227533 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ������ N CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'� LICENSE �OI�"iITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , � �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE pArE I�iar�h � �9�Fi RrSOLUED: That licenses applied fer by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Urban J. Beer 789 Raymond Hardware �pp:6048NewOLoc� I�argaret L. Gadbois 1197 Payne Restaurant " G'-�20" "" Oliver Thien School of Beauty, Tnc. 5-7--11 F. 7th Beauty �hop " 6907" N" " " Vend.A't.ach.Loca. ° ° " ���i� Cara�el Crisp, Inc. 5 E. 7th Confectionery " 6956" 0" Leo Altshuler 226 W. 7th 2nd.Hd.D1r.Gen.(�ntiques) �pp•6998�� ��� S hoppers City Dry G'leaners, Inc. 1139 Payn� Ldy.�7C Plant " 7141" 0" Norbert Baehr 1538 E. Minnehaha Barber ' " 7�55" �� Y� Martin Auto Livery, Inc. 225 W. �th Pr. Gas Pump " 7483" 0" Arnold & Luc�lle Roth 1385 g• 7th 1 add.V#1705(�'1•)" 7484" "" Gerrett Freight Lznes, Inc. 1075 Raymond Cigarette " 7655" N" . . � 31966 COiJNCILi►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 31966 Dalglish � Holland Ap rove 19— Loss � Favor ` Meredith Pete rs on � M�yOr �—Against" pUBLISHED MAR 5 19�� Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-es