228763 Orlelnal to City Clerk 3 • � � � � RDINANCE �2��63 : � GOUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. I��� � An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 3250, entitled: � � "An administrative ordina.nce relating to the Civil ' � Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting ;- rules and regulations therefor, " � approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI., DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further�amended by striki.ng out � , of Sec�ionr6,where�f,h.ey appear in Grade 68 under the heading "Professional � - �:- _. Group", the titles t'Deputy Health Officer" and "Director of Environmental Hygiene"; and by inserting said titles in Section 6, in Grade 72 under the heading "Professian.al Group". Section 2. This ordina.n.ce shall take effect and be i.n force on the • first day of the first payroll period followi.ng thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � � Approved: .. , j ivil Service o 'ssioner �;.,a 1 . F�(. M PPROV � �� � Asst. Corporation Cou se � � � - � ��� Yeas Councilmen Naqa Passed by the Counc�l � Dalglish � ' Iiolland � T„ Favor I,�ostr � Meredith Peterso � d A Sainat �'- �i� 9� Mr. President q(�v�eulis} _' � Approv . Attest• , , � . . l�z �ZZ ity Clerk - pUBLISH�D JUN 11 1966 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnyllcate to Printer � , ORDINANCE ���'��3 COUNCiL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �� �� �� An ordia�.�.ce �mending Ordia�nce No, 32�0, entitled: "Aa sdnninistrat�ve ardin�.nce r�lating to �the Ci�*il �ervice Bu.re�,u of the Cfty of Sa�nt Paul, approving �nd adopt�ng rules �nd regtilationr tllerefor, " approved August 20� 1914, as amended. . TI3E eOUNCIL OF THE CI7'�' O�' S�NT PAiJL DOES bR,DAINr 5ectfori I. Th�t Qrcl3naancs �Io. 3250, spprov�ed �ugust �0, 1914, as amended. be and the $ame i,� hereby further �mended bp strfk�.ng out of Secti�a,6�,whe��; they �ppe�.r i� G��de 68 under the he�.ding "P�ofessa.onal Group", the i�.t14$ "Depu�y Health Off3.c�r" and "Df�ector of �nvi,ronm�nta,l. Hygiene"; amd 'fby 3lnsertfng said titles in �ectian 6,, in Grscle 72 un�le�r the hea�ding "Profes�ianal. Group". � Sectioa 2. Th�� ordi�ax�c� �ha11 t�k� effect and be in force on 'tl�.� - ' fi�st d�,y-vf the firet p�.yroil period follawi.ng 'th�.rty �.y� aft4r it� pas��.ge, approval:, and public�.t�on. ; Approved: � Ci Servi�e Comnziesiomer �� ��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Counc>> Dalglish Hollan ��„ �n Favor Meredith PeR,ess�- ��-�r�-c�' � Aroainst Mr. President (�voulf3) � �� ��'�� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Maqor �nz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By , e J /Y I st S =ti�--= 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � � dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � � Dalglish Dalglish 4lolland Holland � Loss ������ �sc.. �eredith pAecedi#l� \ fn �1 - Peterson V Peterson J � � � _:�.�::����`����i�g:::� � Mr. President V,avetrlir Mr. Vice President (Rosen)�O �