227539 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 22`�539 ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY-CLERK CI QLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .t' COMMISSIONE DATE WHERE�S, the Office of the Corporation Counsel has certified in writing that it is in doubt as to who is entitled to the award of damages , in the amount of �288.00, for the taking of property described as follows: Those parts of Lots 13 and 14, Pigott' s Addition, to the City of St Paul�Ramsey County Minnesotay lying Northwesterly of a line descri�bed as follows: beginning at a point on and measured on the southerly � line of West Seventh Street as now widened, 40 feet �"�'` northeasterly from the easterly line of Homer Street, thence sa�hwesterly to a point on and measured on the easterly line of Homer Street 50 feet southerly from the south line of West Seventh Street, as now � widened, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Regi�ter of Deeds in and for said County and State; said award having been confirmed by Council File No. 213053, approved May 29, 1963; now, therefore� be it . RESOLVED, That a warrant be drawn for said amount of $288.00, payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial District, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the party or parties entitled thereto. � ' , . Q� G����-����� . ����� . � a�g o o — ��8�� � � • E J: FITZGER,ALD `�� . C�ERK DI�7RICT CCURT� RAAiSEY GOUN1Y, hgi1vN. FOR - P R E /'. Q��%�� st. Corpo a 'on Coansei � 3 196� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays M� 3 ��� ' Dalglish ' Holland proved 19_ Loss . Favor � Meredith Pete ts on U �ByOr A g�L1II9t - Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ��f�C(SHED MAR � ��� DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ���.5�9 ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER pATF _ WHEREAS, the Office of the Corporation Counsel has cer�ified in writing tha� it 3s in doubt as to who is entitled to the award of damages� 3n the amount of �288.00� for the taking o� property deseribed as followss Those parts of T�ots 13 and 14� Pigott' s Addition� to �he City of St Paul Ramsey County Minnesota lying Northwesterly of a lin.e described as followss beginn3.ng at a point on and measured on the southerly line of West Seventh Street as now widened� 40 fee� northeasterly from the easterly line of Homer Street� thence sathwesterly to a poin.t on and measurad on the easterly line of Homer Street 50 feet southerly from the south 1i.ne of West Seventh Street� as now widened� aecording to the p7.at ther�of on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in an.d for said County and State; said award havir�g been confirmed by Couneil File No. 213053, approved May 29� 19633 naw, therefore� be it RESOLVED� That a warrant be drawn for said amount of $288.00� payable to E. J. Fitzgerald� C1erk of District Court� Second Ju.dic3.a1 Distriet� Ramsey County, Minnesota� for the party or parties entitled thereto. � 31966 COLJNCILI�N , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r� Dalglish M� 3 �` ° Holland ' Approved 19— Loss � Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor �Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis • � 0.. ��F�t.P�� p1SY �' _ Area Cods 612 ti�� ti,, CIVIL DIVISION z23'S�z� : a THOMAS J. STEnRNS - � �� DONALD C. HANSON ''i ' � n� JOHN J. McNEIL � +•• PAUL J. KELLY JEROME J. SEGAL RICHARD J. BATf15 ORPICH OR THE CORPORATION COUNSEL CRIMINAL DIVISION Firif Aasitfanf CITY OF SAINT PAUL DANIEL A. KUS GERALD A. ALFVEBY ROBERT E. O'CONNELL JON R. DUCKSTAD s��raia..r,m�� LEGAL DEPARTMENT ARTHUR M. NELSON 316 City Hall, 5t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 THOMAS M. MOONEY STEPHEN L. MAXWELL March 2 1 6 Corporst/on Counse/ ! 9 6 The Honorable George J. Vavoulis and Members of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul This is to certify that this office is in doubt as to � who is entitled to the award of damages in the amount of $288.00 for the taking of property described as follows : Those parts of Lots 13 and 14, Pigott' s Addition, , to the City of St Paul Ramsey County Minnesota lying Northwesterly of a line described as follows : beginning at a pdnt on and measured on the southerly line of West Seventh Street as now widened, 40 feet l�, northeasterly from the easterly line of Homer Street, thence southwesterly to a point on and measured on the easterly line of Homer Street 50 feet southerly _ from the south line of West Seventh Street, as now widened, according to the plat thereof on file and , of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State; said award having been confirmed by Council File No. 213�53 approved on the 29th day of May, 1963• _ ' Your. very truly, ��„�'�--�1' .�G'!�G� R' hard J. attis First Assistant Corporation Counsel RJB/mlp - �22 �