227541 1 1 ORIGIHAL TO^CITY GLHRK ������i - - --� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED 6Y �,TON ROSEN � COMMISSIONE DA _ , Whereas, The grade of the Short Line Road under the Su�it Avenue Bridge �was lowered from that originally contemplated when the Summit Avenue Bridge �Was constructed, to the extent that the slope protection under the west span is not sufficient to meet the new grad.e; a.nd Whereas, The grading and paving of the Short Line Road has been completed; now, therefore be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to have City Forces extend the Slope Protection, under said � bridge, as per Buseau of Bridges^Plan,~Drawer No. �39, dated September, e 1965, at an estimated cost of $1,100.00; and be it ' Fur.�r Resolved, That the proper City officers be an.d they hereby axe authorized a.nd directed to charge tYie cost for such extension of slope protection by City Forces to PIR F�znd 6000 to be reimbursed fY�om M.S.A: Suspense F�znd. � / . � 3 �9�� COUNCILiu�N � � � ' ' � � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish . ' �� 3 ��� Holland � , pproved 19—_ Loss � Tn F'SVOY' � Meredith � d : � -�. Mayor Peterson �.. A ' s • P Rosen ' '�� _ ` � 881nSt � ° PUBLISHED MAR 51966 Mr. President, Vavoulis a � y � , • ' !' s � , � ion� ass � � ' . ?� � .�.-.: - - . _ __��„�� ' , DUrLICAT[TO HI�NT[R /'/ /1��� ,� ..d�.+� e - � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�H��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ' . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � COM�MIS�I NEt �QLT{� �O�N DA� �tht�eae, � gr�d�a o�' the �hort L�.ne Ro�,d und�r the $u�pit A�renue Br3.d� wa,e lo�ered �`ran tl��,t oi�9.g3nauy ec�cte�la�,ttd �n the �ait Avenu� Er3d� wa.� eon�tr'uct�., �o '�he eY�e� tha.t, the slope pra�G�c��dn � wxler the �rest spen �s no� e��3cient to aeet th� ncar �ad,e; euad. �ih��eaa, The gr�ing axr� p�v�ag oF �the Shor� .T�3ae l�o�d Y� �en co�p].ete�t; nuu, �he.�a�ore b� �.t � R��olved:, 3'h�,t �he �o�3s6ia�r oP Public '�orkg ie hereby au�bori�ed �n�. di.r�c�SCY to hava City �'orces e�end the �la,p� 1'rotectinn, un�,er sa3d bridge, a� �� B�r�au of BriBges �'lan, 33rawer Nq. ].39, �t�d $ept.�sber, 1965� at an e�tiae�ted co�t oP ��.,304.00; �.nd be it r��►.`'t��hex Re�olved, Thsti tha proper City of�icesre be and they �reby ar� aut�ior3zed and directed to charge the co�t for euch exten�ion of �.ope pz�at�c�3on bq City �'ort�ss �o F31� �ir�d. 60�0 �o 't�� �iab�urt�. groa 'IL.�.A. �uiepense �nd, � 31��� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays f Dalglish � � ���� Holland Approv� 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Meredith Petersoa �ByOr Rosen ��t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�[ aes