228890 . , {� ORIGINAL T;CITY CLERK� • ' ����� d, ; CITY OF ST. PAUL PILENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY D8aT1 Meredith �&y 26, �g66 COMMISSIONER DATE _— . , gesolved, That the purcha.sing Agent be and is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to enter into an agreement with the Xerox Corporation for rental and nae bf one Xerox Pdodel �F20 copier for period of one year beginning gpril 7, 1g66 at the basic monthly nse charge of $20.00 per month through Matiy j0, z966, and thereafter . a cha,rge of $.O�F per aopy for the first j copies, $.�2 per copy for the next 7 copies, and �.01 per copy thereafter each time the machine is turned on,(payment to be made b� contract claim form monthly) withont advertisement or competitive bids pursua.nt to Section 290 of the Charter � of the City of St. Paul, as this is patented �quipment; and the proper � City Officials hereby are directed to execute said agreement. Charge; l�iblic Safety Code, oil�-2�+7. i�� � . . � Josegsn J. R/dn�e�n�ll APP : AS . APPROVED: Ckt Couagstrogper ' . . . . . . . . . . f3�t-_ - ��"'' ASSISTANT ORATIOId COUNSEL COMPTROLLER L`e'��'n' °•'"��""- '! G �RCHASING AGENT. � JUN 2 1966 COiJNCIL N Adopted b the Council 19— ME Y Yeas Nays JUN 2 � 196� Dalglish Hollaod Approved 19— Loss In Favor Meredith � Pe te rs on �IByOr A gainst Rosen PUBLISHED ��N 4 1g66 Mr. President, Vavoulis DUrIICATE T� PRINTER + ~ n � 22�$�p ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � �d��� +�`V ��+, �96� � COMMISSIONEa DATF — �so�,v�d, '1'ha� #,he Farohaeing ,A�rnb b� and ir h�r�l�r �►u'�o�'iwd � • irith t,he oone�nC Q� ths Ca�sp��al3e�� xo snt�r lnto an �rA�tt wit,h - ° th� ��ro�c Oorpq�atzon to� �n'E�l and ns• ot nne x�ra� �todel 420 cog�.�r � for p��iod o� o� year beg,�nning ��i� 7� 1��i6 ea� ��e b�sits t�or�th�,y► . mse oha�g� �ol� �22C�.0� �sr �oath throt�h lis�' 3�, �9&6. �►n�, th�r�t'fi►ar � �► o�Fg� ot �.t� per. a� �pr the �re� 3 �sopisQ, �.02 �er aopy �ox th� �. a��sb 7 copi��! a.ad �.OIc per �op� t�re�.f�er .�c�► tl�a� �h� �i�ohine i* _ turn�d aa�(P�Y�ent to bs m�►ds by �antx�a,c t aZai� fox�a� �n�k�) wl.th�m� � adr�r�is�n� o� cQna�etit3v� b�d� �nrsnant to �sct�dn �0 ot the Chq�r��r . oi xh�e C�ty df Bt: Pevi, a� thir� �s pat�nt�d ��iP��� aad �h� p�oB�r .- qlt� Q�`�iaial� �►er�b� a��► dirmcted �o s�ceante seid ��n'Q. Che►r�+z �+ntb�,�.� ��t�► CoQ�. t�}l�#-�4�., , , , , � Jc��;.r� J. I!�z" ,,�ii � AP t AS FORPfs APPROVEDt : �f .�`.�,..,�:,,c: =r � � •�r SISTANT C ORATION COITNS�L CfJ�iPTItQLLER :�� �.��;� (;e�:-�,��j�er , . ���� , RCHASING AGENT� - � . ,+ � ���� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' . Dalglish ��� � ��� Holland Approved 19— �, Loss ' Tn Favor ' Meredith Q � � Pe te rs on �Y�r A gainst Rosen h1r. President, Vavoulis � , � ` k �