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r ` Orieinal�to City Clerk • � �` � ORDIN �ANCE � � �3 ° �' � ��t.,� , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY , � ORDINANCE NO. �� � ,�.n ordinan�e amending the Zonir�g Code� Ghapters 60 to 64� inclasive� of the Saint Paul Legislati�e Code� pertaining to IIse Digtriats� Height Distri�ts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties ir�, �h� �itp of Saint Paul� as amended. �his is an emergeney ordinanee rendered necessary for the preservation of the p�.blie peaQe� Y�ealt�i and safety. THE eOUNCIL OF THE �I�Y OF SgINT P��JL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code Chapters 60 to 64� inelu.sive� of th� Saint Paa.l Legislat�ve Code� pertaining to . IIse Distriats� Height Distriets� an.d �e�oning of certain pro- � per�ies in the City of Saint Panl� as amended� be and the same _ is herebq further amended so as to rezone the followir�.g des- cribed property from ",Aa' Residence to Commercial property� to-wit: -�:�� All of Lot 3� an.d the East 1/2 of �ot �� Blm�k 5� G. Y. Bacon�s Addition; situate on prqper�y loeated on the south side of Margaret . , ,, Str�et between Hazelwood an.d Germain 5�reets in the Citp of � Saint Paul. . � , .. Section 2. The property desaribed aboee is sub�ect to the following ezpress conditionss - 1. That� sub�ect to anp f�.rther reclassifiaation of the hereinabove described real estate by virtue of pro�eedings therefor hereinafter institt�ted� eonduated and completed aceording to the appliQable provisions of said Zoning �ode� effeetive as of the date of said petition for reclassifi�atior� and the applieable provisions of' the statutes of the �tate of Minnesota� h�reby the employment of said resl estate henceforth is restricted and lim�ted to the f'ollo�ring spe�ified uses� to-wits Commer�ial Distriet for the opera.tion of a one-operator beaaty shop in� the present single-family residenee by "� the petitior�er and propertp owrier� sub�ect to all � applieable stat��es� ordinances� rules and reg�La.lations prescribed and promulgated by governmental agencies having eognizance. � . , - ; - Yeas Councilmen Naqs Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland - Loss T*� Favor � : Mortinsan Peterson A gainst Rosen � Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk - Mayor 1M e-s2 �ZZ Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��� Y Oririna!to City Clerk • ' � ����� ORDINANCE 2����3 - COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � ✓ ��O`� 2. That the ow�er of' said real esta�e� within the period of 60 days neg� succeeding the publication of this ordinance� shall file- with the� City Cl,erk, in two (2) fully execut�d �ot�nterparts said owner's written a�eeptane� of this ordinance� incorporat�ng among other things� said owner' s . grant ianto said City of �sin.t Pa�ul of a negative easement affeeting said re�l estate� for the imposition� ffiaintenance and enforeement of the aforesaid restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein, approved as- to form��and egecution by the Corporation Counsel a.nd recordable in �he office of the Register of D�eds and said negative easement and restri��i�re conveyanae s�iall be drawri to egclude all �.ses permitted in Com�erc�al District. 3. That� in addition to o�her requirements therefor� ssid ownerts written aceeptari�e and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a cer-�ified copy of this ordinan�e� and immediat�ly upon �Ghe afAr�said filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of such counterpar�s tY�ereof to be filed of re�orc� in the offi�e of the Register of Deeds in and for Ra.msey Coun.ty� Mir�esota. Seetion 3. This ordinanee is hereby declared to be an e��rgency ordinenee rendered neees�ary for tl�e preservation of th� publi� peaae� health and safety. , Section �. This ordinanee shall ta.ke effect and be in for�e upon its pa5sage� approval and publication. . PETITION Td REZONE I d r uest- A petit(on having been flle eq ing that Chapters 80 to 64, incl., St. Paul Legislative Code, re Zoning, etc., be amended so as to rezone proPertY described as Lot 3i and East one-ha14 of Lot 4,Block S, G.V.Bacon's Addition, on the south eide of Margaret Street between Germa�n and Ei a z e 1 w o o d Streets, to a Commercial District, the Council of the City of 5aint Paul has . flxed the 7th daY of April, 1968, at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Councll Chamber in the City Iiall of said City, and at said time and place,the Council will hear all Persons and all objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated March 24, 1966. - ROBERT B. GERCi�'Clerk. ' (March 26, 1966) � JUN 819� Yeas Counci en Nays Passed by the Counc�i Dalglish Holland ,�_ � _ , „�� Favor �er-t�sorr ���� Peterson � A S�t Rnan= ' �a�w�:� Mr. President ( ou �_u� � ���� . Approved: Attes ` � � • � �City Clerk � Mayor 1M s-s2 �ZZ � Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,J��y 11 1'6� l Dnplleits to Printer � � ' � . � ORDINANCE �2���°'`� .r . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. J � �/� An ordinance amending the Zoning Code� Chapters 60 to 64� inelusive� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� pertaining to Use Districts� Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul� as amended. This is an. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace� health and safety. THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs Sec�ion l. That the Zoning Code Chapters 60 to 64� inclusive of the Saint Pau1 Legislat�ve Code� pertaining to Use Distr�cts� Height Districts� and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul� as amended� be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence to Commercial property� to-wits All of Lot 3� and the East 1/2 of Lot 4� Bloek 5� G. V. Bacon' s Addition; situate on property loQated on the south side of Margaret Street between Hazelwood and Germain Streets in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The property described above is sub�ect to the following express conditions: 1. That� sub�ect to any further reclassification of the hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter instituted� conducted and completed according to the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code� effective as of the date of said petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions of the statutes of the State of Minnesota� hereby the employment of said real est�te henceforth is restricted and lim�ted to the following specified uses, to-wits Commercial District for the operation of a one-operator beauty shop in the present single-family residence by the petit3.oner and property own.er� sub�ect to a11 applicable statutes� ordinanc�s� rules and regulations prescribed and promulgated by governmental agencies having cognizance. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglieh Holland Tn Favor Loss Mortinsan Aroainst Peteraon . Rosen . . Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor iaz s-ez �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By 1 Daplleite to Prfnter ' ' • r � ORDINANCE ��-�Q3 . COUNCIL FILE NO. �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � ` 2. That the owner of s�id real estate� within the period of 60 days ne$t succeeding the publication of this ordinance� shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully executed counterparta said owner' s written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporat�ng among other things, said owner�s grant unto said City of �aint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real estate� for the imposition� maintenan.ce and enforcement of the aforssaid restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein� approned as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and recordable in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement �nd restrietive conveyance sha11 be drawn to exclude all uses permitted in Commercial District. 3. That� in addition to other requirements therefor� said owner' s written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance� and immediately upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County� Minn.esota. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanae rendered necessary for the preservation pf the public peace� health and safety. Secti.on 4. This ordinanae sha11 take effect and be in force upon its passage� approval �nd publication. �UN � 1�66 Yeas Councilm �i Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish ^ Holland � Tn Favor �°ss' v Mortinsan Peterson � Against �eser�� `�A,�� � ���� Mr. President �— `��� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor inz s-sz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By . ' � • r • - ? � •y • • • , � � ` • . ' • ' .. �� � � .. ' ,- CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,�J �(� '. ' � � � � �:" PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � �Note: The" signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- � fication before �signing this petition. For further information about the � � • rezoning of property, calX the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. " �.�,P �� (Please type or print) , �ate; � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL - c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint, Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, tiie owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address)�.. �/, _ Ct�CP a�..eo--� ,� � r� � ��(...� '`�� -��� �---- ���� C,�-�4���fi.;. � � from , District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/ r operating the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) r v• �%��(/a�v - QI�� �. . ItECQ$D SI ATURE � LOT BLOCK. ADDITION � %;� �,tf�{r� u j e` `�ro �" � �� � �[ � � ��, /� G 0 ?�. ; r� d d. � y� yl �� � � . l`IU�// � t ��� ,� o� �/, � _ , � � � � � � '� " '' � � , ; - � � , bn��� � � � 5 xi �� '� . � �y a �J '�,�r1/�-- `�• r*�� oL 3 �-�-�d `(�-�z( ---- ��� �1 E-so �,� .P Gl.1� o!�� , L 37� �� � Q. /�,�z� �— �. !� � �'� ,t" -- - .�-,,.�...e - b '� � • a � . �/j/� `.r� .r Wa.� r 1 .��yc�-�,���z�e.�c:�. ,�/J 'o-2.e� ' , �o � � �/ - .C• ���a rV s ��..���"l�-,s�i� J � � � �' ,3 �.ec� � ' G���� � -►�1-�0 � li/ r' ' G�e.�� � , , . � ��� - State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss , q/ Q /� � V�l��/�1 C� (��/9�/,r/G L L being first duly sworn, deposes and states that�e is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of ��,s� page� _ that the parties described abo��e �re ±k:e o1.nera ra��aetively of the lots p�aced� � immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed�a d sworn to bef re me � � this � day of .1� f� � ^ � �° � � Address: j�g$ /��R��R�'�T- . Telephorie No. -� 7� - �g�g'� Notary u ' 'c;� ams C nty, Minn. � My commi on� expire � Approved as to form 1/4/65 ----�� ` Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 ���E " .,",�'`;.;' , • .P- STO!/��iQ�. . �� � � � � V�`' �'��In��ion�G€�A�tj�i�� R p � � � J �. ] , I�y�l . . � � ��`'�� MAR � 196F .� �+ ���t�� FiLg� � ._� - � • i�.��i ��1�'+l�rl1\�.e D'llAl0i�3 � ' _ ��i�t P�+�,I. M�nnF:rc�� �`.� � � � . �*�. _ � � : � , ,. ' '. ', "'. ` ' � ,.. }� . -�' , ` , - ,��i ��. !t " �' ', _ ` ' S J . z : -I � ' , (r j •', . ' ,.. j . , ; : _ - . - :� ., ' ,. ' - . ' , ` - � • � . '� Z .. ' ,, c--. - �' ' � � � - � ' , � �_ _ .r - ' * , - �' ' - ��IkY'... .1��• .. . . - - - _ , 'u . .' ." _ , . - ' "_• .1 `f 1 t� , ^ L . "' ~ i. ' `'' . ` • " ' _ '"_ '� ,�' _". +4_�• ',�•�{• ^ •' , •� ' '+ ' a `•' `!'S • - _ :2 - , .. ,.`r .;- # -.. •, . .�,_ � F .�.. _ . . � .- � . ., �_ � � . � � ' • - • � DEED �OF��NEGATIVE EASEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE ` • � �� _ . �- -- : •- '�.� _ , � . _ ,,; . . " ,-:��� , _.-- - , ,1 - ; . , � , _ .- . . -. � - .� ' . - "� , .. OF ORDINANCE : � . : . ,- . • ' - . �� ' ._' . , . . ' ,� . . =y. , - : �� , : _ . " , • , , •- . • - {��yf� ��(� ','� � . �- �- ' ; THIS .INDENTUFtE,xmade,.andi executed this ����d�y of August,� 1966; ' � �{4 a`'p�/ ��J . , _ �-ry ' a � ' :q +. T - r :. . 'Y. . `� . ' , ' '. . 3. �� . ' - ` - , . •=. ._ . _ . . - "y . - f��� - -�` by"and. between_D�.niel`�T. 0'Connell--and Veronica R. 0'Connell, ,husband and . ✓ _ ���� .�' " �., a �_'. �. ��; 5� � �i-'!i- } � �9 -�.# ,. •� . � y,i i � . .. _ —.. . y.. • - �', '- ••- _ • - � " � � � wife, of tlie"�County `o£ `Ramsey, �SCate of 'Minnesota�, he`reinafter designated - - - � . , . • •� . :_.�..�.. � �,-: . , .� _ _ . - '. _ . . . . "the first parties,'" and C�TYTOF�SAINT PAUL,� tiereinafter designated "the . •� ` • .� ". •..lf '� t F' .' Z'a k Y. _ - � ,�. +� r � ' ' .' , ' , . . -_ second.party�'r",WITNESSETH: �� �`•-"=� _ - '�' '�Y *_ - - . ' �* , . .'_ - :.9' r ? �� . , ��.'. ,vr x _ . . ;,r _ , r �� , ._ . . . .- , . _ _ _ ' . ".. Y, _ . ti• '' ' .' _ ' y' ' � � ', ' �- � : • _ `,WI�RE.I�S;, the first p'arties, �on�and for a considerabl,e_geriod of , ^. ' - .� ` _� . . '",.� . :. . ' ; °'* _ � �. � . :�_�:'� � , .� -. ' �_ ,F` ' ; . . �' �' � - time next�:preceding the 1`4tli day" o�, June,,�1966; were and ever since said. - � . . _ � � - . . � . =•.. . -:-' ,, _� : - : � '' _•, . ___ _ . , s..s � da.te�have been �the owners; in fee simple, of all of the following- described . . V'1 � ' ` ' ._'�..��: .r ; . ;..,. , ':. , , ''f ••-"�,.. - . - � ' _ . . ' ' ' . . � � •- ' - , . r i _, . . . ._ � � - rea.l�estate �`situate in the City� of��Saint`'J?auT, County of Ramsey, State�af �`� �. � ' . '-� _ ,_ .: . . � ��`� ..� ;. �. -" �: < < _` a . '� � . - _ �-. _ - ' � ..` . ` V ` . �, . s f. -a a�+: :^""' -�� . �Minnesota, rto-wit: - - � , -- , ' ` . . � - . � .-- '. t - c�,, . .~��. • � 3c_r . . . . � ' - � ° - - � � � '� � - . " `��' � � _ - - All of .Lot 3,� artd t�e East- one-half o£ Lot _4; Block 5, � � .� _' � � . . . ' � . �G: `V. �Bacon's Addition; si.tuate` on property .located �on � , _ • , ' - . ' - � � - • ' = the South side of Margaret Str,'ee_t between Hazelwood �and • �;." � '' " •! _ , _ , •. ... . _- . , ' ; _ • . ",_' -�Germairi Streets _�.n _the City of Sain� �'aul. - � ' .. ' � . -_ , � - . : � . , _. .. - :. . -- . . _ . . • ' • ' • � � . WI-IEREAS; said real esfate on said:•d'ate:�and foz 'a conside�'able period .._,.� .� - _ , � . - i - , - - •• ' • _ ' ' � :, — • �. , . , of- time next preceding the� sanne;�';was zoned and classified in "A" Residence, ,`, '�_ ,y ' ' : , - � - ` � . , . - . • . - � � - - ,_ - . . �_- _ . ' � _ :' - District under and 'by�"virtue of Chapters, b0 'to ,64, 'inclusive, Zoning. Cod�, � � � �.; � . _� . , _ _ �- . �'�. _..�_ .� � • • ,�-=�- - • _ � - _ � c , - . .. __.. *.-..� .__ . - ,za=_ _='a�. _ .�i!'�=;�- •- , �=;�--=•a:U--- . �=..�=;�.-...�.^`:_ . , _ � .' � . �: � �.Sai�n� Pau1 Legis7.ative:,Code, �as amended,. and pursuant t"o the petition,of - � _ . , ' . - . � _ . � - .r. ' . � • • 4 ' . - � h r - • �'�"_• ' _ ° the _first:parties the Council of, the second �party, according tq the provisions' ; „ . . _ • ` - -• ' . :� : , . . - . . - , ... , . . , , � ' - ; of�said Zoning Code,._ as amended;_and the S tatutes of the State of Minnesota,. , , _ � - in such cases made� and grovided, with� the written acquiescence of the owner's - , -- = � , ' � ' ' . , . _ . - - , - . " � � ' � • . , . of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate� s�tuated within 100 ' � , feet of sa�d 'real, estate, duly, enacted Ci.ty of_Saint-Pau1 Ordinance: No. T3252, ;_ ' _ . ' , . . • ' ' . . � 1 -" � ,�- - , . ' � � � � • • . • . _ , • � , approved June`8, _1966, �nd_ published 'in' the Official Newspaper of the second _ , � ' . , - a: ' � ax on the 14th _da of�.June� �1966 amendin said Zonin Code as amended � � ' ' - P tY Y , .�� � 8 , _ $, � .� � - . . • ` - 4. , . . , ' ' � _ .0�,_ � so that sa3d`hereinaboye described real estate was' th�ereby and thereunder re- � �.� � . , ' _ • - • , • . • . . - . . _ , . . .;� zon�d and reclassified from "A" Residerice Di-strict to Cou�erci,al Property,. - ' ; _ � . ..-- , , _, _ -- e. ,' ,L �� ' .: ` ' � _ . _ � • � sub�ect�to especial excep.tions and 'conditions in the riature� of, especial.re= :� - _ . _ ' . r� , �. , - =e-' -. ..s, , . *�v r.,-. . ,,y' • - , strictions upon- the, use-of the same whereby the use and employment �of said - . _. .. . _ n .. _ - �� . . hereina.bove described rea.i es.tat'e was restricted to �the, follo.wing u_ses and , � � -. _ � � - � ; , � . • � � - �' . ' : � _ ' �� . . - ' ' . � - - ,� , _ . employments,- subjec���to further rezoning and reclassification �of the-same,by ,` - . • i.. - , - � � � �? ; ��dC3TE�`J ��'` 1�[f bX'3'�b� ' �• , ,, .: _ • � � � � _ F v�� � � � ��.r�`�^=�..t�- �s�G . �. � - ' _ �� \ . . �- . � - - 4 „ - .. . _ _ j ���� Gy ' i P-`.;F,II�G}��� A. 1vIC1�77c.,,�, -.-� • + '' • . _ • , ,� _ • �Asst: Corp�rati�ri C�nsel '� �����tor�, ��nse Ccu , Mirn�sQia . ` ` � - _ � . . . _ ��,�= _ , . 6� � 3 �1� �.0 €3 . r��� � - ` �`_. - . _� : - • - • . ?- - - ' -� - . , :;..�- ".. ''l�•�_` j '•1• �' ', � ' �• �.• _ . ' - � -, . :" ._ - � ' - ��' ' . t - ' - -` ,- '. ' } YS • ,. ..1' _ ` - . ,_.. ' ••,� � . ' • n" • • � *"_ � - "_ � =h'`' ' ,� , f ` H . • - . i + ' • 9' � �r . . _ " 4�'-.�.4.. .[.'�• - , r . _ _ ' " - � . ' _ , a.' . ' ..-_ /_' . - _ ` • � .n • 'i y'� , . ° � ' ' _ Y_ ' ` _ , • ".� ' •- �'' T .+ `r'''C'_^ - • , • �` • -c , . ' • .� 'tr ���` . � , : - .�.vir.tue_ of .proceedings�•therefor,. thereaf ter�_i.ns ti tuted; conduc ted _and.com= ��, � ."' •' - _ 4 . ' " Z w . '.'�1 y��4 a ~� . a. .. _ .i _ ! - ' • _ ,.�.}. ^ " -F . :' '� .. . . . ' ^ • • , ` +, �leted,ry according� to �applicable provis.ions-of• saicl�Zoning Code, as amended, � �'. , � ,. ' .., . a ' ; .. • '' ' � c _Z.�.� - . _ . Y , � . .. I � -. ." � ' , e ✓ " L . + . . . - � ' and of s�atutes :of °fhe State of �Minnesota,�'to-wit: � - - . � ' � � ' � " ' -. • ` ,. . . r .. � -:,' '~.. ., .._ . �. .�i�s`•� �-:•-=r:� y':^ - :�_ � -, � .- � ,_ --__ - ` z : , . • : . - - _ P ;Commercialu�distric��for:sthe`operation;of- a one-op,era�or ' , - ��� � - � � � : bea.ut� 'shoP in �the=pre'sent single family residence by-� '- �� ` - . - . . . `�� `` � " ` ' ' � - �� •the petitioner and property owner, _sub�ect.to,.alI appli- ' ' �: � - _ - " -� , '. � - ,,cable .s.tatutes,> ordi�nances, riiles��and-�xegutations pre- � '�� • : • . . ��� . . � - , , , -° ' • y,�....: . : � : .: _ _ . - - ;� - scribed"and�prapulg'a.ted;by gov,e�nmeri°tal� a�gencies having- � . ��i = ' ' � T-cognizance. �`'' • � . '" _. , ,- . ,'� �+- tit -. . _ . - � . -- � , ' , � • ' •�1 " ' - � 'r_ ,- - ; ,t-�' - s. •-� '�- { �� � � ' ' - ." ` -- �`�, - . , WHERF�AS;• 'ttie�fi-rst'parti�s;,awfor�themselves, their heirs, adu�ini- ,� - � � • " '� '. ' • ''• . ' -.• '- ' -`t ,r,.! .r f:_ � ' T .ti-.,'�:: . `: '..r,:•• _.. '_ , • ' . _ Fa3 - �' ; � ' :: ' '- , -' '••, _ � .. ._ _ _ s � _ „ � . - ��� .� �r.. �.. _ - � _ '"-f �_ '' .:strators�,- ex,ecu,tors and'assigns, _intend her-eby to accep�t said Ordinance_ ., . -_ - . . , t , �l _ ' , •i , - `; �*': t �' ��,. . . - i � I -;� ' 'C �. ,e. . ' - x J ^ ' . , � ' � ' , ' No. 13252; and to�provide �ors t�ie impositi�`on,~u�aintena,nce,, and enforcement r . � _ x - _ , � ' _ '`' k° 'Q' �� " _ ..� r�'�w�` �.' ,- '. . •-��_ - ' . , � ' , •, t � _ �s �V ' � _ ` - , ``" -` � - i, �• .L y. '�" � ' ' � ` . �_ ' ' . _ .-� of such especial� restrictions upon,*:�he iise-of.�said'hereiz�above descr�.bed �� ,`• , � .,_ . _. . : � � � , . , _ . � : . - , , .. ._ - ' �- , - ' � , . - ' , . , � -. ° - - ' - - -. .a� _ -: :--� - . =.real� estate .to 'run with, they�and �.and2 to grant�unto •�the��second garty;. in . _ � ' � � •-- �� , - .' . - � _, __--- � ��. �t- �',- . - :_ �- - ' - ... . , _ . . _ . � � -- ., � _ ,Z__ . ; � -- further compl3ai�ce witti_tlie conditioris o��'said'�Ordinarice-i1o.} 13252, a_; ' . .i - �* 1 _ ' . _ _' ,` •� � '� _ 'e� _ t T �a'E��._ {•_ "� �j � I,.. �-�: � _c-: . _ . " � ' - ._ '`� 't' ' -- � ' , - • 'negative easment"therefor•��; ..:r��- ; ,- _ � • _•:� . � - � �-- �:�� - .. � -, � °a', '- ' � •, - _ _ �� , � -_ _--- . -_" ' . • . _- . ., _ F . ��. . �� m-z � . � r.._. _ - k: - '_ ; "-. ; NOW,_- THEREFORE; the �irst.parfies, as such owners of •said�herein.- _ . . �' • �.. . - � . � - -- �� • � ,, . - , - ., . _ .. � � - ' � ` - .above� descri,bed-.real estate_, .for��themselvesy ;their-heirs, administrators; �, - ; . - � t � - -t . '-, . � - - �Y . .- , . • � ' , - - . � - . -� -• - . - ' .. - - - '- _, ' ,. , - - _' -, , : i � _ �_��.executors,' ancY assi'gns, :do� hereby covenan:t and bind themselves, their he�:rs; • . � , , ' � ' : ' �, - �administ�ators, Pxecutors, and assigns, unto the second party that,• in � " � , • , ' -. ,� �� � 3 . �._:= _ . = • _ - � _ .. ` - - i� . = '. - • , . �•Y '- �, . � ', accorda.nce with said�Zoning��Code,-=as amended, �-particularl.y, as�.the�.same has• > , •— - � _ -.• . - , .k . ' - , - : _ � ' ' - :t: ' . � �t' � - � ' . , _ ' _ � . r . .- . • ' � _� • � ' `� ;been� amended_ by�.sai.d, 0`rdinance�No,"�13252; � $aid�real �estate has� been •effec-_��_ : ' ' - - - . _ -.- _,-r - . . -, - �' �- -,� ,� . . � _ _ _ .- . � . _ _ - . . . - . _ . ' . -- � �� . _tively�restricted arid limited in respect of its:use and employment and shall - • . . , � • _ = �-. . -- _ � . . �_ - , ;. �.._, ` _ _ ., .. .� ' • - � 'hencefarCh be, re�:tricted`�nd .limited in s�ch- par'ticulars� as follows, _to-wie: �, . _ . _ . . • - _ .. i - - , -i ..� . - : _ ___3 • - . �' _ .-, � . . _ - - � _• - _ � _ . � _ .. . . . � � That, subject ,tb any further reclassification of the _ - -- ', � � � __ '�� ,..,� $ �_ - � - . � � hereinabove described rea.l�es tate tiy vir tue o� pro- ' . - " - -. ' ," : - . ' : ' . � � � - ceedings �.tiherefor'hereinafter 'insti,tuted,��co�iducted � , ' , _ � , . - � ,' . " �- , _ . ` � and comgleted acco'rding to the-�applica�le' provisions '<- _, . ' - '�' ' . • •�- - � , - • " of�said Zoning Code, eE�ective as of date of said � - � - � "� �- -. ,F ' , ' � � �-• �; pe�ition •for reclassi�i'catiori and the applicable pro- •�` � � - - - , • , - ' ' � �visio�s 'of .the stat�ttes� of the Stat;e:of Minneso,ta, "` � , - , � . . . ' . _, � , - ' - ' . ' , - -• -hereby, � the�emp�.oyment of said .real estate�hencefortli ;--� � = " _ ° - --�.� s .--..,� ' ' •- � is restjcicted and limite� to�the fol],owing specified =, - .A , . . . � _ ,,.� • �- � us9es; to-wit: Co�iercial Distri�t for the operation - . � ; _ � _ � ° -~ : • .-_- ' ' �_ ; - Y of a one-.op�erator��beauty shop ,iri the present single ; , ' ,, '. _ � _ . -_ . � ', . � � -- " t { , �family residence by the petitioner and�.property- owner,._ � ' - � �. � ` . . �.. , , -. . � _ • � ; °` " • _ . ' subject to�all. applicable sfatutes; ordinances, rules _� , - .. . - .-: , . , _ . � - - , . . �.;_�. " , - �� -�; T - - and regulations_pres,ciib�d�and. promuTga;ted _by govern- < < �;= � , ,.x_, - , P : '°" - . -�- `. � • ,��mental'agencies`"liaving`cQgnizance, � ; , -- , � . . . . .. ,: . , ., � • �. . , , . _ ; ` �- �� � .and the_said first parties', for thems�elves,� their h'�irs, administrators,�� ' r � � �_ ' - - � �execu�ors and�4assi "�s hereb rari;t� conve 'a�nd warrant ��nto the second Lar - - - . � Y $ � Y P r5'�� - - .: . - 4' - -, ' ^ � - . ��_ - �, , � � : _ � - - � � :, _ . . , - . _ _ - . . . '` . _ . . . - - . - ` pr � - • ��'�i ' r •• ' - _ :tr . ` , �- . ♦ t- • ' .J _ t n • f � . .^ _ " ` ' � _ • - _ ' ` , �h � - !. [ } � .- - - _ . . � . a . � J - .1 � •� - \ -[. ' '` ,+� ` : . . ..� ; ♦ i� j` : t - _='-*' . • . _ • ' �'. ' . �- . � . ' y'! � . F l r " ♦ _ � . " ' �. �v.•`� � .�/r _ � i .� ,, ' � + •�' " . ... .. . .- � . � . . • _f '. "J .r -S 1. �' - e . � ' • • -' i y i • _ . � _' ' � ' � . ` . � - � ; _ . ' �_..,• 4 �r, f • ' . . ' � _ c ' � - � -_ ' - • _ _ .. 1' .. • � ' _ . • '- • ._ _. � �4 ._. ' . ' ._ '� ' � _ ...._ - - r � _ �_ . . . .. . s e ` ' L- �" j ` ' . . �.-: , s •' . , q . ; .. - • � t' .-. . " _ � - • � _I'� f : .�1k¢ T•��"� ��" � kr `a �E � . s �_ �} ' ' ` A � , '- _ � ' • __ � ` • _ !° �- +�_ ! -i,{ ;r 43 _!'v_-��•`3� . _;+ . �t-� ..- �- � ' . • - , . . 1: ` •-.. ';_" . - ` � . :F '.t Y� P• ' ` � � � .'a'J�s �, _ � • • - • • � �1_. �i �. • _ a' t�• �dr• . , . r, ' - ' + . y • +� -- ' X .• . y .� l .'.'' :•' •� �•' ` .."' ;T'' ' ,�. ^ � �- � . .• - - ., � _ � � r ' ��_ • - ��' , -�. . . �r • � _�'_ _ • ' • • J - -' � - • f ' `i � • � � said City 'of Sain� Paul,,as, such municipal ,�corporation, in -trust for� tt�e � . • - � .� • ' .�.. , _ - ' • _ . _ � _ ' i .. _ + e � - �- ; benefi.t of -the'public, a perpe�ual� negative easemen� in and to _said herein- . - ' _ � � - � - • - . ' = ' . . - • � - - ' . ' - - ' = _` • above described real estate� and all �ttiereof, for tlie imposition, maintenance r °./ . ' . `•r •. • _ ... , • . s : • '" . - , � ._ , • - , �� . ��ti ,'. arid. enforcement�by�the-:second� party; as`such municipal_ corporation; of the _ . ' ;� � ; _ aforesai�d restrictions and Iimitations=ugon the use and employment of:�said , - . - , � �ct. . . , - � :� . - � ' - = ;= . ' , � _.... � � • - � • ; �- � ' . " ' hereinabove described real -e"state, ;to run with the�7.and,- and for good and " � - . _ . . � _ -� . * �- . • ' � • " - - �' . -- . < . ., • , - . -_ �5��M,,��w� � � '` �valuable consideration, the receipt �and. sufficiericy whereof by the first � � � -4��'+►.,L �.� •,�: .. . 4.F i`` r'e . ,� '�*+ _ a �'k�i -.r.a;,� . _ - � •y:� ` - . e > ' . 7 ' � s . ' '-�,,�- _ . par�ies.hereby, are acknoui�edged. ' - 'e " � � • ` "' � �� " • ' ; . • -- � ' 4 t�.-,, - : . . _. . . , ," e ,_.� : . . . . -.' " ' - ; ' '.,' • - ., :,- - • ' � y - � •. �� �� - �� - . FURTHER, the .fi�rs.t pa�ties make�reference to .said-Zoning' Code, as . . - ,� . . , - . .�- : ,_ . � -- ..-. . � . _ ; .: _ . ; • , ,:. - . _ - `� °'<.amended,� and by reference:incorporate the saiae h;erein;^as part hereo.f, �aith ' ° • _ - � ° . , _ - - .- - . _ - _ , � -._ = - - � ,, . � _ ; � . ; . - • , � , - _ . " _ �- = ;- �the -same��intent, pu'rpose and•effect as if�said Zoriing Code, as amended,-�were � , , " _ _ ... ° � -;fully, set-forth herein; and make fwr.ttier reference to said �amendatory Ordi- __ � . : e � . ': .� I- �..nance�No�. 13252 .to"the duly certified copy` of the �same hereto .attached�and �LL ; � _° . �� �� :� hereby incorpoxat�d herein by.reference�as� pa��t hereof; a�d said first�,parties,-- � -- "' t , ' for �themselves; tlieir -heirs.,�,aduiinistrators, executors and assigns,�hereby ac- • � , ; _ -� _ - - = � ` - .f.� ' . _ � _ - .._ : . ' � _ ` , _ - - - •• . . . . ;_, - T_� _,` cept= said` am,endatory Ordinance. No._ 13252, and� every provision, `term, and cort- : � - Y � -- ' � dition'of the same without� reserva-tion. or exception: • -�• "" ' � � - - ~ . ` � .,- - . ': x �� . - - _.. : � ..- ' . - . - - - - '�• . . - , . ' . .._ IN�TES'I'II�IONY�WI�REOF, said first. parCies, Daniel T. 0'-Connell and .� • � .� �<' �, � - , �.� . " .-, , .��', �- , - �:., - . : - -. . _ . .- ._ �.- -:�_ --- _ _ .. „ ,r ' " -"'s� " ^;�" •r- �y',t: - - � " _ �i- -:Vero'nic� R. 0'Connell, husband 'and wi_te, have-s,et -their hands to. this i�§tru=, ' ' " ; . ; - - -: - . .� � . .. , - .. - ,. � . _� ' 's < < �,.J ` _ , f _ .. , - . . . . � ' _ - ment as of �the day and year f�rst..abdve uirftten:s � ' ' . _ . •- • , ' , � '_ _ � . ._ > . , . ' . . . � � � . , . _ � . � _- � . - , , . r .- . . . . - � ,'j:}�- ' , - • : - ''.In��re$e ce of � ., ' -- . • :- ,,_ '. `._ . I . _ _ - . ,�, `y •;f - - ���t/�L _ '-� • ,_ , ,' _- � � ` �Q _ '. , - `_ _ ;�� � : � - _ - ' • �� _ ' - �, " aniel_ T. 0'Connel l^ ' . , � � . Y i " ' : , ' .♦ � '_ • �1 r; ' �� �t._ / . � / �• ' , �.- . F �w� ' ,� . . ' � • �� - - ; . '. , . � ' �- '', ' r -Veronica�R:�O':Connell - � , ' _ , •_ " " . - .y*q - �. ' � �•{ �'.v�},'t,i� ,�i'i� ' � � � �' '; . . . _ - � = STATE OF MII�fiSOTA) --. ; - . ` � - . . - ' . ` � ,- .r� . -_�_ , ' . �, _ : � � gg , _ .. ' '� . ;' -� _ ;;�. - • ,, _ -- - -E � , �.. COtJNTY��OF ,RAMSEY' ) � ` " ' . . �' j _ ��_ _- �'' ; � , ` , - ; �' � . ,x _ , • _ `:*._ . �. iL V• ^. .;i;. ' _ �c. - ' _ ' . .' ' ' , ,-- _. ` _ ' Or; thi,s la _ day of _ _i��- , 1966; before me; a Notary , � ' . _ . - . � - . _ .- . ' , . - r. . . _.. . � ... _ , _ - � __ Public within and-�or said County-,. personally appeared��Daniel T. 0'Connel,l and `- , . . . . . ,..� Y. ,, - - .� � . 4 - , '' , - , , . - ' ��T 7h:� � � ' ` - 'Te' _ � . � - . .. i . A . T'_"8� _. t.�t ' � � Veronica R: 0'Connell, to me�lcnowrt� -to be the.persons�Vd'escrib.ed in, and who exe- ' - � •}�r T�:•.,;, .__ - _ � _- _°>,;;�;.;,:�_,�,.�_- - � ._ ' .- '- , _� i`. _ � � . y ..... . - ';� . _ , ' � r - . • cuted �the for�going �nstrumenyt, �ai�d��,�c�t-��'o�-}7 ledged� that they executed the same as - • - .. . - .. .. . --,. - > � � , ",.:,�y":.`� yy ! _. .. . _ . . . . • ' . : - , _ _ . ' f..,t' t.`."b,�r±�Sr�•'49���o��Ir'r'�.`�'��-t�1�� . 'o� '. �`� 4 - � . ' . - _ , their free ac t and��deed: ;S,,N�" �r�.+�;�";+'S3.�. %. °>;+� .� �{`,_- y _ , � • . - - . . � - . _ �� �: , ��,t���:. .� k, ��- s. _. � . " - . ' • '.1h..i�'' f�' �', d• l,il,, w ,� . . � _ - ' '�t7 r�?`����.�';� ., :� �'-."� '-_ '} , � . ':a '_ � -� ,,..:��+ r , ,�YF�('�',�,�:' t:.. - . - : � Fp� {�lif.�f�..:?'� 'C .' ' - � `y ' _ �4. • � t �% 0 r?�,I�i r � J - - . ' ' s . , .- _ . - , , ��,� ri+����� eiS;?�r;�T ..�y, i�l�.c,' Ramsey_ County, Minnes � . . . - � • _ .. _ i f� •{;�_.�� + ; �,• . � „ . . . . � _ ., __,- �t�` a � .,ti.. a°'� i���;'` +�`r'� � . . � . . . ' ,�- � � _ , . -_ ��r���'ti�t�"p�xa� .����'s'My_C `�ssion Expires . - - , . • , - - _ , , y ..�lf:W����j�j��'.�d�.l;�yi���;•'-� ;� 5 • . ' • _ - _ - ' . , . �•-- , , . . _i�!I},,?��. r��+��iY:n�'-'";��j ,��� JOHN RE EL �,, : _ _ . " • - - ._ , . • - - - l� ��l�,�q����tr�r�' tiotary Public� RamD K � - . , .' . , � .. „ - _ w• _��,. t1����,.�; � ey CoyrtY, Minrr. � - -: . . . , • • -_ , . .- �Y �ommissicr� EYpires Fab. 10, 7983 ` ° .. � ��4�� - _.. • ' _1 ' , � ' . .. _ . " � ' _+ , _ _ _ � Y ' F��'ti�� �y -- ,c ,�-s`-.� • " `.�:�• - -!ii� -+ � �� ,s � . ' e. - . - , •(-� •3 _ - . 7,� e: r •� -- `�• _�i - i'� - - ti4` '?fi� it«� , ' . ' . t -''f�, Jy�. _ ••.Yr�= ' ' � . ' •l•�t ' - 't.. - .� . . ..� .3`� _.a - •.�.Lr�'�*b •Y'..• � � . _' , '-�;, rd�'.f! 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This !s an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the pres- r �a safetyf tne public peace, health STATE OF MINNESOTA �he Councll of the City of Saint Paul �'iO1111� of Ramsey 68. Does Ordain:. � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL SECTION 1 That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 84, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Leg- islative Code, pe��,g to IIse n�- Harry E. Marshall� .__Ci tricts� FIeight Districts. and RezoninB I---------------------•---._._....__..-------------------....�-------------•--•-----•---------------- ty Clerk oE certain properties in tt�e City oi Saint Paul, as amended, be and the omr onerethe�followingndescrib d of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have - property from "A" Residence to Com- mercial. roperty, to-wit: � au of�t s,and the East ;� of Lot 228693 bein 4.Block 5, G. V. Bacon's AdSiition; oip,p azed the attach copy of Council File No._._.__.______._____i............�.._.._ situate on property located on the �C11�lance No. 1325�� south side of Margaret Street between City lof�Saint Panl�� Streets in the as adopted by the City Council...__.June 8th, _ 1q66____..____. -•-------------------------------- SECTION 2 The property deaciibed above � and approved by the Mayor________________ June.8th�---------------------------196•---------•-- subject to the following express con- , d�tions: c]assiH aca ionuoEeCthe�hereinab ver ae- with the original thereof on $le in my o$ice. • scribed real estate by virtue of pro- ceedings therefor hereinafter insti- tuted, conducted and completed ac- cordin to the ap licable •------------------------ � P Provisions of ----------°--------------------•---°°--------°-._.___....__....---------°---°°--...._..-°------------- said'Zoning Code effective as of the date of said peti�ion 4or reclassiHca- tion and the applicable provisions of the statutesof the State of Minnesota. ---°----------------°-----------------------------------•....---°------------°--•------•-----------°-------- hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted and limited to the £ollowing sPecifled uses, .................°-------•---°------°-•- to-wit: --------°-•--•-----------°°--------------------------------------------------------------• Commercial Distr�et for the operation of a one-operator beauty shop in 'the present aingle-famllY sesidence -••---°°.............°-----°------------- by the petirioner and prope;ty own- ------•----------------------------•-----.....--------------------°------•-------------_. er, subject to ail applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations ' prescribed and promulgated by gov- ...___. ' ernmental agencies heving cogni- --------------°-----------°-------..._._....--------------------•----°---°--------°---•-----°------..__.....-•--------°-•- zance. 2. That the owner of,said real estate, withinthe period of 60 days next suc- •-------°------------°-----°--------------------------------°---°----------•--•°•--°-----------------------------°-------°---° ceeding the publication oP this ordi- , nance, ahall flle with the �City Clerk, in two (2) fully executed counterparts, s d oamer's written acceptance of this °----------'---------•-----°°°-------°---------°---°•.._...._..--------°°°-----°-------------------------------^°-----..._ ordinance, incorporating, among other things, �aid owner's grant unto said City of Saint Paul of a negative ease- ___ ________ __ 'ment affecting said real estate. for the ----°-----°--------------------------°--.._...--------°--------------..._...----°--°-----_. imposition, maintenance and enforce- ment of the aforesaid restrictions and limitations upon the employment and �iise of the praperty descrlbed herefn, •----------------------------------°----------------------.._....-------------°--°--.._---°--------------°--.._._..--------------- approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and record- ablein the office of the Regiater of _..-°--°--°-------------------°-------------°•------•-°----°--------------------°---°--------------...-----•°-------•-----°° Deeds and said negative easement and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn me i��i Distiic�es permitted in'Com- j further Celt� t$ilt SA�(� COQ� �8 il true and correct copy of 3. That,in addition to other require- ments therefor, said owner's writtea acce tance and grant of negative ease- men�sriall incorporate a certified copy SA�(1 original and the whole thereof. bf this ordinance, and immediate�y upon the aforesaid flling of the same tne City Clerk shall �ause one of such wI'TNESS m hand and the seal of the Ci of Saint Paul, Minn., counterparts thereof to be ffied of � � record in the offlce o4 the Register oi Deeds in and for Ramsey County, �nnesota. , this--------•-12th--------•---day of---------A •-st,---------------------•-------A. D. 19_'.�6.e . ' SECTION 3 � This ordinance is hereby declared to � be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the --- - ---°-- --°._......---- • -- -- -------°- -------�--- public peace, health �a s�etY. � �zz City Clerk. � SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council Tune 8, 1966. Yeas—Councilmen Car]son, Dalglish, 'FIolland, Meredith, Peterson, Tedesco, Mr.President (Byrae)-7, Nays--0. , Approved June 8, 1966. THOMAS R.BYRNE, ' Mayor. Attest: HARRY E.MARSHALL, . City Clerk. (June 11, 1988) Council File No. 228893—Ordinance No. .. • � r- 132b�By F'rank L:Loss— An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chaptera 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, Height Dfs- � .. - tricts and Rezoning of certain proper- � ties in the City oY Saint Paul, es ' ^ amended. This is an emergency ordi- nance readered necessary for the pres- ervation of the public peace, health ane safety. STATE OF MINNESOTA ' ! The Council of the City of Saint Paul Coun of Ramse sa. , Does Ordain: � y SECTION 1 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL -� That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 84, iaclusive, of the Saint Paul Leg- islative Code, ertaining to Use Dis- tM�t�; Height $�iot�, �a Rezoning Haxry E. Maxshall, of �e� Properties tn tne ci� of I�-----------------------------------•--._.._................-------....__....-•----•-•--------...--•--.Citq Clerk . Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same'is hereby further amended so as to rezone the £ollowing described property from ��a�� Residence to co�- of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have mercial property, to-wit: ' All bf Lot 3, and the East 34 of Lot bein 4, Block 5, G. v. sa�on�e Addition: ared the attached co of Council File No.....z2�93, _g^ situate on property located on the ��rjnance ]. 2 2 p� .. south side of 1VLargaret Street between NO. 3 5 � � Iiazelwood and Germain Streets in the ,�,.� cic,. of sa�t Pa�. as adopted by the City Council--------June__8th,-----------------------19...66..---- � SECTION,2 ^ w The property described above is Q subject to the tollowine express �on- and approved by the Mayor_________________June__8th,..__._____._..._.._..__lg__.___6.______ �, ditions: ' 1. That, subject to any further re- O classification oP the hereinabove ae- �� �e original thereof on file in my office. scribed real estate by virtue of pro- �+1 ceedings therefor hereinafter insti- O tuted, conducted and completed ac- cording to the applicable provisions of � said Zoning Code� effective as of the ------------------------------------------------------------•-.....--•--.._..--°--..__....-------------------- ------...---°----------- Y date of said petition for reclassiRca- a tion and the applicable provisions oP the o statutes oE the State of Minnesota, hereby. the employment of said real -------------°-------------------------------------------°---°••--°------------------------- � -------------_......_....-------------- estate henceforth is restricted and ]imited to the fpllowing,specifled uses, to-wit: Commercial District for the operatioa ---------------------------------------------------------------°----°-----...-----------...---------------.....-----°----°-------... of a one-operator beauty ehop in _ the present single-family residence Z �y the petirioner and property own- --°-----------°--°----°------------------------------------------------- er, subject to all appllcable statutes� -------------°°•---°°---.�...------------°-...---°---- ordinances, rules and regulations : prescribed and promulgated by gov- ernmentalagencies having co�- ----------°----------------°-----------------------------------.....-----._._.....-----°-----...----°--------°----°-------...----- zance. 2. That the owner of said real estate, ' within the period o4 80 day� next suc- ceedingthe publication of this ordi- ---------------°--------°-----...._....---------------------------°----°------------------...---°--------------°----......--°--- nance, shall Rle with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully executed counterparts, said owner's written acceptance o4 this ordinance, incorporating, among other ------------_._----°---•--------------------------•-----•---•---------...-------------•-----------------•- _......----°-------------- things, said owner's grant unto said' • City of Saint Paul of a negative ease- � ment affeoting said real estate, 3or the 1rnPosition. maintenance and enfor6e- --------------------------------------°--...--------°---°--...-----°-°--------•----------•--.......----......_...._..-----------° �nent of the aforesaid restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein, approved as to form and execution by -----._._._.-°------------------°--------°------°.._..__...._....------------°-._.............----- the Corporation Counsel and record- able in the office of the Register of Deedsand said negative ease�ent and --------°----------------------------------°------------°-°-°-------.........-------•--°-----...------------•--- restrictive conveyance shall be drawn ��� � to exclude all uses permitted in Coma m�''�al nisc�i�t. �.�4��"p�gl�c� certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of 3. That,in addition to other require- ments therefor, said owner's written �R+m%,k'�� �'� ����l� �}S� acceptance and grant of negative ease- � ��,�YO�I��+;F��� Q ment shall incorporate a certiAed copy �'•" ���J`'1''��a�" �tl '�j 1 ••'�� �9�o�g�al���p�1 .: �"e whole thereof. of this ordinance, and immediately a , � �a,d f„y�.�y;� ���� .�,, upon the aforesaid Hling of the same , 7 {� y *,i���� . , � 1� the City Clerk shall cause one oP such p �r�►���F7�j •��:�;SF'� �+ � �. counterparts thereof to be ffied �of ���' ��f^ � `� record i n rne ofa�e of the Register o: �" ��� �{�s ��E S fr��'���, n�a n d t h e s e a l o f t h e C i t y o f S a i n t P a u l, M i n n., Deeds in and for Ramsey CountY. '� Fb '!','� �,'i'�E . ' i�fi{���. �����;� � t` �'I t Y,i��4A��--•'---- ,�, � Minnesota. � � r �{�� �+ �����-��`�o '�-/. , tli�s;:... ` . __A. D. --- �--• . � y_ � af-------- u �:�_ . SECTION 3 '�' �?..�' �� , . �ri�'gt�� �.... �`q�6 }._......-•°--°--°•---•-•- This ordinance is hereby declared to � '}�'�� �f � 4 � ' � a � °� r � �' '� ° y � � be an emergencY ordinance rendered �:�i.i �,'� ��'�h.�!•'�,r��,,A � ::�� .3�i -•-- .. _..............�_...°-----°-------.....-°•-----••- S �i��. tv ��• �I�1 necessary tor the preservation of the ,�.� ' .Z• � t � cf x � y 6�i'F, ' � r �1�' � ,s' public peace, health and safety. - �P '�t� �• '� , �' s. ' F � xr' � rr City Clerk. SECTION 4 'ti ft�" ���.fa-'��'' �- �1.�1��''- '� ��'�� �' ��a ����s��r i . I�� � �'���' � � This ordinance shall take effect and �r.�`��� x� e'� °4+� be pforce upon its passage, approval g�+,t�j it��ti, -,�� '� � , �,�R,� . and ublication. �} �F ��J� �� I 4���{.h�}� `.Y."2�`�3') Passed by the Council June 8, 1986. . Yeas—Councilmen Cailson, Dalglish, Fiolland, Meredith, Peterson, Tedesco, .. Mr. President.(Byrne)-7. Nays-0. { ' Approved June 8, 1986. THOMAS R. BYRNE, Mayor. Attest: ' HARRY E.MARSHALL. -- City Clerk. (June 11, 1966) �, . _ . . .,,. ,,r • . ;:;i�ii.. , .aw�;� . - ::::::;:. � BC�ARD O'F ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ,���� � ;t�iif '223-�151 , Room 20 CITY HALL t� COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �,�� April 5, 1966 � Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. � � - . City Clerk . ' _ t Building ' � Dear Sir: . This is_written in response to the Petition of Mrs. Veronia • R. 0'Conn,ell to rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial , property located on the south side of Margaret Street between Hazelwood and Germain Streets, described as all of Lot 3, and - � the East 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 5, Bacon's Addition. - - This matter was considered at the March_ 17, 1966 Board of Zoning meeting. ,The petitioner wishes to operate a beauty . � parlor in her home. � The property has�60 'feet, of frontage . along�Margaret Street and an"area of 7,320 �square feet. The surrounding zoning is "A'.' Residence and the surrounding land use is single-family. �' It is the recommendation of the Board that the petition be granted and the property be rezoned to Commercial subject to a negative easement limiting the Commercial use to that of a beauty shop. , . - .� , � , '� - - - � -� " ~Sincerely, _ . � � . , . , , , ; , ; > , NRH/mm � N. R. Heiden . Encl. � ' � � ; Secretary Z.F.� # 5849 . - . . ' `, � � , � . . � ,,���.,� � � - - '� ��- � �� `� � � ' - � � � � �. - : �_ � -��_� � � ,.� � - - � ` � � � - � ��. . . �U 'r �=•�-,=.�.��:.` R � 1 L ' ' ' '�' �`- � _ �'' � f �„rJ ' '!_ 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 e F,:,:,_; . . - .. ' . 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'A'.Res, to Com I ► ` LAND USE� : � .. PRESENT ZONING: AREA. ZONED "A" RES� ..� O . ONE FAMILY - �� � " ' ' � _� COMMERCIAL ZON(NG SHADED � � . -O- � TWO FAMILY � � �F1L• E No�__584�9 . . ' " - -b- THREE FAMILY , . ; � . � . . . .� .. SIGNERS�_ 13 of 'possiblel4� (92 .85%) '� ��-�-. FOUR FAMILY _ _. . ; � � � . , . . nroRTtt � O r MULTI-FAMILY �'� � . � '� � �,� � S"cA�E: I.". x20o'omnCOMMERCIAL . . � _ � , � - � � • � � ', n !nINDUSTRIAL ' .��• -� �:. . . ; . , St. Poul Piannin9���Bo�ard.;� Dote_ �1ar=10�_1966.� � � PROPERTY IN QUESTtON — •� "—=?•r2�. �,......`.. ._.z�_�r• .�,..I ' , � , . � , . , , . � ' , , ` .. ��. ` � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA • � I 13 Court House,65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phona:224-4612 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner Ext. 343-344 March 4, 1966 To the Council � Citq of Saint Paul � Gnntlemen: , I have rechecked the attached petition of Veronica 0'Connell, , filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 3 and East 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 5, G. V. Bacon's Additibn. The property is located on the south side of',Margaret Stre�t between Germain Street and Hazelwood Street, from a Class 1°A" Besidence District to a "CommercialE° District, and find that said petition is sufficient. . . our very , a ��� ames J. alglish Cou�issioner of Finance c.c. Mr. Ames City Architect N. R. Heiden � Zoning. Board - Re: 16924 , � � � � � � � � � � MAR 8 1966 Z��� �� F� L� � CITY �LAtv���tv� ��A�'�u s�ax �au�, �n���oxA � �za . , t - . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 . �22 Ma.rch 25, 1966 . City Clerk File 16924� Page � You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on April 7, 1966, on the rezoning from "A" Residence District to Commercial District for the purpose of operating a Beauty Salon in the home on the following property: I,ots 3 and east 1/2 of Lot !�, Block 5, G. V. Bacont s Adda.tion, The property is located on the south side of Margaret Street between Germain Street and Hazelwood Street. For further information contact 1'lanning Board, Room 20, Court - House or phone 223-Ct151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance � , d - G -'S ' . '�,�•-- " " -�, y� _ - ' r _ : ' - . _' ' , y . `'�• �- . .r`' �'!u 1'� .+. . �- _'",n� _ �I'/"" � .• � �, � , . � �` r . _ , ' • - , � .r' - - ' - ' ' ' . 'Y � . . _ +� "' ` , � � , ._ ,,.- .. ' - . . � � ' ; ' , ,-- �- : - . _ . ' � ; _ . _ ,.� � - .. : - • r�- � . , ' ` - �-- ° . � , � . 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' . �- ._ .; . � . - _ - (ientlemen:' . -_ . - t- : . ; . . _ ., ' , _ _ r • � ° - _ - - . - � _ � . =� . � . ,_, . ., - � .. . • - . . - � _ , � _ . . �e Ci�yr Cauncil todey le,id�over one " k rii l�+th the s�tter of -- � _ � _ . _ ' _ � the pet3tion to rezone n7.1 of Lot�3 • oP Lot T+i Block 5, � � ' , , ..�. � B�,can'e� .�ddition;� on the � � of t 8t. betr�een H��elwood � : _ `' - ��. and (�erma,in Ste.y to C �al D ct. � -- . - � ,`, - � - � .�, `y.`�„ � � -� , ' .� . . . - t - . = - • - - �-, _ - . . . - - - Very �tz�uly yours' � . . _ . �� , ' 4 . - . - _ ° � City Clerk ,, ' - . - � . : y , ng :- - ,- _ .'- ' _ . . - . _, . . _ � , . . � �. �.__ ' ' ` . : - , . . � - : �. _ _ - + � � � ' �. '_ - ' � - �, _ � ' - . • , �°" . . . - - , _. z � •� . . ,�. ` ' � ` " .' .- ,. . _ • � ., � - - _ , . _ � _ - �.-: , �; _ � . - _ . . . � �� ..-. �"� _ . 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