228872 .� ,�., ��- 1r`1� A,�3'��a . - .� � + �.�� � . � _ � �' � �� �~ ' 2���'�2 . . ' f - COUNCIL FILE N0. , � GITY O�F ST. PAUL R,esdl'ution Ratifying Assessment By � � In the matter of the assessment of b�n�t`�t�r ccip�8 .altld ��nBe� �"0� �t3i�'�xuctic�t �arid � �. res�o�t�c�u �� ��d�� ai�d wbx� �.ac�dea��: �l�s�et,o� Cc�,�c� �w��341� �vy �a. �, Dis�r3ct �a:,: 2 -- -- - -._--• � ._ '�-----=— - - -____ ...--- ---_ L_ __ - - y- -.�. _ � � ' < �� _. , ' � - . � ,��� _ �. e • _ � . � , a• • • .- 't • ' � I . . . i ` i �x` � pgalrwaeAT.�= I � ` ' � 1� • 2 �3 - A�hl�nd Ave., both �id�s tron Aldine St. to i�heeler St. ' � F.U. �217831 - Edgcumbe Rc�e►d, eaat aid� tr� St. Pau3. Ave. �o Morgan Ave. and '� oo the ac�rth eide of �t. Paul As�s. �rom� Edgcwmbe Road to i�.he esat apprw�cimnte�ly 130 rt. F.O. �23.6728 • Cretin Ave., eaat aida Prcm� Ber�eley Av�e. ta the aorth ap�rox. 12g , tt. sbutti�g 8179 Eerloalsy Av�e. � f F•�• 7599 - Sax'atog�t 8�., both aidee Srpm 6ummit Ave. t,o Port]s�td Av�e. F T: .`:ttV1 k� '�. �l. �.•�}.Rs� Mrqila�'L�/1��}�'`�.DYKPir�'b�A.��l/'�i� F.Q:.-�: . 695����?.3,i��f'ra�rAve.,bo�aides�t`rom=Wil'Qer�B�t.�to=�oore=St: --- �-• - -, � F.O. ��l�tg83 - Cambridge Av�e., both eic�e� frc�a arand Ave. to Princeton Av�. ° F.Q:�l?59��*=��'•°Cu�ve=°Hlv�:�$eaet=-gide"b=�rom�`��:Higblaiid°�Pi�`rkw�ty`�#►o=��].eanor Ave;�#'��"��"�� . � F.O�+.. �2T17�a82'j` • �Yy St.� rae�t stde trom A�hlsnd Ave. south tu tlye alley�approx. . 1'iiakti}�itiJ�l���.�...�k��.`�",up.�i�i��w•�Zyyy.���`-M1���-�8�������-�����1V• �::.�r�v.. �^7[aM�tT�YC�A� _ �w�r�aa����up jiiv � _ .�., _. F.O. �18011 � i�heeler 8t.� veat aide Prc� Baye�rd Av�e. south appros. 12g tt. , A pu�a3ie�v�bi�tt►ingir176Q'•�BeiyS'r3��`Att�':� ��se�une�t��,r t�e �.ba��e i�n�rc��r�.�n�: �r.,}s�i� ac��s� F.O. �217755 • Roy Bt.� east $ide lrom �_.ull� d j►Par,.,;.t ��,t.ofi�,,the�gor�th��egpu� . • �ati�fac4ory, 4 ment h�vxng �a''ll�fltt:'�abi�'tR�' f1P�'i 1.v T!'a � � �ag �rbpe�Y 1moMa aa 1599 Higble�nc� �ar]cway. �F..O. 4� ,, 1'�38?ax�8#gti]aad Parlcwsy, both�sidee� !'ram C]cv�leiad Ave. �o Finri �t. � _ F..O,, ?75$ • atanfor� Ava., north side �rc�aa Cle�ne�a,nd Av�e. to Kenaeth Bt. � F.O. �217?56 - Tdhe�ler St., �ast side �rOaq Summit Ave. south �o t.he alley � � _ ��,•���€�l:,V���p�c�fl�:�:,C'.t.z�atnd;�oat-�itYLe soutYac�i°de}�ot�B�ii�tt"AveTe�� r�ti�iFd, �n�� th� i ,��•, �heelrer 8�. e4�t approx. �3 �. abutti�ag property lsz�o�wn.as � �a�me �}iereh��'T�2.�g�;��'A�:�tt�a tz� tne ia- i•:� c;u,;r��i �iit� c�.u�rt� ur x�,r��,ta �c�� cox�€irm.={f�ra. . ' F.O. $21�,7�7���;E's,]ace��Ave�:'°,�IIIO���'�!��tZ�C?c'o?�iK�e,�e�hr.St:. �,to�Pz�iori,4�Q@�.:uy� �ffflr.ti��n� t:� �; F.O. �E],t301�`d •�Otceola Av+O.� ao�th e�de t'ram Victoris 'St. �reat 40 tt. and vn � '�,a3abt� �.._,.;�tthe�xeet�,eideaofr,�li�taria. S�. iram Oaceol�► Av�e. eou�h 125 ft. ' . abutt.3ng 862 Oaaeola Av�a. � ' N(�-A�SF�F3�A8L�t ; � � :0. 33 � Ash],a,nc� Ave., bot.h miQ.ea Prom A].dine Bt. ta Whei�].er St. i �, F.O. �217$31 • Edgcumbe Raad� east eide t'rc� St. P�u1 Av�e. �to l�dor�n Av�e: aud . , � oa the north aide of St. Peul Ave. lz�m Edgcumbe Rond to t2� e�,s�C approxia�tely 130 tt. F.O. ��2].69;5�, �.r�ut�l Ave. bot2i aid�es Pram Wilder St. to l4oc�re 8t. • ' � Y�i�.F%"+�T t`1 � 8'.0. �214983 - c�uu'bri�e A,re. both eia�s �rom arana ave. � ���� , , t� Pr#:ncatQn'�Ava. F.O:'r��17827 � Fry 8�:�4 zres� side lro� Aahlaa8 A�ee,;.-,;sou�h� .�,,a�'�e�;;a�leY apprax.__�.__ _,...�_ ' �,.,,,��;w�,150 ft. nbuttiag P�x"Gy kna�m ae i�32�in�,aaa Av�a. F.O. �2]. 55'�'Roy �t., ea$t eide i'rq�i Higta3and Parkuay tQ the �arth �iPprcx. �iGflafiEt � ..,F..� �],3.3 f't. obutting P�P�x"�Y Smotrn sa ].599 B�Sbl,a,nd Par�y. � F.O. 17� - BEighlsnd Parkway� both sidea irc� Cleve Ave�:?.to_Firin-8t. -.-�..—w- �',_��;: 1$tri�i. �•0• ��'�er::a��r at.� east side traam S�u1t Av�. eouth to�the d ry ' �.,, ,���'sppro�c.r1�9 t'�. nnd� ou th� south s3de of Summit3AYe�.:�P� � :.•� ' fr�-: .��.,.r , r .Wluel&�St. �$t approx:n?3a'1�'. abutting-propez�ty•lmo�tu--es•- — -- - �-- E:�:. -_....t:�..aa;.� ,S,_�t�.t Av�e. � ; Ns:��tice �'ris:�l.�3,�_. � _M=';�� �'�ayt�r . F.O. i�177S7 - Pal�ca� Ave., aortb etde trom fi.h St. to Prior Ave. - ~ F.�. �21$012�-. Oacao7.� Ave. eouth'�ai�ie���""' Victoria St st 1�4��Lyy ;"�.�"� , � l�tiL` - t:�' i�u. i�.kf.. ati-- .-. � � �rsLlSncl/ ��Wisf'�ijt� C�'�� � 't�lO'1�O1St �.CZQ Ot VICt.01'�PL S�'i. �'Gd'R OBCC0IB V@. 8011'�1 �� �i• ' ��1ltt�i1g �2 08C@OIA AY@• � � ' . `. _ , '� CITY O�F ST. PAUL - ��p� ���� � . ��` �� '�2 9� OFFICE 4F THE COMMISSIdNER OF FINANGE fteport of Completion of Ass�essment � r In the matter of the assessment of ���6�. ��l� i4�d �I��# �`� +����t$ti� 8� x��t���� � �s3� ��� ���, '��`'+�t�: �#�"��"� ����� �� �+ �r F�,.s�r�.� �r. � � . — . ------- ��___—___�� - . - - -- -- - - . _ _- -t . � . . � ; Ass�,ss�,s�s ` � f • + � 33 - Ashland Ave:� both sides from Aldine St: to Wheeler St. ` FeO. #2i7831 - Edgcum'be Road� east side from St: Paul Ave. to Morgan Ave. and . on the north side oP St. Paul AQe. from Edgcumbe Road to the east approximQte�y 130 ft: ' F.O. �'216728 - Cretin Ave•� east side fram Berkeley Ave. to the north approxa 125 ft, abutting 2179 Berke].ey Ave. - F.O. . 17.599 Saratoga,�St-;,�.b.o,th�;sides;�from-Swm�it•�Ave.�to�Por.tland}�Ave��,��;�,.,--t-�-�=�{� � F.00:`� 1r�C'.�� ur: <.- .._..,..._ _.__..-_ ._. �..—�--.-_ .�.�.,r..�..:c,... ;._� _ ,�...._...., 69�� - I,aurel A've.� both sides from Wilder St. to Moore St. F.O�.� .r?�q83,�_��ambridge�Ave.,.#both.;sides�from��rand Ave::,zyto��Princeton�Ave:�a�.�.����,�� ` F.oe 759� - Mt:. Curve Blvd.� east side�rom Highland Parkway to Eleanor Ave. T �F.O. �21,'�827,_,��Fry,�St:_�,�west Fs3de;from_Ashland..Ave.-:=so.uth..sto.the�alzl.ey approx:�„���y�.:�___-� ��'��;�1 v��""'150��t:abutting property'��mowii�as 1632 Aahland Ave. � � F.O,., �21.8011 � Wheeler, St;, west, side from Ba.yard Ave� south approx. 125 ft. �u ira� Lo:�:!calabut' t c'���ii62EBaz•`�`; ting 7 yard Ave. , F.O. �21}7755���Roy�,St.�.feast��ide j��rom��H3ghland;ParkvaY� �,to�:tYie��north;approx:^n��f t�� ex- � �„ .,.-- - , . „Q�113 ft tT aliutting {pxopertynlmown,as 1599�Highland Parkwayir_sr�;fr�,�nt, wiz; F.O: �21q�82••- Hi�gh�land�Parkiiay� tioth sides fr`om �l"e`ve]:ancl; Ave. �o Finn St. F..O. �217759 - Stanford Ave,� north aide from Clev�eland Ave, to Kenneth St., � F.o�, �217756 ,-, Wheel�r 3t., east side from 3u�it Ave. south to the �`alle � � lOt�t �n*�•���ri �• , � ..., � _...z __.._.Y�._... � approx.�1�+9 ft:`and 'ori`��ie' $outki�sitde�o��Su�tt Ave,��from��� r T :1�{�� ♦• ! .{ • - �� Wheel:e"r St. ea'st�approx:�73 Yt: abuttiug�property��lmo�in as �o ��•,n _, .. .. ...... . . . ... .. ..s. .. �. __. ._...�_� . ' 1732 S�uinnitt Ave. F:O. �217757 P Pa�];a�ce�Ave e; 'north''s`ide�f'rom�ennetfi�St ��to� � ��� ��,t � ,,..,,,,., 5 . �Prior Ave�c�� F.O. �'218012 Osceola�Ave:; 'soutli '8ide"from�Victo'ria St: west �+0 ftz�and~�on ��tthe�s�est��side'of'Victoria'S't�'from'Osceola Avei south�2 ft.� lafi�7 1: •'^'f.V '� ^�J'�L}R•�o];a�'fAve;�. .....•. .� . . ..i w.• 4'_ - _a:._�9r a abutt�.ng`$62 Oace --• •--- � -� - -�� HON-A5SESSAB ��*T�`L ��.'�''�:�`���Tk��S . ... 1 . ... ... F., ...� �.-R._..__..���'� , �--_ 33 � t�T. �c� ., ��'��»�-75�� . � _. .- - ..���.�..1 �_ � F.O. Aslilahd'A"ve., `lioth'"sides�fr.om Aldine;St, to�Whe�ler St`:�,~ � � �ti,;.i^r!i'-4�1"f=Y1+0�t4'c +r'__. _ �..+ETM_.. � F:.O.. �217831 ' 'Edgcumbe'Road ea'st side from Ste Paul:Ave.�to Morgan,�Ave+�and � . �.� NE:� �� ,'v<;Ti�-1•., � . . . . _,. - � on the nortli 'side'of�t:'Paul Ave: �from Eclgcumbe Road to the east � aPProximately 130 ft.�,^ ^ �n_ .._._._� a ,�, tt: ,, � �,+ F.O.. �2169.5'?+4.=}rI;a;urel�Ave:��fi"o'th�rsicies�from-Wilder�St.`�to�Moore"St:���'��'�'����'�}��`��i�- ! F.o���21�983 it, +�mbri�ge�Ave���bo�h±�sides fnrom�f(3 jrand�Ave��to�LPsEinceton�,A�e.� ���� ����,� � F.O. �217827' Fry St+� west sid`e from Ashland Ave� south to the aLtey ap�prox._ ` benefi�� ��* #'150�Pt:�"a'liutting�'�pTOpert'�yr'��moFin��as=�1632t Asliland'Ave ot'u�nc� ,� t:�.{.�t3�°.��,���th ; F..O���217755�:�,R°y,,St.r��east� aide�from,i-Highlar�,d��„P,arkwayfto:�the`�_noxth_�appro�r�re��r�.ttachc,+�, . ''^ y, i1'!.3 ft. abutting�pr.operty3_]mown. as 1599 Highla,n Parkway �} ��ll'�1�v '/�=t� T�1..,1'h".�"+i:'w+�iti�n fi� (�}t 1ti�.�� :.��1ziF i..� � }i13�t =a;:�� �L 7 1 ��ira� .� L�.�aZtl w.S�:t������ �� Feo.., 82 H��a,,��,�,d'Farkwa�y� bo� side8 fTOm Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. � � F.,O.:.t�}27;�7�756�-i�heeler,St;�• �east�'si�e�fro�tS"rti�i�"1�ive:'�soutligto�"the'�al1e�r��rcvn �s �t1�Y b� ; �Q����.� ���approxo 1�+9 ft. and on the south side oP Su�►it A"ve, from � i�)heeler 3t. ea8t approx. 73 ft. abutting property}'lmowri as. �(�-�_ � ; 1732 Su�it Ave+ ..,.._„ _�.....,r.,_ ; ���i s�'x+� � � -c. F.0.�3, ��. '. � .,�, .� - -.� ��,..,�s�y.:,�er�r��' :�n��.`�` t. �21:7757•. . Palace.�Ave.��� nor-th-,side�Yrom Kenneth Sta to Prior Ave. �� , F.Ow���2],8012a63 Oaceo]a Ave., south side Yrom Victoria St, west�+0 ft. and on � th West side of Victoria $t. from Osceola Aveo south 125 ft. .abutting 862 Osceola Ave. _ . - --- - - -E--.,.��-�.,e..� ---.�.�.. --