228663 1 . � ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6WK �w�^�� � _. '' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED CY COMMISSIONEQ DATF 1 WHEREAS, the Ci o Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, has a project known as College Place Storm Water Relief Sewer which requires the acquisition of a permanent sewer easement and a temporary construction permit in portions of Lot l, Block 4, College Place East Division and portions of vacated Pascal Street south of Pierce Butler Route to complete said project; THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the attached permanent easement and temporary construction agreement, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same hereby are in all things approved; and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute said instruments both running from the Trustees of Hamline University to the City of Saint Paul. � �„_, �; _ � . - _ . _ - - _ _ ��. - - - " - - - -- -- - -- -- - F�R� AP ROVED. sst. Corporation Counsel �Y 1 g 1966 COITNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ ' Yeas Nays �� � g �966 �Ba'lgksh"�' . Holland Approved 19_ Loss Favor � Meredith I ���� p��_ I� ( .•�� Mayor A gainst v z�������������il�i p1�Bt�s�EO MAY 21 �6 Mr. Vice President (Rosen) � ion� e-aa '�rLICAT[TO r11INT[R /_�'��F� ` s ��� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �ESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� nArE WHEREA3, the City of Saint Patit w Deperta�nt of Pub�.ie Works, has � pro3ect known a� Colleg� Pl�e� Storira Water &�lief Sewer which requ3res the acquisition of • pern�nent sew�r e�e�nt �nd e� t�mporary con��ruetian p�rmit 3n portions af Lot 1, Block 4, Coll�ge Place Ea�t Diviaion and port3ons of vac�ted Pasc�1 Str�et south of Pi�rce But�.�r Route �o eorppl�t� s�id pro�ect; THF.�EFORE RE30LVED� th�t �th� �tt�ched per�n�nt e�sert�nt �nd ternpor�ry ca�ai-�uet3on �greemen�, app�roved as to fox�m by th� Corporat3on Counsel, be and th� seme hereby are 3n a11 things sp'provedz and ��,e prap�r City off3c3els are �hereby author3�ed� and direQt�d to e�€ecute� said instz►�ents•both runn3ng fran the • Trus�ees �of Hsma.3n� Univers3ty to fihe City of S��.nt P8u1� . �qY 191966 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ��' 1 9 �g�'� ��— , ._ Holland � Approv�i 19— Loss ' Tn FSVOI' Meredith �„�, � Mayor ,��� A g81IlSt I►�;'Presi�ieri't,Vadoulis=: • - ,:.z.. _. .�.:es:: e.e.�•f �Mr�•Vicc Presidea# (lto�en) � loM 68�