228676 �78-�� �
Council File No. 228878--�By I+'rank L.
' Resolved, That upon the petition.of
Pearson Candy Compaay and•B-J Ia-
corporated, the section of public street
hereinafter described, be and,Uie'same �
is vacated and_disoontinued as a ppblic
street, viz.:,' �
That part of Benson Avenue✓�ying
Northeasterly oE Rankia Street and
Westerly oP the Eest �5 of the
Southeast ?4 of the Southwest ?�
of Section 15, Township 28, Range
�. ..
subject ezpressly to the�ollpwing con-
ditions ahd. reservations:
1.that �the vacation be subject fo all
the 4erms and conditions of Section
228 of- the I.e�lative Cod�, as
amended, regu la�ing the procedure �
and prescribing conditions fOr the
vacation oi'public grounds,•streets, '
alleys and higfiw�ya in the City of
St. Paul, •
2.that the petitioners pay to the City
�� the sum oP �2,450 $s compensation
for the'vacation and prov�de the
City with a bond in the amount of
$1�000. ' . �
Adopted by the Council May 20, 1966.
Approved May 20, 1986. :
(May 28, 1968) �