227480 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � �/'d���o CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COEMMISSIONEQ MILTON ROSEIV DA� � - Whereas, It may be desirable and necessary during the remainder o� 1g66 to request and obtain from the Minnesota Department of Iiighways engineering and technical services for the testing and inspection of construction materials, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, That pursuant to statutory authority, the City Engineer �— for and on behalf of the City of St. Pau1 is hereby authorized to request —� and obtain from the Minnesota Department of�Highways, needed engineering and technical services during the year 1966; for which payment will be made by the City upon receipt_of verified claims fram the Commi.ssioner of Highways; and be it �-� Further Resolved, That the total cost �or these services sha11 not exceed �7,500.00 and that such costs sha11 be charged in all cases, to related. an.d specific pro,jects. ' � � , � � 1196�6 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 'vl� 1 �a7�� Holland pproved 19— �Loss Favor � * Meredith `l Pete rs on `� MAyOr Rosen Aga�t Mr. President, Vavoulis B`t$�Ep l�l►H� � ��� �V lons e-es