228630 ' ' ,.. - ._ 1 .- • re. ^� -yr '- - � _' i ` , -�� .'r . . �,., .- f �
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- �- . . ' �
F�INAL ORDER ` , � � � � � COUNG`IL FILE N0.
f • ' By ' , � '
. � -
. � " � - File No. 8��� '
In the Matter of �con�ati�uct3rig the s�.deta�71� pn "tyoth �3dea �f �uua Av�e. froi�
. .
� - Fdgcwnbe 8�� -�o �ynd,icata� $t�► anc� by $b�g .a1� o'�er worl� �hir� #.� nece��y and
i.�ciden� �o comp�.ete �a#.d i��wv�i�t�� �
under Preliminary Order �26858 � approved JalrtuRrv Z��1.96b •
� Intermediary Order .approvecl
- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
_ having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a.nd� having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it •
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- �
provement ta be made by the said City is
" to recc�nstx�ttet f,he ��deW$Xk, on� both. si�,e�. bP duno �v�..• frc�t �gci�abe Ro�d t�
. Syndi:cate St. �nd bq doi�tg al]. v�her xorls wlsiGh ia rieee�sa�ry �d �icidenta7. to .
complete .�d imBrov��t,� �xcep� �rhe� .gofld. e,nd suPP�,a�en.t potu�d s3,dewa].ks naw
exie�. � ° �
� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHEEI3,, That the Coxnmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for ,
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
_ ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
, COUNCILMEN �qY 181966 �
Adopted by the Co -
Yeas Nays � . � $ "
- � - � - - --
Holland Approve
Loss .
�i/leredith _ Favor
. �� � -- _. , Mayor
��: �.....,,, .
'�iff:e:���2:�L' � 11��;ei:��:.:� '
'::..�::::e:E�e''•' Against `
�. v��g P��eat c���� Pt�BLISHED MAY 21 1��� �
° 6-68 2M 8� R-1 `
T�_^ � ���
;���-- o. �,3
� �= 0
_�.�. Dist. No. 2
• B.S. Juno Ave. - Edgcumbe Road to Syndicate St.
��� �� ''� ` ,
w � � ��
Jan. 21st. 19 66
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: •
The Commissioner of Public Works,-having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 226858 approved Jan. 19th. 19 66
relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Juno Ave. from Edgcumbe Road
�o Svndicate St. and bv doin� all other work which is aecessarv and incidental to com-
�ete said imvrovement. �
and having inveat�.gated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft,
wide and $3;80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6�ft, wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a
part thereof. ^���5�,6Z ?g?g���!r
3. Initiated by the Com�i�ss�neyr�s�of Pub c Works g
4. Improvement is asked for�upo���p�eqitio��n,� g '�,4
�C,�' �- �
� � � ,������, �
� -�
• --�
r9�s��1�l Z'������
Cotmnissioner of Public Works
. � �,a-�G � o
I13 Court House, 55102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone: 223-4646
THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner
May 5, �966
Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr.
City Clerk
City of St. Pa.ul
Dear Sir:
, Attached hereto is a letter from Rose
Meyer and Theodore A. and Rose E. Hannasch with reference
to the construction of sidewalk on Juno Street, for sub-
mission to the Council a.t the hearing to be held on May
18, 1966.
Very truly yours,
F e �t W. Crarrrl
Siipervisor of Assessments
cc: Rose Meyer
Depa.rtment of Public a�Torks
� Sidewalk Depaxtment . .
r' -
i �
r �� ,
. St. Paul, �iinn. , April 30, 1966
1277 Juno �v . ,
�r. Janes J. llalgi�h
:�t.. Pa ul, blinn.
vear 31r:
" In today' s m�il I received a notice praposing
reneeal of the sidewalk �rontin.� Juno �t . , the hear-
, ing to be held May 18.
�s a matt er o f infontiation, I s old th e extra
lot knoRn as 1273 , Juno. , tb Theo. �. & Rose E.
Hannasch in 1962, v�ha built � new home on it.
This i3 to advise that t�e sidewalk f'ronting
these t�,o lots on Juno �v. , is in such condit�on
that neither the Fi�i_nasch pea�ple aor Iwr�nt it renev�ed
� and this i� � formal �t�tement to that eFfect .
" ��, ���- -c�
� fi
Ros e I�:el�* r
--TIU. `'1V--�t.�.ti._.�e_ (✓
t;� . �-���
T.a. � �.L. x�:�_�S�nn
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- _ ..- •. •r s�__ - ��w�� �+M+a.�l�F+��w��t '� t I�-s� T�..��Y '_ f