228772 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �/� /�/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��'`� ' � j FILE NO. ,'_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' OUNCIL SO UTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY M� 25 1�6 COMMISSIONE � DATF � — RESOLUED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor a,nd hereby awards contracts for furnishi.ng and de]�rering Brassware as indicated herein to the City of St. Paul Water Department, storeyard, Ha,mline and Carro71 Avenues, St. Paul, Minnesota., i as follows: � � To FARNAN BRASS WOl�L,S C�N➢.'ANY Corporation Stops, Couplings and Curb Stops - for the contract price of . . . . . . . . . . . . $580�+.50 To MUELLER COI�ANY - Brass Corporation Stops - ' '� for the contract price of . . . . . . . . . . . . $2926.50 at unit prices bid, in accord.a.nce with City specifications therefor and hereto attached and the Forma,l Bid �1782 of said bidders (Board of Water Commissioners reserving the right to increase at�y individual item of the Materials of the Contract by an amount not to exceed twenty per cent of the qua,ntity indicated for tha,t item), such bids being the lvwest a.n.d `said bidders being reasonable and reliable on�.and the Corpmration Counsel be and hereby � is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Forma.l Bid #1782. , �� - �� 2 5,l'��-j COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council " 19— 4 Yeas Nays Dalglish �IAY � 51�66 - dn Approved 19— Loss n Favor �. O b9ere dith r e rs on V MAyOt �n� � A gainst �68�� Mr. P esidenc, V �.�/���� = � � PUBLISHED MAY 2 8196� � DUPLICATE TO rRINTHR � /� / /� t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '`'d ' ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � 25� �.� COMMISSIONER DATF — 1�'SOIii�D, The,t tl� Couincil hereby apprvv+es the �r�t�d o� the Pur�chaeing Coe�d.ttee therefor end hereby awarde contre,cts for �ura3sh3.ng .e�nd de�rering Hraraware e� indic�,ted herein to the City o� St. Pau]. Wa;ter Depa.r�ent, storeyard, Eea]tne end C�rro11 Avenue�, St. Paul, Minneeota, as �ollowe: To FA1�iAN BRASS WOFd{S CCN�ANY Corporation Sttipe, Coupiinga a,nd Curb Stopa - �or the contract price o� . . . . . . . . . . . $5f304.5� To MOELLER CC�ANY � Hrasa Corporat�.pri St,o�e - �or the contract price oi� . . . . . . . . . . . . $�926.�0 e,t w�i.t pr�ces bic�, in aecoz�dance �rlth City s�ci�ice,tions the�efor a,nd l�ereto a.tte��aed end t2�e ForAa7. Bid �1782 of eaid bidder� (Board o� Water Cot�rL�e�ioners reser�ring � ,right to iucx�ea�e a�r �.ndividu�]. ite� o� the Mater3a3.e of the Coatra,ct by an smount not to exceed tWenty per cen.t of the quantity indi�ated f or that 3te�), such bide be�8 t�he �.a��� and eaid biddera being �easonable and re].ie,b].e ones �nd t�he �oiporation Counsel be a�.d hereby is direct,�d ta dra�t up f,be pro�er �orn of contract therefor,' an8 �the proper City ofPicis,3.e herab�r �,re authoMzed to execute sa3d cantracts on 'behal� of the C3ty oP Ssin� Paul. For�a]. Bid �1782. �Y 2 51�+oa COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � / '�1�Y � �j 1��6 �..a-- � Approved • � -• 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pe te rs on G Mayor Against Ras�n—� Mr:Pfe'sident, Vavoulis