228553 OR161NAL TO CITY CLEWK , I ������ � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO _ ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U S LUTION-GENERAL FORM IRESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DAT� WHERFAB, The City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, has a project to open, widen, and extend John S,treet as de- scribed and approved under Preliminaxy Order No�226518, dated December 30, 1965; and � ` r WI�REAB, The Northern Pacific Railway Company is owner of ` lands required for highwa.y purposes and is willing to negotiate � a permanent easement to the City for the use of said property; THEREFORE, RESOLVED That the attached easement' for highway purposes from said Railway Compar�y to the City of St. Pa.ul, ap- proved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same • hereby are in"all things approved; and the proper city officials' � , � are hereby authorized and directed to execute said easement on ti4behalf of said City; ,�� , � . _ _ � �_ " ~ � � �� r'""FURTF3Eff'�ESOL�TED; That the consideration amounting to ' �225.00 shall be paid to the Railway Company ugon submission of�proof of awnership to the satisfaction of the Corporation Couns�l, saict consideration to be paid from the 0978-422 f`unds.� F M PROVE Asst. Corporation Couns �qY 121966 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays- � � �F`�" �AY � 21965 Dalglish -� r�ol.lavd._.._. Approve 19— ��' - Favor � — Meredith - Peterson , u �+(}'��16� M�yOr ' A gainst • . .. . _Y» `' °:��f:���S��nta:�s.M.��'.�!l4frx�s'�" MAY 1� ���� �''' � Mr.Yice Preaisie�t (��� �1$LISHED � ioat e.� � � � . y � DUrLICATL TO rRINT[R ����� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa N� ��,, � .- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WI�FtEA�, The City of St. Pa.ul, Depaxtment of Pub].ic Works, has a pra�ect ta open, Widena and extend John Street as de- scribed a�pd. approved undex Preliminary 4�rder No. 226518, da.�ed December 30, 1965; and WH�EA3, The Northern Paci,fic Railway C�pany ie owner of lands r�quired for h3ghway purpos�s and is wiLting to negotia�e a perm�nent easement to the Ci�y for the use of said property; TF�REF'ORE, RESOLVED Th.e,t the stta.ched easement for hignway purposes from said Railway Cc�npar�y tq the City of St. i'av1, ap� provec� as to form by the Corp�ratian Counse7., be a.nd the same hereby ra�xe in a11 things appraved; and the proper city of�'3eials are� hexeby authorized and direc�ed. to execute said easanent on behaa.f of said City; F93RT�R RESOLVED, That the cons3dexat�on aanount3.ng to $225.00 shal]. be paid to the Railway Compar�y u�xon submission of proof oP awnerahip to the sat3sfaction vf the Corporation Counsel, sa3d consideration to be pa.id fra¢n the 0978-�+22 fund.s. i�/�Y 121�6� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays nalglisb ) / I�Y 1 2 1��6 � o�` �,L. Approved 19— � �OSS` Tn FAVOr Meredith � Peterson � �yOr A$glllgt + '�Z"8�"��—'- ;;M3:;��;��s,�deilY,'.Va,v"ouTi§: Mr.Vice Pre�ident (Rosen)� ion� e-es