228678- ' 22��'78 �� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK :Y � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ r '�" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MS� ZO� 1966 COMMISSIONE DATF _—_ BESOLVED, That the Council herebq concurs in the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and ser�ices aecessary for or reasonably incidental to Painting at Como Park Zoo and Painting of Fire Engine ad3acent to the Zoo Building, to A. SSELGREN � SON, INC. in accordaace with City specifications therefor and heretio attached and the Formal Bid #1775 of said A. Shelgren & Son, Inc. for the contract price of $1945.00, such bid being the lawest and said A. Shelgren � Son, Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the CorporaCion Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of coatract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid �1775. . ,- MAY 2 0196� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council� 19— Yeas Nays ��y 2 Q 1���. .�Ba�'glts�Fi •- -- Holland � proved 19— Loss n Favor Meredith J , �'ceeisen V MaYor - A gainst ,�.a�eer'-' Mr. President, Vavoulis ���}}�1 �� �� �J�J � DUPLICATE TO rRINTER r•'^�� a CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `''''"'�� �� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MSI� ZO� 1966 COMMISSIONER DATF lESpL�3, Tb.a�� tfi� ��ac31. h�r�by �ncu�s �.n the �+►�d P� t,he Ccsntract Committee �herefor �nd hersby sward� con�r�,�� fd�r fiura�.�hins al�. �mb�r, mi��ae3a�.�, �qu�.�n� and �er�i,ces nec�se�ry �or or �eal�r�n�biq �ZCid�n�al tcr Pai.sr�.#ng a� Comc Park Zoo and Pa�.ating o� �,ir� y $ngia� ad�acen� to th� �c� Bu�idin�, to A. S�,G�i � S�I, �NC. �.n �r.ccordaac�� with City ipecifica�ti�nt �h�e�tafor tnd he�e�o +ittached a�nd the Po�ma1 �id �i7�3 Q� +�+�i,d A. $he�.gr�n 6 So�, �,c. �f�x th� cQntract p�fce of $�945.00; such bid bsing tih� �.c�re�t �md uid .� A. 6heigren & Son, In�, b�in� 4 r��soa�bl� sud �r��,#�ble bidder, �d tha Cas�p�s��et�.oa Coun��l __ .bt dnd hersb�r �s dire��cd to dr�w up the pra��i� �orta q� cni�t�act' thc�efp�r �i�d��h� �raper � ��.tp offi�l.al� h��eb�r ar� �utho=iaed .�u esecuta �ss�,d can��uct ca•bsl�sstf vf th� Q3ty� of St. P�ul. �'orm�l B�,d #�775. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �'�a� � 0196�9_ Yeas Nays �S MAY � 01966 Holland Approved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Meredich -�a� � Mayor A gainst �L'Ssen Mr. Presiden�, Vavoulis