228768 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �('1(���1[1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �;:''� ;;U '- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ �'+ COU C L RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM.. ,. . , PRESENTED BY rtay 24, 1966 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the awards of the Purchasing Committee therefor . ". . _. . _ . ._ . � . . . _. . . . ... . ._ . . . .... , �. -- . and hereby awards contracts for furnishing and delivering the following automotive equipment to the Department of Public Safety, Repair Shop, 1441 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota for use by the Police Department: u To: CA�II�ION CREVROLET C�ANY � Three Chevrolet �1.5435 1966'Station Wagons, 8p�cylinder • 4-dr, 6-passenger @ $2316.43 each making a cost of $6949.29 Less T�llowance of $1850.00 for 3 1965 Ford 4-dr,Sedans, City Nos 341, '343�and'348'to be�taken'in trade, making"net amount of contract ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5099.29 To: , TAE' MIDWAY COMPANY - One 1966 Ford Custon 4-dr Sedan, 8-cyl., 4-dr. @ $2042.00 less allowance of $800.00 for one 1965 Ford � 4�dr Station Wagon, �City �344 to be taken in trade, making net amount of contract . . . . . . . . . . . $1242.00 such bids being the lowest and said companies being reasonable and reliable ones and the Corporation Counsel be and herebq is directed to draw up the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are suthorized to execute said contracts on behalf„of th e City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �1763. '�- - �pY 2� kg6�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . Dalglish �AY � 51��� •�� Approved � -- 19— Loss ' � �i�� In Favor Meredith � ��� ��dQ� Mayor � „/ - � A gainst -� � v��O�" ` -�` P�BLISHED nPresident, ite�v�II12'�""���•�1r?"(/ MAY 2 8 1966 DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER /.����8 ' �CITY OF ST. PAUL� FIOENCIL NO. P�d _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER DATF �y z4f ��66 __ RF�OLV�, That �Y�� Counci.� h�reb� cexuu�s ia the sw�t@s o� the Pur�eh�tix� Cc�m�imitt4� �herefor nad he�eby .a�rcis con►tr+�ct� £or .farais�ing And deli�ete�n� the fo�kq�ing autvmat3ve �qu�.pment to the Aepsrt�rnt af l�ubl.ic S�.fe�Ya Repai� 9hc�p, �44� Ri�e s�r�et, St. Pau��., �Sin�i��Qta fo_r nee iaq tht �'p�ic� De�artment; � W � To� � �Al�ZE9N' CflE�R4I.�T t�+lPANY � Thzee Che�olet �15h�� 1.966 Stat�.oa Waavas; �pa111ndsr 4-d�, 6+-ps,ssea�e�r C� ,�231fi.43 �ach��king a eost of $6949.Z3 L�s� '!�].lcaran+�e of $2850.Ofl . for 3 ].9�5 �t�rd t�-d� 9ed�ns, C�tp NQa 341, 343 ��d 348 to 'bee t+�ksn i� t�ade, ms?kingnnat ar�o�� bf ton��cac� . . : . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . : :'':` . $5099.29 Tat TR�,�2�tAY t�bt�Y � Ona ��66 Ford Ouitan'4-dr S�d�a, 8-cy1., 4-dP. � �2�2:Of1' . im�� silowanc� o� �800.OQ fox d�.1965 Fox'd �pxd 4�-dx S�at�.pn WaSon, City.�3�+k to b� taican� in kr�le, �1ci.ng a����innouat of contXUt . .� . .� . . . . .` : . $124Z.00 sach bids be�.ug the ivwest Rnd �i�id ccxnpsnies b�ing t�s�om�lbie i�nd re�ixla�e' oae��snd th� � 't Corgoration Gatms�l be snd h�reby i� .directed to dr�a ap the pxop�c fozm ot contr�ct�. � ther�for, a�d ths prop�r C�ty of�i,cials her�by a�re aathoriz�d to eucute i�sid contrut• oa behaif o� t'he �i.ty of Sain� PauX. Fvrmal Bid �1763, MAY 2 51966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays (�qy 2 51966 Dalglish ' " '�.�,l.l�a.. Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pe te rs on l� �ByOr A gainst .�es�en . r si ent, avou ts