228859 ; .1 �_ � � r r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , n�`���� _ � � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OOENCIL NO. � _ " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU CII� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ IWHEREAS Robert J. Dus�k an em lo e of he De e I � , p y t partm nt of aParks, Recreation and Public Buildings was �n�ured in an accident on January 1, 1g63, while engaged in the perf��mance of his ' duties for said Department; and ` WHEREAS, the Ci�y has inc�rred medical expense in the amount of $1971.55 'therefor, and said employe was disabled for work for ' a period of t3.me, being paid salary in the amount of $2157.27; and . � - WHEREAS; a settlement has been ne�otiated between `�said employe and the other party involved in said accideni� in �he .�otal amount of $7300.00, $2300.00 of which is credited to the claim of the City, �he��:ssuea of negligence and proximate cause being in doubt; and WHEREAS, independent counsel, John L. Tambornino has represented - the City in its subrog�tion claim upon the fee and costs provided by 13 MSA � 176 .061, to-wit : $77�+.71, now, therefore be it , RESOLVED, That the. proper City Officers are hereby authorized , to accept in full final and complete settlemen� of 3.ts claim herein �he sum of $15�5 .29 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; �hat of said� sum, $7�2.65 will be credited to the Parks Receipt Fund 0-7�-9R; and $752.6� to the Wor�anen's Compensat3on �:r». Fund . �.. � d� ' tti ' _ ' .y _ - � -- ' __. , �__. --.- Y'� tA C � • � p _ C.) � I � ". � �VIPeY 311�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci I9— + Yeas Nays �N Q � x E►!�� � � �V�� Dalglish -" Holland Approved 19— A �.�$�� .. � . . � Tn Favor Meredith - ' Peterson fy - �SyOr .., A gainst Rosen PUBLISHEfl JUN 4 1966 Mr. President, Vavoulis DUrLICATE TO rRINTlR ���L,(�C�n � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N0. "-r�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER DATF _ WI�EREAS�,. Robert J. Duei�k, an employe of the Departmen� of Parks, Reareation and Publia Build3ng� wae in�ured in an aoQident on danuary 1, 1g63, while engagec� in the per��rm,ance of hie dut�.ea Por aaid Depaxtment; and WHER��IS, the City has inQ�.rred medieal eapenae in the amount of $1971.55 therefor, and said emgloye �as dl8abled for work for a peri,od ,of time, beir�g paid salary in �he amount of �2157•27E a.r�d � WHEREAS, a �e��lement ha� b�en negotiated l�etween aaid employe and the o�her part� involved in eaid aaQiden� in the';to�al amount o�' $�300.00, $2300.0� qf whiah ia aredited to the alaim of the C�,�y, the;.�eauea of negligence and proxima�e aau�e being in daub�; and . . WHEREASl ,ind�penden� counsel, John �, Tamb�rnino has xe�xesented the City in ita eubroggtion claim upon �he fee and coste provided by 13 MSA � 176.061, to-wit : $77�+.71, now, therefore �e i� � RESOLVED, That the proper City OffiQers are he�eb� authorized to aacept in, Full �inal and comple�e settlement of it� alaim herein the sum of $15��5.29 and to execute any n�ces�ar�r �eleases therefor; that of said sum, $7�'2.65 wi11 be eredited to �he garke Receipt Fund 0-7�+gR; and $762.6�F to the Worl�en's Compensation Fund. Mp;�{ 3 119.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19.— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��Y 3 1 ���9�9 Holland Approved 19.� o�. s�� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson l� �AYOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis