228634 � \ �2��34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ -y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COEMM sS�ONE FRANK L. LOSS �� DA� RESOLVED, That the Specifications for Wrecking Only of Various Buildings, Junk Removal and Site Cleanup at 426 Alabama St�eet, 433 �.labama St�ceet, 411 Tennessee Street, 417 Tennessee Street and 433 Tennessee Street, Riverview Industrial Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 1130 Minnesota Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by " ° the Charter. �� MpY �, g 196� COUNCILi�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas LVSYS N1AY 1 � 1��� y•F � � - ,.,.rmr Holland Approve � 19_ Los s Favor ^ Meredith � �— ���'� Mayor �� a gainst :... :: ef. '�F�zc�'e��:?�����FI - - - �Mr. Vice Preaident (Rosen) � ��$�,(��'�Q' MAY 211966 ions e-aa DUrLIWTC TO HIINTlR ` �• CITY OF ST. PAUL F�HC�� NO-������ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � "��"�°"' FRANK I�. ;LOSS COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVED, That the �pecifications for WrecJ�ing Only of Variou� Build3ngs, Junic Removal and S�.te Cleanup �t 426 Alab�ma Street, 433 �lab�ma Stree�, 411 Tennessee Street, 417 Tenhes�ee Street and 433 Tennes�ee StTeet, R�.verview industri�l P��k, S�int P�ul, Minnesot�, as subm�.tted herew�.th, prep�red by the City Archi.tect under the dir�ction of the Commissioner of Park� And Recreat�.on �,nd Publ�.c Buildings, be �hd the same are hereby approvedt the ��me being satisf�c�ory �o The Port Author�.ty of the �3ty of ��int Pau]., 1130 Minnesota Bui.ldir�g� Saint P��1� Minne�ota, �nd -�he Purchasi�g Agent is hereby authorized to ' �dvertise for bid� thereorl in tY�e mar�ner provided in and by the Chart�r� V �� � N �° 1� � v � � �J�/ >\� �U ,� � ..,, � Y 1 � 19�� � � •- -- COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � `_BaYg'l�s�'� ' � ` �vu1Y �. � ���� Holland � Approv� __ _a 19— Loss _ Tn FSVOT Meredith � , Msyor P�er€fr�on� A►gBiIISt �es nE�-� ee�i:�•:i�i!l�.J�R�;e:��:�i9.�4�k�J �Mr. Vic� P�eaident (Rosen) 1oM E-67