227466 Orieinal to City Clerk � ��� ORDINAI�1' CE 22'74�6 � ' ' COUNCIL FILE NO. - � '� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. y AN ORDIATANCE SET'PLIN�r �'HE eLA�'i OF WAIS�ACE SANTOS, JR. AND PATRICIA I�. � � SANmOS AC�AINS� THF CI3'Y OF SAIN2 PAHL � Z'HE COUNCIL OF �iE CITY OF SAIN� PAIIL DOES O�DAINs Seetion� l. Tha.t the proper Ci�y officers are hereby authorized to pay out of tl�e Judgment and �ompromise Fund; . to Wallace Santos, Jr. and Patricia L. Santos, the sum of $1,050.00, in fnl.l. settlement of their claim for damage to their proper�y at 6�+8 Brown Avenue, Saint Paul, Min�esota, as more particularly se'� out in a cormnunication to the City Coia.neil on June 9, 1965. Seetion �. That said sum shall be paid to the said claiman�s �.pon their exec�.�ior� and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the . Eorporation Counael, for��'all damage sustained in the ma.nner aforesaid. � , `� Section 3. �hat this ordinanee .shall take effeat and � be in force thirty dags after �its passage, approval and publicat3.on. r _ ' _ N�R 1 b �6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglieh . " Holland , ' Los.Mor#inSC¢�-� �GL���i� � � . Tn Fa.vOT � � ��V � Peterson - � � Aroainst .-�iese�t-- ' Mr. President (Vavoulis) ' �R 1 6 1�6� ' Approve . Attest: . - � City Clerk \ �, ayor 1 M 8-82 �2 2 . Form approved Corppration Counsel By — - - - PUBLISHED 9 �9G6 � DuDl�ats to Printee � i � � 2��!��� � ORDINANCE COUNCiL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � � AN ORDINANCE SFTTLINa THE CLA�M OF WALLACE SANTOS, dR. AND PATRICIA L. SAN�'03 Af�AINST THE CITY OF SA7N"1' PAIIT� TF� COUNeII, OF THE CITSC OF SA�NT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN s . r .r..- Seation 1. �'hat the proper Citg oPfiaers a�e hereby sutho�iz�d to �ay out of the Juclgment �nd Compromi�e Fundy to Wallace Santos, Jr. and Patricia L. Santos, the sum of $1,050.00, in fu11 aettlement of their olaim Por damage � to their property at 6�+8 Brown Avenue, Saint P$µl, Minneao�ta, as more partiaularly aet out in a eo�nunica�ion to the City CounQil on June 9, 1965. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said elaimanta upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a Form to be approved by the ii Corporation Counsel, £or a11 damage suatained in the manner aforesaid. SeGtion 3. That thia ordinance aha.11 take effect and be in Porce thirty day� after it� paseage, approval and publiaation. MAR 16196�fi Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co�ncil Dalglish ( Holland � � 1C% Loss , • Tn Favor Peterson ��� � A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) IV�R 16196� Approved: Attest: � City Clerk Mayor inz s-sz �22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � •. I st :; 2n� : • Laid over to 3rd and app � ��dop+ed— � — ` ., Yeas Nays Yeas Nays `�Dalglish �Dalglish � �2'�4��� � olland olland Loss `Loss �� i \Meredith ered th � � � Peterson �t'eterson � Rosen � Mr. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis �O