228883 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �2���3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY j�jl��� ROSEN COMMISSIONE DATF JUIle �-, 1966 �- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the plans and specifications for sanitary sewer extensions in CARLTON DRIVE from Richmond Avenue to �exington Avenue, in TII�LER TQ� � ! from Richmond Avenue to Vivian. Avenue, all of which is known as Pro,ject No. 66-3A, and Addendum No. l, dated April 28, 1966� for the Village of Shoreview, suthorized by and sub�ject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the City of Saint Pau1 Ordinance No. 10725, approved January 20, �965 and as amended, for the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Roseville with that of the City of Saint Paul, prepared by consulting engineers of said Village and approved by the Village - ' @ouncils of Shoreview and Roseville, and heretofore submitted to , and approved by the Cammissioner of Public Works and the Chief � ,• Engineer, hereby �re in all things approved. :�-;� � ' �UN 11966 � COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas II Nays ,��N 1I9�� Dalglish Holland Appr ve 19— �� . � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson v s��dP�l M�yOr • �c� ^ A gainst �t�:�`���ty:����� , D ,iUN � ���� - �Is;3�ce�,reaident (Rosen) '�$IISHE 1oM e-6a f -- � •