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_►� " ' ' � . � COUNGIL FiLE N0.��i� I`°"
��- FI I�L ORDER = -
� . � BY
� File No. °��'8
In the Matter of r�cop,s'�zCf,it�g. �k�� �id�i�ra� On �he �to�'� :i�i$e o� W. Ae1.�s St.
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ineicl�nt�tl � ca�i,g7.st� �a,id �d�inexit� -
under Preliminary Order ��� approved �� �� ���
Intermediary Order approved
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a.nd� having fully considered ,
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement ta be made by the sa.id City is
to .recon�tru� th� �idpwa� can. �;h� �o� ��de c�f' �t, b�la� £�. £�c�ma �Ee�,].o�w�: 5�.� �o
Bic�we�. :S��� a�d by do�ug e],1 oth�r �rork�k►ich_�.a �aa���� �c� 3�c�.dental to comple�� '-
- ea.3,d..�rpz'o�r'�x�tt: �e�ce�� W2�ere ;goc� and �Eic�+�z�t .�owced ��d�w�lks, no� ��.st.
;� -- ,
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a.n�i is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council fo�
approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , „ �Y 2 5 �b�L
COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counci�
Yeas Nays �� 2 5 ���
Dalglish '
� Approved _ _ __
�oss � � �/�",
�/leredit' _ - J
�_ Favor . �p�t�� Mayor �
���' � �t�- � Agai�st- - PUBLISHE� MAY 281966 .
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e-ss zns a� x-i (/����(„� -
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- - - - Dist. No. 3
, N.S. W. Delos St. - Bellows St. to Bidwell St. �97U
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• Mar. 8th. 19 66 � /
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order �
of the Council known as Council File No. 227545 approved Mar. 3rd. 19 66 '
relative to recoastructing the sidewalk on the north side of W. Delos St. from Bellows
_St. to�Iidwell St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to
complete said improvement.
� and having inveat�.gated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reporta:
1, The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft,
wide and $3:80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6.ft, wide.
2. A plan, profile or of said improvement is hereto attached and made a
��9� ��i���i
part thereof. cp � Qj
� n AR�g66 s�
3. Initiated by N�he Cc�aun'i�,si�r�r � Public Works g
\V —�
4. Improvement i��ask��d,��^lr.�Qn E�`� ition '��
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Commissioner of Public Works