228816 ~,�.,�� •� � -
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'rt �tf`f- a
, An ordinance granting permission to Walter F. Johnson
to connect his homestead at 1361 West Hoyt Avenue, Village
_ of Falcon Heights," the same being the Easterly 18 feet �of
Lot 26 and' all of Lot �27,• except East 9 feet thereof in
Bloc�k 8, Cable's Hamline Heights A,dd., to the sewer system
of the City of Saint Paul, in Hoyt Averiue,, for the disposal
, of sanita"ry sewage, and regulating the conditions thereof.
� This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the .
, preservation of the public peace, health, and safety.
! Section 1. That permission is hereby given to Walter F. Johnson
to connect his homestead at 1361 ti9est Hoyt Avenue, Village of Falcon
� Heights, the same bei.ng the Easterly 18 feet of Lot 26 and all of Lot
27,� except East 9 feet thereof i.n Block 8, Cable's Hamline Heights
Add,., with the existi.ng sewer of the City of Saint Paul, in Iioyt Avenue, .
upon the following conditions:
1. Said permittee or his successor in interest in respect
to said real estate shall pay to the City of 5aint`:Paul the sum of Six
Dollars ($6.00) par. frontage foot of said real estate on West Hoyt Avenue,
for an aggregate frontage of 50 feet, said sum being in lieu of special
assessments and taxes, and upon payment of said sum, said permittee
or his successor in interest shall be given a permit to construct an
extension to the Saint Paul public sewer system as- extended on Hoyt
:.2�? ,'Said permittee or his successor in interest shall, in
addition to all othar requirements, annually pay to the City of Saint �
Paul such suras as the Council shall by resolution determine from time
to time, provided the said sum shall be as nearly as possible equal
to the amount charged through taxation to properties of similar value
� located within the limits of the City of 5aint Paul, as and for the
proportio�ate share of the anrnxal cost of the maintenance of the sewer
system of the City of Saint Paul, while the aforesaid sewer connections
` shall be maintained. .. . _ _
I •� �
- 3. That said permittee or his successor in i.nterest shall ._
pay, i.n addition to all other sums required to be paid or to become
payable haeunder, all sewer rental chaxges render�d� from time to time
� against said property for or on accourit of said Cityts apportioned
�share of the expenses of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitaxy District,
and other related expenses of said City, pursuant to the ordinance or
other provisions of law having regard. to the location of such xeal
estate without the corporate liariits of the City of Saint Paul.
! 4. That the necessary sanitaxy sewer extension to connect _
said 'premises shall be i.nstalled, maintained and operated at the expens�
of the permittee or his successor in interest, and shall be made with
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish , .
Loss Tn Favor
Peterson A-oainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk or
inz s-ez �zz Fa� approved Corporation Counsel By �
ti l �� , `
Orlelnnl!o City Clerk -
, � � .. 22���.�
the approval� of the Commissioner of Public Works and under his direction
in accordance wi.th such rules and regulations as he'�may from time to
time prescribe„ .All plans and profiles of said extension shall be
approved by the Chief Engineer of, the City, and all parts of said
extension. and connections thereto located on any public way: shall
become a part of the sewer system of said City.
5. The Chief Engineer of the City of Saint Paul shall be
given-the right to enter upon said premises and inspect said extension
of said sewer and the connection thereto at any tim,e de�ed necessary
, by him.
_._.. � � ., . . .. , _ _ __ _ . _. . . . _ , _
6. That the permit hereby authorized shall be subject to
revocation by the City Council in the -event of default by said, permittee
• or his successor in interest relative to any of the conditions herein
specified if such default continues for more than thirty days from
and after written notice thereof given by or at the direction of� the
Council to the party in default; and said permit shall or may be revoked
and terminated by the Council in the event it shall find that the sewage
from �.aid.connections cause an overload upon the sewer system of the ''
City of Saint Paul. That such :hereby authorized connection of said
• real estate with said City�s public sewer systemishall be restricted
to the drainag'e, for disposal purposes of sanitar`y sewage materials
originating on said .real estate. That such se�rer rental charges� hereunder
' made payable additional to other charges shall be paid by or in behalf
_ of said permittee or his successor, in interest in respect of said
real estate, unto said City of Saint Paul as rendered by said City,
from ti.me to ti.me, on account of said sewer connection, agai.nst said
real estate, pursuant to applicable City ordinances, resolutions, rules
and regulations and statutes of the State of Minnesota.
. �
7.� Said permittee or his successor in interest shall at
no time permit storm water, rain water leaders, ground drainage water
or cooling and condenser water from ai.r-conditioning units to be dire�ted
into said sewer. ' '
8. Permittee or his successor in interest shall agree to
• indemnif.y and save haxmless the City of Saint Paul from any liab�lity .
- axising from the construction, maintenance, operation,or connection
" " �-' _ of said sewer system with the system of the City of Saint Paul.
9. Permittee or his successor in interest shall, within
ninety days from the passage of this ordinance, file written acceptance
thereof, specifically agreeing to all the provisions, terms, and conditions
hereia, and upon compliance �therewith the Commissioner of Public Works
' is hereby authorized to issue a permit for said sewer extension,� subject
expressly to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rerulered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,health,
and safety. �
Yeas Councilmen Naqs Passed by the Council
Holland .
Loss Tn Favor
' Peterson A gainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Approved: ,
City Clerk or
'a1 s-s2 �2z Form approved Corporation Counsel By
v� f "' �
' OrIPlnal !o City Clerk •
♦ , � �
' ORDINANCE 22���-�
' 3.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage, approval, and publication.
_ _. ,I . .
, �
' JUN 211966
Yeas Counci n Nays Passed by the Co�1ncil
Dalglish /
H�n�l— � � � �E'J .
�s,�, Tn Favor
PeteA4e�is� b
en ,1UN 21 �
Mr. President u '
. Approved:
Att st:
_ r
`• � City Clerk
. .
'nz e-s2 �2z ,' Form approved Corporation Counsel By
' - PUBLISHED JUN 2 5 1.6
. ;
Dnplictts to Printer `
� ORDINANCE 22���_��
An ordinance granting perniission to Walter F. Johnson
to connect his homestead at 1361 West Hoyt Avenne, Village
of Falcon Heights, the same being the Easterly 18 feet of
Lot 26 and all of Lot 27, except East 9 feet thereof in
Block 8, Cable's Hamline Heights Add., to the sew�r system
�� of the Ci.�ty of SAint Paul, in Hoyt Averiue, for the disposal
of sanitary sewage, and regulating the conditions thereof. -
` This is an �ergency ordinance rendered necessary for the
preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. �
Secti.on 1. That permission is hareby given to W.a�ter F. Johnson
to connect his homestead at 1361 Westi Hoyt Avenue, Village of Falcon
Heights, the same being the Easterly 18 feet of Lot 26 and all of Lot
27, except East 9 f�et thereof in Block 8, Cable's Hamline Heights
Add„ with the existing sewer of the City of Saint Paul, in Hoyt �venus,
upon the following conditions:
1. Said permittee or his successor in interest in respect
to said real estate shall pay to the City of Saint 'Paul th� sum of Six
Dollars (�6.00) per £rontage foot of said real estate on Wes� Hoyt Avenue,
for an aggrogate frontage of 50 feet, said sum being in lieu of special
assessments and taxes, and upon pay�nent of said sum, said permittee
or his successor in interest shall be given a permit to construct an
extension to the Saint Paul public sewer system as extendeu on Hoyt
2� Said permit�ee or his successor in interest shall, in
addition to all other require�nents, anr�ually pay to the City of Saint
Paul such sums as the Council shall by resolution determine from time
to time, provided the said sum shall be as nearly as possible equal
to the amount charged through taxation to properties of similar value
located within the limits of the City of Sainfi Paul, as and for the
proportionate share of the annual cost of the maintenance of the sewer
system o£ the City of Saint Paul, while the aforesaic� sewer connections
shall be mainta3ned.
3. That said permittee ox his successor in interest shall
pay, in addition to all other sums required to be paid or to becomo
payable heeunder, all sewer rental charges rendered from time to time
against said property £or or on account of said City�s apportioned
share of the expenses of the r9inneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District,
and nther related expenses of said City, pursuant to the ordinance or
othar provisions of law having re�ard to thQ location of such real
estate without the coxporate limits of the City of Sa.int Paul.
4. That the necessary sanitary sewer extension to connect
said premises shall be i.nstalled., mainta3ned and operated at the expense
of the perraittee or his successor in interest, and shall be made with
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Holland Tn Favor
Peterson A gainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk Mayor "
inz s-ea �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By
DaDllafo to Printer "
s �
�� � ORDINANCE - -
the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works and under his direction
in accordance with such rules and regulations as he may from time to
time prescribe, All plans and profiles of said extension shall be
approved by the Ch3.e£ Engi.neer of the City, and all parts of said
extension and connections theroto located on any public way� shall
becvme a part of the sewer system of said City.
5. The Chie� Engineer of the City of Saint Paul shall be
given the right to enter upon said premises and inspect said extension
of said sewer and the connection thereto at any time deemed necessary
by him. ,
6. That the permit hereby authorized shall be subject to
revocation by the City Council in the event of default by said permittee
or his successor in interest rela�ive to any of the conditions herein
specified if such default continues for more than thirty days from
and after written notice thereof given by or at the direction of the
Council to the party in default; and said permit shall or may be revoked
and term3nated by t�he Council in the event it shall find that the se�aa.ge
from :said connections cause an overload upon the sewer system of the
� City of Sai.nt Paul. That such hereby authorized connection of said
real estate with said City's public sewer system? shall be restricted
to the drainage, for disposal purposes of sanitary sewage materials
originating on said real estate. That such sewer rental charges hereunder
made payable additional to other charges sha11 be paid by or i.n behalf
of said permittee or his successor, in interest in respect of said
' rQal estate, unto said City of Saint Pau]. as rendered by said City,
from time to ti�ae, on account of said sewer connec�ion, against said
real estate, pursuant to applicablQ City ordinances, resolutions, rtYles
and regulations and statutes of the State of Minnesota.
7. Said perriittee or his successor in interest shall at
�'` no ti�e permit storm water, xain water leaders, gxound drainage �aater
or cooling and condenser water fror� air-condit:�.oning units to be direc�ted
into said sewer.
8. Periaittee or his successor in interest shall agree to
inde�nnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul fror� any liability
arising from the construction, maintenance, operation,or connection
of said se�ver system with the syster� of the City of Saint Paul.
9. Permifitee or his successor in interest shall, within
ninety days from the gassage of this ordinance, file wri��en acceptance
thereof, srecifically agreeing to all the provisions, tax7as, and conditions
herein, and upon comgliance thereiaith the Commissioner of Public tlorks
is hereby authorized to issue a �ermit for said setaer extension, subject
expressly to the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 2. This or3inance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the praservation of the public peace,health,
and safety.
Yea,s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Holland Tn Favor
Peterson - A gainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
. Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
inz s-sz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By
DaDlles�a to Printer � � "
� ORDINANCE �����.�'
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage, approval, and publication.
,lUN 211966
Yeas Councilm Nays Passed by the Co ncil
Dalglish �
��' ^ " Tn Favor
Peterson � A gainst
Mr. President (�avv�is} .�U� 2 1 ��
Attest: '
City Clerk Mayor
'hz s-82 �ZZ Form approved Corporation Counsel By
• � y . : - - �r '. . ; ' • _
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. - . .. � r e - - L � . June 27,_ 1966 _- �. ,, .. . . = °_ - ,' _'
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. . I�r.°�lter .�'. dohn�on - � - _ - � � . , .. "
� � _ 136T �l. �� Ave: . .'" � � - . ' - , _: , .. � �
�_ _ -._- St. Fa.u1, Minnee?ota� - - . � 1 _-- - , _ -.r . . _
.,.. • - . � . . . _ • _ - � . - • : - ,. ,
. � �S.T ►gF�I':,� _ � � � y , - . . . .._ � ',
" � - •i�Te enclose �; copy of Ordinance 2[0.� � 0� ' i�g you. �xz�i$sion to -� _ , _ - - -
y _ _. cobnec� your hoeaest�d. at the abav� s �o the 3t,_ Paul se�r " r �
' - ' � ayste�, :ub�ect ta the �erms ondi _ s set out ia tY� �ordinawce. -
• , f - , . _ - , , � -.
, - Ke al8o enclase n bill. i he suaa �0 30.�+ o cover the� cost of - � ��
" _ � pabl.ication af Ord�.zsanc , I.3260.- � - _ - ' . � _
;. _ � - , � � - . . _ , _ -. : -. . - ,� �,
� � : � , We ca�11 ybur specit�l atit tion to � - ph 9, Section l, w3iich - :�,= '�'.,
'� - ' requirea tha,t y e a ten ptance of�the pa�ovisions o� �the : �-' -
' . ardinance ia _ ca xi day� fro� J'une 21, ].966. _ - . , _ ,_ :
- _ . - . ' " , � • = - ' , ,. �
' - - � - '. .- " _ - 4ery trul.y your�, " . . ,_- .
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r, � I - � r
I st ' ' 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app �' � —Adopted � / l �
Yeas � Nays Yeas Nays
Dalglish Da glish
Holland •kiellend—
kCST' -�,e�.A—
J Meredith ������ Meredith
Peterson Pe+erson `
�„ ��
Mr. President Mr. President ��