05-48Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall RESOLUTION Council File # 0 S' 'T � Green Sheet # 3424847 OF SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Authority") and Island Station, LLC 2("Island Station") have agreed to cooperate in the construction of a sanitary sewer and lift station to 3 serve their neighboring development properties along 01d Shepard Road southwest of Xcel Energy's 4 High Bridge power plant; and 6 WHEREAS, on October 27, 2004 (CF 04-1033) the Saint Paul City Council ratified an assessment of 7$385,560.00 to finance Island Station's share of the sewer construction; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Port Authority and Island Station have agreed that the Port Authority will oversee 10 construction and financing of the sewer, and that Island Station will transfer its assessment funds to the 11 Port Authority to cover its share of the construction costs; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the Port Authority requests that the City transfer Island Station's assessment funds to the Port Authority as described in the attached agreement (Eachibit "A"); now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby authorizes the proper city officials to execute said attached agreement (E�ibit "A"). bS- �$ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � i Departmenf/officelcouncil: Date Initiated: � ! P{N — Public Worta f o�-�AN-0S ; Green Sheet NO: 3024847 � f ConWctPe & Peter White 266-8853 i Must Be on Couni � Totai # of Signature Pages � Assign Number For Routing Order ueoartmen[ senc to rereon inmavoate 0 Yublic Workc 1 ublic Works De arhnent irector w` 2 �CiNAttornev JudvHansoo '� �] 3 1blavor's ORce MavoN.�lssisiant 4 'Council 5 CiN Clerk CiN CIerA (qip All Locations for Signature) u � ncyu .v i Approval of a resolution authorizing the transfer of $385,560 of city assessment funds to the Port Authority in recognirion of a j developer's conhihution to the conshucfion of a sanitary sewex and lift station serving 6oth the Port Authority and developer. �datlons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personJfirm ever worked under a wntract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by �any current city employee? Yes No Ezpiaia aU yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet , Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Port Authoriry and Island Station, LLC have agreed to cooperate in the conshucticn of a samtary sewer and hft station to serve their neighboring development properties along Old Shepard Road near Excel Energy's High Brid�e power plant. The Port vnll oversee conshvction and financing of the sewer, and Island Station will allow the transfer of its counci]-approved assessment funding to the Port for this purpose. This resolution authorizes that transfet. '�, AdvaMapes H Approved: The assessment funds can be transferred and the project can be completed. i , Disadvantapes If Approved: ' None � DisadvanWges If Not Approved: The project will lack sufficient funding to be completed. Total Amounf of Transaction: Fundinp Source: 385560 Assessment Fund Cost/Revenue Budgeted: y Activity Number: �� +. �.ffi�?�r�`�9l t'�i� � Financial fqf�rmffiion: , (Explain) JAN 11 2005 os- �8 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made effective the _ day of January, 2005, by the PORT AiJT'fIORTTY OF TE� CITY OF SAINT PAIJL, a Minnesota public body corporate and politic ("Porl") and TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a Minnesota municipality ("City"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Port is the owner of real property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, River Bend Business Pazk, Ramsey County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof (the "Port Properly"), which the Port intends to develop for commerciai and light industrial manufacturing, office, and warehouse uses. WHEREAS, Island Station, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, is the owner of real property located adjacent to the Port Property (the "Island Station Property"), which Island Station intends to develop for multi-family housing and potential commercial uses. WT�REAS, sanitary sewer service will be necessary for development of the Properties and other adjacent property (collectively, the `Benefited Properties"). WFIEREA5, the Port has entered into a construction contract to provide for the constru�tion of sanitary sewer service to service the Port Property and the Island Station Property. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 04-831, the City has approved the construction of said sanitary sewer service. WI�REAS, by Resolution No. 04-869 and Resolution No. 04-1033, the City has approved assessment of benefits, costs and expenses of said sanitary sewer service against the Island Station Property. WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Sanitary Sewer Development agreement by and between the Port and Island Station, LLC, dated August 23, 2004, the Port has anticipated reimbursement from the Caty for that portion of the sanitary sewer service to be assessed against the Island Stauon Property, in the total amount of $385,560. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants of the parties contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Port and City hereby agree as follows: Provision of Sanitarv Sewer. The City shali re3mburse the Port for that portion of the cost of the above-referenced sanitary sewer service to be assessed against the Isiand Station Property, in the total amount of $385,560. Such reimbursement shail be made to the Port Authority within fifteen (15) days after delivery of an invoice from the Port to the City. 2571566v2 1 os- �� IN VJTTNF.SS WIiEREOF, the Port and City have executed Uus Agreement effective the date first above written. PORT AUTHORITY OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its CITY OF ST. FAUL By: Mayor By: I: Director, Office of Financial 5ervices City Clerk Approved as to form: Assistant City AtYorney 2571566v2