228731 f-` . � 1 � ' . . , , � 22��31 � . ;� �:; . . �� II�TERMEDIARY ORDER.. : �OUNCIL FILE N0. _ _ _ . . By ' - � ' - . ' F`ile No. 5�53 � �In the Matter of { reconstructing the sidewalk on the east side o� Snelling Ave. _ from Edmund Ave. to Charles Ave. and by doin.g al]. other work��hich is necessary and incidental to complete said improv�ement. under Preliminary Order 227918 ' approver� March 30, 1966 _ � Z'he Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance _ upon the above improvement, and having considered sa.id r�port, hereby resolves: � 1. That the said report and• the same is hereby approved and adopted,�and the=said improvement - is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - � - - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommends is � , . _ � - - � . - - to reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Snelling Ave. from Edmund Ave. to �` _ � Charles Ave. a.nd by doing all other work which is necessaxy and incidental to complete said improvement, except where good and suffic3ent poured sidewalks now - � � exist. � ' � � - � . " with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3.25 per� lin. ft. for'S' walk � 3.80 per Li.n. ft. for 6' walk � ' . .' . . , . , . - Resolved Further, 7.`hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2�rd day of. J»nP��.;�� , at the hour of 14 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court Iiouse and City Hall Building in the City o� St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ti` said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place aF hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tot�al cost thereof as estimated. ° � . � tv�AY 2 � 196�. COUNCII�MEN . Adopted by the Counc�� � ^ �'eas Dalglis�i Nays; . � - - - �►Y 2 41966 : - � `� : �u�uand ° _ ,- - Approved - Loss " . � - " ' . Meredith . . _ , . . . - c,p�� _ . , - Tn Favor • ��, _ � � Mayor � , A�ting� --�,�� ,t�QO/w° . Against ., 6-sa ZM 8� R-1 0��,�j�i��� . pUBLISHED I�AY 2 81966 i