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� � � ' � - . � ,� ��� 22'7��- , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK_ � Cy�O � � CITY OF ST. PAUL � F�EN��� NO ���' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - • �- - j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -� � __ COMMISSDONE� M�-�-ton Rosen� Public Works p�� Ma.rch, 19� _ � '� - WHEREAS'� By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300� H.F. 217 a.nd ratified by C.F. No.. 192216, approved May 2� 1959, the City�of Saint Paul� ma.y pay a portion of the assessable costs�of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs exceed the benef3.ts to the property owner� �S� It has been determi.ned tha.t the following described pa.rcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following amounts: , Description , Amount Lot 15� and W. 5•Ft. of Lot-14, Block 2� John J. Kenna!;sReaxr. , • � 16g.�5 Lot 16-and 10 ft. of Lot 17� Block 2� John J. Rennats Reaxr., 16$.2S Lot 29� Block 6� Academy Heights 55:9� �ot 30� Block 6� Aca.demy Heights � � 52.7g Lot 9 and W. 15�ft. of Lot 8� Block 3� Merriam Park Second Add� 22b;28 I�ot 10� Block 3� Merriam Paxk Second Add:. 206.33 Lot 12� Block 9� Merriam Park Second Add, 206.33 Lot 9� Block 10� Merriam Park Second Add.. 206;33 I,ot 1�-Block 15, •I`�erria.m Paxk Second Ad.d. : 206:33 ��•- � Lo�"12� Block 15� Merriam �Park Second. Add;;� 206.33 � y� Lotr9� Block 16� Merriam Park Second Ad.cl. .� 206.33 .., <=- ._. Except the No.•�5 ft. for Lot 10� Bloek 1'6� Merriam Pk. 2nd. Ad.d. 222.93 Lot 7� Block 3� Merriam Pk. Third Add: . , 229.93 Lot lf Block 4� Merriam Pk. Third Add. � 229.96 I�ot l� Block l� Wright and W3ll;ams Reaxr. of Bl.-,12�•Ma.calester Pk. 197.09 Lot 1� Block 2� Wright a.nd Williamts Rearr. of,��l: 12� Ma.calester Pk. 184.19 Lot 1 and W� 2 ft. of Lot 2� Lee Hall�s Rea��. of Lots 12 a.nd 13� - Ma.calester Park __ _ '�� �153.25 11 � COIJNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council �3�127.�_ ��- , Yeas �. Nays - ' Dalglish " . ., - - _--•• - • � ' . Holland �'y�Approve� 19—_ Loss Tn Favor „ ;Meredith Petersou MAyOr AgBillst . , '� • ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � • � " ioat e-� � a ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � ' `� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NC�� 22 .��Q � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO --�-�-� - �-COUNCIL�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -�- -� �- • -- �RESENTED OY N�i].ton Rosen Public Works pA� March, 1966 COMMISSIONEQ � ,� 2 ..._ WHEREAS� The total amount of assessable costs the City ma.y pa.y is �3,127.50� now therefore be it� RESOLVID� Tha.t the Commissioner of Pu.blic Works�be and he �.s hereby authorized to pa.y from the Perma.nent Improvement Revolving F�znd� Code 6000� the amount of �3,127.50� a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Consti-�a.ction under the 196�. Sidewalk Contract 6L,r.I�L-301� District No. 2� I�ev,y No. !�� L-6627, said. Permanent Im- provemen� Revolving Ftznd to be reimbursed from the City�s Sha,re of Local Improvement A3.d F4,ind� o9za7o1. (1965). �.L� ' . 319�fi� COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays ��An Dalglish eYl�I�f 31966 Holland A prove 19� Loss � Favor Meredith � Peterson V A •�t _ Mayor d, ,�._ara.;' Rosen ��'' `- ' '� npp Mr. President, Vavoulis " "t�� ��� ,r�H� � �� ,-.�, . � .� . ion� e-es '; 4 .. � `t^� DUrLIGT[TO MINT[R � ������r ' ° CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO- OFFfCE OF THE CITY CLERK � .COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM . COM�ON[�e Ki1� Ros4lA� Pnb13.0 Wc�rkB ��,F ?�ahy l�i `... � .... I�IA�RS�S� Ths tot�7. a�o�►t c►� as���ble bo�t� the CitY �Y 1��' �� �fL27.�0i �w thex�f'or� 1� it� R$SOL�A� �t t� Cw�i.aeioaer � �13c Wqr3ca be � he 3� h,�x�by a.u�ht�sed to pay��'�p� t�e P�rse�nent �i�rov�t R�nolv�ng �d� Cc�de 6E�0� th� r�oaant c�f ��,��.27��0 �. por�i.o� Q� �he aa�e�aab].e a�oetce o�' S3.de�we�].k C,a��,r�us� t�nder t�e 196�, 33d�ra3.k ��a'� 6�1�5.:30.1� �?i�tr�,a� �o* �x ?,�t►y &4• � L-66�7� s� P�r�nen� �• p�rov�eat �voZ,rit�g l�ma to t�e r��bnqresd t'i•oa�► th� 6i'�y�a� shaxe of r�ood�7. I�pro�t Aid 1�dz E�E�•.7f,�� �39�5��� . . . . � . � • � . � � �1��� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays � Dalglish • �� � ��s Holland � Approv� 19— , � . , Loss . Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MByor Rosen �g�$t Mr. President, Vavoulis iou s�a i � �� � ,J DUrLIGT[TO MINTtR 22►���� ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM . CO�M�MIS�SION� �� RO��u� Ptibl�.ct WQz'k� ��,F M�rph, 1� �8,� p�' euthori�y` o�` t,t� ��'� of" l�tinn�eot,a Y'cr �he year 1959i �ri'�r 340� H�F� 21? aad ratif'i,�d by Q,F, l�i, 19�221.6r �pp�o�red I�S' 2� 1959i tht� C��,,V o� �#.t�t A�.� �' p�r a Po�iaa� c� fi� aa�es�b�.� oost� ot' s3d�a9.lc �trnatic��. wh�uu �uah �oete � the ben�.� t4 t'k� prop�y' own�r� �AS� �ts � be� detet�ined f.hat t�a Foilowiag d�e�rib�d p�e1� of P�'�P— ez�Ey bs re].xe�ved oP the tollaw.�ng ea�a�nt4 t I�eec�I.p�.o� �'� .�r..�..�:. �+o't 15� and W,�, 5 �. �' Lc�t 3.1,.� H1oak z�, Jobn a. �raa'e Ree�r�. � 16�.85 � �6 �d �0 i't. of Iot i7 f H�.oQY z� �oYm .�t ��� R�sr. 168.2$ I�t 2�f �lock 6, �ca�dssy aeighte 5�.� Lo� 30, Blc�aic 6, a�� �b►� �2.?� �o� 9 ax�d W. 15 f'�. ot' � 8, Blo�c �r �ri� Park se�i �dd, 22b.�.8 �ot �,�f B7.oc�lc 3� �err�a� Asrk Se�ca�d �.. �0�.33 7�ot X,2� B7AC�k 9, Merriant Park 3eQOnd Add+ 206.3� � 9, �.oc�c io, �se� �c s�ao�a �at zo6.3� Taot 1,�Blos�lc 1Z, Me�r3� Pe�k set�d AdB� 206.3� L�t �2; B'lac� 15� Nerr3� P�,r�C s�oond L�d. 246.33 , Lat 9, Blcs�c 16,, �ferr�.a� P�,rk S�coad �dd� 206.33 �pt �e► I�o. �5 �t. fcir �t 1,0, B1Qaac 16, �rr� P�. 2�8. Add.� 222.93 I� 7� Hlcfa�c 3� �err� Pk: Th�.�d Ad.e�. 229.�3 Iat l� Blo�c /�� �i+riauti P�c. ��l �d� 229.�a I,�►t 3.y Hloa�c �., Wrig�►t �d. W�1ii�ms Rear�c. a�' Bl. 12� �.Qa.t�s�h,�r F'�c. �.97.�9 Lot 1, B�,q�It 2 f Sir3ght sud W�.�,�� �rr. c�.t' 8�., 1.2� l�,oale a.� Pk. 1gG..19 � � �. i�. 2 f t. ot 7�t 2� � Ii�].l�a Rei�rr. � �ots �3 � �,3� 1�Iaael�Bt,Qr i'at�t ' 1��� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by�I�e Council ;���•� Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss in Favor Meredith ' Petetsan MByor Rosen A ga1�8t Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis iou s�a