228563 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����'� y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. �+�' COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT�o�BY Milt n R SeI] COMMISSIONE � DATF �� In the matter of resurfacing: . � TRUNK HIGH'WAY N0. 5 = RAMSEY, SHERMAN & EXCHANGE STREETS from �W. Seventh S��reet through Viaduct to Kellogg Boulevard �� TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 10 = COI� AVENUE, E. CONI� BOULEVARD, & LEXINGTON P,ARK'�IAY from . Rice Street to Larpenteur Avenue TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 49 = SMITH AVENUE from Annapolis Street (City Limits) to George Street TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 49 = �+T. SEVENTH STREET from Kellogg Boulevard to �+1. Fifth Street TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 51 = MONTREAL AVENUE from Snelling Avenue to '47. Seventh Street TRUNK HIGH3+7AY N0. 51 = SNELLING AVENUE from Shields Street to Hubbard Avenue .TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 52 = SOUTH ROB�RT STREET from Annapolis Street (City Limits) to Fillmore Street -TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 56 = ST. PETER STREET from Kellogg Boulevard to Tenth Street " SRUNK HIGH'fiIAY N0. 56 = SOUTH CONCORD STREET from Annapolis Street (City Limits) to �abasha Street �TRUNK HIGHS,IAY N0. 61 = NlDUNDS BOULTVARD f rom E. Third Street to E. Seventh Street . TRUNK HIGH6IAY N0. 212 = MARSHALL AVENUT, DAYZ'ON AVENUE & VICZ�ORIA STREET (Marshsll Avenue) frAm Victoria Street to Arundel Street (Dayton l�ve�nt�e�4from-Victoria Street to Summit Avenue • � (Victoria �'treet) 'from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue i � . --' `y-��--=`"-'°°^-°�-.TRUNK`HIGH�7AYiN0':�2T2-�=,1�iINN�EHAHA� AUENUE from E. Seventh Street to Earl"' Street ' � TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 212 =" NINT�STREET, EIGHTH STREET & SIBLEY STREET from Summit ' Avenue to E. Seventh Street TRUNK HIGHWAY N0. 212 '=; E. SEVENTH STREET f rom Laf syette Road to Minnehaha Avenue ., TRUNK HIGHi�IAT� NOi. '�212 = 6�1.,� SEVENTH STREET & E. SEVENTH STREET from �i. Fifth Street �• . '. _ to Rosabel�::S���r�etx ", _ �.L'lw . Fursuant to Maintenance Agreement No. 1148 covering extra ordinary maintenance � on State Trunk Highways, by and between the Minnesota Department of Highways and, '�- �-����.-b.�- the G.ity_of Saint Faul. , - - - _ -- _, �'� �� � i Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Fublic 'Works, be and the same are hereby , approved, and be it further � : ' � , Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. 2 19�� 1 COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�Y " 19— Yeas Nays ` Dalglish �Y 1 �,�� ���� Approve 19� �- • �— Favor Meredith � Peterson � Mayor A gainst ����� �ase�--- ::_�;�:�'�idE=�iY'::��i�'`oaa�is:� ptl�USHED MAY 1� 1�66 Mr.?Jice Presi�ent (Rose� DUrLIGATE TO rRIN7ER ��;'y��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `'' f • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �- . PRESENTED BY M�.Lt(�S '�B�A COMMISSIONER DATE In ths u�ttar of resurfaaingz ' TRi)l�iC �IC�W�iY' 1i0. 5 � RAHSSY. $BSRMAN & EXCBA�GE. S'�R3�TS fra+ �1. 8even�h Str�et .through Via�du�t to Keliogg $oulavard, YRUNK .qI(�i,IAY �Ip. 10 � (70I�D AYffiNUS, E. GOln BOULEVARD� & L��li(v'�N P,dIT�Cii�Y froed Ric� �tre�t to Larpenteur Avenue ?RnNK BIG�fiAY 11p. 49 � SM� AVENO�L fro� Annapolie $tr�et �City Lisita) to , Gsorge Sereet • , TRq1iK BIC�lHA'Y 1�,. 49 �= W. �EV� $T�SgT �ros IC�llogg �oulsv�rd �o #�T. lifth 8trest � ' �'RUIiiC .HIGHi+tAY t�D. gL = ,I�IrTR$AL' AV�ilUti �roi Snelling dvsnue to �i. Sev�nth $tr��t TRUliK �x�iAY �If?. S1 = SN�LI,ING A11�HU� froa 5hi�lds Stre��C to Hubbard Av�nus TRUlt1C !!xl'�i1AY #i0. 52 � 801P1'� ROB�T STItS� fro� Mna�polie 6Cr�et (Ci�y Li�ita) � to Fill�o�e �Creet � TRU� AIG�kI'�#Y �[0. 56 � ST. EETSR 6TRLy� frc� R�llogg Boulevard to Tontb Street TRUMIC �XG�AY 1K3. Sb s $OU'�,� �O�iCORD STR� fraa Anceapolis Str�t (CiCy Li�it�) to Wabaaha Str�et � " . � , , . TR�JNIC QI�1AY l�D. �61 � lDUNDS BpUL�VARD from �. �hird Street xo �i. �sv�nth Street ' • TR[�E �IG�TAS� t�'!. 212 = HARS�ALL AVEItt)�, DAY'!�H AV8�1[iS & VYG'PORIA'STR�ffiT . t!laxah�lt Av�iwe) Froi� Victorim Stireet tio Arund�l $tre�t iD�ytt�ri Avsnue) £i-o� Vi�Eoria Strsot to 5u��tt Aviuus 4Victoria �tre��) �rbm� Dayton Avenue to Marsh�Zl Av�nue TRq1qC �IC,�i�A�t DIf1.� 212 = Mu1t�1$FiAiiA AV�JI� frov'�. �evsnth'Str�Qt to 13ar1 Street T�tl�[R '�IGI�TAY ,t�.• 212 � N�� STRE$T, SIGH'�H STRE�T &� SI�}LE'� $TR�ST fr� �womit A�enue to &. Seven�h 3tree�' - TRUliK �YG�J�,Y �iQ. 212 = �. SEVBtiTH 3TRTi�T fro� Lafayette Road to Ninn�heha Av�aus TE�TlIK ��GHWAY t�. 212 � W. SBVBNTH b`�REBT & E. '�V�1Ti� $'i"�tB,� fro� '�. Fifth SCr�et to� Rasa�l �Str�et � ' " ' � Pusauant to Maint�nance Agre�enC Nc�: 1148 �overtng extra ordinetry �aint�nenGa on SCete Trunk �ighways, by and between the ?�inneaotas �tepartment of 8lghaays �d ths Citq of Saia� Paul. , Resolved, Tha�t the plan� e�nd �p�fficstion� for the ebove n�ed isproves�nt� a� �ubmittad bq th� Coa�iesioner of public �lorks, b� and th�' aane �re hgreby a�pproved, and be it furth�r , ' �esoived� That the Purcbssing Agent be and he is hmreby dsre�ted t� adverti�s for btde on this improve�ent. . . �Y 121966 COUNCILMEN • , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish 1 2 1�6� � o.�-�—_- � Approved �'�Y - 19— °�S S�- Tn Favor Meredith Peterson • � �ByOr A gainst � � os�n ��Mre��Pre's•id'en�;F��avoiil�i�::�� �/�J � 1V�r. Vice Yreaident (Kosen) �� N ��A � � . Yv b . �� J . � r� � � � /