228893 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �y2���_ \ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �" LIGENSE COI"SMLTTEE. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ CO NCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �T�1@ Z ].9� COMMISSIONE ' DATF � -- �S: �I Morra.s Holtzman desires to Withdraw Appli�a�ion J-7799 for aestaurant, � On Sa].e Malt Beverage� Off Sale Malt Be�erage� Taver�, and Cigarette ?.i.censes at l�94 St. Peter Street inasx�uch as �he building is to b e , demolished� and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon� therefore� be 3.t �ESpI,VED= That the proper city officers be and they are hereby antho�ized to reflind � to Marr3.s Holtzman the pro-rated fee of � 20?•75� dedu�ting � 69.25 from the origina.l fee of � 277•00 posted., for the period �Ghe applicant operated on said applicat3.on and to cancel sa3.d application for ]icenses. WITFIDRAWAL .(Par�3.al. Refund) , Residence Addresss C/0 Capri Hote7.. Item: Fee Oper• 3 Mos. Re�'und Re'stauraat � 30.pp 2L2� t°_7 50 66 � 9 �•50 � s. M. • �.20.00 . 30.00 � 90.00 o�� s. �r. i5.o0 3.75 �.25 Ta.er� ioo.00 25.00 75.00 Ci�arette ].2.00 - - - 3.� _ �.00 Tpta�.s — � 277.00 — � + �9.2� — — � — 207.75 �U� 2 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� � ���� Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss � In Favor - Meredith T' ) — Pe te rs on �/ �AyOr � A gainst Q Rosen � �U$LISHED , JI�N � ��kl� Mr. President, Vavoulis