227554 � � � ° � � 22���4 ORIGINAL`i0 CITY CLERi( r � � ' .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF�THE CITY CLERK UNCI RESOLUTION-GE L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF _ % WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 23 of the United States Ha�`sing Act of 1937, as a.mended, the Public Housing Administration is authorized to provide financial , assistance to local public housing agencies (such as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota) in providing low-rent housing by leasing dwelling units in existing privately-owned structures; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment �iuthority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found and determined that there is an immediate need for additional low-rent housing for the elderly ;r-• within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to meet needs not adequately met by private enterprise, and that a gap of at least twenty (20�) percent has been left between the upper shelter rental limits for admission to proposed new low-rent housing • and the lowest shelter ren�s at which private enterprise is providing a substantial supply of decent� safe and sanitary housing, and has approved an application to the Public Housing Administration for reservation of 200 units of low-rent housing for the elderly under Section 23 of the Housing Act of 193'7, as am.ended; and . WHEREAS� said Section 23 provides that the provisions thereof shall not apply to any locality unless the governing body of the locality has by resolution approved the application of such provisions to such locality, and Section 462.465� Minnesota Statutes, provides that an Authority shall not enter contract with the Federal Government or agency thereof for a low-rent housing pro�ect unless the governing body of the locality has by resolution approved the provision of that low- rent housing project; now, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the Application For a Low-Rent Housing Program rUr� i'PROVED i -' � _ ��z�� COUNCILI�N �t. Corporation Counsel . Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approvecl 19— Loss Tn Favor , Meredith � � Peters on Mayor A gainst Rosea Mr. President, Vavoulis DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � 2�'�J J4 ,' • �' • CITY OF ST. PAUL F I L ENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS under �he provisions of Section 23 of the IInited States �ia�zs�ng Act of i937, as amended� the Public Housing Admin.is�ration is authori�ed to provide financia�. assistance to local publie housing agencies (such as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint - Paul� Minnesota) in providing low-rent housing by leasing dwelling units in egisting privately-owned structures; and WHEREAS� the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sai,nt Paul, Minnesota, has found and determined that there is an immediate need for additional low-rent housing for the elderly within the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota, to meet needs not " adeque�ely met by private enterprise and that a gap of at least twenty (20�) percent has been �left between the upper shelter rental limits for adm3.ssion to proposed new low-rent housing and tha lowest shelter rents at which private enterprise is providing a substantial supply of decent� safe and sanitary housing� and has approved an application to the Public Housing Administration for reservation o� 200 units of low-rent housing for the elderly under Section 23 of the Housing Act of 1937� as amended; and WHF�REAS9 said Section 23 provides that the provisions thereof shall not apply to any local�ty unless the governing body of the locality has by resolution approved the application of such provisions• to such locality, and Section 462.465� Minnesota Statutes, p�ovi.des that an Authority shall not enter contract with the Federal Government or agency thereof for a low-rent housing pro�ect unle5s the governing body of the loc�lity has by resolution approved the provis�.on of that low- rent housing pro�ect; now� _therefore� be it � RESULVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota� that the Application�For a Low-Rent Housing Program COiTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19..— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson M$Yor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis DUPLIGAT�TO rRINTER �- ����J4 � ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — reques�ing the Public �iousing Administ�ation to reserve 200 dweZling units to be provided by leasing privately owned housing under Section 23 of the IInited St.ates Housing Act of 1937� as amended� and the appliQation of the provisions of said Section 23� providing 1ow-rent housing by leasing dwelling units in existing privately owned struetures, to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota� is hereby approved. � 41�66 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � 41966 Holland Approved 19� Loss Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Rosen —�--�ga1�13t Mr. President, Vavoulis ` Y > - ORIGINAL1t'O CITY GLERX - � ,q � • ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �2��5`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ��'� DATF — requesting the Public Housing Administration to reserve 200 dwelling units to be provided by leasing privately owned housing under Section 23 of the IInited States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and the application of the provisions of said Section 23, providing low-rent -.R- housing by leasing dwelling units in existing privately , o�+rned structures, to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, � is hereby approved. r NIAR 4196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �pnp 4 ���� �derere Dalglish Holland pprov � 19— Loss ' n Favor Meredith Peterson v Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �',����� 11I1AR 5 �`�'�'� t pUADRUrLICATE TO CEPARTMENT, • y � 22'�554 �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ T���R�A�y under CY�e provi�ion� ot S�a�ion 23 4f t�ie �'nitad Sta�es HausS.�g Ac� o� lq3?, as amended �he Publ�c �flu�lr�g Admini��ra�ion l� autt�ori.z�d �o prov�c�� finanal�I. �►�sfs�anc� �ca l�Qa�. pubi#e hous�ng age�ae�.a� �auch a� �ha �4using and Redev�elopment �c�thor��p og the City o£ aaint Paul Min�esota) �n providing low-r�r�t t�ousing by loasing dr�sl�.img cuai�ts i� ex�s��,n� privateiy-cw�ned s�r�eture�; e.rad t�I�R�A►�, the �io�,a3n$ snd Redevelopmea� Authority of �he C��q of 5s�n� Fa�t�.t �ii�ne�4��� ha� found a�na d���ra�.n+ad �he� the�e �.s An im��d�ate nQed for ad�i�3on�1 1+ox-rant haus5.ng fa� thQ �1dePly wi�h�n th� City of �ain� Paul, i��.nnosota, to mee� needs no� ec�equa�elq raet by pri.v��e ent�arpr�.ae R2�d �Y1Fl� a gap o�P a� Ieae� tventy t20�) perceri� ��s been �eft b�tween thv upp�r �Yaalter re��al limits for adm3s��.An to proposed new �ow-ren� Mou�l.ng and tha lor�e�� s��l��r ren�s a� which pxiv�.�e enterpri.�e i� pro�iding a �u�,stsrat�ial �aup�3y of deaent� saf� uAd �an�.�ary h�using� and ha� app�ovfld an appl�cation t� ��e Publia �ousing �9��ffiistiration for re�ervation �£ 240 ►.�n�.ts af lowr-re�.� hou��n6 for tY�� �lderly under �QCtion 23 of �he Hou�i.ng Act ot' 19��� a� ame�nded; artd W�i�R�1�3� ssid yac�tion 23 providess tha� the provisior�a thQreof sY�a�l na� apply to any lacality �las� the governing bady o� t�e loca�.i�y has by` resralu�lon �pproved tYze sppllc�atian of suah provi�ioz�� to su�� locality� anfl Sectivn 462.t+65� Mi�r�.esot� �tatctte$, prov#.d�s �ha�G an �4utho�r3�q� shall not enter cont�act rrit�i the Fe��eral aov�rrim�r�t or ageney �hereof for a� low-rent �io�as�mg prv�Qa� unless �he governing body ��Y the localf�y �i�s `by reaolut�.on approved t�ie provi�ion o� that lflw- re��t houaiMg pro�ect; n�►w� �h��egore, b� �t ��50LY �' , by �he G�una�l, of th� City of Sain� �aul� • tdit�Qegota� t�aat the Applica�lo� For a Lov-Rent �pusing Prag�am COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays Dalglish - Holland Approved 19.^ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor ,A gainst . Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis QUADRUrLICATE TO DE*ARTMENT' • � ` 22'�554 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF reque��i.ng the Public �ousix�g �Admi�i�tra�ion to re�erva 244 d�alling t�ni�� �o b� providecl by lea�ing pr3vately Qwned 1�ou�ing ux�der Seet�on �3 of the 17ni�;ed S�a�es Housing Act oF 193?� as �mendsd �nd th� appllcation oi the provi�loA� r�f �a�id �e�t�on �3, providing loW-ren� houair�g by leesing dvel.li�g tu�i�Gs in existia� privat�l�r owned ��rueture�, to �he ��.ty of Sai.n� Paul, ���r�eaote, �s hersby �pproved. I►I�qR 41966 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish IYIl1f� '4196� Holland Approvec� 19— Loss Tn FaVOr Meredith Pete rs on MSyOP Rosen A Sainst Mr. President, Vavoulis + . ; . : , . , �� j �.. �, , ,� o �^ "' � � - � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY G cvc�o�4 � �O �'�? _ �o o = OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA : o `-� 'o= � _ 55 EAST FIFTH STREET � 9, /� SAINT PAUI, MINN. 55101 2i '��i tr � A �Nr'�u�.M�N��O l[/ 223-5218 R O v � � EUGENE R. LAMBERT February 25� 1966 ChaTrman B. WARNER SHIPPEE HARRY P. STRONG JR. Exaculive Director PATRICK J. TOWLE JOHN W. GREENMAN Honorable Mayor and City Council ORVILLE E ANDERSON City Hall and Court House JAMES J. DALGLISH , Saint, Paul, Minnesota 55102 FRANK L. LOSS Gentlemen: � The U. S. Iiousing Act of 1965 established a new program for providing low- rent housing in privately owned properties to be leased by local housing authorities, under Section 23 of the Act. The Authority has prepared an • Application for a I�ow-Rent Housing Program, ,dated February 23, 1966, which is submitted herewith. The Application requests the Public Housing Administra- tion provide financial assistance for 200 dwelling units to be provided by leasing privately owned housing under Section 23 of the Housing Act. In connection therewith, , the Authority offers to enter into an Annual Contribu- tions Contract with the Public Housing Administration for annual assistance ' in the amount of $143,340. . The Authority proposes to use these 200 units (1) to provide housing for the elderly during the period of construction of 800 units of Authority owned housing for the elderly, (2) as a tool in carrying out the Concord Terrace and Summit-University Rehabilitation Projects by making rehabilitation of deteriorating structures within these projects economically feasible, and (3) as a provision for relocation .of elderly displaced by clearance action in renewal projects. Under the provisions of this program, persons eligible for occupancy in low-rent public housing will pay an amount equal to what would be required as rent in public housing and the difference between this amount and the market rent charged for the leased unit by the owner will be provided by a fixed annual PHA contribution. This contribution is based on the cost of newly constructed low-rent housing designed to accommodate comparable sizes and kinds of families. The Authority requests favorable consideration and approval by your Honorable Body of the aforesaid Application. Respectfully ubmitted, . B. Warner Sh pp Executive Director Enc. . �O y� :'� � , � . ' . ��2�570 �'02'8A �.ppY'��Gt� Octobcr 1965 ' Eudget Bur�au No, 63mt�723o8 HOZTSIRTG AND H0.•� FII�TAIdCE AGENCY PUB�IC HOUSING ADMINISTRATIOId AP�LICAtION FOR A IAtid=RENr HOUSiNG PROGRAM AND SUPPORTING INFORMATIOId ' \ • , , , � •1 • � , ° • �� ' � PHA-2470 � October 1965 � ! APPLICATION FOR A LOW-RENT HOUSING PROGRAM � i � A. Locality: SAINT PAUL RAMSEY MINNESOTA � (City) (County) (State) � B. Number of Housing Units Applied For: 200 . � C. Application Statement: . ' yr The below-named Local Authority_is planning a program to-provide •- � -� •- -�--_..__.._._.... housing for families of l.ow-income and hereby applies to.the � � , ;. Publ�c l�ous�ng Ade�r��str8�iori'for financial AB8�9hflft@@ fa� the , , � following: --�- � _ _ , . . - - _ __ , . � _ " _. - ---- - - - - � --• -- • ' - � - •- - -. � • ,- - �-� 260�dwelling units -ta�be provided by �leasing privately owned�� " - � � . � -� - - � - housing under Section 23 of the U. S. Housing Act. In connec- e ;: tion therewith, the Local Authority offers to enter into an ', � ' � 'r � , , Annual Contributions Contract with the PHA for assistance in • the amount of $143,340. . , . � The Local Authority hereby finds that there is a need for the , . ' 4.. low-rent housing applied for which is not being met by private , " � � ' . .t � enterprise, as is shown in the attached supporting data for � J , this application. It further represent� that economy will be '' promoted in all phases of the low-rent program for which application is here made. ; { ' . � " February 23, 1966 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYr � � (Date) OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (Corporate Name of Local Authority) r ' (Chairman) ' � � (Asst. Secret r ) • . � � � , . � !y � 1 ' � . ' PfiA-2l�70 Octaber 1965 SUPPORTIN(3 DATA FOR APPLICATION FOR IAW=RENT HOUSING PROGRAM PART I � DATA FOR ALL APPLICATIONS � SECTION A POPULATIOAI AND HOUSING DATA FOft Saint Paul Ramsey Minnesota ,,� � • Loc ty County , State �� 1. Population Census Locality 1960 • 1 0 1� Total . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . 313 411 . 311 349 287 736 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o �6�9+'T ��,`13� � Noriwhite . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,317 6,219 4,337 County or-Stanc�arc�-�fetro o3tt�am' tztist aa .,A�ea , •, , Total , . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422,525 355 L332 . Wh1te , . . . . . . . . a . . . o . 412,7 72 Norn�rhite . . . . . . . . . , , ., . . 9,753 ElderlY Population Total 65 and over in Locality . . . . . 37,241 27,440 White . . . . . . . • . . . .• . . • . . •. � - Nonwhite . . . . . a . o . . . . . . 6 7 9 • . Total 65 and over in Caunty or 5�����4e�ropol��r�ta�r�tf�c�kz� 41,582 29,696 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Nomahite . . . . . . e . , . . . . . 706 2. 1960 Housin� Censuu for Localit,y • Condition and Plumbing � Total White Nonwhite All units . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . 102,310 � Owner occupied . . . . . . . . . . . • 59,542 58,384 1,158 � . Rsnter occupied . . . . . o . . , . 39,162 37,684 1 ,478 = Sound , . . . . . . . o . , . . o o' 31 ,437 , With all plumbing facilitiea o 0 26,724 , Lac}dng some or all facilities. . 4,713 # � � ' Deteriorating . . . , . o . . . . . 5,975 With all plumbing faoilities . . 3,965 � ; Lacking some or a11 facilit3es. . 2,010 � � # ' Dilapidated . . . . . . . . . , . . 1 ,750 � � # . . ' � � " � Vacant available Por sa].e . . . . . 308 Vacant available for rent . . . . o �� . With all plumbing facilities . . 1 ,328 Lacking some or all facilities. . 780 Rent,er occupied substandard o . . . . . 8,916 1 1 1 . , Percentage distribution by race . , 10 ,� � �. Enter the totals of the figurss marked with an �sterisk (#) in eaah colwnn. � � , Part• 1 - Page 1 • ' PHA-2470 � >a O�taber, '1965 • • . i 3. CHANGES IN HOUSING STOCK AND VACANCIES SINCE 1960 CENSUS 1/ ADDITIONS TO HOUSING STOCK • � , ° New construction (public and private) and conversion. � NEW DWELLING UNITS IN SAINT PAUL FROM 1960 THROUGH 1965 : � Year One-Family Duplex Apartment Buildings Total j Dwellin�s Dwellin�s Structures ' Units Units � � 1960 400 • 41 47 604 1,086 ' � 1961 344 21 55 1,030 1,416 ' 1962 340 • 45 75 1,192 1,6Z2 ] 1963 334 15 88 1,144 1,508 � 1964 314 59 113 2,102 2,534 1965 253 49 45 982 1,333 i � TOTAL 1,985 230 423 7,054 9,499 * ; . � � * Includes 890 Units in Public Housing Projects, of which 628 Units are , ' � provided specifically for use by the elderly. ,, � SOURCE: ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE BUREAU OF PUBLI�� BUILDINGS, DEPARTMENT OF � • PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SUBTRACTIONS FROM HOUSING STOCK Demolition or units taken out of housing use. Year One-Family Duplex Roomin� Houses Apartment Bldgs. Total Dwellings Dwellin�s Structures � Units Structures Units Units 1960 240 66 7 75 54 549 996 1961 122 44 5 36 22 163 409 • 1962 261 103 0 0 56 274 741 • 1963 199 61 0 0 41 231 552 1964 215 112 1 8 76 522 969 � 1965 265 81 3 29 62 508 964 � TOTAL 1,302 467 16 148 311 2,247 4,631 SOURCE: ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGES IN PHYSICAL CONDITION OF HOUSING STOCK . � Improvements and deterioration. • Number of Substandard Year Dwelling Units Per Cent of Total 1950 • 18,012 19.8 ' 1960 10,870 11.0 1965 9,810 9.2 SOURCE: 1950, 1960 CENSUS; ANNUAL REPORTS OF BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS; HOUSING AUTHORITY RECORDS ' CHANGES IN VACANCY SITUATION • � Dwelling Units Available Year For Rent or Sale Per Cent of Total 1950 . 595 0.6 1960 2,416 2.4 1965 2,786 2.6 SOURCE: 1960 CENSUS REPORTS FHA ANALYSIS OF MPLS.-ST. PAUL HOUSING MARKET (1965) 4: ADDITIONAL HOUSING INFORMATION The Local Authori ty may submit additional data or estimates on housing condi- tion. Examples are: Overcrowding, inadequate heating, lack of ventilation. 1/ Indicate source of data.• ' PART I - Page 2 :� , ' ' - • . P�-21�7� October 1965 � � SECTION B PRESENT AND PRO1'OSED AIDED HOUSINa IN IACALZTY . l. PHA-Aided Housing � a. Size of Units Needed by Size Occupied as of December�31, 1965 � ' . date • Size of units needed reaent occu ants Occupied e der occu ants none der occu ants � units 2 BR BR or ' or . Size Total Total 0 BR 1 BR more Total 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR BR lt BR 5 BR more Total 19 7 0 25 53 .51 1107 0 4 468 422 138 75 N.A. Units designed ; for elderly- , Total 838 838 255 532 S1 0 • 0 BR : I BR 526 526 0 526 0 0 - , 2 BR or more 56 56 0 S 51 0 Uni.ts designed for general • oaCU an -Zbta1 1109 2 0 2 0 1107 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. . 0 BR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 BR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - • • 2 � 4 1 " 2 4 0 0 0 3 BR 0 4 0 - BR BR. 70 70 0 0 0 0 0 70 - R or more A N. - ' b. Units Under Management� and Vacancies� as of December 31, '6� � � " U s es e or e er n�. s esi e or enera occu ancy ; Total �BR BR 2 BR or more BR BR 2 B 3 B B BR BR or more , Units under Mana ement 1947 25 526 56 0 0 481 420 138 70 N.A. acan as o , , date shown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. Vacan ear earlier 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 1 N.A. , c. Information on Turnover for the 12-month period encling Dec. 31 , 1965 � . Size of unit occu ied by Tenant Families � Tlrii.ts desi� ed For e der7. Units " es � ed or enera occu anc � Tota1' BR � R BR or more BR BR 2 BR BR BR BR BR or more ' � • Move-outs 403 32 41 15 - - 176 119 18 2 `N.A. Move-ii'►s 464 32 41 15 - - 196 126 36 18 " . d. Information on Applications as o� December 31 , 1965 � ,�_. Size of unit needed A 1.icant A lications for eldorl A lications for none der 2 BR • BR . Total 0 BR 1 BR or more 0 BR 1 Bft 2 BR BR !t BR BR or more r,,, Applications •,_-- on hand (as of date ahor�m) 2,079 696 964 4 0 3 173 183 37 19 �N.A. App icat ons , received 1,316 212 329 18 0 3 356 294 73 31 N.A. durin ear � Show latest� date for whi.ah information is available � . � . . .. . . . • . - _ . ._.._ . .._,__... -. �-- - • . . �, ._. PART-I '.-��8..3... .. .. _ •• _.. �. .. . . . . ._ .. ._.. . . . . . �. �.� , ' ' • . � PHA-21�70 � , October 1965 ' SECTION°B (Continued) 2. Other Aided Housing �ncludes Rent Supplement (Sec. 101), "below market interest rate" and atate and loca]1y aide] � a. Units Deaigned for (}eneral Occupanay as of # � Statu9 Unit All Under Under Preconstr. or Incoane Gross � units m t, 2 constro Plarmin Limits Rent 11 units NONE � , . - 0 BR • ( ) $ $ 1 BR � � ) $ $ 2 BR ( ) ' � � � BR � ( ) $ �t BR ( ) $ $ 5 or more ( ) $ $ , ' b. Units Deaigned for the Elderly a� of # tatus ' • Unit All n er er recons r. o IncaQne Gross _ units m t, 2 constr. Plannin Limits Rent 11 units NONE ( ) • 0 BR ( ) � � i BR ( > $ � 2 BR ( ) � � 3 BR � ) $ � . � sR � � � $ � 5 or more ( ) $ 1/ If several program� are iri operation, with wide variati�ns income limits and ' rents, attach addenda. '" , , � Report total unita under management; indicate vacanoies in parentheses. # Shaw latest date for which information ie available ' • . , . , ' • � , , �, . . . ._ ...__ .�. .,•.... . . , Part I - Page 1� , a . ' ' • ' +'+�'��G��O ' October 1965 - SECTION C REIACATION NEEDS (Or�.t this saction if ther� are no relocation needs). All data are to be obtained from ��u voy� by tho loaal planning or other agenay; the Loca1: Authority shall not conduct survey� to obtain this inforn�ation. Shaw �sourae and date of all information. . 1. Families to be Displaced � Dis lacement Source Period o of ami es to be Dis laced Urban newal� I1is laoement Families interested in °HA-aided Hou�ing� From To All Families PHA-aided hs iS avail, Hi hwa s eta.) Mo. &�r. Moo& Yr. Total T�Y�t� No��i#.e otal W�i�#.e- Nonwhit� a. URBAN RENEWAL 1966 1972 2,000 - - 504 - - b. CODE ENFORCEMENT - - Appro . 10 per mon h c. MINN. HIGHWAY DEPT. 1966 1968 500 50 . , d. � . T 2. Size and Income of Families to be 1?isplaced INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE ao Ta�t� cwt��) 1 Family Number of rsons in famil annual or Not income otal 1 2 3 !t 5 6 7 more Re orted es n er 1 00-2399 � - 99 - 99 0 • 00=71�9 or more ot re or b. Owner� (White) � � All families nde r 1 00 -2399 _� o - - 9 00-1 9 oo- 399 • 00- 999 0 9 0 - 0 - 99 99 • 9 9 00 or more o m orte . � Ii breakdctiwn by raae ia not available, aho�r data for all races in Tables 2a and 2b � and o�.t Tables 2c and 2d. ' Part I - Page 5 . " `� . . PHA-2t�70 � - ' . October 1965 � SECTION C (Continued) � ' ' 2a Size and Income of Families to be Displaced (Conttd) ' c. Tenanfi.s (Nonwhite) � INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE F�� Numbar of ersone in fami �n'�' or Not 'ncome Total 1 2 3 1� 5 6 7 more Re orted AZ1 families Under 1 00 Z o-2399 00-2999 30 -399 3 9 , 200- 7 �- 399 - 99 � 99 v 00- 99 2�-7799 . 7 00- 399 00- 999 � 9000 or more Not ra orted . do Owners (Nonwhite) f All fa�nilies � Under 1 00 o�- 39 2 00-2999 000-3 9 3 9 . 2� 799 �- 9 00- 99 � 99 . 00- 2 -7 � 00 or more ot re orte 3. Other ReZocation Housin Tnformat,ion - _._..._ � , , . , . 3/ 2� bi'eakdowri by raoe i� not available, omit these tablas and show data for all raoes in Tables 2a and 2b. , • �'AR� I - Pag� 6 ' '�� . ' � • . � PHA=2lt70 . . October 1965 " , � � SECTION D ECONOMIC AND OTHER ASP�CTS ' ' ! , , � ' l. Ma�or Sources of Emplayment (Sumrnarize data for SMSAs) Before contacting individual firms� the Local Authority ahould try to obtain the ; data from the local;Chamber of Commerce, loaal Employment Security Office, local , Transportation Survey� etc. , DATA FOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL. ' SOURCE: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY - Type of Employment 5 years 1 year , � Industry .. ago Now from now • MAViJFACTURING 45 600 47 703 48 200 DURABLES 19 100 20 786 21 135 NON-DURABLES , ' 26 500 26 917 27 000 NON-MANUFACTURING 117 800 121 296 122 025 CONSTRUCTION 6 300 6 OS1 6 100 TRANSPORTATION 14 100 12 654 12 525 • PUBLIC UTILITIES 3 400 3 421 3 450 '[dHOL�SALE TFAAE 9 700 10 074 10 150 RETAIL TRADE 27 700 28 906 29 170 FINANCE, INSUR. REAL �ST. 11 000 10 741 10 750 SERVICES • 26 400 28 Ob7 28 400 GOVERi�iENT 19 300 21 382 21 780 Conmient on expected expansion or contraction of employment Continued expansion of employment is anticipated for this area. Expansion of employment in manufacture of durable goods is expected ,to riae more rapidly than non-durablea. Non-manufacturing will continue at about its present rate of expansion. .2. Additional factors having a bearing on the localityts need for low—rent housin� " It is estimated that there are 8,412 occupied substandard rental units at the present time. According to the 1960 census, 27.3% or 870 of the 3,182 primary families occupying substandard rental units had incomes under $3,000 per year. Approximately 27�G, or 2,438 of the 8,916 substandard rental units (1960) had household heads 65 years of age or over. Additional data on elderly is attached as addenda. The census indicated that 7,996 primary fami.lies and individuals in renter ' occupied units paid gross rent amounting to 35% or more of their incomes and that 7,355, or 92% of these, had incomes of less than• $3,000. • P�rt I — Page 7 ' , , ' ' ) i ~ ' ��y b � � C�7 � z y w N iv ►� r k-� r w N N r r t-� tv 7� 7�. H �, ��.. N V N V N � ' y N V N V N � ' � � �7 H �ij 9 ' y V� tn tn v� �n cn C� tn tn cn ln tn cn i 7d O t�] .. t•� �d H � � 9 O H H H H H t+� a O H H H H H trorJ H O � � � .. r z o 0 0 o x� � r � o 0 0 o x� � � � � � � � � � fr ►�-� o N N n� r r o � � w tv rv r-� � O O � " H H V N V 7, N �O N V N V r '7+ � H "L' H y � � �j � � � .� N x hi [_] � � � � N x C�J t+] N rd �I �o O Z . p x hy ,� ,9 ,R ,4 ln '��" ''�� ,4 ,4 ,9 ,4 � C 9 � a� � o ro z � �n �n ,a cn y r� o C� t� � n c7n° °z o , a�c o H � � iv �'•��:a � O � � �'' r vyi Z H , `"-'°z z d . � " c o , � � ',D H 7�- F, �.., y ,4 z � V � � tn iv r o (� tr.� oo � N H o F-' � � I� �9 �4 �4 04 04 e4 0° oq � � � � (t1 0� 04 0� o 0 0 oq � N O � ;� N t .1-1 W N Y 1 � � H ro t� �e a. oo N N r n� � r � ;� r+ Oo � G� v �1 v N w r ln � � N � t+7 H :� O � l!� N W W � �O � 1-� O O C� V OD � p � t'� O z • � z • cn x x .,• o o � � . m � r r� � • o r-� r r � � � 9 r o0 0� �n . � � i n� (�v � � � � (�p �p W V1 C� N 1 1 1 � � 1 1 1 � � CA 7.. O � � �-7 � , z y 9 � , x r . � • ih � H t� r� �v' r-� ' � � t7 � . N N • r� Y � .��° � v v r i ln �-+ tv r+ � � o 0 0y tCr� � w ,v r v� a+ � �• � � w w � � • H � H ►C 9 z � 9 O :� H cn O ' • l�-� � • �tn C t�r r� 0o tn w �' N �in z d VWi I �N 'hi W tn W O � W I� � V VNi V t � O d • � O O � . � � -cn � �A N C+] N 1--' N" � O� N N O� Vf .� N I-+ W lJ� W N 1-+ h-� " � � v , �O I Q► .� �O � O O� 00 O ' � C� � N O� t'�O O W ' �p v y O . • p O . � � x 0 , � � -C? N C1) N N �/1 x . pp V �O W ln V1 W � � 00 .t1� W N Oo I 0o (W �O N r �n 00 O C� rn N Oo Oo � O t,�� �D C H o z � 0 � . ' ' ' / i . ' � � r a . ti n, � fD � ro V Y IA 9 O O wu , , ^ y O O � r H � O O � ~ H � z � � r N � � ,°�� v� r� � � tC O y H . � � °o z ty � x N � y N N N �-" y 7_. 0~o rV-� W � L'�'' Cyn t9'' . d � � H t-� a I .� oo � ° z vi � � o N ''� � 1 .4 � t-�+ � HO H �G" � , x � � -cno � t0-' ° O�o � o �-~+ O � O O x � t'' tn C L'�"' H � N � � � 'y.T'. C�+] H °�° I ``:� v � `O o ,.� o 0 9 � � � � � `U�' O � /� /r r 0o N W ' IV 'f!? O (� Z � " ,;, . N , o� O O� � O c�J� :� � � C+] C r rn � W � n '�'a w .� � � �n o o v� � � r o �� �° o � t"' � .�• t7 �tn 9 C w . z� z a1 N N N 'Va � �"{ N I fN., � p �p yO O m , .� � N• 00 � � N O 1-� O O � v � � t�pH � O � ' r � � � ( � Oo O � 0 ' . 7d . ' z ' o - r 7d p�i I 0,�� � � y � • x . . � � tn ; a� v+ +� � t7 . a� � tn oo y � � _ _T._. _ _._. -—�---,-°.�.._,�___._ , __._--_,— , , ._ . . � • � PHA-2li7.0 ' ' . October 1965 � � SECTION E - NATURE C�' PROPOSED PROGRAM AND ESTIMATE OF PROGRESS l. Proposed Progra�rt � The Housing and Urba� Development Act of 1965 has created alternat�.ve �thods of ineeting the housing needs of low inc arne families within the PHA-aided program. A Local Authority� acting for the loca]3.ty� can meet the needs of such families not on�p by building new low-rent hausing� but also by the acquisition, with or without x�habilitat3.on� of exLating struc- tures or portions theiroof; and by the leasing. of units from private owners. The PHA encourages the Local Authority to give serious consideration • to the variety of programs now available to respond more effectively � to the low incoms needs of the comnuuzityo � If the Loca1 Authority has formulated a specific program, please complete the follaFring: ao Distribution of Unit� 1 Total � Elderly 2� , NZUnber of housing units 1 ,000 900 ' Percent of units by New construction 8p% gg% ' . Acquisition Frithout rehabilitation - - Acquisition and rehabilitation - - Leasi.ng under Section 23 20% 11% • Other 3/ _ _ i 1/ Including elderly. 'F/ U�ts designed specifical_],y for the elderly� including the disabledo � Such as leasing under Section IO(c) of the IInited States Housing Act� �oint financing of public and private houaing through combined PHA-�'HA ' or other sources of f�inancing, etco � � b. Narrativo Statement • Provide a narrative statemon� giving the thinld.ng and considerations . which led to the above distribution of units, � • During 1965, the Authority determined that' there was a need for an additional 800 units of low-rent housing designed for the elderly. This determination was based on the fact that there has been a con- �^� tinuing substantial demand for units of this type, and that the �� supply of housing in the private market which meets the requirements � of the elderly population has been substantially inadequate. Private resources have been unable to meet this need. These units to be provided through new construction will not be avail- able for some time and it is anticipated that there will be an interim need for relocation housing in connection with early land acquisition programs currently scheduled in renewal areas. In addition, code en- forcement activity will be increasing under new programs available to • the City under the Housing Act of 1965. The turnover rate in the elderly units has been consistently minimal and as a result, apparently eligible applications have exceeded move- outs by more than 100 per quarter. , ' PART 2 - Page 8 � PHA-21�70 ' October 1965 ' SECTION E (Continued) . 2; Estimate of Progress� � g. Development Programa for ne� canstruation� acqvisition� or acquisition and rehabilitation will be submitted fors 800 units �rithi.n 18 months after Program Rss�rvation • additional u n u• � a ' , ct� n n n n n b. If a specific program has been for;r►ulated, please complete tYie follaw- � ing tabless N8W COI73t'iY'l1C�OTli�...00��o�000�0000seo�o�eo�oo�oo�o��o�• 800 ulL�.tB Main construction . , contract will be - � awarded for: units wi.thi.n , months after Program Reaervation r additional �� n �r n• n ' 800 �t n� 36 n n� n• � � Acquisition (with or wi�hout rehabilitation) - wnits . ' units will be acquired within months after Program Reservation additiorisl " " '� � n „ n u n n• a• ; Leasing:.......o.a.e.eceouca.u..oacu000..ou.coo..uo...0 200 untta . � 100 units und�r lease within 3 months after Annual Contributions Caritract ' ��additional " 6 � n n a u i 50 n n � n rr u� er tt # Estimate dates as closely as possibleo . � , ! � PA1�T 2 - Part 9 �xa-247o � Ootober 19b5 SUPPORTING Il�TA FOR APPLICATION FOR IAW-RENT HOUSIIdG PROGRAM � PART II - DATA FOR SECTIOPI 23 LEASED PROGRAM APPLICATIONS ' omp e e ar on i a oc on 3 ease program is applied for.) S�CTION A - VACA�ICY RATES IN PRIVATE STANDARD RENTAL HOUSIN(} Show for each size of dwelling the number of vacant and occupied st�ur�dard rental • housing units in the locality and the vacancy rat,ioso (Include all such dwellings in the locality whether or not they vrill be offered to the Local Authority for leasing.) In most coYmnunities this infornation is not currently available from surveys and, therefore� must be based on estianatas which should be prepan3d in con-� sultation wi�h real estata brokers and agents and other competent local sourcea, Indicate the sources of the data and the msthod used to arrive at the estimates. Standard Rental Unite OBR 1BR 2BR 3BR R BR Number Occupied 2�872 16,574 13.441 2f900 900 200 Nwnber Vacant 216 909 678 59 10 _�_ Vacancy Ratio 7.0 5.2 4.8 2.0 1.0 1.0 If the number of dwellings of any size Whi.ch the Local Authority proposes to lease Would reduce the vacancy ratio for that size to• less than 3�� state in an addendum the �ustificatioh for such loasing. 1 SECTION B - HOUSING AVAILABLE TO THE LOCAL AUTHORITY ' The data in this Section should include only housing which the Local Aut�hority lrnows or has reason to believe �rill be offered to it for leasing under Section 23� which housing meets the standards prescribed in the Section 23 Leased Housing procedure or will be brought up to such standards by owners in order to induce the Local Authority to leaseo � Fur an initial applicati.on it tirill usually be'necessary to use estimates of housing which it is anti�ipated will be offered to the Local Authority for rento Such esti- mates should be prepared in the sarr,e manner as indicated in Section A above and the sources indicated, For subsequent applications the data shown in this Section should ' be taken from the Local Authority�s survey and listing of available suitable dwell- ings. (See Section 23 Leased Housing procedura,) � • 1. Vacant Standard Housin� Available to the Local Authoritp for Rent � to Low-Income Fami.lies Monthly Total Numbar of bedrooms Gross Rent Units 0 � 1 2' or more Total Units 336 150 100 75 IO 1 - . n er a 0 0 0 - 79e99 50 40 10 � - 99.99 135 90 30 15 100- Z19 099 87 50 35 2 , 2 -1 39099 38 10 25 3 0— 1 9.99 $1 — 179e99 0 199.99 200 or more, � 2. Vacant Substandard Rehabilitatable Housing Which Will be Brought up to tandard by Owners�and -de Available to the Local Authority for Rent to I,ow-Income Families � Mon Total Number of bedroo�ns Gross Rent Units � 1 2 or more T��al uni.ts 10 4 6 i Under Oo00 0,•— $?9.99�: 4 �� o — .'99.99 00 119 099 $�20—¢139099 - o �� i o—. i7 . �! �' 9 e9 00 or more � Rents indieated are thoso to be charged by the �.dners after rehabilitat3.on. -��.. ti� � P.AR.T rI - 1'age ]. � PHA-2tt70 '' • October 19b5 SECTION B (Continued) 3, The Local Authority can lease only vacant dwelling units or units occupied by low-income families who are eli.gible for immediate occupancy in accord- ance wi.th its adrd.ssion palicies applicable to its public housing program. If the Local Authority frishes to pr�sent any data dn dwellings occupied by snch lo�r-incoiue families9 such da.ta should be presented in an addendum, SECTION C - ESTIMATE OF LOCAL AUTHORITY EXPF3�ISES FOR OPERATING SECTION 23 . LEASED HOUSIIdG Amount per dwelling per month Elderly Non- 1. Administrative Expense (General administration; Elderly tenant selection and reexami.nation of eligi- bility; fincling, inspecting and leasing dwellings; accounting; legal sezYsrices) $ 2.40 5.75 2. Maintenance (Labor, materials, and contract costs for maintenance work, if ar�y, to be perfoz�ed by LHA) $ -0- .75 3. Insurance (Public liabilitf; worirnien�s compensation; employers� liability; boiler; automobiles; burglary, theft and robbery; fidelity bonds--excluding all insurance which will be the responsibilitp of the owner) $ -0- .45 I�. Employ�e Benefit Contributions (Contributions to _ employee pension, x�tirement� and health and welfare plans) $ .10 .30 5. Total Operating Expens� $ 2.50 7.25 6. Explanation of Estima.tes (In an addendum, giv� the basis for the above estimates of operating expense. For Administrative Fxpense, Local Authorities with e�.sting programs should list any additional posi- tions proposed, with salaries and basis for prora- tion if salaries of exi.sting and new personnel aro to be prorated; other Local Authorities should i.ndicate proposed ataffing, with salaries) SECTION D - ESTIMATE OF COST OI' UTILITIES Since utili�� arrangements will vary for different dwellings, this estimate should _ be based on the arrangements which it is believed are most likely to extst in a typical dwelling of eaah size, 1. Assumed Typical Arrangement � Pux�chased By 1/ Item Z`ype of Fuel (Owner, Occupant, or ldiA) Water X X X % X Sewag� X X X X g Trash collect3.on X X X X g Coold.ng Gas ' X ' Heating Gas X Water heating Gas X• Electricity X X X X X � If provided by local government at no cost, so state, � 2. In Section E� Line 7, belot,r� shou estimates, by unit aize, of the monthl,y cost• to the tenant or I.ocal Authority of all utilitiee �ahich it is assumsd �aill not be included in the rent paid by the Local Authority (Seotion E, Line 1). In an addendwn, give estimated consinnption by unit size and estimated cost per consumption unit (i.e., therm, cubic foot, KWH� et,c.). � Part I3 - Ps,qe 2 ., , ', • ' • • . PHA�21�70 Oetober 19b5 ' SECTIO�I E - DEM�NSTRATION OF FINANCIAL �'LASIBTLTTY Av�;ra e Amr�unts per Ih�ellin Per Month � Designed F'or -�a-B� '-act Designed For �2d.e rl Non-Elder �-=° OSi�t 1BR 2BR 7.BR 2BR 3BR R BR BR BR 1, R�„��9 Pai.d to Qr,rners 81.0 115.00 - 85.00 1m.00 17.00 140.00 169.0 69. 7;100 2, LHA Op�.ratin E, ense C�above) 2.5 2.50 7.25 725 7.25 7.25 7.2 7.25 7.25 �� � 3o Total E enses 1�-2-)} 83.5 117.50 92.25 107.25 124.25 147.25 176.2 76.25 85.25 . !te Less Fixed PHA Contributian 1 51.00 60.00 55.00 6800� 82.00�10300 116.0 48A �� 5• BA���� �3-�t) 32.5 57.50 37.25 39.25 � 42. 44.25 60.2 73.6 38?5 " 6o V3cancy Loss and Contingencies � ' (5p of 5) 1.6 2.88 1.86 L96 211 2?1 3.0 ' 3�68 L91 7o Cost of Utilitiea(D2 above) Incl Incl. 5.75. 6.9 8.� 945 10.35 1Q35 5.75 8, Required Gross Rent(5+6f7) 34.13 60.38 44.86 48.11 53.16 55.91 7361 87.6445.91 90 Average Gross Rent to�be Charged in I�eased Housing 34,pp 60.00 45.00 4800 53. 56. 74.00 88.00 46. lO,Surplus or Deficit(9-8) 2 11,Idu�nber of Units Pro osed p_ 1 . 6 ' 25. � - 10 et Agg, 12 oA gg�gate Surpluse s and De�icits (10-.cl.l � i ' 33,Net Daficit of 1t/ Elderly Onl ].l.�oTote.1. Elderly Units . 100 _x$10 1,000. 1 See proceduro for 1letermination of �xed Annua7. Contribution under the Flexible Formula. f If deficit (i.e, amount on Line 8 exceeds amount on Line 9) sho� amount o� such deficit in parantheses. No f�irf.her computation is necessary if: (1) No deficits on Line 10, or (2) No deficits in any size non�lderly unit, and the greatest deficit in any size unit for elderly does not exceed ten dollars, ' 3/ If this figur� is a deficit further computation is necessary; if not a deSiait9 go no furthero !�/ If this figur$ is not at least as great as the net aggregate deficit in Line 129 fin�ncial feasibility is lacl�.ng; if the figure is as g�at or greater than tha figure in Line 12, financial feasibility is demonstrated provided the figus� in Line ]Ja is at least as great as the net aggregato deficit in Line 12. This form does not pravirie for taking into considsraf.ion the additio�nal subsidy for non- elderly fanili�s displaced by publi.c housing and urban s�enewalo This subsic�y is available only �rhen the average rents to be charged such families are less than the average rents �o be charged othe r non�lderly familiES, If it is necessary to con9ider the availability of this subsidg, it will ba necessary to shocu that the average per dwe111.ng pe r month amount of such subsidy for dwellings to be occupied by suah displaced faYrdlies does not exceed $100009 or the difference in average r�nts, whichevor is smalle ro In such cas�� provide details in an addendum. � • Part II o Paq� 3 � . . . - ' • • ' . SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DERIVATION OF 2 BEDROOM COST BASED ON MII�l. 1-9 ' BUDGET OF 9-30-65 NON-ELDERLY: • Rooms = 532.5 � , D. U. = 89 Ave. Rms./D.U. Size = 532.5/89 = 5.98 Rooms/D.U. Cost Per Non-Elderly Room = $ 2,476 Ave. D. U. Cost = 5.98 x $2,476 = $ 14,806.48 2 B.R. D.U. Cost = 4:5/5.98 x $14,806.48 = $ I1,141.88 June '64 E.�T. Record Cost Zndex = 173 Jan. 1, 66 E.N. Record Cnst•Index = 180 Present Cost = 180/173 x $11,141.88 = $ 11,592.70 Stoves & Refrig. $ 74.03 + $103.00 = 177.03 Total 2 Bedroom D. U. Cost = $ 1Z ,769.73 Use 11 770 � • . --- - -� -- . . • ' . . . - -- -- _ . . , SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM FIXED ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION No. of Total Maximum D C & E Bedrooms Dwelling & Equipment Cost Development Cost Contribution per room Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 �01. 5 2 BR cost $11,770 � (Col. 3 x 150�) (Co1.4x4.64890) • ' 0 (3.0 rooms x 70% _ ) $ 8,239 $ 12,358 $ 47.87 $ 2,746 1 (3.5 rooms) x 80% = 9,416 � 14,124 54.71 2,690 2 (4.5 rooms) x 100% = 11,770 17,655 68.38 2,616 3 (5.5 rooms) x 120% = 14,I24 21 ,186 82.06 2,568 4 (6.5 rooms) x 15070 � 17,655 26,482 102.57 2,716 5 (7.5 rooms) x 170% = 20,009 30,014 116.25 2,668 6 (8.5 rooms) x 190% _ -22,363 33,544 129.93 2,631 Units Designed Specifically for the Elderly 0 (3.0 rooms) x 75% _ • 8,800 13,200 51.13 2,933 1 (3.5 rooms) x 85°�6 = 10,300 15,=450 5.9.84 2,943 r•�_, \ .----•-•- ••� � • . , PHA-2l�70 � October 1965 SUPPORTING DATA FOR APPLICATION FOR LOW-RENT HOUSING PROGRAM PART ZII - DATA FOR ALL APPLICATIONS • LEC�AL DATA � A. Addressee and Mailing Address of the Loca1. AutY:ority HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 B, Legal Area of Operation of �the Local Authority 1� • Saint Paul, Minnesota � c. List of Required Docum�nts (Check appropriate box) � Submitted Requir�d With This Not Yet Previously Document Application Submttted Submitted , Certified Copy of th� Loca7. Authority ' • Resolution pursuant to which the Application is being made � � U � Organi�ation Transcript or General Certificate � � �� � Certified Transcript of Local Govern- ing Body Proceedings containing Reso� lution approving the Loca7. Authority� s App73cation for a Preliminary Laano � � �� i� (Not required for a Leasing Prog•ram under Section 230) Cooperation Agreement, including Certi- fied Transcripts of I�ocal Authori�y -, � and Local Govern�ng Body Procedureso � . � � I� , (Not required for a Leasing Program under Secti.on 230) Certified Transcript of Local Govern- , ing Body Proceedings containing Reso- lution approving the Application of � � � � Section 23 to the Locality, (Required � only for a Leasing Program under Section 23,) 1 The legal area oi operation means the area wif.hin which the Local Author�ty can . develop9 lease, o�m, and operate low-rent housin�; this is not necessarily the , sams as the area from which the Local Authority will accept tenantso Par� III - ��.ge 1 � . :�. • . -„ . • . ., PHA-2l�7� . October 1965 , D, blorkable Program for Community Improve�nt, �Not required for Section 23 Leasing) aa �� The HI�'A Administrator has certified (or recertified) the Program for Cormnunity Improvemont �rhich is effecti.ve unt3.1 Mav 1, 1966 (dat0)o (Do not iill in th3.a item if the affect,ive date of the Program for Community Improvem�nt has expired; instead fill in it,�m bo belofr,) b, �� The Program for Community Improvement has not been certified (or recertified) by the HI�'A Administratore State briefly f,he steps taken by the locality to obtain the - certification of a Program for Co�mnunitp Improvement or a recertification thereof,) ' � , Part III - Page 2 - . HHFA�PHA,9 67ash,� D, G�, ' ,, : . • . ., . HOUSING AND RED�VELOPM�NT AUTHORITY ; OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR LOW-RENT HOUSING UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE U. S. HOUSING�ACT � ADDENDA PART II - SECTION A: VACANCY RATES IN PRIVATE STANDARD RENTAL HOUSING (Indicate the sources of the data and the method used to arrive at the estimate) Estimates of the current supply of and vacancy rates in standard rental housing were derived from the following sources: 1960 Census; Annual Reports of the Bureau of Public Buildings (St. Paul); . FHA Analysis of Mpls.-St. Paul Housing Market (1965); FHA - POST OFFICE Vacancy Survey (1964); Four local real estate management and development firms responsible for a substantial number of both existing older properties and recently constructed properties in various sections of the City; Housing Authority relocation surveys and records. The methodology employed consisted of the use of housing data from the 1960 Census as a base upon which were applied other available data pertaining to new construction, demolition and vacancy ratios. � . Estimates of the current supply of substandard units taere der�ved from reports of the Department of Public Buildings and Housing Authority records. Totals ' . � for each bedroom size were determined by applying the ratios indicated in the census data for size of substandard units and size of units available for rent. Estimates of the number of units added by new construction were derived from building permit reports. A Housing Authority survey of recent construc- tion (1960-1964) obtained a 20% sampling of all apartment units for which permits were issued during that period. Percentages of unit sizes indicated by the survey were used to,determine additions to total supply by size of unit. � •~ • • •I ` . � + ' St. Paul, Minnesota The various sources of information on vacancies indicated wide variances in ratios in relation to age and location of units. Vacancy rates varied from as low as 3% to as high as 20%. Older units in more desirable locations averaged 3 to 5% while units of the same type in less desirable areas aver- aged 6 to 9% vacant. Recently constructed units ranged from S to 10% vacant, with the higher percentage predominantly in larger developments in areas experiencing rapid build-up. The rates for the various unit - sizes were determi.ned by comparino census data on vacancies with informa- tion on current experience, and making adjustments after subtractions for substandardness and demolition. In the judgment of this Authority, the figures indicated on this application represent a reasonably accurate estimate of the current vacancy siruation, based upon the information available from the sources indicated. .� .�_, PART II - SECTION B: HQUSING AVAILABLE TO THE LOCAL AUTHORITY (Indicate sources and method used to arrive at estimate) � Of the 336 units shown in sub-section 1, Vacant Standard Housing Available, a total of 100 of these units have been forma.11y committed by the owners for use in this program. These units are designed for and limited to occupancy by elderly persons cf moderate income. The remaining units, amounting to . � about 12% of the total City supply,� are based on discussions with owners and managers of multi-family housing and their reactions to the proposed program. • This estimate was further evaluated on the basis of findings of relocation • resource studies performed by real estate consultants for the Authority as required supporting documentation for two urban renewal projects now in � execution. It is felt that this estimate is a conservative one and that the initiation of a survey and listing procedure will provide the Authority with a substantial supply of available suitable dwellings for use under this proposed program. *Total supply of vacant units. � < r q , ti � � rf � ` � St. Paul, Minnesota The 10 units shown in sub-section 2, Vacant Substandard Rehabilitatable Housing, have been offered for use under the program conditioned upon the accomplishment of a proposed rehabilitation program for which the Authority is providing assistance in a renewal area. ' PART II - SECTION C: ESTIMATE OF LOCAL AUTHORITY EXPENSES FOR OPERATING SECTION 23 LEASED HOUSING , (Explanation of basis for estima�es) , Estimates of operating expense were based on data included in form PHA-2564, Consolidated LHA Budget, for the current fiscal year. Separate estimates have been computed for elderly and non-elderly expenses as it is anticipated that the 100 units to be utilized which are designed for elderly will require a considerably locaer expenditure by the Authority than for those to be provided from other sources. These 100 units will be . • covered by a single lease and the lessee will perform a certain amount of the tenant selection activity. The units are newly completed, and provide all necessary services. It is expected that no expense for maintenance or , i.nsurance will be incurred by the Authority as this will be entirelq the responsibility of the owner. Expenses a�e itemized in the follouing table: P.U.M. P.U.M. Elderly Non-Elderly 1. Administrative Expense Non-technical Salaries $ .80 $ 1.50 Technical Salaries .15 1.20 Legal expense .50 2.00 Travel .10 .10 Publications .03 .03 Membership dues and fees ' .02 .02 Telephone and Telegraph .05 .15 Sundry .75 .75 Total Administrative Expense $ 2.40 $ 5.75 • ..ti' � � . • • '. � ' � ' � S�. Paul, Minnesota P.U.M. P.U.M. Elderly Non-Elderly • 2. Maintenance Labor -0- .60 Materials -0- � .15 ' Total Maintenance Expense -0- $ .75 � 3. Insurance Percent of Covera�e Total Cost k Public Liability 22% taorkmen's Compensation 62 Automobiles 13 Money and Securities 3 Blanket Position Bond 1 � *(Based on Analysis of Authority insurance premium experience) Total Insurance Expense -0- $ .45 4. Employee Benefit Contributions Total Contribution .10 .30 TOTAL OPERATING EXL'ENSE (P.U.M.) 2.50 7.25 PART II - SECTION D: ESTIMATE'OF UTILITIES Schedule of Average Monthly Utilities Cost Source: Northern States Power Company 5 OR MORE 0-BR I-BR 2-BRS 3-BRS 4-BRS BRS 1. Electricity $ 3.30 $ 3.30 $ 4.15 $ 5.30 $ 5.60 $ 6.10 . 2. Cooking Fuel 2.45 2.45 2.75 3.50 3.85 4.25 3. Water - - - - - • - 4. Heating and Hot Water 5.24 9.08 11.35 14.37 16.64 � 18.50