05-480Council File # !J � ��
Green Sheet # � �.�
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and
2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage
3 Preservation Commission.
6 Name
7 RD. Brown
8 April Janita
9 John Manning
12 Name
13 Richard Faricy
14 Pat Igo
15 Daniel Scott
Term Expires
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2006
Term Expires
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: v � � �
nno -��5�� 2¢�Y-05 Green Sheet NO: 3026582
CoMaU Person & Phone• �oartrnent Serrt To Person InitiaVDate
Kuet Schulh � 0 r's ce
ASSign 1 a oYs ce De rtmeMDireMOr
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z ��
RoUting 3 a or•s ce Ma or/ASSistant
prder 4
5 i Clerk Cti Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All locations for Signature)
Action Requested: �
Appointrnent of R.D. Brown, Aprii Janita and John Manning to the Heritage Preservation Comwission Reappoinhuent of Richard
Faricy, Pat Igo and Daniel Scott to the HPC.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service ConUacts Must Mswer the Pollowing Questions:
Planning Commission �. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/flrm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curzent city employee?
Yes No
" Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantapes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
� ���
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
MAY 2 5 2005
ToWlAmountof CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Fundinp Source: Activity Number:
Finaneial Information:
� (Explain)
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please retum to Mark Engebretson
Mayo�'s Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Keliogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 266-8533 FAX 266-8513
The Minnesota Govemmerit Data Practices Ac[ (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) govems the Ciry's use of the iMOrtnafion
contained in this application. Some of the irrfomiation sougM in Nis application is private data under the Ad The
requested iMortnation will be used by the appoiMing authority to qrty out the Cit�s official appoirdmeM responsibil�ies.
You are not required to provide any infortnation. However, failure to answer the application questions may cause the
appointlng authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this application are publiG inGuding
name, add2ss, employment, skills, training and experience, and a2 therefo2 available ti anyone requesting it The
remaining items on the appliption fortn are dassified as private. The private data is available ony to you and to other
persons in tfie City who, because of work assignments, reasonabfy require access to the inFortnafwn.
Name: RD Brown
Home Address: 2100 Niles Avenue St Paul MN 55116-1140
Telephones : (Home) 651-698�345 (Home FAX) 651-330-1009
(Work) 612�27-5840 (FAX) 612-627-811 S
Planning District Councii: Council 15 City Council Ward: 3
Preferred Mailing Address: 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul. MN 55116-1140
street city state zip
What is your occupation: Healthcare
Place of Employment: Nationai Marrow Donor Proqram
Employment Address: 3001 Broadway Street.— NE. Suite 500 — Minneapolis. MN 55413
Committee(s) applied For: Saint Paul Heritaqe Preservation Commission
What Skilis, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you
seek appointment?
Twenty years of experience that encompasses Management, Finance and Budgeting, and
Human Resources. My previous experience was that of an EEO Administrator for a twenty-five
(25) department store chain covering five (5) states and employing 5,000 personnei. I have been
involved in the healthcare arena as an information Systems Director and as a Patient Financial
Services Operations Director. Experience on a nationai basis has also been in the healthcare
arena as director of a mentoring program for minority students and minority physicians. More
recent experience is that of Director of Donor Services for the National Marrow Donor Program
with responsibilities for and oversight of 84 domestic donor centers and 9 domestic recruitrnent
organizations and approximately 9-12 miilion doilars in HLA-A,B tissue typing dollars each year.
Current responsibilities include responsibility for the education, recruitment, and retention of more
that 4.5 miilion volunteer donors on our Registry.
The above experience has given me the opportunity to be invoived in multiple areas of
organization in the public, not for profit and for profit sectors. My education and twenty plus years
in the Finance, Administration, personnel and management arenas on a local and national basis
give me a very strong foundation and the expertise needed Yo be a productive member of any
commission (s) that you appoint me.
page 1 ofi 2
Name: Wiiliam and Marv Moore
Address: 2108 Niles Avenue. St. Paul. MN 55116-1140
Telephones: fHome1651-690-3655 (Workl
Name: Gordon Brvan. Chief Financial Officer
Address: Nationat Marrow Donor Proqram. 3001 Broadwav St.. NE. Minneapolis. MN 55413
Telephones: lHome? 763-544-8512 (Workl 612�27-5824 _ _
Name: Clive Callender. MD, FACHE
Address: Howard Universitv. 2041 Georqia Avenue NW Washinqton DC 20060
Telephones: (Home) (Workl 202-865-1443/1441
Name: Guido Zanni. Ph.D. (Former Commissioner)
Address: Commission on Mental Health Services. 2700 MLK Ave_. Washinqton. DC 20032
Telephones: (Home) (VVork) 202-373-7166
Reasons for you� interest in this particular committee: The city of St. Paul has a
wonderful history. The buiidings and districts define the essence of St. Paul and we shouid work
towards their preservation. One, however, must always weigh the concems and progress of the
city as one deliberates its recommendations to designate a heritage preservation site. It is
important that we ail try to understand our history and try as best we can to preserve history
without impeding progress. The goai is to work towards preserving the essence of St. Paul and
its rich history while at the same time being very conscious of the need for progress. I am
confident that I would be able to reconcile those differences in a manner that wouid be a win-win
for everyone concerned.
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application?
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
White (Caucasian) Hispanic X BlacklAfrican American
Asian or Pacific Isiander American Indian or Alaska Native
X Male Female Date of Birth: Januarv 1, 1946
Disabied: Yes DAV NO
If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/A
How did you hear about this opening? Citv Website
page 2 of 2
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
APR T 2 2005
�-- _
The Minnesota Goveinment Data Pcaccices Act (Minnesoia Statutes CLapcei 13) �oveins cLe City's use of the
information contained in [his applica[ion. Some of the information sough[ in this application is private data under the
Act. The requested informa�ion will be used by the appointing authority [o carry out che Ci[y's official appointmen[
responsibilities. You are noi required [o provide any information. However, failure [o answer the application ques[ions
may cause [he appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this applica[ion are
public, including name, address, employment, skills, training and experience, and are therefore available w anyone
requesting it. The remaining items on the application form axe class�fied as private The private data is available only to
you and to other persons in the City whq because of work assignments, reasonably require access to the information.
NameApril Janita
xome address 1115 Virginia Street Saint Pau1 MN 55117
s[ree[ nty stare zip
Telephones 651-343-9602
Please inciude Area Codes home work fax
E-mailaddress jani0037@umn.edu
Planning District Council DiStriCt 6—NOY'th End
Preferred mailing address Same a5 abOV2
City Council Ward 5
Occupation Student (Soon to be Intern Architect)
riace ofemploymenc Tushie Montgomery Architects (May 23, 2005)
Employment address 7645 Lyndale Avenue South #100
Committee(s) ap�lied for Heritage Preservation Commission
What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
I have worked almost 3 years full time as an intern arcnitect at both Wo1d
Architects and Engineers and Tushie Montgomery Architects. I will be receiving a Master of
Architecture Degree from the College o£ Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the
University of Minnesota in May 2005. I have the ability to read construction documents and a basic
understanding of buildings systems and strucutres. Both my work eacperience and school
experience would allow me to analyze and make decisions about design proposals and reviews.
page 1 of 2
`�� ; �
Personal References
Name A71C�r2W Krenik, Tushie Montgomery Architects
Address Suite #100, 7645 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55423
Telephones 612-861-9636
Please indude Area Codes home work other
lvame Rober't Ferquson-Dir. of Undergraduate Studies
Address 45 Rapson Hall, 89 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Pleaseinclude Area Codes home
work other
Name:7essica �4edarz-fellow student
Address 645 Hoyt Avenue West, Saint Paul, MN 55117
Pleaseinclude Area Codes home
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee A� a re53 ae„c of sc. ra„i x teei a responsibiliCY
to mamtain sl4nificant histone buildangs and nei9hborhoods Co protect the chacm and chazacter [hae makes St. Paul unique.
As a fvtvre architecL 2 see en vmpoztance iv preservi� hnstoric buildings mt only as a meazis to mamtain [he ndentiCy of a city
bu[ ? also see , serva[von as a opport�ity to brnng ligh[ co ehose who are unaware o£ how sagvvfican[ some hvseo-ic buildnngs can be.
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application?
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
✓❑ White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
�Male Female� Dateofbirth 4/7/78
Disabled: � Yes No y�
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear about this opening? Nancy Haas
page 2 of 2
uviiuoc or:se tne bat 4uo _ 1S1N1SUJ lQ002
� J G ��� ���. (�5
� V 12� `� G4...� V �---r-�.
Phone: 651-266-8690 FAX: 651- a��" $���
�omeAddress: 1a.55 C�����-�—� F'.vE _
City: �'A� �.,: '�R�L Zip: ���o'�
'I'elephone Number(s): '
(Include Area Codes) ���1_ ( 9 q-� 1� !Wl �iS'� - R�i'� - g a- �°�
Planning Dish-ict Council: Mar a���� C'�� ��R�n (.l'ty Council Ward: ��-'�u7 s' "�
Prefezrnd iVTailing Address:
What is your occupation?
Place of Employment:
Committee(9) A.ppiied �'or:
�'�.SS C--6002�cV-r. �v�� � /SA'��C P�v�..r u��..� 5514'S
�i�A�C.C� R�'P'A.=2� ( pvSJ�Tf1�N�'
�cM ��cr ti,�L ��.L .
�--\G_t� rra.r/_f� i�2rcS�-2vArc'ot� �aMM�SSTn�
What slalls, training or ercperience do you possess for the committee(s} Sor which you see1: appointimenY?
�� ��ir��a �rn-�o_.� �,n:or c.t_Ca..-���sL'� �.�� 2—.- .. � � �v�S�P� `n4n�ct�i � [poJC'C'nnn�C�`
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re �o.�� � wr; r+w..�„� o�- n„a�r�S c�. CO�w.�L�co�...+a �k�� or-ao.r: ^��,n-ol-
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'Ym� prrSa.r,.�kx�, A�+rMc.�_ vob�..ke¢,r c�.�e„"s�a,�i l�-c� �ti�fos -
� �g���.e.r c� ��-�-e� c�.,�c1ex' �r,r vc�n.r7 bc� �.�U\� rc.�rre.�-S .
co�..-ti.-.-r� o *�w�c-.,�c�..a.� rr-� co^r�.,�s.�s
The informafion inciuded in this application is considered private data according Eo Che Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the generat public.
U4/1'L/U'L 07:34 FAX 651 4U6 876'L KINILOS
PERSOVAL REFERENCFS [Reminder to Indude Teiephone Area Codes)
. ','
Addiess: ��i�n t�1on-�...�a�a� � Sv:,�. �'"a-�� ��oo..•�••�Ee•�••- :��
Phone= fHomel qS�- g`��" - ��42 tWorkl 9sa- ��"�- -�'a_o_'�....
Name. ���ev. 4�o.�-e.�-�� — �Mraw�..� C�,.o,.--e.�r, e u4c�ly..���4wcr�'
Phone: j$omel � tWorkl �,� �- �`-�� - '�-! '� C�
Name: �,��o�c.oe� — A�-c`,r.\-cc �c�-�a..r M��sHPC�r.+�..•-�_r
Address �'-iDl SaS� �cve� '1�c�--Y-wc.-� , Mtn.�.o�..po�c"s M,�
Phone: (Flomel ( • �1"� - U `I S � (Workl �,� \'a- ` 3 t� ' O `I � �!
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee:
o�ese�.,��rrc�,.� ��-.�,e�o.�-�1 0---3� i� �.x�-`c� ck icc� l aPC.� L c.��sn
T e "
T]P��2.�I�P � � h4v..= c,�C.: L�S c.�� �nL[�2r:t.�C.-L.'�� 'Ch¢.�'� L.oJlc� ��.e.�5..2�
1�+�4� u� cuss�r� — i��ar�cc..�\ar �� G.���p�r-Q3 �-�e�h'� r-�m.-�- c \��
Have yon had previous coutact with the commiftee for which you are ma6-ing appiica6on? If so, when, and
the circumstauces? / �/
� n �'vS.L G� ( o✓� o/' {L+�? �fi> � S . L'f"' ( r1� ]�+L� ��
In an attennpt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our communiry, please check
the line applicable to you. This informaHon is sttictiy volantaxy-
_, G�1 VS'bite (Caucasian)
Black (African American)
American Indian or Alaskan Eslamo
Asian or Pacific Tslander
Aate of Birth: �a- l�� l ��—
Disabled: Yes No >�
If speci:►1 accommodations are needed, please specify
Male �'L Female
Aow did you hear about this opening� UP /� s`�
Rarzdy C. Ke[ly, Mayor
390 Ciry Ha[1
IS West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Pau1, MN 55702
To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Kathy Lantry
Couneilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Pat Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Dave Thune
From: Kurt Schultz
� Yx , ,.,
Date: May 25, 2005
RE: Heritage Preservation Commission
Telephone: 657-266-8570
Facsimile: 651-266-8513
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of R.D. Brown, April
Janita and John Manning to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Mr.
Manning's term shall expire on December 31, 2006. The terms of Mr.
Brown and Ms. Janita shall expire on December 31, 2007.
Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappoinrinent of Richard Faricy,
Pat Igo and Daniel Scott to the Hexitage Preservation Commission. Their
terms shall all expire on December 31, 2007.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals along
with the applications for the new appointments. Please remember that
certain information on the applications is classified as private and should
not be released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any questions regarding
these appointments and reappoinhnents.
cc. Amy Spong
C�ecil R��arcmh �sr,ter
MAY 2 5 2005