05-472coun�u Fue # OS �7 �. Green Sheet # 205905 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has plans to construct Phalen Boulevazd Phase III between Arcade Sfreet and 2 Johnson Parkway; and 3 WHEREAS, this construction will occur over property owned by the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority 4 (RCRRA); and 5 WHEREAS, the City has an easement agreement with RCRRA for this construction; and 6 WHEREAS,theworkbytheCityrequiresinteractionwithcontaminatedsoils,forwhichthereisanimplementation 7 plan approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA); and 8 WHEREAS, the City and RCRRA will receive a No Association Determination Letter, a No Further Action L,etter, 9 and a Non-Tank Closure Letter from the MPCA ; and 10 WAEREAS, RCRRA is requiring indemnification from the City far contaminated soils placed within the Phalen 11 Boulevard right of way; Now therefore be it, 12 RESOLVED, that we hereby authorize the proper City officials to sign this First Amendment to the Easement 13 agreement with the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority. Requested by Depaztment of: Public Works �r , � 1 , � ���� • .. � �� Form Approved by City Attomey � � for � Approved � � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secret` ry Public Wosks. . _ . . 5/5/2005 Lisa Fall� 266-6117 MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGEf�AA BY (OAlt7 1�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES OS- �l �a- No. 2059U5 ��� cm couNCi� A4SIGN � CfIYATTORNEY �! _ ❑ CRYG.ERK NUMBEft FOR � ❑ FlNANCIALSEfMCESDIR ❑ FINANCIALSFRV/ACC ORDER ❑ MAVOR(ORASSISfANn ❑�ILRESEARCH ❑ ❑ 3 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5IE0 � ,pprove and sign Council Resolation aad attached Agreemeat with the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority (RCRRA) for ndemnificatiott of Ramsey County for contazninated soils moved from RCRRA property aud remediated by placing them under the Phalen 3oulevard Phase III right of way. ;ECAMMENDATIONS:ApproVe (A) n Re�ec[ (R) � PUWNINGCAMMISSION i CIBCOMMITTEE , ' CNILSERVICECOMMI$$ION A STAFF v .., ,�. � INITIATIN DEPAR7MEM WHERE, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfiim everwaked uritler a cantrad fw ih's depa�menl'� VES NO 2 Fias Mis persoNfirm ever been a cily empbyee? VES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a slull not irortnalty possessetl by arry wrteM cily employee� VES NO 4. Is Nis pecsoNfmn a targeletl ventlM VES NO ExpWin all yes answers on separa[e sheat antl aitaeh to graen sheat� As part of the Phalen Boulevazd Phase III consMiction project, the City must remediate any contami�iated soils dishubed as part of the conshvcrion; according to the Minnesota Pollurion Confrol Agency's reqnirements. To most efficiently deal with these contamivated soils, the City will bury them witUin the Phalen Boulevazd easexnent the City has in RCRRA's corridor. To do tlus, RCRRA is requiring the City to indemuity them for the contaminated soils. - ADVAMAGESIFAPPROVE4 ;' Construction will be able to proceed. a;� A similaz environmental remediation treatment was completed on Phases I and II of the Phalen Boulevacd project. On Phase III, using this method will result in a project savings of approximately $1,100,000. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED.' � �� � � � Possible future costs to the City due to the containinated soils within the Pttalen Boulevazd Phase III right of ;° � OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEd /� /� � . _ _' `-�, �_' �� E � 9 1� Construction may not proceed, and remediation costs would be significantly lugher. �,.. i� ; ' ��' � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACIiON $ N/A _ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � No ?�� ' FUNDINGSOURCE N/A ACTIVITYNUMBER R� WEIV�D - FINANGALINFORMATION(EXPFLAIN) �� ��,�,�.a(.r� 61��i�ij MAY 1 2 2Q05 '' NAY �. 6 � x� MAYOR'S OFFICE O.S �� �z.3 First Amendment to Easement This amendment is to that permanent Easement Agreement (the Easement) between the Ramsey County regional Railroad Authority (RCRRA), a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (the City), a home rule charter city and municipal corporarion under the laws of the State of Minnesota, dated the day of 2003, and filed of record in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder on , as Document Number WTI'NESSETH: WHEREAS, on or about , 2003, the RCRRA granted to the City the herein referred permanent Easement for highway purposes over the property described therein, and WHEREAS, construction of the public highway contemplated by the Easement has revealed the presence of contaminated soils within the Easement area, and WHEREAS, the City and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) have discussed possible methods of handling the contaminated soils, and WHEREAS, the City will realize cost savings if it is able to manage the contaminated soils within the Easement and not have to dispose of them outside of the Easement area, and WHEREAS, the RCRRA is willing to coaperate with the City and agree to management of the contaminated soils within the Easement site, provided the City agrees to defend and indemnify the RCRRA from any claims arising from management or the presence of contaminated soils within the Easement. �"-�7� NOW, TT�REFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, and other good and valuable considerarion the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties mutualiy aclmowledge, it is agreed to amend the Easement by adding paragraph 16, as follows: 16. EnvironmentalIndemnification. a. As used in this section, the following terms have the meaning stated herein: 1. "Claims" means any and all liabilities, suits, claims, counterclaims, causes of action, demands, penalties, debts, obligations, promises, costs, fines, damages, fees, and expenses of any kind, including without limitation, attorneys' fees, consultant fees, costs, costs of remedial actions, cleanup costs and expenses which may be related to any claims. 2. "Environmental Law" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensarion and Liability Act (CERCLA) 42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq., the Resource Conservarion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq., the Federal Water Poliution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq., the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S. C. §1321 et seg., the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §7402 et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, IS U.S.C. §2601 et seq., the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act (MERLA) Minn. Stat. Chapter 115B, ail as they may be amended or superseded from time to time, and any other federal, state, local or other governmental statute, rule, law or ordinance dealing with the protection of human health safety, natural resources or the environment now existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated. 3. "Hazazdous Substance" means any pollutant, contaminant, hazardous substance or waste, solid waste, petroleum product, disrillate, or fraction, radioactive material, chemical I�own to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, polychlorinated biphenyl or any other chemical substance or material listed or identified in or regulated by any Environmental Law. assso �-�7a 4. "EasemenP' means the land defined as the highway easement in Paragraph 5 of the Agreement between the City and RCRRA dated August 18, 2003. The final Easement will be defined by an as-built legal description provided by the City. b. Subject to the limitations set forth in section (d) below, the City covenants and agrees not to sue the RCRRA, its successors or assigns, or any of its officers, agents, employees, or elected officials or anyone acring on its behalf and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the RCRRA harmless from any and all claims, existing or contingent, known or unlmown, whether arising at common law, in equity, or environmental law, arising from or related to the presence, release, or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance in, on, or under the Easement, whether such Hazardous Substance is located in, on, or under the Easement, or has been brought on to the Easement by the City. The indemnification provided by this paragraph 16 shall survive the ternunation of this agreement or any other agreement between the City and RCRRA heretofore or hereinafter entered into relaung to the City's use, occupation, or control of the Easement. c. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed or construed as a waiver by the City and RCRRA of any of their statutory or common law immunities, defenses, or limitations of liability which may be asserted in defense of any claim. d. The City shall not be obligated under section (b) above to indemnify, defend and hold hannless RCRRA to the extent such Claims are: (1) covered by warker's compensation insurance, employer's risk insurance or any other insurance policy; (2) caused by the negligent acts oz omission or the willful misconduct of the RCRRA; (3) relate to consequenUal damages. sssso 3 b���a Except as herein modified, all other terms and conditions of the Easement shall remain in fuii force and effect: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Amendment to the Easement on this d `'� day of �'�-�_ , 2005. '7•\i I: : I STATE OF MII�iNESOTA MII COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ) ss ) � The foregoing was acknowledged before me this,z2.S� day of ����t� , 2005, by Rafael Ortega, the Chair of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, a political subdivision under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the Regional Railroad Authority. ���� �i - C%�-�,.—cLe� Notazy Public APPROVED AS TO FORM �i�_ �1 � �'�-�i Assistant City Fikg�eer/t�'o�an� ���. ���Q � �Rrn a cw►wcER ND7NIY PIb1.IC • YYMESOTA ` • MY CONMISS�1 EXP�'iES �s .IAi�qlARY 37.2010 / : ��I��'��� - . Its: Director. Office of Financial Services Its: City Clerk By: � �' ssaso 4 d 5-�f7d STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �� � The foregoing was acknowledged before me this � day of //!�� , 2005, by �✓ir�is J.�iahe,r�/ t�9at1' Srn��tand Shar; 1'�1oo�'P ,the }'�� oY � D� re�-� � n � o�€C: c� �� F;,�,�,�: s at"i�' C'. ,�✓ C/�-r (� of _�i �-� Sy`- 4'Eew,� � 2 f'�t.�-vV i c� �rx� ��' �C_� Otn llIldC2' the laws of 1�1 �� h.esa-I� , on behalf of the P�. ��:Pc�.�� � . .�eu� a o+ar¢ RW7'ARY PtS3LIC-hRNNF.SOTA Ot3r}' 1C '`�.. �'CC'.�liEh:SSlON EXFl�ESJAN.3t,2010 This instrument was drafted bv: Ramsey County Attorney's O�ce 560 RCGC-West 50 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 ssaso