227443 , ��"� . � - .� '�•y 1 . - _,-�� COUNCIL �''ILE N//��-_.-_ ' 2� �3 BY /�� � '�' � -- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS � . -- In the matter of '�'_`"��-- - — � Condemning and taki=ng�on SIXTH„STREET-„�f-rom-Mounds--Boui�ev3rd -t_ofArcad"e Street, an -�� .,� easement in the land necessary' for slopes�y= cut"s.�and fi11s and temporary construction ��� easements,, all includin� the right-=of>,remo�al�'of lateral support from subject, land , or remainder thereof_ as shown by� Dra�oing_�No;= I896, sheets l��and 2, �Tope drawer 2, � dat�ed December 17_s 196,5,, on �f.i�le in the Depa�:tment of Public� �+lorks, occasioned by ,,.` �.�.,�,��_..� �.�,, i construcfion;'�wor-k�;:'�oth�wi�tiii�;���an�`:be�ond;o'r�outside-of-said street_,boundary lines � for the widening and repaving, as we: �-.:a��condemning and acquiring the right which �-=-.... .._ shallk:be'�int�tih'e�n�;tur�e?cof._an�eas�me.n�..t��e�.aJzli�e�yr�he�..,gxa�.eAor"-eto�alter• t�h�'e�g_rade_ liere- ' -----�-� tofore established in said Sixth Street which condemnation and acquisition shall T L y ������ �r �� � ;^�� • includ�eGtr'���t�ki�'ng+�b.£a11:.�r�g-ht.,�claim,�or�inot.er�stoo�3°abut.t�m���o�.rty owners.,in J r � any grade heretofore established or esisting in said Sixth Street, and providing � , thereforA��dli�a�t,horizin:gg�`he�ne`st�a�b;l:i€sfilnen�t0'ofirg�,ade;�or,��t:rangeico��lg�r,ad���s�,.e�ounci� h�ving i �accord�n'ceQf.Ta�`��h'{D.�awilig�'No: �9:56?;Cpa��ingiad�awer?�1:7�, �d°at�ed, DeQemb,ex�2'Q;.iy1965�,��on; f�cl��,�e; �in th`�E��p�Xt}nent of Public Wo�ks;. and, further, providing therefor and authorizin� =�where appropriate, acaards to compensate abutting owners for all taking or damaging of p�'i•vatesprope`r�y�+"re�s`u'1ri�r�g�I�o� s`ub jee;t�prope.r.�'L�etst��n`d��in�orpor,at�ng�a1Fl�tauchi�l8 pf im- a� s. . t� � _ F.K •i� : I ,compen�sa'�ion�b.o whi�ch��n�yabu-tt`i-ng�bwne'r roay be or become entitled, if any, into a '�ingle�awardrwith�respect�toTeacl��parceT�of1`"�ibui'�tin�vpropei�tyn,��'c�de St�e�r, r•"► _ ` , e�seTrre�z-i7s�t�r�-i�n�zre�cessary- �or sTopes; cuts� fil-�nd temporary construetion . e'ase��nts9 al l� including_the right o£ removaY• of- l�teral support from sub ject ,land -- � or'reirrainder;ther�of�as shown. by Drawing ,No. 1896.o sheets 1 and 2, slope drawer 2, t dated"'Deceinbe� ;1�7;r 1965, on fi'l.e-in--the-Dep�rtment of _Public Works., oceasion�d. by, � , construction work both within' and beyond or out�side`�of s.aid,_stteet boundary lines� ' ' Y', for the widening and repaving, �.s well as condemning and acquiring the right which _ �- ' shal ltub;e tin �LYCe�cda�u'x:e�yo�rc'�� eas'.e�en;�tita�.es�abL�i�_slrikG�he grade o"r to'�al'ter the grade here- ; tofore established in said S�xth Street wliich condemnation and acquisition shall include ' i the taking^;o�f�,a�LDr�gii�t�bT"'c1�,i.mr�tdr'�#i�n�e'i���gofr�r�t�t�t��ngxp�'6pe�.t'yl �'�t5�'r`s�i+n�t� th� a►m,e a� �h�t,gf�ad�e,�t�e�re.tof:or`,e�es.t�ab1_i�_she,difor:�?�xis;t�irig�t�n�sa�iclhtS;ix�trh�SG�e�.�y�.�1�nd��p�o„v,id�;ngnt�,vi�.: ' ' ! �he�e�o�.:�pd;r�iu�ho.zi.�ing t;h'.e�'e'stab°:Lishm�n:t� ofi�g.r`adekr.o:zecharigeCof`�rg:r•adeY�n°���# ats � ` � ac:cordan`cetw��te Drtiw�in'g.��}:o�;r,9.�S6,�fpavi'ng�^d�a�.^-12:;c�dat,ed�,Dec:emb''er:r2Q',��'196.5�;�ont:��l?eri . { ( in�F;�he�r.Depar��erit�•_dita'Pub;lictWo_r,k's;;.'and,,E�furttier�; pr.o,viding�:there�fo��ta'nd:t�ithorixing ; wi}�ererappr:opri�ate-,^.;;a"wa.rds;fto,=compensate�,abu.tti.n`g'�E.owr�e�r��f:o�. alll taki�rigio.r�da�►nagin"g j , ! dfitp,r•,iv"'a�t�r,�p,r_operty 1,r'�s.y,lt:i:-ng"it.o; s�a;b j:e;ct l:px,o.pez:ti.e:s��andtjinco.rp.o,ra;t•ing;t�al�l��s�ucli: by� � � comp:ensa.tion� to�twhiclitlan�iab.uttingi own�er_c'may.` be�to��become.�en.ti:tled.� if�t��an'y;y�iri,�o;ca � � singL°e:caRardr,c,i.ithr_r.e'spect.to:�,�acYr, pgrc,eLrof�+�a�b.u:t.ting, p.u.v�per_try�::,r�ng �he ri.ght ��.i�c}i I shall be�'i-ng�t�re�`nat-uve��f-E�n ea"se�ent�w�t"-�o�'es��`�i��'f�e��gra�TSe��-�L�o��it��zhe'�g-r��a�'�her�= � toforeu'�e°st�li�l�i�;slie�;'�in��=s`"�i'"d�4Si>x�t1i�4S'tree`t#twh`-i-'e'hy%coli`d�em"na'�{ion�and'- �cquis-i�ti n�sliallsine=l-�iTde , " the bak`-fi=ng`��of�a�'1�1�i-�igh't• ,'�c�ra��m�-or�"�`int��re^'s't�18f �'abu�t'�i�ng`�rpro'�erty'� oi,fne�fs�t�n�hesowiYlt. � �.''any grade.heretofore established�'or existing in said Sixth Street, and pro�i'ding � thereforAg'nc��fau'@fio`r•izin'g'�C�he-es-tablishment�of gr-ade-or-�ek�ange�of�g°rade in�f � �r a,� �� ��cordance with Drawing No, 956, paving drawer 12, dated Decembe�0, �1965,•Fon�fi�le,r- � in the �Department of Public Works; and; furthe-r�,-�-�prowid�i°ng�h�e�re�orla�nd-su•thor,izipg-- R-•-� � �� � �� Utt� WeI'k. where appropriate,' awards to�.compensate abutting owners�r all •taking or damag'ing ' of' pri��a�t`'e'Fpr-operty--re�sta���ti�ng--to�sub�ec�tgQproperties'and� incorporating aYl such , = compensation to which an abutting o�aner may be--or�b ce om���ntitled;""i'f"'ar�y;`int°ob7 yor.� single award with respect to each parcel of abutting property. , • n Councilmen: �" pUBIISHED MAR 5 1966 � ' , Dalglish � a� , Holland I ` ': Loss ������� \ ''J � . l � � _Mo.r�i-�so� ' Peterson Rosen , Mr�. President, Vavoulis ` / � � � '` . /\ � /� .� `^\ 1�. S� ��yM /��� ! �� \ . r J , "_ . ,�, z ��'�44�. OFFICE OF TI� COMMISSIOTIER OF PUBLIC WORKS ���`��� ! �' REPORT TO CONA'lISSIONER OF �1.NANCE December 28, 1965 To the Corrm�issioner of Finance of the City of Saint Pauls ' The Coiranissioner of Public Works9 having had under consideration the prem liminary order of the Council9 known as Council File No, 226377 approved December 21, 1965 relative to ,�--°�--=�.— ,._--_�. . — --- ---¢ -- --- - — '� �' .�. . .. . , �. �--� -, Con�emning and �ta�Cing, �on SIXTH S'TCtEE� �from Mound� Boulevard� to Arcade� Street;��an easement ! � in Che land necQSSary for slopes� cuts. filla and temporary construction easec►ents, all - � ' .includingrth@ right of removal of letoral suppor� frorn eubject land or remainder thereof. - � - , � as 'shown by Drawing Na. 1896� sheets 1 and 2� slope drawer 2� dated December 17. 1965 on � f ile in the Depnr�►ent of Pablic Worka,� �occasioned by construttion ti�ork both within and , beyond or outside.of said streat boundary lines for the widenin� and repaving, as well as condemning �nd acquiring.th0 rfght wi�ich stu�ll be in the naL•ure of an easeueent to establish th� gr�de or to alter the grad@ heretofore establishQd in said Sixth Street which condemna• tion and acquisition shall iaclude the tsking of ell right, claim. or interest of abuttiag . property owners in any grsde heretafore asteblishad or existiag in ,said Sixth Street; and , providin� therefor and authoriziag the establishment of grade or change� of grade in accord• • ance with Drawing Noo 956, paving drawer 12, dated Deceraber 20� 1965� on File in the Depart� , ment of�Public Works; and, fuzther. providing 'thQrefor and euthoriaing, where eppropriate. •� � ewards to�compensate abutting, owners for ali taking or ,damaging oE private property result• , iag to �ubject propertiee and in�orporatir�g ail such corapensation' to which an abutting owaer may be or become entitled� if any� into a eingl� sward with'respect to, Qach. parcel of abutting property � ,' • . , , •, ', , � . . ' . •.;, �, , � ,�, .. � � � ''__.;.__ a ' _ ,• • �' '__ ; .,� • �., � 2, A plar9 profile or sketch of said irapronement is hereto atta�hed and mxde � a p�rt hereof, � 3o Ir�,tiated by the C ; �� � of Public Works g � ���., I�rsprovement is d �r . on� tion ti ���� � � pE���v�0 � . .r7i �G Cp � , c� Ft�,�„�. %C;� o . � �� �ti� � , �.�' f G�b�� ���,� Commissionar of Pub1.i� 'Wo�ks � "r � ���9�5 . ,��'� . � � t . ` , �