� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �, _ �� �
� —
RESOLVED, that the praper officers of the City of Saint Paul
are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the
State of Mi.nnesota, Department of Highways, Agreement No. 55039 concerning
the installation of traffic control signals, and to modify by added
betterment cartain axisting traffic control signals, a11 at certain
intersections i.n whole or in part on the State Trunk Highway System within
the corporate lim� of the City o� Saint Paul, a copy of which agreement
is herewith, attached and marked Fachibit "A" and nade a part hereof by
� 1
sst. Corporation Counsel
NIAY 17� �6fi
� .-� _�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
na 1 zcl,
N1AY 1 7 ���
.�� •�A�
Holland roved 19—
Loss `
n Favor
��� � Mayor
A gainst
�� NIAY 21 �g�
Mr. President, Vavoulis �B�lSH��
. RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the City o� Saint Paul
are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the
State of Minnesota, Department of tlighways, Agreement No. 55039 concerning
the installation of traffic control signals, and to modify by added
bettermant ce�tain existing traffic control signals, all at certain
intersections in whole or in part on the State 'I`runk �iighway System within
the corporate li.mits of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which agreement
is herewith attachec� and marked Exhibit "A" and made a paxt hereof by
reference. '
(�AY 1 7 1966.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - -49—
Yeas - Nays
�;..�_ f�AY g 7 �9��
Holland Approved '" " 19—
Loss Tn Favor
� Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
. " � n . .
y ���p
. V�'�
. - 1 ��
- , "
f AGRE3.3yiENT N0. 55039 '
THIS AGRE�ENT mado and entered into by and bet�reen the State of .
Minnesota, Department of Highways, hereinafter ref erred to as the "State",
and the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, hereinafter referred to as the
uCityn� ZdITNESSETH: -�'•�`--�� - .- _ .. _ ..� _ � ,
1 .
WI-�REAS,' it is considered mutually desir�ble to i.nstall traffic
control signals, and modi.fy by added betterment certain, existing traffic
control signals, all at certain intersections in whole or in part on the
State Trunk High�ray System within the corporate litnits of the City and
hereinafter specifically set forth; and , -
ZdHEREAS, it is mutually agreeable that said work shall be performed
��, by the City with the State paying a portion o£ the costs thereof;
{ . '� �
•• 1. The City shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications and
proposals and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to complete
the items of work�hereinafter set forth. Such �rork as described immediately
above sha11 constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to
_ � ':� 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted,
the cost of all labor, materials, and equipnent rental required to complete the
work, except the cost of providing the power supply to the controllers, shall
constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shnll be so ref erred to hereinafter.
3. The State's share of the Construction Cost nlus six percent (6�)
, of sucn share as full payment for the State' s sh�re of the cost of Engineering
and Inspection sha11 hereinafter be ref erred to as "State's Share". ,�
;. The City with its otirn forces arid equipment or by cor_�L��ct shall
install traf£ic signals and intercor:nection, or shall modify by in;::_catec
' 4
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adde.d bettermont and related work the existing traffic control signals at the
following intersections:
6215�f (a) Snelling Avenue (Trunk Highway No. 51) and Hewitt Avenue -
� Install semi-actuated interconnected signal and remove the
school signal at Snelling and Hubbard. �stimated Cost -
• wg000. State's Share - fifty percent (5�) -
620&- (b) � Universitq Avenue (Trunk FIightaay F10. 1�) and Hamline l�venue -
Instull tran�mittin� tel�metry equipment. Estimated Cost -
"��2000. State's Share - fifty percent (50�) .
6201- (c) Seventh Street (Trunk Highway �Io. 5) and Jefferson Avenue -
, � Revise existing pretimed signal to semi-actuated, irsprove
, signal indications a�d construct island. Estimated Cost -
�;�600. State� s Share - fifty percent (5�) • -
6201- (d) Seventh Street (Trunk High�riay I�To. 5) and St. Clair Avenue -
Install multi-dial master controller. Estimated Cost -
' ?,�.00. State� s Share - fifty percent (5�) .
6201- (e) Seventh Street(Trunk Iiighway r1o. 5) and Smith Avenue (Trunk
Highway Ido. l�9) - Revise signal indications. Estimated Cost -
e;�00. State�s Share - seventy-f ive percent (75�) •
62?_8- (f) Marshall A_venue (Trunk Hi�hti•:ay ATO. 212) and N.amline Avenue -
Revise existinG full-actua-ted signal to semi-actuated inter-
connected signal. Estimated Cost - ';�2000. State�s Share -
fifty percent (50n} .
620g- (g)� University 9venue {Trunk Highway No. 12) and H�.line Avenue to
I��rsh�ll Avenue (1 runk Highti:ay Vo. 212.) and Hamline Avenue -
Install interconnection. Estim�ted Cost - r�g00. State's
Share - fifty percent (5�) •
b229- ' (h) Min.�ehah� Avenue (Trunk Hi�;hway No. 21?_) and Earl Street -
Fe.vise existing controller and add telemeter equipment.
Estimated Cost - :;�L�600. State' s Share - fifty percent (50�) •
62G8- (i) University Avenue (Trunk IIighi•Tay No. 12) and Snelling Avenue
(Trunk Hioh;•;ay i•to. 51) - InstaL new controller. Estimated
, Cost - y;1000. State's Share - one hundred percent (100%) .
6228- (j) Marshall Avenue (Trunk I�Iighway I�?o. 212} and Snelling �venue
- (Trunk High�aap :�o. 51) - Inst�ll new controller. Estimated
Cost - �f1000. State's Shara - one nundred percent (10�).
6208- (k) University Avenue (Trunk Highway Pdo. 1?_) and Marion Street -
Install ne1•� controller and pedestrian indications. Estimated
• Cost - w2500. State' s Srare - fifty percent (5�) •
6229- (m) Minnehaha �lvenue (Trunk FIigh�aay A1o. ?_12) and Sev�nth 5treet
' (Trunk High��ay No. 212) and P�Iendota Street - Install new multi-
dial controller. �sti.mated Cost - 5��900. State's Share -
thirty-tciree and one-third percent (33-1/3i�) •
6213- (n) Rice Street (Trunk High�•�ay No. L�9) from Front Avenue to Zdayzata
Street - Install interconnection. Estimated Cost - ;1600.
- State�s Share - iifty percent (5d`w) •
6?.33- (o) Seventh Street (Trunk I;i�h�aay I�'o. 49) frcr.; �'iftr Street to
Kello�� Boulevard - Instmll interconnecti�n. ��timated Cost -
;�1000. State' � Sh�re - one hundred percent (10'J`;�) .
A�reement iVo. 55�39
� (�neet ? of 5}
� � .
. ,
• 62?..g- (p) Marshall Avenue (Trunk Highway P1o. �12) from Otis l�venue to
AZississippi River Boulevard - Install interconnection.
Fstimated Cost - ti;1200. StAte�s Share - fifty percent (5d`/) •
b228- (q) �larshall Avenue (Trunlc High�:�ay No. ?_12_) and Mississippi River
' Boulevard - Install new controller. Estimated Cost - �2600.
State's Share - fifty percent (5�i ) •
6?_?8- (r) � ��',�rshall �:venue (Trunk High4ray i�o. ?12) and Otis'l�venue -
P�evise existin� full-actuated signal to semi-actuated and install
coordination equipment. Estimated Cost - h?000. State's
' Share - fifty percent (50�) .
6215- � (s) Snelling Avenue (Trunk Iii�hway i�o. 51) from Hewitt Avenue to
ap�;roximately 210 feet south. Construct concrete median.
Estimated Cost - �;1800. 5tate�s Share - one hundred percent
(100N) . •
5• In the event that the City shall contract for the performance of
the work provided for in paragraph /� hereof, the City license required to perform
electrical work ��ithin the City shall be issued to the City' s contractor at no
cost to'the contractor or the State.
' 6. Upon completion of the work contemplated herein, the Cit� shall
m�intain and keep in repaix said installations and shall provide the necessary
electrical power for their operation, a11 at t�e sole cost and expense of the City.
In addition, Lhe City shnll provide the potiTer supply to the controller cabinets
at its orrn expense.
7. Th.e City indemnifies, saves, and holds harmless the State and all
of its �gents �nd employees of and from any and all clains, demands, actions or
causes of action of tirhatsoever nature or character arising out of, or by reason
of, tne Qerformance of any ti:ork by the City provided for hereby, and,further agrees
a "° -- to-defend at its sole c�st and e�cpense an;� action or proceading corcmenced for the
purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection with
or by virtue of the'maintenance work to be performed by the City.
3. An�r and all persons en�aged in the aforesaid maintenance ti�ork to be
performed by the City shall be considered employe�s of the City and any and all
clairns that may or might arise under the L7orla�en's Compensation �,c�, of this State
on behalf of said employees while so engm�ed, and �ny and al.l claims made by any
�hird party as a, consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City
erap�cy�;�;; �:::�1.e so engaged on �ny �f the t:�ork contemplated herein sha11 be the
sole celi�aiion and responsibilit;y� of' the Cit;,�.
Rgreeu�ea� PIo. 55039
(Sheet 3 of 5)
-,�-�--,.—' • --- - -_-_ '
� ' � .,
• 9. The Cit shall revent b ade uate olicin an sto in standin
Y P Y q P � Y PA� g� g
or parking of vehic�.es prohibited by Sections 1b9.34 and 169.35, Minnesota
Statutes Annotated, on all trunk highways t��ithin its l�zits. It shall also prevent
.. _ „, ___ the installation or causo the removal of gasoline pumps located on trunk hi�hGray
right of way, and all other obstructions and signs prohibited by Sections 160.27
and 169.07, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, upon or along any trunk highway through
the City. ' .
10. All timing of all traffic control signals provided for herein
shall be determined by the State, through its Commissioner of Highways, and no
changes shall- be made therein except iaith the approval of the State.
11. Payment by the State of the State�s Share of the actual Construction
Cost, as set forth herein, shall be made upor_ completion and approval of the
work and upon submission by the City of an invoice in triplicate showing the
total actual construction costs to the City of the work performed. Par�ial pay-
ment, or payments, by the State of the State� s Share of the actual Construction -
Cost of any item of work provided fcr herein may be considered only at the' end of
a construction season and only for those items of kTork provided for herein which
are complete, in operation and approved, and invoiced as Qrovided for above. �
12. The total estimated amount to be paid to the City from Trunit
Fiighway F�nds for work performed under this Agreement is :„27,931. In the event
that at any time it appears that sucr rei�nbursement will exceed said sum, the
. _--� - -- - - - .. _ _1 .
City shall promptly notify �he State thereof in order that the State may encumber
such additional funds as may be necessary.
I;�reEment lto. 55039 .
. (Sheet L� of 5)
. ,
'' .
.. � . „
• P�ayor
City Clerk � .
� By
� Commi.ssioner of Puhlic Works
--�--�'`��- — . _ . • - - Dated: -
; ..
��� City Attorney
Traffic Engineer, Dept. of Highways
D�istrict Engineer, Dept. of Highways ,
Ci'�ief Er�,ineer, Dept. of High��ays '
f ; .
Commissioner of High��ays
� Dated:
F .,
,;_�; -t�J�'�T r.S TO FuRM AND �ECUTIOid: �Pi'i:C+ti':�T�:
• D�f'AI�`l.'Mi�idT GF ADi�IINISTI�.`I'TC'rI: .
acecial ksaistant Attorney GenEral �
� , l�gr�ement I�:o. 55039
(She�t 5 of 5)
. ,.. � � '
� � � -
-i • .