � i G � i i � • rf N� O�� O ' �r . � — -- j � • � HOUSING AND RED�VELOPMENT AUTF�ORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-134 - Narrative Statement in Support of Budget Estimates R-134 � � R-134 - STA.'�'EMENT SUP�'ORTING FOFc.M. H-527 Costs shown on Form H-627 are justified as follo*�s: �. Administration g. Overhead and Service 1t�1410�01 Salaries (Form H-630) Admiiiistr�ti�t� Salaries $ 12,458 �.ega1 S�l�ri�s $ 10,5�6 5urvey �nt� P1at�ditig �S'al�ries �eve�opmei�t Department � 8,160 ��.i'ector of Planning $ 8,586 Planner - 50% of time $ 7,425 AssisCant Plaaner $10,211 Senior Draftsman $ 8,496 Senior Steno $ 6,278 $ 49,156 The above Survey and Planning Staff will be engaged in the following items with costs based on salary and man hours, as reflected on Form H-630: R-201 Form H-612 $ 150 R-202 Labor Standards 6 R-203 Project Photographs 400 R-211 Community Requirements 100 R-212 Project Area Report 10,000 ' R-213 Urban Renewal Plan 10,000 R-214 Plaaning Proposal 9,000 R-215 Minority Consideration 2,000 R-222 Acquisition Report 3,000 R-224 Project Improvements 10,000 R-225 Disposition Report 2,500 R-226 Budget 2,000 $49,156 Additioaal Survey and Planaing Staff: Assistant Planner $ 9,058 Planner - 50% of time 7,425 13 Rehabilitation Specialists 100,000 Financial Advisor 7,200 2 Clerk Stenos at Site Office 11,700 $135,383 The above staff inembers will be involved in developing the Rehabilitation Staadarda and Program R-221. Salary and maa hours are also reflected on Form H-630 and will be engaged as follows: , R-134 . � % - - -- --� r_ � _ .��: -� • � �_..._ r,.� .� � �-.- ; , , HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOR�TY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNF.SOTA SURVEX AND PLANNiNG APPLICATION COAE R-133 - Form H-681, Survey and Planning Work Acti.vities to be Performed Under Contract R-1.33 • � Initial i.nspection of approximately 4,Q00 structuxes con�acted by 10 Re- habilitation Specialists. Four man hours per structure at $3.50 per hour equals $14.00 per structure. . $14 x �+,000 + �d�/o for wr�tirig up reports = app�oxiai�tely► $ 66,000 Oiie Planc►ei�, � Rehabilitation Spcc'- ialis`ts;� a Fiiiancial Advisor,,arid tw� Clerk Stepo� taill be it1�o�.ver�, in developirig stah�ard� adi� programs a�td �dviain� resideHta on � request basis ddring the �uiwey �nd Planning stage. $ 69.,383 Tota� R-221 Salaries $135,383 Total Survey and Planning Staff Salaries -- $184,539 Land Survey and Appraisal Salaries: Land Staff Salaries $ 7,430 Relocation Planning Salaries: Relocation Staff $ 8,911 � • Business Claims, Relocation $ 6,581 Staff Community Services $ 36,454 $ 51,946 Total Salariea R-1410.01 $266,899 R-1410.09 Retirement Contribution - $266,899 salaries x 7-1/2% $ 20,017 � R-1410.16 Publications 2,000 Relocation Info offset $ 750 1,500 Rehabilitation Info (3) $ 1,500 1,000 Project Info offset (6) $ 6,000 Illustrative Site Plan 3,000 copies offaet $ 3,000 $ 11,250 R-1410.19 Sundry Overhead; Rental of Office Space: -- Central Office $ 1,500 -- Site Office $ 9,000 Site Office Alterations $ 3,000 Site Office L'tilities, etc. $ 1,500 Telephone $ 500 Postage $ 400 R-134 i • � ' . Of£ice Supplies $ 4,000 Blueprinting and Printing $ 3,�00 Photographs $ 500 Insurance $ 400 ' Advertising $ 500 ' Local Meetings $ 800 � Signs $ 600 General Administration $ 500 � $ 26,200 ! , R-1416 -- ' Administrative Service Fee -0- ' R-1410.05 -- Travel: , 3 traveling to Chicago, 5 ! trips @ $75/person $ 1,125 ! Subsistance $ 150 Local Travel - 10,000 miles @ 10¢/mile $ 1,000 $ 2,275 � Office Furniture � Equipment Desks and office furniture for 17 new employees @ $500/employee $ 8,500 Total line la. $335,141 Legal Services � -0- Survey and Planning Planning Contracts (R-212, R-221) , (Contract Items explained on Form H-681) $ 68,000 , Land Surveys and Appraisals R-1440.02 Acquisitioa Appraisals � 1,120 residential @ $75 $ 84,000 90 Commercial and indus- trial @ $150 $ 13,500 Total Acquisition Appraisals $ 97,500 Land Use & Marketability Study $ 20,000 R-134 � i , � � • R-1445.01 Disposition Appraisals, Surveys and Maps -- Reuse Appraisal $ 10,000 Surveys and Maps $ 4,000 $ 14,000 Total Land and Survey $131,500 Relocation Planning $ 30,000 Subtotal $564,641 Reserve & Contingencies . , ' Contingencies @ 25% $141,180 Second Acquisition Appraisal $ 47,250 Tital Information - 75/tract - 600 tracts $ 45,000 Second Reuse Appraisal $_ 10,000 $243,430 TpTAL -- $808,071 Proiect Inspection Fee $ 2,610 Survey and Planning Bud�et $810,681 R-134 • � HOUSING AND REDEVELQPM�NT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAt1L; MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-135 - Statement explaining nature and source of Survey and Planuing funds other than advance of funds applied for on Form H-6100. R-135 • • R-135 Other Funds to Pay Survey and Plaaning Costs No other funds, other than the advance of funds appZied for on Form H-5100, Survey and Planning Application, are to be used to pay any part of tha Survey and Planning costs after the approval of this application. R-135 • � HOUSII�G AI�D REDEVELOPME�IT AUTHORIT� OF THE CIT� OF SAYNT PAUL, MINNESO�TA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-141 Form H-6103A Legal Information Report for Urlian Renewal Pro�ects - Part I. R-141 � i LEGAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT •`'��`' PART I - SLUM CLEARANCE ��ID REDEVELOPMEN? ACTIVITIES `,� A. Name, Organization, and Territorial Jarisdiction of Local Public Agency. 1. (a) The legal corporate name of the Local Public Agency identified in the Application dated � February 18 , ig 66 , is: Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (b) The citations of law respecting such name are as follows: � Minnesota Statutes Annotated (hereinafter cited as M.S.A.) Section 462.425, Subdivisions 1 through 7; Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. 141420, , dated September 12, 1947 • 2. The Local Public Agency was organized on the 1Z d�y of September � 19 41 � under the following laws: . M.S.A. Section 462.425, Subdivisiohs 1 through 7 , � . � Constitutional, statutory, and charter provisions: - ibid 3. (a) Does the Local Public Agency ha�e a special charter? [] Yes [X] No (b) If the Local Public Agency has a charter, submit with the Application a complete copy of the charter, with all amendments to the date of such Application, duly certified by the officer having custody of the official records oP the Local Public Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of the charter• , , 19—. 4. (a) Has the Loca1 Public Agency adopted by-laws, rules, or regulations for the conduct of its affairs? [R] Yes [] No (b) IP the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", submit with the Application a copy of - such by-laws, rules, or regulations, with all amendments to the date of the Application, duly certified by the officer having custoc�y of the official records of the Local Public , Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of such by-laws, rules, or regulations: (Omit this item. if=the requested data are included within the organization transcript hereto�ore submitted or which is submitted herewith in accordance with the requirements of Section G, Paragraph 3, below.) � September 30 19 64 , 5. (a) Is the proposed urban renewal area described in the Application located wholly within the authorized territorial ,�urisdiction of the Local Public Agency? �] Yes [] No (b) IP the� answer is "No", include explanation. . ' • . � \ - 1 - , . � � � B. General Power. 1. Is the Loca1 Public Agency empo�vered to plaa, to undertt�ke and carry out, and to Pinance su urban renewal pro,�ect involving slum clearance and redevelopment for which financial aid un- der Title I oP the above cited Federal law may be provided? [X] Yes [] No • 2. �IP the answer to the foregoing question is "Yea", cite in general the enabling legislation� constitutional provisions, court opinions, ond other laAS upon �vhich you base your conclusion. Citations: � M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421, Subdiviaion 13; M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 2. C. Specific Pomers. .-� 1. Is a public hearing required by State or local law in connection with any phase oP the pra- posed urban renewal pro,�ect? � [X] Yes [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.521; M.S.A. 462.525, Subdivision 2. (b) Remarks: These statutes require public hearing prior to the approval of a redevelopment plan by the City Council, and for public hearing prior to negotiated disposition of project land. 2. Has a public hearing been held in connection with a�y phase of the proposed urban renewal pro,�ect: (a) As and if required by State or local law? [] Yes [X] No (b) As contemplated by Section 105(d) of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [] Yes [X] No 3. Does the law require that any determination, finding, review, approval, or otner action be made or had at the local level. or by some other public bociy or official. before the Local ,Public Agency may undertake or carry out srLy neceasary action pertaining to or aqy phase of the proposed urban renewal pTO�ect? [R] Yes [] No (a) Citations: � M.S.A. 462.515; M.S.A. 462.521 ' (b) Remarks: ' The Planning Board must make its written report on a redevelopment plan and the Council of the City must hold a public hearing and make findings prior to approval of a rede�elopment plan. - - 2 - ' - - --- � J � � I . _ . .. . _. __. �._.._.� _ C. Specific Powers (Continued) 4. What phases of the proposed urban renewal pm�ect or what Punctions oP the Local Public Agency, generally or in respect to the pro,�ect. Nill be or are required by law to be per- Pormed by the State, the Municipality, or by any other public boc.�y or public ofPicial (other than the Local Public Agency)? ' (a) Explain fully: ' A state public .body, including municipalities, may undertake several activities for-the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the plan- � ning and undertaking a redevelopment project without any limitation o� the LPA's authority to act. (b) Citations: M.S.A. 462.581 � 5. (a) Zs there aqq litigation pending, or threatened, or deemed necessary, affecting a�yy neo- essary action pertaining to or arLy Do�er or suthority of the Loca1 Public Agency to undertake and carry out or to finance the pmposed urban renewal pro,�ect or a�y phase thereof? [] Yes �] No (b) IP the answer to the Poregoing question is "Yes", give a statement oP details respect- ing the nature of such litigation; and attach a copy oP the pleadings, if any. Statement of details and copy oP pleadings attached: � [] Yes . 6. (a) Does the Local Public Agency, the Municipality, or other public bocLy have the authority to prepare a general or master plan Por the development of the locality as a whole in which the urban renewal area is located? [X] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivision 4(11) as to LPA; Chapter 67, Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul as to the Planning Board of the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota. " (b) IP the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", identify the local public body. See above (c) Does the Municipality have the authority to prepare and present to the Housing and Home Finance Agency a "Workable Program" as described in Section 101(c) of Title I oP the above cited Federal law? • [X] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.581 7. (a) Is there adequate legal suthority for the preparation and. approval oP an oPficial urban renewal plan which can meet the requirements of Section 110(b) of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [X] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivisions 1(4), 4(3), (5), (8), . . (11) and (16); M.S.A. 462.515; M.S.A. 462.521 . - s - � F''� `=' - � � .C. Specific Pomers (Continued) 7. (b) Is there adequate legal suthority for the preparation and approval of an oPficial rede- velopment plan for each portion of the urban renewal area proposed to be acquired and redeveloped, in accordance with the requirea►ents of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [X] Yes [] No • Citations: See 7 (a) above and M.S.A. 462.421, Subdivision 13 8. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the fulfillment of the re- � ctuirements which are imposed by or must be imposed pursuant to Title I of the above cited Federal law upon Local Public Agencies receiving financial assistance thereunder, with re- spect to: ' � (a) The relocation of families displaced from the urban renewal area (Section 105(c) of said Title I)? ' [X] Yes [] No Citations: • M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivision 4(2), (17); M.S.A. 462.531; M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6 � (b) Salary, wage. and labor standards (Section 109 of said Title I)? [R] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A, 462.445, Subdivi�ion 4(2), (S) 9. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the provision of cash or - non-cash local grants-in-aid as defined in said Title I? [X] Yes [] No (a) Indicate the contemplated sources of the local grants-in-aid for the proposed pro�ect, i.e., the municipality, Local Public Agency, some other agency, etc, (1) Renewal Bond Funds. , (2) St. Paul General Obligation Bonds; General Revenue Funds. (3) School District Bonds (4) Tax Levy. (b) Citations to authority of each contemplated source of local grants^in-aid: (1) Chapter 881, Laws 1963. (2) Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes; Charter City of Saint Paul Sections 200 through 232. • (3) Section 123.35, Minnesota Statutes. (4) Section 462.545, Minnesota Statutes. (c) Remarks: All funds contemplated are now authorized through approved bond issues or are to be obtained from prescribed general revenue funds, excepting the funds for school expansion which can be a combination of general tax levy or bond obligations. � - 4 - ' ' • . _ � - -- — . I • • C. Specific Pomers (Continued) - ' 10. Does aqy provision of State or local law restrict the right of the Local Public Agency to dispose of land acquired Por redevelopment purposes or prescribe the methods or impose con- ditions upon land disposal? . [X] Yea [] No (a) Citations: M. S. A. 462.525 (b) Remarks: This imposes certain protective restrictions in the exercise � of the power to dispose of project lands, e.g. public hearing on negotiated disposal, limitation on purchasers power to reconvey. D. Urban Renewal Area --�Legal Eligibility and Qualification. 1. Ba'sing your 3udgment upon data and information in and submitted in support of the Applica- tion, is the proposed urban renewal area legally eligible and legally qualiPied under State and local law as the area of and for an urban renewal pro,�ect: ' • (a) With respect to the size of the urban renewal area? [X] Yes [] No Citations: �,S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13; and M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8); (b) With respect to the conditions of slum, blight, or deterioration existing in the urban renewal area? [X] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivisions 11 and 13; and M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8). ' , (c) with respect to other specific qualification recluirements pertinent to the urban renewal area, specifying them, imposed by law? [X] Yes [] No (1) Identification of other specific qualification requirements: (a) Land in the project area would not be made available for . redevelop�ent witt�out the financial sid to be sought (b) The redevelopment plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevel- � opment of the area by private enterprise. (2) Citations: (c) The redevelop�ent plan conforms to the general plan for ` development of the community as a whole M.S.A. 462.521 Subdivieion 2. � - 5 - �.�., `,-� . �' • D. Ur6an Rene�ual Area -- Legal Eligi6ility and Qualification (Continued) 2. Basing your judgment upon data and information in and subrpitted in support of the Applic� tion, with respect to each such portion of the urban renewal area as is proposed in said Ap- • plication as the area of slum clearance and redevelopment activities, is each such portion (herein called a "redevelopment area") legally eligible and legally qualified under State and local laws from the standpoint of: , (a) The size of each such redevelopment area7 [X] Yes [] No - Citations: See D, 1, (a) above (b) The conditions oP slum or deterioration existing in each such redevelopment area? [X] Yes [ ] No Citations: See D, 1, (b) above . (c) The extent of each redevelopment area which is open, built up, improved, or unimproved? [� Yes [] No Citations:M,S,A. 462.421 Subdivision 13 (d) Other specific qualification requirements pertinent to a�y such redevelopment areas, specifying them, imposed by law?. (1) Identification oP other specifi� qualification requirements: See D, 1, (c) above � (2) Citations: , . - 6 - ' � • � --- - - � � E. Property Acquisition and Disposition. E'^y, 1. Does the law prohibit the Local Public A�ency from exercising the right of eminent domain in respect to any particular type of property in aqy portion of the�urban renewal area, which property the Local Public Agency proposes to acquire as a part of the urban renewal project, or does the law impose any unusual restrictions in respect of such acquisition as, for ez- ample, obtaining the consent of a State public utilities commission to the acquisition oP any property owned by a public utility oompan�y? [] yes [x] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdi vision 1 (6) , 2 and 3 (b) Remarks: (If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", describe� in detail aqy such restrictions) � 2. Does State or local law require the p�yment oP ad valorem taxes or p ayments in lieu oP such taxes on the property which the Local Public Agency acquires as pro�ect land? [] Yes [x] No Citations: M.S.A 462.575 Subdivision 1 3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to �obligate the purchasers or lessees of land in the pro�ect area (see Sec. 105(b) of Title I of the above cited Federal law): (a) To devote the land to the uses prescribed by and in conformity with the pertinent urban renewal plan? � [x] Yes [] No (b) Zb begin the building of the improvements on such land within a reasonable time7 [x] Yes [] No (c) Citations: M.S.A. 462.525 Subdivision 5 and 7 4. Cite a�yy provision in State or local law which prescri�bes a time limit within which pro,�ect land must be disposed oE by the Local Puk�lic Agency. . NONE . - ? - a � � F. Financing Pomers. 1. Is the Local Public Agency authorized by State and local law to �obtain Pina.ncial assistance under Title I of the above cited Federal lav�? " [x] Yes [ ] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(4) (b) Remarks: i 2. If the ansever to the foregoing cNestion is "Yes", is the Local Public Agency suthorized to obtain a Title I "advance" for surveys and,plans for an,urban renewal pro�ect and to agree to repay such advance, with interest, out of any moneys which become available to the Local Public Agency for the undertaking of the urban renewal pro�ect involved? [] Yes [] No Citations: MS.A. 462.445 Subdivision 5 3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money (other than advances as afore- said) to carry out the urban renewal pro,�ect: (a) From the Federal Government under Title I of the above cited Federal law? [x� Yes [] No ' (b) From other sources? [X] Yes [] No (c) Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(4) , (6) ; M.S.A. 462.545 4. Is the Loca1 Public Agency authorized to provide reasonable security Por the p�yment of the principal oP and interest on its obligations evidencing aqy Title I loan which may be made ' to it with respect to the proposed urban renewal project? [x] Yes [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(5) , (6) , M.S.A. 462.545 (b) Remarks: (If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes". describe the nature of the security) Pledge of Revenues \ - 8 - � , . r �� • F. Finavicing Powers (Continued) 5. Is the Loca1 Public Agency authorized to pledge its'loan rights under a Title I lo�an contract as security for the p�yment of the principal of and interest�on obligations which it mey sell • to others than the Federal Government to finance the proposed urban renewal project? [x] Yes [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(6) ; M.S.A. 462.551 (b) ftemarks: 6. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money for the purpose oP refunding aqy obligations it may issue to the Federal Government or to others in connection with the fi- nanc�ng or refinancing oY the proposed urban renewal pro�ect? [x] Yes [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.551; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(4) , (5) (b) Remarks: While no specific authority to "refund" is given, broad power to borrow and issue evidences of indebtedness is given. 7. Are there aqy constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations on the "debt" incurring powers oP .the Local Public Agency? � [] Yes [x] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.551 (b) Remarks. citing relevant �udicial decisions: Statute provides: "The bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limita- tion or restriction." . 8. Are there any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations on the taxing powers of the Local Public Agency? � , [� Yes � [] No_ (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6 , ` _ _ - 9 � � • �:1. �'" F. Financing Powers (Continued) 8• (b) Remarks, citing relevant ,�udicial dec�sions: r G• Organization Trmiscript. NOTE: The folloaing is no�t applicable aad should be disregarded if the Local Public Agency is a county, city, town, village, or other traditional type of local government or municipality. 1. Has the Local Public Agency heretofore submitted copies of its transcript oP organization to the Urban Renewal Administration or its predecessor, the Division oP 61um Clearance and Urban Redevelopment, or to a Ftegional Office oP the Housing and Home Finance Agency, in connection with aTMy pro,�ect under the Title I programp � [x] Yes [] No ' 2. If the answer to the above question is "Yes", the remainder oP this Section G is not appli- cable to the Local Public Agency a,nd should be disregarded. _ 3. If the Local Public Agency is (a) a public housing authority or public housing agency, or (b) a redevelopment agency, a redevelopment commission, or other special type of redevelop- ment entity (and iP the answer under Paragraph 1 above is "No")� submit herewith two copies of a trauscript of the organization oP the Local Public Agency. Each copy of the transcript of organization should include one certiPied copy of each document neaessary to evidence, under applicable State and local law, the proper establishment and organiza- tion oP the Local Public Agency, the appointment and qualification of the members of the origina,y governing boc�y, the holding of the origittal organization meeting, the election or appointment of the original officers, aad the adflption of by-laws or other procedural regulations. Illustrative of the tYpe of documents required to be submitted are the following which under certain State anci local laws are necessary for the preparation oP the two transcripts of organization: • ($) T�o certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern- ing bocly of the Municipality or appropriate political subdivision at which the resolutions or ordinances authorizing the creation, designation, and organization oP the Loca.l Public Agency were considered and adopted, including, iP appropriate, copies oP notices of such meetings and waivers oP and consents to such meetings; (b) T� certified copies of the certificate of necessity or certificate oP incorporation or similar document issued by the State Housing Board or Commission, the State Corporation Commission, or other public boc�y or ofPicial as m�y be required by applicable law; (�) Two certiPiea copies of each certificate of appointment, by the m�yor or other appropriate appointing officer of the Municipality, of each oP the original members of the governing bodv of the Local Public Agency, �vith an appropriate certification that the said certifi- cates of appointment are on file and of record in the office of the certifying officer; (d) Tw�o certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern- ing boc�y of the Municipality or other appropriate political subdivision at which the ap- pointment of each of the original members of the governing boc�y af the Local Publi� Ageney ' was confirmed or approved, where such confirmation or app�o� is required by applicable �aw; - ' - 10 - , � - �:�� 1 ;_R_L4 � • r�, ��� � F. Finmccing Powers (Continued) 8. (b) Remarks, citing relevant ,�udicial dec�sions: ` G. Organization Tr�script. ' NOTE: The folloping is no�t applicable snd should be disregarded iP the Local Public Agency is a county, city, town, village, or other traditional type oP local government or municipality. 1. Has the Local Public Agency heretofore submitted copies of its transcript oP organization to the Urban Renewal Administration or its predecessor, the Division oP 61um Clearance and Urban Redevelopment, or to a Regional Office of the Housittg and Home Finauce Agency, in connection with aRy pro�ect under the Title I program? � [x] Yes [ ] No � 2. If the answer to the above cluestion is "Yes", the remainder of this Section G is not appli- cable to the Local Public Agency and should be disregarded. " 3. If the Local Public Agency is (a) a public housing suthority or public housing agency, or (b) a redevelopment agency, a redevelopment commission, or other special type of redevelop- ment entity (and if the answer under Paragraph 1 above is "No"), submit herewith two copies of a transcript of the organization oP the Local Public Agency. Each copy of the transcript of organization should include one certified copy of each document neaessary to evidence, under applicable State and local law, the proper establishment and organiza- tion oP the Local Public Agency, the appointment and qualification of the members oP the original governing body, the holding of the original organization meeting, the election or appointment of the original officers, aIId the adnption of by-laws or other procedural regulations. Illustrative of the type of documents required to be submitted are the following which under certain State ana local laps are necessary for the preparation of the two transcripts of organization: - (a) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern- � ing boc�y of the Municipality or appropriate political subdivision at which the resolutions Ior ordinances authorizing the creation, desi�ation, and organization of the Local Public � Agency were considered and adopted, including, iP appropriate, copies oP notices of such � meetings and waivers oP and consents to such meetings; � I (b) T►� certified copies of the certificate of necessity or certificate of incorporation or similar document issued by the State Housing Board or Commission, the State Corporation Commission, or other public body or official as may be required by applicable law; (c) Two certifiea copies of each certificate of appointment, bY the mayor or other appropriate appointing officer of the Municipality, of each oP the original members of the governing body of the Local Public Agency, with an appropriate certification that the said certifi- i cates of appointment are on file and of record in the office oP the certifying officer; i (d) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes oP the meeting or meetings of the govern- � ing body of the Municipality or other appropriate political subdivision at which the ap- pointment of each of the original members of the governing boc�y oP the Local Pub1i�C Ageney � was confirmed or app mved, where such confirmation or approval is required by applicable taw; � � � • - 10 - I , . I - � I ' Y I I . ' - . � - � � � � HOUS ING AND REDEVEP�O�tn�NT AUTHORITY ' OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA SURVEY AND PLANNiNG APPLICATION CODE R-142 Form H-6103B Legal Informatioa Report if rehabilitation or conservation activities are contemplated. R-142 . . . i • �� � F � LEGAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR URBAN RENE5/AL PROJECT � PART II - REHABI�ITATIO� OR CONSERVATION ACTIYITIES - �4. Nase, Orgavaszat:on, and Territorial .rurisdicti:on of LocaI PubIic Agency. ' . 1. (a) The legal corporate name ot the Local Public Agency identiPied in the Application dated � I9 . is: , (b) The citations of lap respecting auch neme are as follows: 2. The Loca1 Pub�ic Agency was organized on the dey oP . 19 , under the tollo�ing laNa: Constitutional. statutory, and charter proriaions: 3. (a) Does the Local Public Agency have a special charter? [] Yes [] No . (b) If the Local Public Agency has a charter, submit with the Application a complete copy oP the charter. with all amendments to the date of such Application, duly certified by the officer having custoc�y of the oPficial records of the Local Public Agency, specifying herein the date oP the latest amendment oP the charter: � � 19_• ' 4. (a) Has the Loca1 Public Agency adoDted kLy-laws, rules, or regulations Por the conduct oP � ita aPfairs? [] Yes [] No (b) If the answer to the Poregoing question is "Yes", submit with the Application a copy of such t�y-laws� rules� or regulations, with a11 amendments to the date oP the Application, duly certiPied by the officer having custoc�y of the official records of the Local Public Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest emendment oP such hy-laws, rules, or regulations: (Omit this item if the requested data are included within the organizatioa . transcript heretofore submitted or which is submitted herewith in accordaace pith the requirements of 6ection G, Paragraph 3, below.) , 19_. ' 5. (a) Is the proposed urbaa renewal area described in the Application located wholly Nithin the authorized territorial �uriadiction oP the Loca1 Public Agency? [] Yes [] No � (b) I! the eas�er is "No", include ezplanation. . • - 1 - 4 _ _ "_- " _- " _ ____ '_�_--.-_-_ �. ,6 . \ • . 1 • � �. P • , � � + s - • � t � , B. General Power. ' � 1. Is the Local Pablic Agency empoRered to plea. to uadertake aad carry out. aad to finauce aa urban renewal pro,�ect involving rehabilitation or conservation for phich financial aid under, . Title I oP the above cited Federal larv m�y be provided7 [x] Yes [] No 2. IP the ansner to the Poregoing question is "Yes", cite in general the eaabling legislation, � ,constitutional provisions, conrt opinion$. aud other lawa uDOn which you base Your conclusion. Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subc{ivision 13; M.S.A. 462.545 Subdivision 2. C. Specific Powers. 1. Is a public hearing re�uired t�y State or local law in connection with aqy phase o! the pro- posed urbsa renewal pro�ect? � [X] Yee E] No (a) Citatioas: M.S.A. 462.521; M.S.A. 462.525 Subdivision 2 (b) Bemarks: These statutes require public hearing prior to the ' approval of a redevelopment plan by the City Council and for Public hearing prior to negotiated disposition of project land. 2. Has a public hearing been held in connection with aqy phase of the proposed u3rbea renewal proj ect�, • (a) As and iP required by State or local la�? [] Yes �] No (b) As contemplated by Section 105(d) o! Title I of the abo9e ci�ed.Federa] laq? [] Yea �] No 3. Does the law require that aqy determination, finding� review, apDroval. or other action be � made or had at the local level. or by some other public bocly or official. before the Local Public Agency m�y underrtake or carry out aqy necessaiy action pertaining to or a�yy phase of the proposed urbau renewal pmject? [� Yea ' [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.515; M.S.A. 462.521 . � (b) Ae�arks: The Planning Board must make its writCen report on a redevelopment plan and the City Council must hold a public hearing and make findings prior to approval of a redevelopment plan. • . - 2 - r^.. . .`,� . , • . . � , � � C. Specific Pos�ers (Continued) �. Flhst phases o! the proposed urban renepal prn,�ec� or what tnnctiona o� the Local �'ublic Agency, generally or in respect to the pro,�ect, pi�ll be o: are reciuired b;t law to be•per- formed by the State, the �Sunicipality, or by � other public bodY or public oPficial (other th�n the Loca1 Public AgencY)? � (a) F,�lain fully: A state public body, including municipalities, may undertake activities for the purpose of aiding and cooperating � in the planning and undertaking of a redevelopment pro,ject without any limitation of the LPA's suthority to act. � (b) Citations: M.S.A. 462.581 , 5. (a) Is there aqY litigation pending, or threatened, or deemed necessary. aftecting any nec- essary action pertaining to or ai�y poeer or �uthority of the Locs1 Public Agenay to undertake sad carry out or to finance the propoaed urbnn renewal pro�ect or an�y phase thereof? [] Yea �] No (b) If the ans�rer to the foregoing cIuestion is "Yes", give a atatement of details resDect- ing the nature of such litigation; and attach a copy of the pleadings, if aqy. ' Stutement of details and copy oY pleading attached: [] Yes . 6. (a) Does the Local Public Agency. the R�unicipality, or other public bocty have the authority to prepare a general or master plan for the developr�ent of the 1ocalitY as a whole in which the urbau renewal area is located7 [x] Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(11) as to LPA: Chapter 67, Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul as to the Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul. (b) Zf the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", identify the local public boclY. (c) Boes the Giunicipality have the authority to prepare and present to the Housing and Home Finance Agency Q "�7orkable Program" as described in Section 101(c) oP Title I oP the ubove cited Federal law? [x] Ye$ [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.581 � 7. Is there udeQuate legal authority for the preparation and approval of sn ofPiclal urban re- necral plan Por an urban renetival pro,�ect which can meet the requirements of Section 110(b) of Title I of the above cited Federal law? [� Yea [] 1Vo Citationa: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 1(4) , 4(3) , (5) , (8) , (11) and (16) ; M.S.A. 462.515; . , M.S.A. 462.521 ' � - 3 - ` � �, �j. . � . C. Specifsc Pomers (Continued) 8. Is ade4uate suthority vested under State aad local laqvs to permit the lulfillment o! the re- � quirements Which are imposed hy or must be imposed pursuaat to Title I oi the above cited Federal law lipon Local Public Agencies receiving financial assiataace thereunder. Aith re- spect to: (a) The relocation o! lamilies diaplaced lrum t]ie urbaa reaeaal are� • (Section 105(c) oi Title I)? , [x] Yes [] No Cita�ions:� M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(2) , (la) ; • ' M.S.A. 462.531; - M.S.A. 462.545 Subdivision 6 , (b) Salary� nage. ead labor ataadards (Section 109 0! said Title I)?' [x] Yea [] No � citationa: M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision, 4(2) , (5) • 9. Is adequate authority vested under State aad local laAS to pe�it the provision oP cash or non-cash local grants-in-sid es delined in said Title I? [x] Yes [] No � (a) Indicate the contemplated sources �of the local grauts-in-aid for the proposed pro3ect.' i.e.� the municipality. Local Public Agenc�y some other agency, etc. (1) Renewal Bond Funds (2) St. Paul General Obligation Bonds; General Revenue Funds - (3) School District Bonds (4� Tax Lev (b) Citat ons to autflority oi each contemplated source o! locai graats-in-aid: (1) Chapter 881, Laws 1963 . (2) Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes; Charter City of St. Pau`1 Sections 200 through 232 . (3) Section 123.35 Minnesota Statutes ��� ��/�S:Section 462.545 Minnesota Statutes All funds contemplated are authorized through approved bond issues � or are to be obtained from prescribed general revenue funds, excepting the funds for school expansion which can be a combination of general tax levy or bond obligations. . 10. Does an�y provision of State or local laar restrict the right of the Local Public Agency to dispose oP laad acquired for redevelopment purposea or preacribe the methods or impose oon- ditions upon land diaDosal? [x] Yes [] No (a) Citations: M.S.A. 462.525 � - 4 - � • • . . . , , � C. Specific Pomers (Continued) 10. (b) Remarks: This imposes certain protective restrictions in the exercise of the power to dispose of project lands, e.g. , public � hearing on negotiated disposal, limitation on purchaser's power to reconvey. . J D. Urban Rene�al'Area -- Legal ElsgibiIity caid Q�atification. ��' Basing your �ud�ent vpoa data snd inPoimation in and submitted in support o! the Application. is �J{-- the proposed urban rene�al area legally eligible and legally cIualiPied under State aud local law • as the area ot and !or an urbaa reneaal pro3ect: (a) With respect to the size oP the nrbaa reneaal area? �C] Yes [] No . Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13; M.S.A. 462.4�+� Subdivision 4(8) . � (b) pith respect to the conditions of slum� blight. or deterioration ezisting in the urbaa re- newal area? ' [� Yes [] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 11 and 13; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(8) (c) With respect to other specific clualificstion requirements pertinent to the urban reneWal area. speci$�ing them. imposed by lap? [x] Yes [] No (1) Identification of other•speciPic qualiPication reQuirements: (a) Land in the project area would not be available for redevelopment without the financial aid to be sought. (b) The redevelopment plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the area by private enterprise. (c) The redevelopment plan conforms to the general plan for the develop- ment of the community as a whole. • (2) Citations: • M.S.A. 462.521 Subdivision •2 • • I ` - 5 - • . ' � E. Rehabslitation or Conservation Pomers. - 1. List, by citation, the constitntional, statutory� and charter pmvisions, aith ,�udicial de- cisions thereon� and the local codes or ordinaaces �hich aill be utilized by the Local Public A�ency in carrying out a program oP rehabilitation in the proposed urbaa renewal area. � ' M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(3) ; Chapter 54, Housing Code of the Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul; Chapter 60-64, Zoning Code of the Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul. 2. List. b�y citation. code provisions or administrative determinations arhich establish staadards to be utilized ih carrying out a program of rehabilitation. ibid , 3. Does the law pezmit the acctuisition of real property 6�y the Local Public Agency� in the pro- posed urbaa renewal area. � eminent domain or other�ise,'nhere necessary to: (a) Eliminate unhealthfnl. insaaitary. or unsafe conditiona� [] Yes [] No (b) Lessen densit9? [� Yes [] No (c) Eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare? [] Yes [] No (d) Othenvise removg or prevent the spread oP blight or deteriora- tion? [] Yes [] No (e) Pmvide laad Por needed public facilities? [] Yes [] No , (� Citations: M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 1(4) , 4(3) . (g) E�lain Pully what poevers and Pindings are relied upon b� the Local Public Agency to un- dertake the acquisition of land and improvements LZy eminent domain or other�vise: The power of eminent domain with power of superior public use is nested in the L.P.A. and may be exercised upon a determination that acquisition is necessary to eliminate one� of the conditions recited in M.S.A. 462.421 See M.S.A. 462.445 Sub 1(6) , Subds 2 and 3 4. Does State or local lap require the payment of ad valorem taxes or p�lyments in lieu oP such tazes on the pmperty which the Loca1 Public Agency acQuires as pmject land? � [] Yea [x] No Citations: M.S.A. 462.575 ' ` - 6 - �� , � , ,� r . • i S. ReFaabYlitation or Conservatson Pover� (Conti�ed) , 5. Does the Local Public ,�gency have the poc+er to obligate the purchasera or lesaees of laad in the proposed urbau reneaal area (aee Sec. 105(b) oP Title I oP the above cited Federal law): ' (a) 1b devote the laud to the nses prescribed by and in oonformity with the pertinent urbaa. reneeral Dlaa? , [� Yea [] No (b) 1b begin the building of the improvements on such land aithin a reasonable time? . [� Yes [] No (c) Citations: M.S.A. 462.525, Subdivisions 5 and 7 6. Cite atLy provision in State or local ls� ahich prescribes a time limit eithin Nhich prn�ect laad muat be disposed ot t� the Local Public Agency. . , None F. Financing Powers. 1. Is the Local Public Agency authorized by State and local laA to obtain financial sssistaace under Title I of the above cited Federal lavr? [] Yes [] No (a) Ci tations: (b) Remarks: 2. If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", is the Loca1 Public Agency authorized to obtain a Title I "advance" for surveys and plans for aa urban renewal pro,�ect and to agree to . repey such advance, with interest. out of a�y moneys phich become available to the Local Pub- lic Agency for the undertaking o! the urban renewal pmject involved? [] Yes [] No Citations: , 3. Does the Local Public Agency have the poRer to borroW money (other thaa advances•as aforesaid) . to carry out the urbaa reneaal project: 0 (a) From the Federal Govern�aeut �mc�er Title I o! the above cited Federal law? . [] Yes [] No - 7 - � • i f�O�S�NG AND REDEVELOYME1vT AUTHORITY OF TI� CITY OF SAINfi pAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-143 Documentation in support of Code Nos. R-141 and R-142. By-laws of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota were previously submitted under this code of the Survey and Planning Application for the Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37. The Authority's By-Laws have not been amended since that time. R-143 . �. . . i . ._ ., ._ . . , � � � � JAMES T. HART ' ATTORNEY AT LAW � � S5 EAST FIFTH ST. ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA BS101 , , CAPITAL 7-7D23 February 21+, 1966 Housing and Redevelopment Authority ' of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � ; 55 East Fifth-Street Saint Paul,, Minnesota 55101 , Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly appointed and acting attorney at law for the Local Public Agency named in the Applica- tion to which this opinion appertains; that I have been authorized to submit the foregoing Legal Information in behalf of said Local Public Agency; and that such Legal Information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and information. ' I have reviewed such application, dated February 18, 1966, and ap- proved by the Local Public Agency on February 23, 1966, including particular- ;r, ly the data and information relating to (a) the size and character of the pro- posed urban renewal area, (b) the proposed project for which surveys and plans are to be prepared, (c) the activities to be undertaken by the Local Public Agency in surveying and planning the proposed project, and (d) the proppsed method of financing the project. I am of the opinion that the Local Public Agency has been legally � created and is a duly organized and acting public body having the legal power to undertake, finance, and carry out the surveying and planning work described in such Application for which it seeks an Advance of funds (or other Federal sid) under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. I am of the further opinion, on the basis of the data and information submitted in support of the Application: � (a) that the proposed urban renewal area is a slum, blighted, , deteriorated, or deteriorating area within the meaning of � such Federal law and that it meets the requirements of State � law, particularly Section 462.421, Subdivisions 11 and 13 of ; Minnesota�Statutes, for undertaking the proposed urban re- � newal project; and , - • (b) that su ch portion of the urban renewal area which is proposed � for slum clearance and redevelopment is clearly predominantly ` residential in character. Dated this 24th day of FEBRUARY, 1966 � . . c / " ;TAMES T. HART, Attorney at Law � � .. ' ' . I , ' • � M • - �#OUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 0� THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESI�TA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION I Code R-144 Resolution of applicant authorizing filing of application. R-144 . . ' � o .� RE S OLUTION N0. 66-2/23-2 , RESOLUTION OF HOUSING AI�ID REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA . . a.�����.�IT ���Y��� �IBE������ A� ' §URVEYS AND PLANS FOR SUI�II�T-UNTVERSITY URBAN RENEWAL AREA AND FILING OF AN APPLICATION 0 WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as "Title I"), the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized • to extend financial assistance to local public agencies in the elimination and , prevention of the spread of thefr slums and urban blight through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and . WHEREAS Tit1e VI of the C3.vf1 Rights Act of 1964, and the regu].ations of the Housing and Home Finance Agency effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall, on the ground of race, color•, or national origin, be excluded from parti- cipation in, be denied the benefits of, or be sub�ected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal pro3ects assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; and WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Aousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Eight Hundred Ten Thou- ,.sand Six Hundred Eighty-one:and no/100 Dollars ($810,681.00), in order to under- ' � take and carry out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated by' � , Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as Suffinit-University Urban ' . Renewal Area, situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State � � of Minneso�a, which is described as follows: - -- -� - -- --�- �--- ---- .----..__ .. _ , -Beginning at the point of intersection of the eastern right-of- way line of Western Avenue with the projected northern right-of- way line of the _alley�betweeri Sherburne Avenue and IIniversity , _ Avenue, then westerly along said projected line of the alley to "" � the point of intersection with the western_ right-of-way line of _ _..... _ . _..,_. _ Lexington Parkway, -then southerly along said line to the point - " �-of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of the alley �- � • -- ° , � between Portland- Avenue -and Summit -Avenue, then easterly along � � - -- said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right- of-way line of Milton Street, then northerly along said line to � the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Portland Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of�Victoria Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with • . the southern rightaof-way line of Portland Avenue, then easterly along said line to the poinC of intersection with the western � righC-of-way line of St. Albans Street, then southerly along said line to the southern right-of-way line of the alley between Sum- mit Avenue and Grant Avenue,,_then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of . i ; . ;, - . - - _ . ___..._�, • j 1 - • . . „ _ ' No. 66-2/23- , Page 2 � Oakland Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of ' ����€���i€��� w��� �r� ������€�� ���� �� €t�@ �����@�� ���t►�=e��s way line of the aliey between Summit Avenue and Gr-and Avenue, tl-:en easterly along said projecCed line to the point of inter- ' section with the eastern right-of-way line of Summit Court, then � northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the � southern right-of-way line of Swmnit Avenue, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right- i of-way line of Ramsey Street, then easterly along said line to , � the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of � Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of � intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Irvine Ave- � nue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of inter- ; section with the northeasterly right-of-way line of vacated Wal- � nut Street, then northwesterly along said line to the point of � �` . ' intersection with the southeasterly right-of-way line of Summit ' { ' Avenue, then northeasterly along said line to the point of in- �' tersection with the projected northern right-of-way line of ' Dayton Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of ' a _. -intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of vacated Cath- - � edral Place, then northerly along said line to the point of in- ' � tersection with the northern right-of-way line of Marshall Ave- nue, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then north- erly along said line to the point of intersection with the north- : ern right-of-waq line of Marshall Avenue, then westerly slong • said line to the point of intersection with the easterly right- _ of-way l,ine of Arundel Street, then northerly along said line to .� . -" � the point of intersection with southern right-of-way line of Con- � , cordia �venue, then southeasterly along said line to the point of ' • intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with • the northern right-of-way line of the alley betweei: Sherburne Ave- nue and University Avenue which is the point of beginning. � , ;<� NOW,THEREFORE, BS IT RESOLVED BY THE COI�SISSIONERS of the Housing and Redevelop- � � ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: _ 1. That by its Resolution No. 66-2/16-2 the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota did determine that Summit-University Urban Renewal. Area to be a blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating area, that the elimination of said blight could best be accomplished through the undertaking of Federally assisted rehabilitation and conservation activities proposed in the Redevelopment Plan For Summit- University Urban Renewal Area, that the early acquisition and removal of certain dil- ap:.dated structures and the assembly of land for public and com¢nunity services with local resources through approval of said Redevelopment Plan would arrest the spread . of blight within the project area thereby assisting the rehabilitation and conservation activities to be carried out with the financial assistance of the United States of America, and did approve the Redevelopment Plan For Summit-University Renewal AYea and the undertaking of early acquisition with local resources, and did further authorize the preparation .of an application-for Federal financial assistance to carry out the . � - • .. _ . . � ,�y..,. � , ✓ ' " y` _ .. -. " _ ' '"" '.•_ ' "'' ' " '' ' • � , c �. . �. . "'_�_'.._ _ '_.'._.__ - ..",_ ' - ,� a �..._. r N0. 66-2/23- � Page 3 . remaining pro�ect act3vit3�es proposed by the Plan. ' 2. That the determi,nation that the Summi.t-Uni,versity Renewal Area is a blighted,_ deeeriorated and deteriorating area is hereby affirmed, and the undertaking by the tlous- ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota of surveys and plana for an urban renewal project of the area contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I and the Redevelopment Plan For Summit-UniversiCy Urban Renewal Area in said Renewal Area is hereby ratified and approved. 3. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of the proposed Project. , - 4. That it ia cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assistance under Title I, including those relating to (a) the relocation of site occupants, (b) the provision of local grants-in-aid, and (c) the requirement that the locality present to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, as a prerequisite to approval of the application;described below, a workable program for community improvement, as set , forth in Section 101(c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and private � resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of slums and urban � l�light. ' S. That the United States of America and the Housing and Home Finance Admin- istrator, be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Housing and �tedevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota with regulationa of Che � Housing and Aome Finance Agency effectuating Title VI of the Civil Righta Act of 1964. 6. That is is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for the re- � location of individuals and families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and (b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount which will be not less than � one-third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the Fed- eral capital grant, wil.l be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold, leased, or retained for use in �,'accordance with the re�evelopment plan. , 7. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority '�of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from the United States of �jmerica in an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Ten Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-one ;and no/100 Dollars ($810,681.00) for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project in Summit-University Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such applic- ation with the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, to provide such additional in- formation and to furnish such doc�ents as may be required by the Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. - - . ��- r � � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . OF THE CITY 0�' SA�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA SUR'V�Y AI� P�,ANNII�G APPL�CAT�Of� CODE R-145 If LPA is not the localiCy, resolution of governing body of locality approving filing of applica- tion. � R-145 � � , HOUSING AND REDEVF.IAPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION Code R-146 - LPA Land Acquisition Policy Statement � � LAND ACQUISITION POLICY STATEMENT -- - In the acquisition of real property for any Qroject or activity involved, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will: 1. , Make every reasonable effort to acquire each property by negotiated purchase before insti- tuting eminent domain p�oceedings against the property. 2. Not require any owner to surrender the right to possession of his property until the LPA pays, or causes to be paid, to the owner (a) � the agreed purchase price arrived at by nego- tiation, or (b) in any case where only the amount of the payment to the owner is in dis- pute, not less than 75 percent of the appraised fair value as approved by the LPA and concurred in by HI�'A. 3. Not require any person lawfully occupying prop- erty to surrender possession without at least 90 days ° written notice from the LPA of the date on which possession will be required. � R-146 _ Form App�ooed —. H-6100 ' Budget Bureau No. 63-R882:3 8-61 TO BE COMPLETED BY HHFA HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY PRO,IECT, PLAN, oR SURVEY NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION LOCALITY _ $URVEY AND PLANN�ING_APPLI_CATION � _.. _, (Urban Renewal .Prog�r.am) '_ , DATE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS: Submit originel 7n Blnder No. 1, end copies in Binders No. 2, 3, snd 4. � A. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION [ X] Surveyandplanning of an Urban Renewal Project [ ] Under "Disaster Area" provisions of Section 111 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended [ ] Preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plan [ ] Feasibility Survey of an urban area B. CATEGORY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY (For survey and planning of a project, chec/c appropriate eligibility category of project to be planned; for preparation of a Genera/ NeighGorhood Renewel Plan, check eligibility category indicated at t1�is time for "first project" in proposedGNRP area. See Ur- ban Renewal A9anua/, Chapter 3-2. Leave 61ank for Feasibility Survey Application or for "Disas[er Area'�proJect.) CATEGORY PRESENT CHARACTER EXTENT OF PRESENT pROPOSED REUSE � OF AREA DEVELOPMENT [X ] I Predominantly residential Built up , Any [ ] II • Predominantly residential Predominantly open land Any [ ]III Not predominantly residential Built up Predominantly residentia] [ ] IV . Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantly residential Nonresidential , � � � v Exception Not predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential Nonresidential ' ' � ' — � ] VI Exception , Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential Colleget . . , [ ] VII University, or ,q�y � Built up Any HosAital � Co eget Univeraity, or � [ ] VIII gosp�tal Y Predominantly open land Any [ ] IX - Open land Predominantly residential : �� _ [ ]}( - � Open land Not predominantly residential Area Redevelopment [ �XI Exception Not predominantly residential Built up Not predominantly residential Area Redevelopment [ ]XII Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential C. TYPE OF SUBMISSION [g ] Original Application [ ] Hevision of approved Application—Project, Plan, or Survey No. — for purpose of [ � Change in area [ ] Other(Describe) � � [ ] Increase in total estimated cost D. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT � LEGAL CORPORATE NAME � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MAILING ADDRESS 55 East Fifth Street - Saint"Pau1, Mirinesota'S510T � ' � ' � (over) '-� x:f• . � . �--��` ` d'S��,r� � ' � a" .,.- � ' '� � �=v , HOtTSING l�.ND FEb�,VELOPMENT AUTIiORITY OF '�HE CYTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINI�ZSOTA � � � SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE 8-101 • Form I�6100 Survey and Planning Application R-101 i � • HOUSING AND REDEVELO�MENT AUTHORITY - OF TI�, CITY OF SAINT PAU'L, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-102 - Form H-6101, Urban Renewal Area Data R-102 • � . Form appro�ed FH6101 Page 1 oi E Budget Barean No. 6E–R888.8 (�6P� • (TO BE FILLED IN BY NBFA) . ,� AOUSING AND HOYE FINANCE AGENCY PROJECT OR PLAN NUMBER URBAN RENEWAL ADMINISTRATION LOCALITY URBAN RENEWAL AREA DATA ( In Support of Form H-6100, Survey and Planning Application) DATE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS: Plaee orisinal and 1 copy in Bindcr No. 1, and one copy each in other Binders. ' A. Accompnniea Form H-6100 •x�cut�d on February 18, 1966 With regard to an appl ication for (Ckeck one) Date �X� SURYEY AND PLANNING OF AN URBAN RENEMAL PROJECT � � PREPARATION OF 6EMERAL NEIBHBORHOOD RENEMAL PLAN B. AREA NAME OR OESIGNATION (Rro■ For■ 9-6100) SUNINiIT-UNIVERSITY �C. GENERAL LOCATIOH OF AREA D. CHARACTER OF AREA 1 to 2 miles west of Central Business District (Cheek on� 6eiov) �� BUIIT UP r � � PREDOHINANTLY OPEN CONGRESSICNAL DISTRIGT(S) PROXIMITY OF AAEA TO BUSINESS DISTRICI' r � OPEN IN WHICH AREA IS SITUATED (Check one) � 4 (Check one beIoro anless "Area" is � r � IN OR ADJACENT TO CENTRAL BUSINES9 DISTRICT ��Open°) COUNTY(IES) IN WHICH AAF'A [ ] �N OR ADJACENT TO OUTLYINO BUSINESS DISTRICT IS SITUATID Cj{� PREDOHINANTLY RESIDENTIAL ��S ey �X� NOT IN OR ADJACENT TO BUSINESS DISTRICT � � NOT PREDONINANTLY RESIDENTIAL , E. PRESENT CHARACTER OF URBAN REMEWAL AREA AND CONDITION OF BUILDINGS ESTIMATED ACREA6E IN AREA BY ESTIMATED NUMBER AND PRESENT CHARACTER OF LAND CONDITION OF BUILDINGS ITEM IMPROVED NUMBER OF W�TH DEFICIENCIES TOTAL LAND UNIMPROVED gUILDINGS NUMBER PERCENT Tc�rat. 1035.1 1007.8 27.3 4300 4000 93% 1. Streete, alleya, public righta-of-pay 3]�.5 369•1 Z.�F ........................ ................. ................. ........................ ......... .... . 2. Reaidential (incTudin6 rclated pu6lic 604.2 579.3 24.9 3930 3690 93% or se�ipublic purposes) 3. Nonreaidential (includins related Ej�.(F 59.�+ 1.� 3�0 350 93% pu6lic or se�ipu6lie purposes) Sourcee of estinatee: 1962 City Planaing Baard Laad Use Survey, Sanborn Atlas, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Field Survey. F. CONTEHPLATED NEW LAPID USE (Check one) G. CONTEMP�ATED TREATMENT OF AREA N0. OF ACRES �� PREDOMINANTLY RESIDENTIAL USES TOPAL 1035oI. � � NOT PREDONINANTLY RESIDENTIAL USES 1. Clearance �d redevelopment ..�– 2. Rehabilitation and conaervation 1035•1 _ —-q • • , ----� H-6101 Page 2 oi 2 (9-62) H. ESTIMATED NUMBER AND CONDITION OF DWELLIN6 UNITS I. ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SITE OCWPANTS WITH TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE TOTAL OEFICIENCIES STANDARO � 1. Familiea 7��0 5�0� 2�0� I � 9500 9000 500 Q,To be displaced 2000 1000 1000 Source of data: 2, Individuals 25�� ],SQQ 1000 [] HOUSING CENSUS �}� OTHER SOURCES (Speeify) 3. Buaineaa concerns 3 50 Year Source of eetimates: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT 1965 HOUSING AND REDEVELOFMENT AUTHORITY FIELD SURVEY - 1965 REI,pCATION SURVEY . J. ENVIRONMENTAL DEFICIENCIES DESCRIPTION OF EXTENT TO WFiICH CONDITION EXISTS CONDITION (Cive souree of inforaation. If additional space is required, continue on a plain sheet and attaeh to this forw.) 1. Overcrowding or ioproper location of' SEE ATTACHED structures on the land 2. Exceesive dpellinq unit density SEE ATTACHED 3. Conversiona to incompatible typee of usee, euch as roominghousea �oag SEE ATTACHED family dpellings 4. Obaolete building types, auch ae large . reeidences or other buildings which SEE ATTACHED through lack of use or mainteaaace bave a blighting influence . . • - 5. Detrimental land ueee or conditions, SEE ATTACHED euch as incompatible uees, structuree ia mixed uae, or adveree iafluences , . . _ from aoise, smoke, or fumes 6. Uneafe, coagested, poorly designed, or SEE ATTACHED otherpise deficieat streets 7. Inadequate public utilitiea or �oo- SEE ATTACHED muaity facilitiee contributing to un- aatisfactory living coaditions or _ economic decline � � " 8. Other equally signific�t environeental gEE ATTACHED deficienciem FHLBH-Wa�hing�on,D.C. � • EN'JIRO�NTAL DEFICIENr,IES -- 1. Overcrowding or ImAroper Locat;on Of Structure on �he Land. There are approximately 60 cases in which two or three resi- dential atructures are located on one lot. Many of these are on corner lots which not only deprive occupants of adequate open space, but also tend to give the entire neighborhood a t�.ght overbuilt feeling. In addition, there are 432 residential struc- tures located within 10 feet of adjacent structures. The lack � of adequate side;�ards also contribuCes to the overcrowcing wi'�hin the area. Furthermore, many of the structures are large frame structures placed on typical forty foot lots and have garages and/or outbuildings, resulting in high lot coverages and lack of open spaces. 2. Excessive dwe.11in� unit �density. More than 75% of the residential structures are free stand�.ng buildings designed for one and two families. However, many atructurea have been converted to accommodate an excessive number of dwelling units, rooming units and sleeping rooma. Thia problem is especially compounded by large structures on small forty foot lots which are found throughout the area. Based on the lot size in the area, a density of about 10 dwelling units per net residential acre would be considered desirable, hawever less than 10% of the blvcks within. the� area have deresities of 10 or le'ss units ger net residential ac•re, and 37 blocks •have net resisiential densities in excess of 26 units per acre. 3. Convereions to Inco:npatible �pes of Uses. There are at least 100 cases of structures currently housing more families than for which they were originally designed. In addition, there �re many cases in which properties have not been converted but rooms have been rented out for r4oming or sleeping purposes. � � 4. Obsolete Buildin�; Tqpes, Butldin�s Which Through Lack of Maintenance, Have a Blightin� In�luen�e. The pro3ect area includes much of the most substgndard housing in the City. While it includea about 9% of 'the City's hdusing supplyi it iricl�ides 27% of tHe dwellirig unit§ no�ed a� d�ter- iorating and 20% of the housing units noted as, dilapidated in the 1960 Census, as well as 28% of the sound units lacking a11 plumbing facilities. More than 40% of the buildings were constructed prior to 1899, and 50% were constructed between 1900 - 1919. Many of these . structures are old and becoming obsolete, but are in sound strnctural condition and can be rehabilitated to code and re- ' habilitation standars through renewal actions and programs. 5. Detr.imental Land Uses or Conditioas. The attached map entitled, EXISTING LAND USE, graphically il- lustrates the land use mixtures found throughout the area. Commercial area along Selby Avenue and University Avenue are mixed with residential properties preventing orderly develop- ment for commercial purposes. Also, businesses are scattered throughout the residential areas. There are 60 atructures with� in the area containing dwelling unfts over commercial activities moaC of which do not provide any outdoor reaidential amenities. 6. Unsafe, Congested, Poorly Desit�ned, �qr Cxaer�ide Deficient Streets. The area has been laid out in a gridiron street pattern which does aot clearly define arterial or collector streets, causing excessive traffic on residential streets. There is also an over- abundance of through streets causing excessive amounts of traffic on resident3al streeta. Many of the streets are deteriorated - lacking good driving surfaces. Curbs, gutters and sidewalka are in need of repair. .. •:• �� � ' � � : � � � 7. Inadequate Public Utilities � � or Commu�ity Fac3.lities. A combined etorm and sanitarj� setaer system exists throughout the area which lacks adequate interce�itors to hanc�le 1�eaby run- t offs causing backups into re��clet��ial �nd commercial properties. All schools within the area are i�nder-sited and two schoois are in need of replacement to eliminate o1d obsolete buildings. Others are in need of ma3or rehabilitation. Only one park of over an acre exists within the entire area with a population of approximately 25,000 people. i • SOURCE OF ,DATA• . - Saint P�ul's Compr�i�en �ve P1�$ - �o�uni�y Plan Report 15 - City Planning Bo2rd ot S�int P6ul: � �963. - Hi�tor3.ca1 $�t �hul Bu�,lding's, 1964. City Planning Board of Saint Paul. = St� Phu�. Public School Physical Plant Needs - Bureau of Field Studies �nci Surveys - University of Minnesota. - Sanborn Atlas. - Air Photographs, 1965. - Public Works Department - City of Saint Paul. - Public UCilities Department - City of Saint Paul. - 1960 U. S. Census of Housing. � Postal Vacancy Survey - U. S. Post Office 1962 and I963. - Unpublished Maps and Studies by the City Planning Board of Saint Paul. - Field Reviews, Property Inspections, Special Studies and Data Compila- tion by the Staff of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Anthority. • � HOUSING APID RE]��VELOPMENT AUTFi013ITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SURVEY AND PLANNING APPLICATION CODE R-103 - Report on Urban Renewal Area R-103 . • � PRQTECT. REPORT SUI�'�'IIT-UNfVERSITY URBAN REN�WAL AREA 1. STATEMENT EXPLAINING SELECTION OF THE AREA APID DELINEATION OF ITS BOUNDARIES -- A. Selection of Area The SUNiMIT-[INIVERSITY Project combines the entire Selby-Dale General Neighborhood Renewal Plan Minn. R-29, and the remainder of the Cath- edral GNRP Minn. R-17 into one project. This project was selected for urban renewal treatment for rhe following reasons: 1. The area contains some of the oldest residential structures in the city - many of which have received little or no main- tenance in recent years, but which are capable of being sub- stantial7.y upgraded. 2. There is a high incidence of illegal and unsafe conversion of old, large single-family s�ructures into multi-fami.ly struc- tures. 3. There is an undesirable mix of co�ercial and residential use along cammercial strips that disect the pro�ect. 4. The area is in urge�need of new or replacement of its public utilities - such as sewers, streeL�, curbs, gutters; sidewalks storm sewers, street lighting, and educational and rec reational facilities. 5. The area possesses such qualities that it can be restored to a long-term sound condition through the expeditious undertaking of urban renewal activities. 6. The area, since 1957, has been indicated by the Saint Paul City Plan Board as first priority for renewal. 7. Both• public and private institutions in the area have expressed interest in i.mproving their facilities a.nd in assisting in the rehabilitation of the area. 8. South rehabilitation of the area cannot be accomplished by the unaided efforts of private enterprise. � � 9. The area includes more than 23 buildings designated as histor- ical and many oChers of historical interest and architectural merit. Prompt renewal action can preserve and restore them. 10. The area, because of its unique location between heavy employ- ment centers of Saint Paul's Downtown and the Midway Area, has a tremendous potential as a vital and attractive residential community serving a wide spectrum of types of families and in- came groups. 11. The area lacks adequate parks and playgrounds and other commu- nity facilities. All of the public schools have insufficient sites - with one exception - they need replacement or ma�or re- habilitation. 12. There is substantial interest in and support for renewal on the part of citizen organizations, churches, public and pri- � vate institutions, and individuals wi.thin the Project Area. The criteria used to delineate this project for urban renewa7. conforms to Urban Renewal Administration standards fc� project selection, as well as local standards and policy: B. Delineation of Boundaries GeneralZy, the area is bounded by the alley line north of University Avenue on the north, the Western Redevelopment Project, U. R. Minn. 1-2, Cathedral I Urban Renewal Project Minn. R-25, and Summit Avenue on the east, Portland and Summit Avenues on the south, and Lexington Parkway on the west. The areas beyond these boundaries are either currently being redeveloped or are generally newer and better main- tained. � The Interstate Freeway that disects the Project is depressed below grade and does not interrupt the visability of the area it cuts through, nor does it in any way divide the area into two neighborhoods. Both sides of the Freeway are es�sentially the same in character, age and state of repair. Institutions in the area serve both sides in the same manner as before the Freeway �oas constructed. T'he Freeway is crossed ! � by Western Avenue, Dale Street, Victoria Street, and Lexington ParkWay, witih additional pedestrian crossings as Mackubin, Grotto and Ghatsworth Streets. The purpose of inclt�ding the entire Selby-Dale -Genera� Ne�ghborhood Re- newal Plan area and the remainder of the Cathe�ral Gerieral Neighborhood Renewal Plan area in one pro,ject ia as follows: a. In order to take maximum advantage of the willingness and intent of property owners all over the area to �oin in a program of residential rehabilitation and cammunity-wide renewal. A segmentalized approach would delay and discourage the rehab3.litati on of p�oFerty in areas not yet in pro�ect execution. b. The displacement of £amilies in one part of the area would have a detrimental effect of overcrowding other parts where renewal is not yet underway. c. Certain economics of acale can be accomplished in plan- ning, rehabilitation of private structures, engineering and in the construcCion of project improvements. d. A single project would tacilitate already programmed items, such as the construction of �ajor storm sewera which will serve the entire area. e. �e Authority can and would be able to undertake the ac- quisition and demolishing of vacant, abandoned, and other subatandard buildings immediately; thereby removing blight- ing inf luences and arresting the spread of blight. f. A single project will allow the Authority to undertake a more realistic relocation program - one which would not involve multi-relocation on the part of a single family. � g. There does noC exist within the entire area any physical or social boundary which would be acceptable as project boundaries. � � h. It is necessary to include this area as a single project in order to take rapid action over the area to stop and reverse blighting trends; to encourage property owners wherever they may be located within the area to take steps to rehabilitate their property. A quick and positive pro- gram will take maxiinum advantage of the willingness of ' bwne'r� to move fortaard� i. The problems of vario�is pa�t� ��t closely and inexcludably related. These inclucl�, i�f particular, the need for great- ly upgraded public facilities, schools and playg��aunds - a rewriting of achool boundaries to lessen social imbalance caused by present concentration of Negro families in parts of the area. Traffic problems in the area cannot be segmen- talized, but must be handled as a whole. �. The Authority also intends to support institution expansion, both public and private, in all sectians of the project area - and it is necessary that these expaasiane be coordinated with the Authority's renewal efforts. It is important that these expansions take place expeditiously to provide s�rvice to the neighborhood during later reaewal activities. k. Local citizen interest, community organizations, and the Authority all feel that the rehabilitation of the area can be best accomplished through the undertaking of a single project. 2. �RPLAIyATION SUPPORTED BY MAP, GENERAL T 5`�ISTTCAL DATA, AND OTI�R AVAILABLE INFORMATION OF HOW THE PROPOSED URBAN RENEWAL AREA MEETS ELIGIBILITY' REQUIRENI�NTS -- The Summit-University Urban Renewal Area contains approximately 370 commercial and 3,930 residential structures. According to the 1960 U. S. Census of Housing, the condition of the dwelling units contained within these structures were as follows: • � Sound Sound Census Total WITH all WITHOUT all Tract PoQulaCion Units Plumbin� Plumbin� , Deteriorating Dilapidated 35 3,812 1,246 1,007 71 131 32 36 2,079 663 365 34 247 17 3£i 2,848 915 644 42 196 33 39 2,238 972 165 85 473 249 40 2,233 1,304 618 435 223 4 54 4,328 1,517 1,032 23a 231 24 55 4,516 2,380 1,215 653 418 , 94 56 943 322 230 66 19 2 58 1,873 699 483 190 21 �0 TO'�AL - 24,870 10,018 5,759 1,806 1,959 455 Theae data are graphically displayed on a block basis on the attached map entitled PERCENT OF DEFICIENT AOUSING. In addition, the 1960 Cen- aus also indicated overcrowding within the dwelling units by reporting 828 cases of 1.01 or more persons per room. Subsequent to the 1960 CENSIIS OF HOUSING, the Authority conducted an exterior visual inspection of all properties ia the area and rated each structure according to the following seven categaries: Scorin Condition 1. Poat-war construction, in excellent condition and indicating pride of ownership. 2. Older structures representing those elements of building con- ditions which are structurally sound and indicate obvious pride ot ownership by their general appearance. 3. Representing structural soundness, but beginning to need at- tention to minor details of home improvement. 4. Structural members sound, but details of home improvements in need of attention. Structures could be put in sound con- dition with moderate expenditures on minor repairs. 5. Structural members or elements shaw evidence of deteriora- tion, original construction and makeshift ina.dequate altera- tions along with other evidence of neglect. Structure may be able to be rehabilitated with considerable effort and expenditure. � � 6. Structure shows obvious serious structural deterioration. Basic elements of construction missing or in serious dis- xepair. Rehabilitatioa clearly not economically feasible. 7. Structure clearly unfit for human habitation. The results of this survey classified the structures in the Summit-University Area as follows: Scoring Number of Structures Percent 1 105 2.40 2 205 G..67 3 510 11.�63 4 2,.451 4.6.77 5 1,217 27.75 6 255 5.82 � • 42 0.96 TOTAL - � � 3. S�TATFMENT II�IDICATING GENERA.LLY HOW TI� T.RF'�ATMENT PROPOSED FOR �qCH SECTION OF THE AREA MEETS THE CRITERIA SET FORTH FOR URRAN RENEWAL, The entire Pro,ject Area will be treated as a rehabilitation and conser- vation project. Spot clearance will be employed to eliminate those structures that cannot be rehabilitated by re�sox�. of physical deterioration tp the point that rehabilitation is not feasible. Also, a number of struetures will have to be removed because of non-compatible use, over-crowding of structures, and to round off sites. In addition, a ncmiber of structures will be cleared to provide or enlarge playgrounds, to enlarge the sites for existing schools or for new schools, and for the construction of new public facilities. A small number of str�actures will also be cleared to widen streets to accommodate ex- isting and projected traftic volumes. The Projects meet the criteria set forth for renewal for the following reasons: (1) Of approximately 4,300 structures, 297 in categories 6 and 7 appear to be deteriorated beyond rehabilitation. It is estimated that approximately 5070 of the structures in cate- gory 5 on the Condition of Structure Map may not be savable because of inadequate original design or too great a degree of deterioration. This would require the removal of up to 608 structures, for total of 905 structures to be cleared because of structural condition. Zt will be necessary to remove an additional 148 structures to accomplish the new and expanded public facilities men- tioned above. To eliminate overcrowding and overdevelopment on small lots, it will be necessary to acquire 63 additional structures. To eli.minate nonconforming use, particularly the residential use on University Avenue and in the highly-commercial-segment of Selby Avenue, will require the acquisition of 88 additional structures. To round off sites in order to make them readily disposable parceis will require the acquiaition of 35 additional structures. � � To widen Dale Stre�t, the main North-South arterial, will require the acquisition of 35 additional structures. This will give a total acquisition of 1,226 structures. Of the remaining structures, agproximately 300 appear sound in all respects, and the rese show evidence of deterioration, but appear structurally sound and are of a sufficient design and state of repair to allow rehabilitation. Since the minimum eligibility requirements for a federally- assisted urban renewal project are that at least 20% of the bnildings in the area contain one or more building deficiency, not correct�ble by normal maintenance, and the area must con- tain at least two enviro�ental deticiencies., the preceding eection of this report clearly establishes the eligibility of the area for Federal financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. (2) The area is flat and is ideally situated for residential use. It has access to the central business district and to the State Capitol office building via either automobile or public transportation. Cammercial services are abailable on Selby Avenue and University Avenue within the project area. The Board of Education and the Department of Parks and Recreation have shown interest in improving their facilities in the area. Various churches, settlement houses, and neighbor- hood organizations in the area are interested enlarg- ing and improving their operations and have expressed a desire to c000erate with the Authority in a rehabilitation pro,ject. (3) The street pattern can be easily adapted to present-day resi- dential needs with only minor adjustments. 'The area is of reasonable size so that the urban renewal project can be planned and carried out expeditiously. The area is located and the boundaries delineated to provide prot�ction after renewal by constituting a stable area in itself. Boundaries were determined withoat cor_sideration of the race, creed, color or national ori�in of the residents. . . . � . ... , _ � , . CODE R-103 - REPORT ON URBAN RENEWAL ARL�A (4) Locality map showing: a. City limits b+ Bouridaries df u'rliad renewal area � � � �-� ' ' ; c: �ocation of other Title I activities or non-assiste� projects ' c�: Centre� Bu�i�iess District e� In that part of locality in w�iich urlian r�n�wa� a��� is- locatedi �i} i�a jtsr �ho�tiiighfa�es J i��htifyiri� wheth�r �� e��.ste�ice; b�ing con� structed , being planne�, or beidg contemplated. (ii) Railroads . (iii) Industrial districts (iv) Blighted, deteriorated or deter- iorating areas other thaa urban renewal area. R-1os<4) , � . � � COD� R�103 - Report on Urban �enewal Area 5; �an� �se Map sho��ng; � � ., -. � ., � : ° - . i - ,: , , � ' ; � , . . �a) $o�ndar�e� of the �1��an �tenewal Area: , , � (b) �itiating �arii� iiae fn �he �rbe.n Renewal Areal (c) Geheral�z�d ei��.stirig laricl us� in su�rounding area influehcing aric� influeh�ed by �rojedtl R-103 -7-