228652 __ �._a , , , ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLERK � ��Q��� - - � " CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Miltnn Rnsen DATE �— '�Ihereas, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the Plans and Specifications , heretofore approved for the proposed resurfacing of North Perimeter Streets, CON� PARK ROAD�IAYS as approved May 5, 1966 by Council Resolution C.F. No. 228441; now therefore, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Fublic d�Iorks, be it Resolved; That the Plans and Specifications for the above named improvement, as approved by the Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. 1 which is attached to and made a part of this + Resolution and of the aforementioned Flans and Specifications, and that further, all interested parties be notified of this ` addendum. • . -- �.•',.. - -� - �- - ` �, ,�A� lql� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ig_ Yeas Nays , fDa�tg�1's"h""" � Y 1919�� Holland ppr ved 19.� Loss n Favor �/ • Meredith � - �� � Mayor A gainst �e:�:t�id��ens�,.�la�bii�'is::��:� SHED ��►� �`�-� ]k�i�i;r.estisto� IR�sen) p�BLI , . ti.. . .. r ' May 19, 1966 -J `��$�6�� , C ITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Resurfacing of N�rth Perimeter Streets COMD PARK ROADGIAYS ` City Project P-449 , ADDENDUM N0. 1 The Contractor shall submit an alternate bid f�r t�rpedo gravel for seal coat aggregate which shall conform t� the re- . quirements paragraph 2.09 of the City of St. Paul standard specificati�ns and shall be bid and paid for �n the foll�wing _ bas is . . . c at�SGiPlGAi�JN OA. APpROX�MATL� eJnsi7 t��:tcci. � A►�ourd8 lTFJ++tJUt.t3�+7. yJq(d�B�I'163 1"���^l'YI'�I'H Uii�T PRIC� OtD tifF11TT�N ItJ WOit6� �,,,v Y�V44,/+r,9 Ci:4Y:,i ��QLi.A?3 C�'iTCI 9A SEAL COAT AGGREGATE , 356.611 247 ok,.�........,�,.M.........,a.:.................b....d.,..._..,.r,._..,.'dolfi��.,,e. anJ»................................. .. �... coof s p^t.. ,TON.. ..., , The seal coat alternate to be used shall be as directed by the �Engineer. Total Pr�ject No. P-449 Using Item 9A instead of Item 9 � . , Signature of Bidder ' Company of Bidder ,. ' _ � � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER - " CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND � , , �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� °' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �fi,1�0A Rosen COMMISSIONER DATF _ iihereas, �t has be�n found �neCes��ry tp changa� modify end n�end c�r�e�in portion� of the Plans and Specifications `� hereY.ofpre epproved for the propo�ed �e�urfacing of �Jorth � Perieeeter $tireets, C0� FARK �tO�TA�B e�e approved May 5, 19b6 by Conn�ii Reaolution E.�. �lo. 2284E►I,; now therefore� upon the xe�coa�endation pf th� Co�ie�ioner of Public '�orks, be it Resolved� Thet the Pl�ns end Specifie�tion� for the above ne�ed iwprova�ent. es npproved by ths Couacil� be e�nd the smae are bereby �thengsd, wodified and �snded in accordanc� With A,ddendum �No. 1 wt►ich is attaehed Co and �ade a par� o� this ResoluCion and of the a�orasentioned Planc end Spec3fications, and thet f�rther� all interested pr�r�ies t�e notified of this adc�►ndum. , �Y 1 g 196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , �� � �� �a'1g1rsH--- , Holland � Approve[� 19_ Loss / Tn Favor Meredith 1 , �1 Mayor r c�c i a aiu� A$'c11IlSt -+�,.^,�,.r ������`�en�ii�.$��9E:E:� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) � ' ' �' � � ���`��'� .� May 19, 1966 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Resurfacing of N�rth Perimeter Streets ' COMO PARK ROADWAYS ` ' City Project P-449 ADDENDUM N0. 1 The Contract�r shall submit an alternate bid fnr tnrped� gravel for seal c�at aggregate which shall conform t� the re- quirements paragraph 2.09 of the City of St. Paul standard specifications and shall be bid and paid for �n the f�ll�wing � bas is . . ,.., _ . . . c Lf�ECIF�C�T�OHOp avpft9�IMaYE �JNITf�tti�:Ct � A1e0U1L7i' lTCtr t:uht3�A qJnPdTE?1�5 ITGM tJ1TH UiVtT 1�RIC:� OID Y'{itITFL:N IRi WU�C>9 AVt�.A�:9 C[;.:r;,J .�C�LLa,73 CE•�?tl a..a.�,.......�..�.- 9A SEAL COAT AGGREGATE - 356.611 247 u�..,....M..e..,...».....,�...............�..�..a..e...,�,..»..,,.,.,...a daliar.. _ anJ.............................. .. ........ conts p;:r... TON �..., � . . i The seal coat alternate to be used shall be as directed by tlie Engineer. Total Pr�ject No. P-449 Using Item 9A instead of Item 9 , Signature of Bidder , ' Company of Bidder